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Once Upon A Time

Page 15

by Jo Pilsworth

  The Cŵn Annwn under the young pup, Gabriel Black, had decided to relocate most of their Pack to another land. I heard rumours that he had found his Mate, and in that, my Queen and I wished him good fortune. For ourselves, we continued to live as we could, finding a home outside of the towns, in those areas which were still not easy for the humans to access. The world changed around us, considerably, in such a short span of time. We would bide our time. As long as we might continue to live our lives, and continue to fly, and as long as my Queen was safe from harm, it did not concern me overmuch. Perhaps it should have done, but we have lived a long time, over a thousand years as human measure time. A century or two is but a fraction of that.

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  "Duwiau!" As I circled the man-made mountains that now littered my homeland, I was glad that I had the strength and power enough to fly above the clouds in the clean air, which was not polluted by the smoke from the steam engines used to haul the treasures raped from the earth around us. The village in which we had settled had changed beyond recognition. Cottages to house the slate miners. Row upon row of them, and even though the mines were starting to produce less, those people still lived here, or at least their families did, as the men sought work elsewhere, either locally, but as much further south. And around the town, these heaps of spoil, dead, bar a few brave flowers which struggled to maintain a fragile purchase and continue to grow. The paths were slate; the hills were slate.

  There was another invasion, as people travelled on the steam trains, coming to visit this homeland of mine. This was an age of exploration, as those with the financial means to do so sought out knowledge. Derfydd y meddwl that they might find out that the Ddraig actually exist. So, I continued to patrol. Let these outsiders think that I was a sheep farmer who wanted to keep people away from his flocks, and from his lands.

  In my human form, I might look outside of the windows of the farmhouse, and watch the lambs in the fields. At least we did not need to worry about having sufficient funds to survive, unlike some of those in the town. I had sought my Queen's permission, and Ariawen had given approval quickly. Small amounts of coin found their way to those in need. With the Cŵn Annwn all but gone from this area, we had to do something.

  In a few short years, a blink of an eye, and things would change again. We were no longer the only creatures for whom the sky was our natural element. Mankind had learned to fly, and the world was at war. Death would surround us, as young human males would march proudly down the streets, their females waving them on, cheering them, so confident that they would be home. Instead, they would receive a folded communication, and they would know that somewhere, that smiling young face lay dead or even worse, missing, with no enough pieces to be able to identify him for sure.

  This was the race we tried to protect, and yet for the gain of a small area of land, they slaughtered their fellow creatures. Yes, I would kill to protect my Queen, but that was not the same. We could take solace perhaps that this was called the War to End Wars. Would that it was that.

  But we are Ddraig, and we knew.

  Ariawen Llewelyn

  Being able to see into the future has some pros and cons. Not all is good and not all is bad. Prophecies are tricky. One can see what can or could happen but free will plays an important part in the total outcome. Therefore, one can never predict the future. My second in command Taliesin has been keeping tabs on the humans. We have done what we can to help the small villages nearby. Sending little packets of coin. Making sure that those who will not only survive the war but plagues as well will continue to thrive. We made sure the cure for the plague was entered into the minds of those who can take the information and make it come true.

  We have seen many decades pass us by and have watch the infantile humans grow and become smarter in some aspects and dumber in other areas. One being on how they are treating the planet they live on not caring if they are destroying it. With growth it became apparent that the humans would learn the magic of flight. And with such progress we can no longer take to the skies as we did in the old days.

  Flying free above the clouds was something our clan loved doing on moonless nights or when heavy clouds filled the sky. Hiding us from prying eyes. Wondering when I would ever be able to feel the air surround me once again. I turn away from the window as I watch a large metal bird fly through the clouds over head. I learned from Taliesin since he is the one who keeps up with human progress that what I thought of as a metal bird was indeed called an airplane and it could many humans inside it. I walk to my throne wondering if our reign was indeed coming to an end. Would the clan be able to survive these new ways?

  We have kept ourselves hidden from all humans not wanting to interact with them. But with the progress they are making soon we will be hunted as they will try to disprove the myth of our existence.

  I will need to take council with Taliesin Llewelyn and hear what his thoughts are on all this progress. Was there a way that we might rejoin the world and continue in our age-old duty of protecting those less able from evil that surrounded them?

  Taliesin Llewelyn

  My Queen asked me about the changes in the world around us. I told her that we needed to become part of the world again. We had hidden ourselves for centuries, using our human forms, and only taking our Ddraig form when the need to fly became impossible to resist.

  “I have an idea, my Queen.” I told her. I had thought long and hard over this plan, and if it worked, it could mean that we could re-join the world but on our own terms. “The latest batch of hatchlings are growing. What would you say that they go away to school … Away from Wales?” I explained. “We could send them to several schools around this island, where they might board and be educated. As importantly, they will develop networks of friends. When they reach the age to attend university, we provide them with the means to do so, with the intent that they seek careers which can support us to protect this land, but in a more modern way.” I showed my Queen the information I had gathered, on the schools and on the career prospects.

  “My niece, descended from my sister, is one of the hatchlings. If she were to attend Monmouth, perhaps, and then the University of Wales, she might work towards a career in the human intelligence world. It would give us an insight into what is happening, and if there is something that may need our intervention, we have the information to do so.” I continued my explanation. “Lili-Meinir is already showing a talent for languages, and you and I both know that this is likely to be key.”

  Fortunately for me, my Queen had agreed. This was part of my longer term plan. Already a room in our unassuming farmhouse in North Wales housed a computer system which, to use a human phrase, would give a geek a hard-on. I had many ‘friends’ in the online world already. Some of them had questionable morals, there was no doubt there, but I knew that this technology, this hidden way of fighting, would become key. A war of words was coming, and it has the potential to be no less bloody than the wars of old.

  But we are Ddraig. We exist to protect against evil, and we will do so to our last breath.

  Running the first full moon of 2015

  Gavril Negrescu

  Twelve moons in a year, 100 years in a century. That is a lot of full moons when I have enjoyed the joy and the freedom of running with my Pack. And, of those moons, it is the ones since 1887 which have meant the most to me, since those are the moons where I have run with my Mate, my Aaleahya.

  Tonight's full moon was even more of a reason to celebrate. Our newest Pack member should have had her first shift tonight, but since when do plans go, well, according to plan. Either way, we were celebrating having a new member and the other half of a Mated pair with us tonight.

  As Aaleahya and I tumbled in the snow, dignity forgotten for just a moment, I still maintained a 'watch' over my Pack. The younglings, many also experiencing their first full shift, played amongst the trees, unaware that our Healer was watching them, ensuring that nine were injured. Bran and his Alix, still graceful as
a wolf, despite the pup she carried. By the next moon, they would be parents. Owain and his Merida shared the joy and the pleasure of her first Full Moon: two sable-dark wolves, racing under the night sky.

  Aaleahya yipped at me, indicating she wanted to run. It was our first run since the arrival of Matyas and Liszka. As my Mate raced through the trees, her paws flying over snow, buried trunks, skidding over icy streams, I ran with her, our pace synchronised in the dance of the moon.

  We may not have to change like a werewolf of legend, but our Lady Moon still calls us. And we will answer that call.

  We are Cŵn Annwn.

  Angharad Lloyd‎

  Alice and Jake couldn’t fall asleep fast enough for me and I ended up pacing the hall itching to shift. The pull of the full moon grows stronger as it rises so it was natural that I entertained the thought of slipping them each something stronger. Thank the goddess it wasn’t necessary and I finally ran outside and let the moon’s light wash over me. My shift was fast and I luxuriated in a full stretch before running to the edge of the wood. My tail wagged as I watched Merida shift to her wolf. Her joy blends with Owain’s until it is felt by us all through our link. “Welcome to your first full moon Merida and welcome to our pack.” My mind link message was joined by the others of the pack and we turned to the woods. To answer natures call and run, blessing the goddess and the moon.

  I leap over a log with a loud yip and hear others following my route. Gavril and Aaleahya head to the East along with Bran and Alix. Both pairs running shoulder to shoulder and their steps matching perfectly in an instinctive dance. I slow down as I reach a small hill and watch the others howl and play in the bright moonlight noting the mated pairs staying close to Owain and Merida. I bark lightly at a group of pups getting a little rough near the drop-off and thankfully they move away from the ledge. I don’t want this night to end with having to heal a bunch of rambunctious younglings. I turn quickly when I see Owain and Merida playing and my heart soars to see them roll around, snapping playfully at each other.

  All too soon the moon dips to the horizon. I run full out chasing it, all alone in the deep woods as I leave the others behind. I know they are watching after each other and I feel the link with them, all watching Merida enjoy her first run. I just needed to…I just needed something…I don’t know what but I chase the moon like it holds the answer. I leap over some brush, startling a deer who had nestled in for the night and I wildly take off after it. Chasing it through the darkening woods, its frightened heartbeat spurring me on and making me drool. I won’t catch her but damn I love the wild bloodlust filling my heart. Predator and prey following natures dictates. She is tiring so I slow slightly and skirt around to catch her on the side when Gavril sends a message that the run is ending. I let the doe escape and stop to howl at the sky and revel in my racing heart. I bark twice and race back to the pack wondering who I can sneak up on and jump.

  Bran Cadwgan‎

  With 23 days, give or take, until Alix would birth our child, she was two thirds of the way through her pregnancy and it was borderline as to whether she would want to run with the Pack at the Full Moon. I hoped that she would, but at the same time, I had no wish to endanger my precious Mate or our equally precious child by insisting that she should shift form.

  Even now, with Alix's belly swelling with our child, I could not believe that this was happening to me. Deep inside me was the fear that something might happen to her and that I was not to be forgiven for my past failures. Yes, I know that so far, I had triumphed in the Challenges set by her Pack, but it still remained that I had two more Challenges along with a fight to the death against Laurent Gosselin. In those remaining Challenges it was still possible that Alix's sire would have his wish, and succeed in injuring me sufficiently that when the time came to face Laurent, I would be disadvantaged. I knew by now that he did not intend to kill me during the parkour run. The swim was a matter of endurance, particularly as we knew about their plan to have armed divers in the water. The deciding event would be the fight against the Gosselin Pack Beta, Laurent. A fight to the death. If anything was going to show whether I had been forgiven for my past transgressions and failures, it would be that final Challenge.

  But that was all to come. Alix and I sat in our suite, watching through the window as the moon rose, the pull of the moon increasing. I had looked at Alix, but I had not wanted to force her. She had taken the decision from me. Smiling, she had stood up, pressing a kiss to the palm of my hand, before stepping away. Still smiling, she had shifted to her white wolf form, and my own smile had widened. Opening the door to our suite, I changed my form also, and together we had padded down the stairs, and out into the gardens. Looking at my Mate, we turned to the East and we ran, wanting to make the most of the time we had to run.

  Alix Gosselin

  Running shoulder to shoulder with my Mate, I could feel the soul of our child in our belly, and extended a mind link between us to include Bran. He still had not explained why, sometimes, he would have a look on his face that didn't believe that we were Mated, and that, in less than a month, our child would be birthed, and we would become a family in truth, regardless of the best attempts of my birth Pack.

  There was something. I was guessing that it was something in his past, but when? That I did not know. Part of me wanted to ask Gavril what might cause my Mate to have that look on his face, but then another part of me would hesitate to ask. It was something that Bran would have to trust me enough to reveal.

  In the meantime, all I could do was answer that silent plea, that he wanted to run, but feared to risk me or our child by asking me to shift when I was in the final third of my pregnancy. So, I took the decision from him. I knew my child shifted within my womb, changing to its own wolf form, to allow for the change in my physiology, so when we ran, it was wolves, and no trace of human.

  And yet, this time, there was something different. I was no longer the shifter I had been at birth. I was mated to a Cŵn Annwn, and I carried a child who was part shifter and part Cŵn Annwn. It meant that I changed also. But for now, it did not matter. If my birth Pack tried to pull any more stunts? Then it would matter, because as Merida had demonstrated, we females were not without the means to defend ourselves.

  But tonight, on what would be the last Full Moon before I birthed our child, I ran with my Mate, towards the rising sun, and we enjoyed the chance to be together, away from Challenges, away from threats.

  Just a black wolf, and a white wolf. Running together

  Owain Ap Idris-Cadwalader

  My first Full Moon run with my little human, Merida, was always going to be special. It was always going to be more magical than any other full moon run. This was the first time when my beautiful little human would take her wolf form of her own volition, because she wanted to, rather than because instinct drove her to protect herself.

  I had wanted to show my little human how much more there was to the world around us, when we ran as wolves. The scents, the sounds, the sights. The little susurration that told us of small game running in the undergrowth. The feel of the soft forest floor under our paws, contrasted with the slick ice over streams. We did not need to hunt. We were not running patrol. We were enjoying ourselves, plain and simple.

  My little human was a sable wolf, her fur matching her silky human hair, and the perfect match for my own dark wolf. I had often wondered over the years why my colouring had darkened gradually, and this was the answer. As a pair, we were matched. Our wolves were a visible confirmation of our souls being together as Mates.

  As the Pack piled out of the Hall, individuals gazing up at the Moon in silent thanks, before shifting to our wolf forms, I had taken Merida's hand and run with her in human form, out into the lawn. Taking her in my arms, I had exchanged a soft kiss. A kiss of promise. And I had stepped back.

  "Now, my little human. Change with me, and run with me. Let me show you my world."

  Chasing after my Mate, my wolf grin is wide at the feel of the ground b
eneath my paws, and the scent of my Mate in my nose. As her form wove through trees, her wolf giving her human mind the information it needed to run, to enjoy, I could feel her pleasure in her new form and in the fact that she did not have to make this change to protect herself.

  I let her run ahead of me and enjoy the freedom, knowing that with my larger size, I could end the chase when necessary, or if my Mate showed signs of being tired. But she slowed of her own accord, wanting the same closeness that we enjoyed in human form.

  Nuzzling her neck ruff, I gave her long gentle lick around her chin and jaw.

  "Better?" I asked her via our mind link. "I told you it would be good."

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I nuzzle him when he licked my jaw. "It’s beyond better. It's so relaxing." I sit on my hind legs, and look around, paying close attention to the sounds around us. Slowly I move to him, licking his jaw, running my nose against his fur. His scent was all I needed to be more at ease.

  I jump on him, nibbling on his ear. I felt playful, for once I wanted to forget what had happened to that man, no matter how on the right I was, I still had that image, but it was what reminded me how strong I am. "Do you do this only on full moons?" I asked while placing my paws on him. I tried to toss him on the ground, though it was slightly hard, since he is bigger than me.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Allowing my Mate to roll me over, we played in the snow. Playing can never be underestimated. Through our mind link, I explained this to her. "The Full Moon calls us, but unlike the horror movie werewolf, we do not have to change. As far as our Pack is concerned, the Full Moon is a time to reconnect with Pack members, and yes, to play, to just enjoy life."


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