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Page 17

by Cambria Hebert

  “Is the vice president behind this?” I asked. I had to know the truth.

  He made a face like he ate something spoiled. “Of course not. But I’ve been with him so long he would have brushed my little indiscretions under the rug. He would have made it so no one ever knew.”

  What the fuck was he talking about? This was all because he wanted to cover up his sins?

  He lunged and I ducked, scooping the instrument off the floor.

  I heard Spencer out in the hall, yelling my name.

  I shouted out just as Mr. Caroway lunged at me again.

  He collided with me this time, both of us going down in a tangle of limbs. I landed on the bottom, my vision slightly blurry from hitting my head against the tiles.

  Immediately, I began to struggle against the thick weight pinning me down. I shrieked, afraid he would wrap his hands around my neck again. I never wanted to feel that way again.

  But he didn’t move to do that.

  In fact, he didn’t move at all.

  His weight was ripped away, and Spencer appeared behind him. The heinously bright lights of the room were making it hard to see.

  “Elle?” he said, still gripping Mr. Caroway by the back of his jacket.

  I looked down.

  The instrument was sticking out of his chest. Blood saturated the shirt around it.

  “I stabbed him,” I said, shocked.

  “Fucker deserved it,” Spencer said, letting go of him. His body made a smacking sound against the tile, and Spencer reached for me.

  On my feet, I wobbled. My throat was burning, my head hurt, and I couldn’t stop staring at the man I just stabbed.

  Was he dead? I couldn’t tell. He wasn’t moving. He was lying there like a lump. This was the man who’d been terrorizing me. He was crazy.

  Spencer grabbed my chin and pulled my face up. His mouth was moving, but I couldn’t hear anything he was saying. He seemed to shout something over his shoulder, and a friendly looking nurse appeared.

  I squinted against the lights, my head lolling back and forth. “She’s going in to shock!” the nurse yelled and rushed away.

  Spencer’s arms wound around me, supporting all of my weight as I began to slide to the floor. My chin was titled back and something warm and moist covered my mouth. A rush of air forced its way into my starved lungs, and I gasped.

  “That’s it, Elle,” someone said above me. “Breathe.”

  Another breath forced its way into my lungs.

  After several long moments of gasping for breath, my eyes opened and focused on Spencer hovering above me with a drawn face. Had he been giving me mouth-to-mouth?

  “Hey,” I croaked.

  “I can’t leave you alone for two seconds, darlin’,” he drawled, relief taking over his features.

  “It was him,” I said, my voice strained. “He was the one behind it,” I croaked, trying to sit up so I could make sure he didn’t get away.

  “Shh,” Spencer said, pressing me back down. Seconds later, a nurse came over and strapped an oxygen mask to my face.

  “Just breathe,” he said, brushing the hair out of my face. “He’s still here. We got him.”

  I tried to speak but couldn’t because of the mask.

  “He won’t hurt you anymore,” Spencer vowed. “He won’t hurt anyone ever again.”

  I knew then that I had killed him.

  Tears gathered in my eyes and leaked down the sides of my face. Spencer gently wiped them away, but more continued to fall.

  “You did what you had to do,” he said softly. Then he picked me up off the hard floor and laid me on a nearby bed. “Everyone is safe now. Jack can come home.”

  I wanted to tell him everything I knew, about how I didn’t think the VP was responsible, how he wanted something he did covered up. But every time I tried to talk, Spencer would shush me. The pure oxygen filtering into my system was welcome, and it didn’t take long for me to give up. I could give him the details later.

  A few minutes later, the doctor checked me out and declared I had a concussion. Then he turned to Spencer. “You ripped out the stitches I just put in,” he reprimanded.

  “Sorry, doc,” Spence said, winking at me. “My girl needed me. I couldn’t let her down.”

  The doctor began ordering people around for more supplies to redo his stitches, and Spencer returned all his attention back on me.

  “So what do you say, darlin’?” he asked. “You gonna make time for me in that busy life of yours?”

  I reached up and yanked the mask away from my face and smiled. I no longer worried about him walking out on me when the going got tough. We’d already been through hell, and he was still here. He was still gazing at me with love-filled honey eyes.

  He was everything I’d ever wanted and never thought I’d have. I wasn’t going to mess this up by pushing him away. Like I told him before, I trusted him.

  “Kiss me,” I murmured.

  “Is that a yes?” he said, his dimples making an appearance.

  “That’s a hell yes.”

  He covered my mouth with his while the nurses in the room began fussing saying he was going to steal all the oxygen I’d just managed to replenish. I threaded my fingers into the hair at the base of his neck and pulled him closer.

  The nurses continued to fuss.

  We ignored them.


  One Year Later…

  I pulled the last batch of cookies out of the oven and set them on the stove to cool slightly before transferring them to the platter on the counter. Jack came running into the room, chasing the rambunctious puppy that Spencer bought him.

  He said all boys needed a dog.

  I think that meant he really wanted a dog and just needed an excuse to buy one.

  I laughed as my little boy and puppy nearly tripped over each other as they played.

  “Cookies!” Jack said, reaching up for one.

  I laughed and pushed one closer to the edge of the counter so he could reach. “Don’t give any to Bullet,” I told him. “Cookies make puppies sick.”

  Out in the other room, the front door opened and closed. Bullet took off in a flash, barking and sliding all over the floor to greet Spencer at the door.

  Jack laughed and looked at me with cookie all over his mouth. “It’s Spencer!” I said, excitement rushing through me. Even after being together a year, he still managed to give me butterflies.

  I heard Spencer laughing at the dog’s antics, and then he appeared in the doorway, taking a deep breath of the cookie-scented air. “Cookies!” he said, echoing Jack’s earlier word.

  “Daddy!” Jack said and launched himself at Spencer.

  Spencer’s eyes met mine. Everything in me stilled. Time slowed. All the breath in me whooshed out.

  Jack called Spencer daddy.

  It was the first time he’d done it. The pure joy in the single word made my heart ache. Jack loved Spencer just as much as I did, and it was only natural he would assume Spence was his father.

  The problem was Spencer and I hadn’t had this conversation. I knew he was committed to us, to Jack, but I had no idea how he would feel about Jack calling him daddy.

  Even clearly shocked, Spencer easily caught Jack and swung him up into his arms, giving him a big smile. “What ‘cha got there?” he asked Jack, looking at the half-eaten cookie in his hand.

  “Mommy made cookies!” he said and held the cookie out for Spence to take a bite.

  He did and made a bunch of satisfied noises around the small bite. Jack laughed with delight, and my heart turned over.

  “Do you want one, Daddy?” Jack said, his innocent eyes intent on Spencer’s face.

  I watched his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. His eyes held so much emotion that it was almost painful to see.

  “Jack,” I said, stepping forward, wanting Spencer to know it was okay if he wasn’t up for this.

  Spence caught my eye and shook his head imperceptibly. Then he looked back at Jack. “I’
d love one,” he said, kissing Jack on the cheek.

  He bent down to set the little boy on his feet. “You wanna grab me one, son?”

  One word.

  One three-letter word.

  It obliterated me.

  As Jack rushed off to do his daddy’s bidding, I stood in the center of the kitchen and cried. Big, fat silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched Spence bend down and let Jack shove the entire cookie into his mouth.

  Then Bullet ran back into the room, barking like a maniac, and Jack took off after him, his laughter echoing behind him.

  Spencer stood slowly, chewing the huge bite in his mouth, and speared me with an intense amber stare. He prowled across the room, holding my gaze, and then reached out, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “I think a father should be allowed to live in the same house as his son,” he said, low, hooking an arm around my waist. “Don’t you?”

  I sniffled. “Yes,” I answered, my voice watery.

  “I love you, Elle,” he said, brushing a kiss across my cheekbone. “And I love Jack. I’d hoped he’d someday think of me as his father.”

  “You are his father, Spence. You’re the only father he’s ever known.”

  “I think it’s time we make it official, darlin’,” he said, tipping my chin up with the backs of his fingers. “I think it’s time you marry me.”

  Joy filled me up inside, and I couldn’t stop my smile. “Don’t you want to live with me first? Make sure you still like me?” I teased.

  He grinned. “Nope. Don’t need to. I’m already in too deep.”

  “I like you deep,” I said, pressing a little closer.

  He groaned. “Unless you want our son to see his mother in a very compromising position on this counter, you better not tease me.”

  “Our son,” I whispered.

  “Yeah, darlin’, ours.”

  He kissed me, his lips lingering over mine while the salt from a rogue tear mixed between our lips.

  “Daddy!” Jack called from the other room.

  Spencer rested his forehead against mine. “I love that sound.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Let’s get married this weekend,” he said. “I don’t want to wait.”

  “This weekend?” I pulled back, surprised.

  He gave me that charm-dripping smile and turned up the dimples.

  Of course I agreed.

  It was the best day of my life.


  Spencer’s Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies


  2 sticks of butter – softened (not melted)

  ¾ cup of light brown sugar

  ¾ cup of granulated sugar

  2 eggs

  2 tsp of vanilla extract

  1 tsp salt

  1 tsp baking soda

  2 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour

  1 bag of high quality milk chocolate chips

  Chopped nuts such as pecans are optional. (Spencer prefers without)


  In a large mixing bowl, combine the butter and sugar. Beat with mixer until combined. Next, add the eggs and vanilla extract. Mix until combined.

  In a separate bowl, combine the flour, salt, and baking soda together.

  Gradually beat the flour mixture into the wet mixture. Once all the ingredients are incorporated together, set the mixer aside. Add all of the chocolate into the batter and fold into the cookie dough with a large spoon or baking spatula. (If using nuts, add them now, too.)

  Drop by rounded spoonfuls (Elle likes to use a small ice cream scoop for perfect measuring) onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

  Bake the cookies at 350 degrees for 9-10 minutes.

  Cookies will look slightly underdone when you pull them out (but they will be perfect!). That’s what makes them soft. It’s what Spencer likes. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for approximately one minute and then transfer to a small baking rack or a sheet of foil.


  Elle’s Quick Cookie in a Cup


  1 tbsp melted butter

  1 tbsp granulated sugar

  1 tbsp brown sugar

  Pinch of salt

  1 egg yolk

  ¼ cup flour

  2 tbsp chocolate chips (mini’s work great!)


  Mix all ingredients into a microwavable safe mug. Microwave for 60 seconds.

  Serve to the cookie monster in your life!

  Want more of the Take It Off series?

  Look for TRASHY releasing August 2014!

  Turn the page for an EXCLUSIVE reveal of the TRASHY cover!


  (a Take It Off novel)

  She’s trying to move on, but the past won’t let her go.

  I fell in love once.

  It was a big mistake, but the biggest mistake of all was staying with him.

  He pushed me around. He cheated and treated me like trash.

  I don’t feel sorry for myself, because I let him.

  But no more.

  I moved out. I'm saving my stripper's salary for an education that will get me somewhere better.

  But breaking the chains of a shitty past isn’t easy. He says I owe him. He says we aren’t done. I don’t care what he says anymore.

  I do care about Adam.

  But my history tells me I’m not the best judge of men. And the fact Adam’s been married four times tells me he probably isn’t a safe choice.

  I need safe. I need better. I need out.

  If the past is any indication of my future, getting out isn’t going to be easy.



  You totally want a cookie right now, don’t you?

  LOL! Try the cookie in a mug recipe. It works! I’ve made it lots of times. Anyway, if you can hold on to your cookie craving for a few more minutes to read this here author’s note, that would be great! I’ll do my best to keep it short and sweet. Like a cookie.

  Totally not helping, am I?


  Anyway, this is the part of the book when I bore enthrall you with what I was doing and thinking while writing Taste. To be honest… I can barely remember. This summer so far has been a whirlwind of activity and deadlines for me. I originally wrote Taste as a novella. It was half the size it is now. I wrote it for The Naughty Box 2, which is an awesome compilation of short stories that a group of authors put out.

  But Taste wasn’t the first short I wrote for The Naughty Box. Nope. I wrote Distant Desires (part one) for the box. Then I fell in love with Tarek (the male lead) and wanted to publish it on my own as part of a serial series. So I wrote Taste, quickly. Like, I literally wrote 30,000 words in four days.

  Then I fell in love with Spencer. And Elle. And the plot of this book. It nagged me. And nagged me. And screamed to be made into a full-length novel.

  So… you see where this is going, don’t you?

  I have a serious case of Jekyll-and-Hyde syndrome, aka: I’m crazy and I pretty much drove my editor and the other authors in The Naughty Box cray-cray, too.

  Anyway, I decided to write Taste into a full-length novel. So I wrote Blank for the anthology. Blank made it in the box, Distant Desires is out (sneak peek in the back of this book), and now Taste is a complete book.

  All this happened in a month. Yes. I am insane.

  I’ll just call it my artist personality.

  As many of my avid readers know, Trashy was supposed to come out next, not Taste. But Spencer couldn’t be denied. So I wrote it. And now I am writing Trashy. I have another book chomping in the back of my brain called Trace, so look for that coming after Trashy.

  Oh! And I hope you enjoy the exclusive look at the cover of Trashy in the back of this book, too! I LOVE this cover. The color, the shading, the image, it’s so beautiful to me. I hope you love it, too.

  Anyway, I would like to thank all of you readers for sticking with me, as my releases have been
kind of cray-cray. The next few releases will all be Take It Off novels. I’d also like to thank you for giving Distant Desires a chance. It’s getting great reviews, and it’s a refreshing change from contemporary. Not that I don’t love me some contemporary, because I do.

  I hope you enjoyed Taste. It was a fun, fairly easy write for me. Spencer is a great character. I love his strength and humor. I think he’s sexy and has a lot of tenacity. Elle was fun, too. She’s the first character I’ve written with a child.

  Okay, I will stop talking now. You can go get that cookie.

  Or maybe two.

  Or three.

  See you next book!

  xoxo —Cambria

  Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math, and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry), where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting

  Book Bonus!

  Did you know Cambria Hebert writes beyond the Take It Off series?

  She does!

  Turn the page for an excerpt of

  Distant Desires—An Erotic Tale from Beyond the Stars

  by Cambria Hebert.

  the abduction

  It smelled like stale smoke and beer inside the overcrowded bar. Music that was popular about a decade ago and overplayed so much I wanted to scratch out my eardrums pressed in around me. Between it and the smell, I felt like I might suffocate.

  Even though my shift was over, the place was busy enough that I would likely be asked to stay later, to help close down. Normally, I wouldn’t even ask. I would just keep working. But tonight this place was getting to me.


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