Leather and Lust
Page 4
A week of Jackson’s mouth tasting her, his hands stroking her, his cock pounding into her. The thought of it dampened her already wet panties.
She looked up at him. “Are you sure about this?”
He took her hand and placed it over the bulge at the front of his pants. “Jillian, my cock aches to be inside you again. Since that first moment I saw you standing there in all your pink glory, I’ve wanted you. And now that I’ve had you, it’s like a hunger I can’t shut off.”
“What about your job?”
“I can work from home just as easily as I can from my office in town.” Dragging her hand over his erection, he leaned toward her, his lips only a breath away from hers. “I want you. Stay with me. Let me give you the pleasure you came here in search of.”
He already had. But like him, she longed for more of the fiery passion they’d shared alongside the road beneath the leafy canopy of the trees.
She closed her fingers over the rock hard proof of his wanting her. The thought of spending the rest of the week with this man satisfying all of her sexual needs had her pussy aching.
Jillian rose up to brush her lips over his then whispered, “Alright, cowboy, I’ll stay.”
* * *
What the hell had he been thinking? Jackson wondered as he made his way out to the barn to check on his horses. He’d just invited a city-bred woman to stay with him. Sexy or not, she was the kind of female he’d sworn never to get tangled up with ever again.
The answer was simple. He’d been thinking with his cock instead of his head when he’d asked Jillian to stay with him for the week. He wanted to fuck her again. That was a given. But, despite her protests, deep down he had a feeling she was a commitment kind of girl. That meant he had to be careful not to let things go any deeper than just sharing great sex.
He glanced back over his shoulder at the house as he reached for the barn door. Jillian Summers was a surprising mixture of sassy and sensual, a combination that drew him to her like a fly to honey. And what sweet honey she had.
Stepping into the barn, he reached for the light switch and flicked on the row of overhead lights. Then he crossed the room to stand in front of the first stall where his sorrel stallion, Jack, stood watching him.
“Hey, boy.” He reached out, smoothing his hand down the horse’s neck. “I see Brady’s taken good care of you while I was gone.”
Brady was his best friend as well as his ranch foreman. Two other men worked for him, but unlike Brady who lived in one of the outhouses, the others went home to their families each night.
“Well, well, will you look who’s back.”
He turned with a smile to find Brady standing in the open doorway. “I was just checking on the horses.”
“Speaking of horses, wanna tell me about that little filly you got prancing around inside your house?”
“The outline I saw through your bedroom curtains when I walked by was definitely female. The breasts were a dead giveaway.”
Jackson swore under his breath and turned away, dragging a hand down over his chin. He’d never had a need for curtains that offered privacy. His were practically threadbare. “That’s Jillian.”
“Jillian? I don’t recall you ever mentioning anyone by that name before. Hell, now that I think about it this is the first time you’ve ever brought a female home with you. What’s up with that?”
Jackson muttered his reply.
“I didn’t catch that,” his friend persisted.
He turned to face him. “I said that’s because I just met her. And before you start firing questions at me you should know that she’s gonna be staying here at the ranch for the next week.”
Brady arched a thick brow. “Let me get this straight. You just met her and she’s moving in.”
“She had car trouble.”
“And you’ve offered to look under her ‘hood’?” his friend said with a knowing chuckle. “Lucky son-of-a-bitch.”
“Damn it, Brady, it’s not like that.” Jackson took a mental pause. Who was he trying to kid? It was exactly like that. Jillian wanted sex and he had volunteered his services.
He dragged a hand back through his hair with a sigh. “Jillian’s my guest and I expect you and the other men to treat her with respect.”
Brady held up his hands. “Hold up. I was just messing with you. Boy, this woman must be something else to have you all twisted up and as prickly a strand of newly strung barbwire. Maybe you really are over−”
“I am,” he said, cutting his friend off. He didn’t want to discuss Bridgett. She was a bitch and he was free of her. “Don’t read anything into this thing with Jillian. It’s only temporary.”
Brady was his best friend, so why then was it so hard to admit to him what was going on? They had always been honest with each other. And like he’d told Jillian, lying didn’t sit well with him.
“She’s here for a week of hot sex,” he admitted grudgingly. “Nothing more.”
His friend’s eyes widened. “Come again.”
Oh, he had every intention of doing that. Over and over until the week ended and he and Jillian parted ways. He went on to explain how Jillian had ended up at the ranch, leaving very little detail out. Just talking about it had him hard with wanting her again.
“Hell, Jackson,” Brady said, “I wish I had your kind of luck. She sounds hot.”
“You have no idea.”
Just then Jillian stepped into the barn, drawing both men’s gazes her way.
“Damn,” Brady muttered as he whipped off his Stetson.
Jackson swallowed hard as he drank in the sight of his temporary guest. She had changed out of her tattered suit and into a low-cut, breast-hugging tank top, no bra underneath to hide those taut peaks, and a pair of really short shorts. Her feet were bare, displaying cherry red toenails that matched her freshly applied lipstick. His already semi-hard cock sprang to life.
“I’m sorry,” she said, her gaze darting between the two men. “I thought you were alone out here.”
Jackson walked over to slip an arm around her waist, wanting to ease her discomfort. “Jillian, this is my ranch foreman and good friend, Brady Taggart. Brady, this is my houseguest, Jillian Summers.”
The man’s slow perusal of her body had Jillian blushing. Jackson’s thumb skimming the underside of her breast while his friend looked on didn’t help matters.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she managed with a smile.
“I have to admit I wish I’d met you first,” he drawled, returning her smile.
Brady was tall and lean like Jackson, only his hair was light brown, streaked with varying shades of gold. He was almost as handsome as Jackson, but she preferred her cowboy lover’s dark hair and even darker eyes.
“Did you need something?” Jackson asked her, ignoring his friend’s last comment.
Yes, she did. She needed more of what he’d given her on the side of the road. Jillian glanced toward Brady and then back to Jackson. “No.” She lowered her gaze to the straw littered floor at her feet. “I was just...well, I-”
“Brady, you can call it a night,” Jackson said, his eyes never leaving her. “Jillian and I would like a little privacy.”
Brady slapped his hat back onto his head. “I can take a hint.” He flashed another toothy grin as he tipped his hat her way. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Same here,” she replied.
“Reckon we’ll be seeing you around. If you need anything while you’re here, all you have to do is ask.”
“I’ll see to her needs,” Jackson warned, his thumb stroking the underside of her breast in wider, more possessive sweeps.
She resisted the urge to squirm as Brady’s gaze zeroed in on Jackson’s bold caress. The old Jillian would have been embarrassed by the public display, but the new, sexually uninhibited Jillian wasn’t. Not in the least. There was something wildly arousing about having another man watch as Jackson touched her. Especia
lly when she saw the flicker of desire come to life in his foreman’s amber eyes.
Brady gave her another once-over and then shot a knowing grin to Jackson before leaving.
The door had barely closed behind the foreman’s departing form when Jackson turned her in his arms and drew her to him. “I thought he’d never leave,” he said, brushing his mouth over hers.
“He knows why I’m here, doesn’t he?”
“If you’re asking if he knows that I’m gonna strip every single piece of clothing from your body...” He cupped her breasts through the thin cotton of her tank with a groan, his thumbs circling their hardened peaks.
So much for the clean underwear she’d changed into before coming to the barn. Desire, hot and wet, dripped from her pussy, dampening her panties.
Cupping her ass, he dragged her up against his erection, whispering in her ear, “Does he know that I’m gonna peel this shirt off those big, beautiful breasts of yours, freeing them to my hands, my mouth...”
He did just that. Slowly. Thoroughly. Tossing her shirt aside as he lowered his head to tease a taut nub with his tongue. When he stopped, lifting his head, she groaned in protest.
“Or do you mean,” he continued huskily, “does he know that I’m gonna undo these ass baring shorts you put on just to make me hard...” His fingers flicked open the tiny silver button at the top of her shorts, his low, raspy voice filling her ears. “And that I’m gonna push them down past the soft curve of your hips until they slide down those long, sexy legs...”
She would have argued that she hadn’t worn those shorts just for him. That she would be getting something from his wanting her, too, but she couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but stand there, letting his words seduce her into a mindless puddle of need.
“If you mean does Brady know that I’m gonna cup your sweet mound and slide my finger in and out of your hot, wet, pussy, then yes.” A man of his word, he pushed her panties aside to slip his finger into the gathering moisture of her sex, stroking her. Once. Twice. Until her hips jerked forward, pleading for more. With a groan, he thrust his finger deeper inside her.
She cried out as her body pulsed around his questing finger, her orgasm coming fast and hard. She sagged against him for support, her legs trembling beneath her.
But Jackson wasn’t through with his seduction. He walked her back until she was pressed against the fence of an empty stall, his heated gaze sweeping over her. “You can bet Brady’s in his room right now, wishing it were his hands touching your naked body instead.” He knelt in front of her, peeling her panties downward as he went.
She whimpered as his breathed stirred the thatch of damp curls at the crux of her thighs.
“He’s probably got his jeans shucked down around his ankles, his cock in his hand, stroking it, imagining it sheathed inside your hot little cunt instead. Right where my aching cock is gonna be after I’ve finished tasting you.”
Her legs nearly gave out. The images his words created in her mind combined with the teasing sweep of his tongue along the slick seam of her pussy had her trembling with need.
Jackson urged her legs apart. “Open for me, Jillian. Let me taste you again.”
She clutched at his broad shoulders as his mouth pressed into the silken curls, his tongue thrusting into the dampened slit.
“Mmmm...” he groaned as he lapped at her juices. “I love the taste of you.”
Her head fell back with a tortured groan, her fingernails digging deeper in the shirt covering his broad shoulders. “I...I can’t take anymore.”
“You’re gonna take a whole lot more before I’m through,” he said in murmured sensual promise.
“Jackson...” came her whispered plea.
“Tell me what you want.” His voice was deep and husky with need.
“I want you to fuck me.”
“I am,” he teased, his tongue darting inside her again.
Was he ever. But she needed more. “With your cock,” she muttered weakly. “I need you to fuck me with your cock.”
He rose, stepping away to remove his boots and jeans.
Her gaze fell on the impressive bulge straining against the clinging boxer briefs he wore. She reached out to drag them downward, needing to touch the extended flesh beneath. The second he stepped out of them, she cupped his balls.
Jackson hissed, his head dropping back as her fingers curled around his cock and worked their way up and down the hardened shaft. A drop of moisture shimmered at the reddened tip beneath the overhead lights. Jillian licked her lips, tempted to take him into her mouth.
“Not tonight, darlin’,” he said as she started to drop to her knees. He pulled her back up.
“But you tasted me,” she pouted.
“And I intend to again. But if those sweet lips of yours so much as brush across my cock I’ll be a goner.” He peeled off the t-shirt he’d changed into when they’d arrived. “And I’m nowhere near done loving you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom.
She stayed his hand. “I’m on the pill. I want to feel you inside me.” She glanced down. “All of you.”
He hesitated for only a moment before tossing the packet aside. Then he reached out and spun her around to face the empty stall she’d been leaning against.
“What are you doing?” she asked, her words a scant whisper.
“Pleasuring you, darlin’. Now bend over and grab onto that rung in front of you.”
Desire surged through her making her shudder.
“Am I gonna have to tie you up?” he asked when she hesitated.
“Maybe,” she said, flashing him a sexy smile over her shoulder.
Grinning, he stepped over to the wall where a coil of rope hung, unwinding it as he walked back to her. “Bend over, darlin’.”
A thrill of excitement shot through her. She did as he commanded, placing her hands atop the middle railing.
Jackson stepped up beside her and wrapped the rope around her wrists, binding them to the wooden rail. Not tight enough to rub her flesh raw, but enough to let her know who was in control.
She had never been more turned on in her life. Standing there, her naked body open to his heated gaze, his willing captive to do with whatever he pleased.
Her hands secured, he stepped around behind her with a playful slap on her bare backside. “You have a beautiful ass.”
She squeezed her thighs together.
“Don’t do that,” he ordered, his voice tight. “I wanna see you. All of you.”
The straw on the floor behind her crunched as he knelt to run his hands up her inner thighs. His fingers stopped their ascent mere inches from her dripping pussy.
Jillian arched her back and swiveled her hips. “Jackson...”
“Just admiring the view.” Parting her with his fingers, he leaned in to love her again with his mouth.
She whimpered softly, her body arching even more.
“That’s it, darlin’, let yourself go.” His fingers join his tongue on the sensual foray of her quivering pussy.
Jillian’s head dropped down, her legs nearly giving way beneath her as her body shuddered in orgasm. She sagged against the railing, panting.
Jackson’s large hands grasped her hips, lifting her, giving her no chance for a reprieve before his fingers were dipping into her again. “Lean in. I want you bending over the rail when I take you.”