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Taming Mr. Know-It-All (The Taming Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Nia Arthurs

  Mr. Reyes took us aside as Spencer chewed on a nail. Mia and Peyton were there too, their worried faces finally allowed the news to sink in. This was bad. Whatever happened to my friend was really bad.

  “Melody complained of stomach cramps earlier this afternoon when she stopped by after work,” Mr. Reyes explained softly, “but when we offered to take her to the hospital she said it wasn’t that serious and that we should stop making a fuss.”

  I rolled my eyes. It sounded just like Melody to avert attention away from herself.

  Mr. Reyes continued, “Spencer took her home a few hours ago, and she complained to him again. He drove her straight here. When they came out of the car, Melody noticed that she was bleeding.”

  “Is she okay? Is the baby okay?” I asked.

  “We’re not sure. The doctor took some tests and an ultrasound and wheeled her into the emergency room. Spencer called us and Mia. We haven’t heard anything yet.”

  Archie cursed softly. “How long has she been in there?”

  “For about half an hour.” Mr. Reyes admitted.

  Archie nodded and went to stand by Spencer. They spoke in low tones for a minute before Spencer surprised me and wrapped Archie in a hug. I turned my eyes away from the sight as the uncertainty and fear inside of my heart threatened to bend me to my knees. Of all the people in this room, Melody was the person least deserving of this. No one was more faithful to her King or loving to others as she. No one else gave so generously and so cheerfully. No one else made me feel at home the way that my friend did. I sobbed and fought to maintain some control of myself. Finally gaining a level of calm, I returned my attention to the others. Spencer and Archie had separated and Spencer wiped at his eyes coming to stand in the middle of the room.

  “Uh, Archie brought something to my attention just now.” His voice cracked when he spoke, “In the Kingdom that we come from there is no sickness. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like all of you to join me in petitioning the King for Melody and-” he paused a moment to gather himself, “for the health of Melody and the baby.”

  Murmuring softly, all of the crew gathered together in a circle and started to pray softly. I was not a religious person by nature. God’s rules were too strict for my tastes, but Melody didn’t deserve to die or lose her baby and if God was listening, I’d bother him until I was blue in the face on her behalf. I went off into a corner and closed my eyes. I wouldn’t pretty up this conversation and I didn’t want the more experienced believers to hear me.

  “Look Dude.” I spoke plainly, “we don’t talk often. I’m not even sure that you exist because if you did then half the bad things going on in this world is on you. But I didn’t come here to accuse you. My friend is hurting and her baby is in danger. If you’re as powerful as all these good people think that you are then I’ll make you a deal.” I paused, “Save Melody and her child. Make sure that she’s alright and…” I cast about for a bargaining chip, “and I’ll give this whole Kingdom of God business a try.” Tears invaded my eyes and I began to cry, “Just please, please, please don’t take my friend.” I sank to my knees. Archie came up behind me and I hugged him tight.

  “Please save Melody, Father,” He murmured over and over. “Move right now, please.” I clung to him and cried and cried as he soothed me and petitioned The Man Upstairs for help.

  “Excuse me,” a new unfamiliar voice invaded the murmur of the petitioners in the waiting room. “Mr. Braden?”

  Spencer’s head shot up and he stepped forward, “That’s me.”

  Archie helped me to my feet and we all pressed around the sixty-something old man in a wrinkled white lab coat.

  “What’s happened to my baby?” Mrs. Reyes cried, “Is she alright?”

  The doctor removed his glasses from his nose and rubbed at his eyes. He looked tired and drained. His somber demeanor and hesitancy to speak frightened me. I pressed myself into Archie’s side and reached for Mia’s hand as tears poured down my face.

  “Is she okay?” Spencer repeated more forcefully.

  The doctor glanced around at our war-torn group. “I’m afraid there have been a few complications.” He said simply and I felt the bottom drop out from my stomach.

  No, no, no, no.

  God if you take Melody, I will never forgive you.


  I hated hospital waiting rooms. If I could, I would burn them all down tonight. It was more than the generic-ness of it. The non-descript cream color of the walls, the cushioned seats that had been flattened by countless other hopeful bums, the stench of antiseptic and Clorox, the cacophony of activity coming from outside the hall, and the television set to low volume feigned harmlessness but underscored the horror of the night. Every item in this room mocked us, taunted us with the knowledge that control was not in our grasp. I sat beside Archie, our hands intertwined. We were swimming in a world of uncertainties and impotence and our connected hands were the only link to salvation.

  Two hours ago, the doctor had informed us that Melody had lost too much blood. They’d need to perform another surgery but though this one would see that Melody had a better chance at surviving, it could also potentially kill the baby. Spencer hadn’t even thought twice about it.

  “Do it.” He’d declared.

  “But Spencer,” Mr. Reyes had put a hand on his son-in-law’s shoulder, “you’re child…”

  “Please don’t hate me for saying this, sir, but I’d rather lose our baby than lose my wife.” He’d turned to the doctor and repeated, “Do it.”

  Now, Spencer sat by himself at the other corner of the waiting room. He didn’t want to speak to anyone and we all understood. We were here for him and for Melody. Whatever they needed. Archie kissed my head and let go of my hand. “I’m going to go get some coffee. Do you want anything?”

  “I’m fine.” I answered and watched him go ask the others if they were interested in a snack. Mrs. Reyes asked for a cup of tea, but no one else felt like eating or drinking anything. My stomach was in knots and I actually felt that if I ate anything I’d throw up.

  At least there were no co-workers who wanted to film me doing that in here.

  Archie soon returned with the coffee and the tea and a water bottle. “Drink it.” He commanded as he handed me the water bottle. I glared at him but took a sip, hoping that it would settle my stomach. A few minutes later, the doctor strode into the room, a huge grin on his face. We got up at once and leaned in to hear what he had to say.

  “The surgery was successful. She’s awake and she’s asking for you.” he said to Spencer. The doctor laughed, “She asked me if she stained your car seat.”

  Spencer put his hands to his forehead and started to cry, “That damn woman.” He quipped, but the collective sigh of relief that swept the waiting room was almost palpable. I finally felt like I could breathe again. Archie’s eyes misted over and I squeezed his hand.

  “What about the baby?” Mia said, securely tucked into her husband’s side. He rubbed her back soothingly. The doctor’s smile got larger, if that was even possible. “The baby is fine. We now know the sex but Mrs. Braden insisted that she wanted to be surprised.”

  “Thank you, thank you God.” Archie prayed quietly and I hugged him, silently agreeing to it. Spencer hugged Peyton and then turned and hugged the doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Reyes joined the embrace and soon the entire clan was loving on Doctor Reagan. He looked distinctly uncomfortable, but pleased.

  “You can see her now sir,” the doctor said to Spencer when we let him go enough to speak, “if the rest of the family wouldn’t mind waiting a few minutes and taking turns, you can all see her tonight.”

  “Please take me to my wife,” Spencer grinned and we all patted him on the back as the doctor led him away.

  Archie and I returned to our seats and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face.

  “She’s okay. She’s really okay.”

  He nodded, “She’s okay.”

  Mia and Peyton came to sit beside us.
Mia was crying softly as Peyton kissed her face and wiped away her tears. I held her hand and cried with her. We were weeping now just as much as we had before. It all needed to come out, one way or another.

  “I’m going to kill her when she gets out of here.” Mia threatened through the tears.

  “Take a number, sister.” I replied.

  And then we shared watery smiles. Archie got us some napkins from the coffee table and we blew our noses. A few minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. Reyes along with Peyton and Mia went in to see the expectant mother. When it was finally our turn, Archie and I made our way to the hospital room. I knew I couldn’t hug my friend for she was still a bit sore from the surgery, but I blew her a kiss anyway. She smiled at me.

  “I’m sorry for scaring everyone tonight.” She apologized.

  “You shaved ten years off my life, but I would gladly give them to you anyway.” Archie quipped.

  Melody laughed, “Thanks, Archibald.”

  He grinned.

  “Melody, you look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. Almost dying and two surgeries can do that to you.”

  “How long until we can spring you out of here?” Archie asked.

  Spencer came into the room and sat on the bed near his wife’s side, “Not until she’s perfectly fine.”

  Melody rolled her eyes. Her beautiful curly hair sprawled around her pale brown face which grew brighter now that her husband was by her side. “You can sneak me out when he’s in the bathroom.”

  “That’s it. I’m not leaving your side,” Spencer threatened, “I’m sure there’s a bucket I can pee in somewhere around here.”

  We shared a laugh. It felt good to laugh and to rejoice in the health of my friend. “We’ll leave so that you can rest now, okay, Mel? But we’ll back as soon as visiting hours permit tomorrow.”

  “Could you take him with you, guys? He’ll just worry over me all night.” Melody pointed a thumb at her husband. Spencer loosened his already wrinkled tie and folded the elbows of his work shirt.

  “I guess that’s what you get for trying to leave me tonight.”

  Melody grinned and I knew that my friend was in good hands.

  “Good night, Mel.” Archie and I waved at her.

  “Good night guys.”

  We returned to the waiting room. Peyton and Mia were discussing the visiting hours with Mr. and Mrs. Reyes.

  “I’m not going home.” The short, brown-skinned woman insisted. “I’m staying here with my daughter.”

  “I’ll look after Lexi and Eryn,” Mr. Reyes conceded.

  Mia spotted me, “I’m closing the store down tomorrow so that I can be here.” She informed me so you don’t have to come by.”

  “I have to be at work tomorrow especially since Spence won’t be there, but I’ll drop by during the day,” Peyton said.

  “Hey, Mia, why don’t you let me run the store for a few hours after school. I don’t mind.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you, Susan. And don’t you want to be here with us?”

  “I do. But I also want to help you. I’ll come by the hospital after five and close the store early.”

  “I’ll help her.” Archie offered. “I have a case in the afternoon but I can come by the boutique and then drive us here.”

  “Okay,” Mia agreed and then hugged me, “Thanks Susan.”

  Peyton squeezed my hand and shook Archie’s and then they both left the hospital to get some much needed rest. It was after three in the morning. Archie and I soon followed. He drove me home and walked me inside. I got out of the car and woodenly walked up the stairs and entered the apartment. Archie bid me a quiet good night and turned and trotted down the hall. I locked the door and faced the darkness. The silence was too loud and the dark too foreboding. I whirled open the door and chased Archie down the hall. It was juvenile and immature and desperate but after the night I’d had that did not matter. I felt exposed, like a live wire, my protective coating had been peeled back to reveal raw electricity. My emotions were too explosive and overpowered my reason.

  “Stay with me tonight?” I asked.

  He seemed to understand what I meant and nodded, following me back inside. I got a few pillows, pillowcases and a blanket from the closet and made up the couch.

  “Thanks, Archie.” I walked into his arms and he welcomed me, smoothing down my hair and burrowing his hands into my sides. And though I’d assumed that I’d cried all I could tonight, the waterworks started again.

  “Sh,” Archie soothed, running his hands down my back.

  “She could have died,” I wept, crying inconsolably. I am not a pretty crier so I knew that a. my face was contorting like a creepy clown and b. Archie’s shirt was getting assaulted by my snot. Either way, he did not seem to mind and he led me to the couch where I proceeded to further ruin his shirt with my tears and runny nose, and he proceeded to console me. From sheer exhaustion, I fell asleep on his chest, the tears drying on my cheeks and the snot drying on his shirt.

  The next morning, I woke up and tried to open my eye lids but they were caked with eye boogers. I cleared my eyes and realized that the reason my pillow was so hard and was also moving up and down was because I’d slept on Archie. I gingerly got up and tiptoed to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I peeked in on the man and noted that he was still sleeping. I decided to take a shower. I had an eleven o’clock class in a few hours so after my shower I dressed in a comfortable T-shirt and cotton shorts. Feeling curious, I tiptoed to the couch and watched Archie sleep. I knew it was a creepy thing to do, but the man was a walking art piece. Both arms were covered with colorful tattoos and a cross lined the inside wrist of his left hand. He was tall and solidly built but kindness radiated from him. His chin was square and strong and covered with stubble. The beard rounded his chin, jaw and above his upper lip. The stubble scratched my forehead last night where he’d kissed me. I moved my perusal along. His cheek bones were fine as though they were chiseled by artisans and his hair was a rich and thick mahogany brown. I knew his silver eyes and the ways that they changed to reflect what he was thinking. I’d only known him for a short time, but it felt like forever. Maybe… I actually kind of trusted the man.


  Archie’s eyes fluttered open and the silver orbs I’d just been thinking about stared up at me. I gasped, thoroughly embarrassed and ducked behind the chair. It was such a stupid thing to do and as soon as I did it, I regretted it.

  “Vegan, is that you?”

  Slowly, I stood up and leaned over the chair again, “Yeah, good morning.”

  “Good morning, Susan.” He sat up and winced, “You fell asleep on me, didn’t you.”

  “How do you know?” I rounded the sofa.

  “I have a cramp in my right ribcage.”

  I laughed and sat beside him. “I didn’t want to wake you earlier. It was a long night.”

  “For the both of us. How do you feel?”

  “Better. Thanks for staying with me.” I played with the fringes on the pillow, “You must think I’m pathetic.”

  “No,” he stretched, “I think you’re human. And I think that we’re friends. I’m glad that I could be there for you.”

  “You want some breakfast before you go?” I asked him.

  “Nah, I need to get home. I have a case to prepare for but I’ll be by this afternoon to help with the store and things.”

  “Okay.” I nodded. “Let me at least toast you a Pop-Tart or something. It will only take a second.” I assured him, getting up and striding to the kitchen.

  “A Pop-Tart?” Archie smirked, “How old are you again?”

  “Hey!” I protested, quickly tearing open a packet of the pastry and slipping it into the slots of the toaster, “I could spit in your food, buster. Don’t mess with me.”

  Archie padded to the refrigerator and helped himself to a glass of iced tea. Just because I was in Belize didn’t mean I let go of my roots. Archie gulped down the liquid and then wiped his mouth with the b
ack of his hand, “Have you been talking to Eryn?” Archie teased, referring to Melody’s ten year old sister, “Because that sounds like something she would say.”

  “Yes, for your information, I have been talking to Eryn. She’s really smart for her age and she taught me how to whistle so… don’t insult her.”

  Archie laughed, “You don’t know how to whistle?”

  “I do now.” I pursed my lips and produced a pathetic little whistle that ended in blowing a raspberry. “Well, I’m working on it.” I added sheepishly.

  Archie almost doubled over with his howling. “That was so bad.” He informed me. “I can teach you how to whistle.”

  The toaster strudels popped up and I grabbed the foil and tore off a piece. “I think I’ll stick with Eryn. I bet she’s lot more patient than you are.” Archie helped me to pick up the toaster strudels by their corners and heap them unto the foil.

  “Come on. I can teach you anything.”

  “Nope. I’m fond of my self-esteem. I’ve finally come to a real good place where I actually like who I am.”

  Archie snapped his fingers, completely ignoring my reticence he exclaimed, “Guitar. I’ll teach you how to play the guitar.”

  “I’m good.”

  “We’ll start working on it next week. I’m swamped with Trademark research this week.”


  “Thanks for the Pop-Tart,” Archie grinned, taking a bite out of one and promptly spitting it back out, “Ow, that’s hot.”

  “Oh, I forgot to warn you… it’s hot.”

  He slanted me a look and I grinned. “I’ll see you later, Vegan,” he quipped before heading out the door.


  After that terrible scare with Melody and the baby last night, I was grateful that I could still smile and joke around. Life is a precious thing. It was meant to be embraced. Last night made me so much more appreciative of every moment, because you never knew when it could be your last.


  After Archie left, I settled on the sofa with my laptop in my lap to check my school email. While I was online, I logged on to the evaluation forum for my Humanitarian Law course and checked the grade. When I read the number my heart jumped to my throat. I got a 99%. Mrs. Deborah Peters gave me an A+! I could not believe it. I wished that Archie were still here so that I could have someone to share in my excitement.


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