Book Read Free

Mine at Midnight

Page 16

by Jamie Pope

  “No. I don’t know what I am. Derek is sexy and brilliant and caring. Everyone he meets falls in love with him. I could be like every other person in this town who has fallen into his charming trap.”

  “But unlike every other person in town, Derek chooses to spend every ounce of his free time with you. You do realize that the entire island has been talking about you two.”

  “I’m trying not to think about it. We ran into Max last night,” she admitted to Virginia. “He’s furious with me. He accused me of cheating on him with Derek.”

  “You mean to tell me that the guy with the secret family had the nerve to accuse you of being unfaithful?”

  “That made Derek angry, and he shoved Max against a wall and cut off his airway.”


  “Did I mention it was pouring? I knew I should’ve told Derek to stop, but it was incredibly sexy.”

  “What happened after that?”

  “We went back to our suite and had sex about a thousand times.”

  Virginia glanced at her now eight-month-old daughter and covered her ears. “How was the sex? Derek looks... I don’t know. He just seems like he’s one of those men who puts in one hundred and ten percent at everything he does.”

  “Virginia.” She sighed, thinking back to last night. “There are no words. He smiles at me and my underwear slips off. I have never had sex like that and feel like it would be impossible for me to have that with another man. Being with him is an experience that every woman should have at least once.”

  “He’s serious about you, Ava. Derek has never been seen publicly with another woman, and he’s gone everywhere with you. That gala last night was hugely important to him, and he chose to take you. He’s telling the world that he’s proud to have you, that he’s crazy about you.”

  “I’ve been offered a job,” she blurted out. “A big one. It’s a dream job, and I would be crazy to turn it down.”

  “It’s a job you couldn’t do here on this tiny island, I’m assuming.”

  “No. I would be based in Miami, but I would be traveling to Europe a lot.”

  “And you turned down a big promotion and quit your job for Max, and you don’t want to do the same for Derek.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not about giving things up for Derek. It’s about giving up on myself. Look at you. You’re living your dream, and you did it without giving up anything for a man.”

  “No, but he was willing to give it all up for me. Have you talked to Derek? There might be a way to make it work.”

  “It’s too soon to talk about anything. We only made love for the first time last night.”

  “Really? Your brother was convinced you two have been going at it for weeks.”

  “We haven’t. But we should’ve been. I’ve been missing out on a lot,” she joked.

  Virginia sighed. “I wish this was easier. We all hated Max. We love Derek, and we just want you to be happy.”

  “Why didn’t anyone tell me that they hated him? Not a single one of you ever said a word about it. Well, Elias did, but he never likes any of the men I date.”

  “He treated you like a princess, and we thought you loved him. It’s not our place to tell you how to live your life.”

  “No, but you could have said something.”

  “I’m saying something now. We all like Derek. Even Elias. If he makes you happy, you should do what it takes to keep him. Some other woman might snatch him up—hell, I might even go for him.”

  “Hey! You’re married to my brother.”

  “Oh, that’s right, and I’m crazy in love with him, too.” She shrugged. “Oh well. I figured we should keep him in the family. Come on—let’s go inside. I think we both could use some wine.”

  Chapter 16

  The next evening Derek pulled into his driveway to see Ava just getting out of her car. She was wearing heels and a fitted cream-colored dress. She held a designer bag in her hand, and he realized that she looked like her old self. The woman who was engaged to be married to another man. The only difference that remained was her hair. It was in the soft waves that he had grown ridiculously fond of.

  “Hey!” She smiled at him, seeming genuinely happy to see him. “Come help me carry these groceries inside.”

  He walked over and kissed her, lingering just a little longer than he should. “You look beautiful. How was your day?” He took two large bags out of the car, trying not to read too much into her change back to her more buttoned-up attire. He was hoping she stayed on the island, but he couldn’t ignore that she had received that job offer. She said her stay here was just an extended vacation. That she had to get back to real life. It was selfish to want her to have a real life here, but he had been selfless his entire life. He wanted to be selfish when it came to her.

  “Thank you. I got this dress when I was shopping with your grandmother. In fact, I was with her again today. We had lunch with a bunch of her friends at the community center.”

  “You’ve been down there a lot.”

  “I know. I love older women. There’s so much life experience there. It’s Nancy’s birthday tomorrow. I’m going to make a cake and some hors d’oeuvres. You should stop by the center. It will make her day.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  They went directly to the kitchen and started unpacking the bags. Ava had gotten a lot of things for the party, and he stepped aside and watched her organize it all the way she liked it. He was happy to stand there and have her order him around.

  “I’m going to cook for you tonight. Garlic rice and shrimp or arroz al ajillo as my mother would call it. Any objections?” she asked as she started to pull out the ingredients she needed for the dish.

  “Yes, I have one objection.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened a bit.

  He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close to him. “I haven’t gotten the chance to really kiss you in ten hours.” He ran his tongue across her lower lip and felt her body go slack against his. He’d had to leave her early that morning. Founder’s day was quickly approaching. And since this year’s festivities were larger, there was even more planning that needed to be done.

  The kiss immediately turned hot, and soon he found himself hiking up her dress and pushing her against the wall.

  “Ouch!” Ava flinched.

  Derek backed away immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Not directly. Remember when things got a little carried away last night after dinner and we couldn’t make it to the bedroom?”


  “I’m not sure coffee tables are meant for such vigorous activity.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. Why didn’t you tell me you were uncomfortable?”

  “I wasn’t.” She ran his hand over the back of his head. “Couldn’t you tell?”

  He nodded. “I got it. Only make love to you on soft things. Beds, couches, chaise lounges.”

  “Grass, sand, the backseat of a car.” She nodded with a smile. “I am fond of the shower, too. Maybe once my back quits aching we can try that again.”

  “I’m sorry.” He gave her a slow kiss. “I can’t control myself around you.”

  “I can’t control myself either.” She shut her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. “Maybe you shouldn’t sleep over tonight.”

  “You don’t want to have sex? We don’t have to. This is not only about sex for me.”

  “I do want to have sex tonight. I just want you to go home after.”

  “Why? Are you expecting company?”

  “No, you jackass.” Her expression grew serious. “I don’t want to leave this island with another broken heart.”

  That caused him to stiffen. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “No, but the more time I spend with you
the more attached I’m becoming. I didn’t plan for this, Derek. I came to this island two months ago expecting to leave married to someone else. Only that never happened.”

  “Are you still in love with Max?”

  “No. Of course not,” she said and he believed her, but the pit in his stomach didn’t ease. He knew he may not be able to have her forever but he wanted all of her for as long as he could. “I turned down a promotion for him and ended up giving up my career to be with him. I didn’t feel right doing it, but I did it to make him happy. I’m not sure I could do it again. I was handed an opportunity that I could never dream of, and I just can’t turn it away. But I can’t turn you away, either. You’re all I think about.”

  “And you don’t want to think about me anymore?”

  “I just want to be able to leave this island. This is your home. These are your people. Your life is meant to be here, but mine isn’t.”

  “And you think not sleeping with me at night is going to accomplish that?”

  “No.” She looped her arms around him and kissed him with all the passion of before. “But it’s the only thing I can bear doing right now.” She unbuttoned his jeans and slipped her hand inside, finding his just-forming erection and stroking it until it was fully hard and ready for her. “It not dark yet. Let’s see how many times you can make love to me until it is.”

  * * *

  The private dining room they had reserved at the community center looked lovely. Ava had ordered fresh flowers that morning. Beautiful purple lilies from one of the local women who had just opened a floral design studio downtown. She had strung white paper lanterns from the ceiling and placed white candles in all different shapes and sizes in clear white vases. It was elegant and whimsical, and when Nancy had walked in the room, her eyes lit with surprise and she started to cry. It made Ava feel better than she had in years. Well, with the exception of when she was with Derek. She still felt some guilt when it came to him. He seemed fine when she had kissed him goodbye last night. But she knew she had hurt him when she told him that she didn’t want to grow any more attached to him. But it was the truth. What kind of woman would she be if she derived all her happiness from a man? She needed to know herself before she would completely give her heart away again.

  “My dear girl.” Nanny came over to her and looped her arm through hers. She was wearing a pair of fitted white pants and a patterned blush-colored blouse. The woman was the definition of style and grace, and Ava was really starting to love her. “This room looks spectacular and Nancy looks so incredibly happy. I’ve been worried about her since her husband passed. They were married for sixty-two years.”

  “I noticed some sadness around her,” she said, looking at the woman, who was now laughing as she held a glass of champagne in her hand. “You only turn eighty once.”

  “How did you pull this off so quickly? You must have stayed up all night doing this.”

  “She made me help.” She heard Derek’s voice from behind her, and her heart immediately started to beat faster.

  She couldn’t prevent the smile that spread across her face when she saw him. He wore a fitted rust-colored T-shirt and some blue jeans that fit him perfectly, forming to the powerful thighs she loved to run her hands over. “You came.”

  “You asked me to. Hello, Nanny.” He quickly kissed his grandmother’s cheek before he turned his attention to Ava and gave her a kiss that lasted just a little too long for public. Derek was the king of lingering kisses. He gave the kind of kisses she was sure she would never get tired of. “Hello, you.”

  “Hello.” She hoped she wasn’t blushing. It was clear he wasn’t attempting to distance himself from her and that they were an item, but she wasn’t sure what they were. Was he her boyfriend? She had had boyfriends before, but none of them made her feel quite this way.

  “Did you decorate this place by yourself?” he asked her, looking around.

  “I did.”

  “So this is where you were going when I saw you leave at seven this morning?”


  “She’s a very talented girl,” Nanny said.

  “I know,” Derek replied. “She impresses me every day. I thought you were having cake and a few snacks. You really went all out.”

  “It wasn’t much. It gave me something to do. I need to feel useful again.”

  “You’re always useful and wanted here,” Derek said, looking her directly in the eye. She knew they were no longer talking about the party. He had never directly said he didn’t want her to go. He never would, but she knew what he was getting at, and it made her heart swell a bit.

  Nanny made a soft noise. “There’s a job opening here,” she said. “We need an activities director. You’ve taken us shopping, organized a party and are an excellent bridge player. You could do the job. We could recommend you. My grandson is mayor. I think he has some pull here.” She winked at him.

  “Ava has been offered a very big job in Miami,” Derek said, his voice flat, which meant that he had very strong feelings about it, but he didn’t want to let on.

  “You’re leaving?” Nanny looked dismayed, and that simultaneously warmed Ava’s heart and made her feel terrible.

  “The job doesn’t start for another two months or so. I haven’t given my final answer yet.” She wasn’t sure why she had said that. She had made up her mind. She was going to take the job because another opportunity like this wasn’t going to come her way.

  “Well, you can be the activities director until you go. And we can find you other things to do around the island—can’t we, Derek? I know you need help planning the founder’s day dance. Look how Ava decorated this room. I think she’ll do an incredible job. Won’t you, dear?”

  “Um, yes sure.” Nanny was deciding for her. It seemed foolish to protest.

  “Tell her what the theme is, Derek.”

  “A night in Paris.”

  “I can do that. I still have stuff left over from my wedding that we couldn’t return. I can donate it.”

  “That will be perfect.” Derek nodded. “The town will greatly appreciate that.”

  He was a little cooler with her, more professional. He was speaking to her like he was the mayor and she was just some ordinary citizen. She could take his anger more than she could take his distance. But distance was what they needed; it was what she had asked for. It was the only way she could escape the island with her heart intact. Still, she found herself grabbing his hand and slipping her fingers between his. “Come have something to eat, Mr. Mayor. I’ll fix you a plate.”

  Chapter 17

  Ava was sitting on Derek’s front steps when he pulled into his driveway the next night. He hadn’t seen her since the day before at the party, where she had served as hostess. She was dressed to the nines again in a sea-foam-green sheath dress and nude stilettos. She was painfully beautiful, but she wasn’t his Ava in those clothes. She was the Ava she presented to the world.

  “Hello,” he said to her.

  “Hello, Mayor Ass Face,” she responded.

  He was taken aback by her response for a moment, but he realized that she was angry with him. “Glad to see we’re being mature this evening.”

  “Don’t you dare get polite and formal on me, Derek Patrick.” She stood up, wagging her finger at him. “Instead of speaking to me like a man, you’re sulking like a little boy. I let you see a side of me that no one else ever has. You know me more intimately than anyone else. You’re my best friend, damn it! You don’t get to go cold on me.”

  “I’m not going cold on you. I’m giving you the space you asked for. You need to get used to it, because space is all we’re going to have when you leave the island in a couple of months.”

  “I asked for a little space at night. Eight hours to be alone with my thoughts. I can’t be alone with my thoughts of you b
ecause when I’m with you, you’re all I think about. When I wake up in the morning you’re the first person I want to see—you’re what I look forward to each day. You have this crazy effect on me and I don’t know why and it scares the hell out of me.”

  “You think I don’t feel the same way? I have to force myself to go to work every morning because spending the day with you is all I want to do. I’m taking myself to city hall and spending hours in my office at a desk, which I hate, because I know if I’m anywhere near you, I can’t control myself. Do you realize how huge of an issue this is for me? Work was my life. Making furniture and running this town was my life. And then you came along out of the blue and changed everything. You don’t think I’m scared? You don’t think I think about my feelings for you and feel choked?”

  He was in love with her; for the first time in his life he was really truly in love. He had been trying to deny his feelings, to skate around them, but he loved her, and he couldn’t stomach the thought of losing her so soon.

  They were quiet for a moment, just staring at each other.

  A car pulled up behind him, breaking their spell. At first he didn’t recognize the flashy, brand-new candy-apple-red sports car, but then he saw his mother get out. She was wearing oversize sunglasses, a short sundress and high-heeled gladiator sandals. His stomach rolled with apprehension, which wasn’t the way he should feel about his mother. He should be happy to see her, and he felt guilty about it.

  “Hi, Mom. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I know.” She gave him a bright smile. “I don’t need an excuse to see my baby boy, do I?” She turned back toward her car. “I almost forgot. I brought you a little present. It’s a pie! You like pie, don’t you, love?”

  “Yeah, Mom.”

  Ava came down the steps and touched his arm.

  “Mom, I don’t think you’ve met Ava yet.”

  “No, I haven’t.” His mother’s eyes turned critical, and she looked Ava up and down. “You certainly are a beauty. Maybe a little too beautiful. I was too beautiful when I was your age. Only I preferred to dress with a little more...flair.”


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