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Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3)

Page 16

by Simone Leigh

  “Mmm… not sure…. Perhaps because this is at least as much about you and Michael, as it is about you and me, or me and him….”

  “True enough….” He rolls onto his back, staring at the ceiling. “We met at the clubs…”

  There is a long silence. I don’t try to fill it, waiting...

  He continues. “My wife had divorced me. I was still stinging from it. Michael has never been married, but he’s fairly cynical about, um… predatory women.”

  I laugh. “Yes, he feels quite strongly about Marcie and her ilk…”

  He laughs. “You’re not wrong there. If ever I saw a man ready to run…. Anyway, I was….” He pauses. “…Is it going to bother you? Having this conversation? You’re on safe ground. Virgins don’t have a past… Well, not this sort of past anyway, but I…. and Michael…”

  “It’s alright, Master. No, you won’t upset me. We’ve already established, haven’t we…. the Past is the Past?”

  He turns back to me, giving me a long look, then kisses me; a slow kiss, his hand caressing my face.

  Rolling onto his back again…. “We were both playing the game, independently. Lots of fun. Lots of sex. No strings.” He huffs. “Tom-catting…. Several times, I saw him from the viewing galleries, with a different woman every time. Other times, he saw me. We were attracted to similar types, although we…. had different ideas as to what to do with them….”

  He glances sideways. I just grin, knowing exactly what he is talking about. “Anyway, there was an evening… he was with a woman…. he’d had no trouble getting her… I mean, you know what he looks like. They all want to be with him…. but this one wanted a bit more… heat… than he was comfortable delivering…. she still wanted him to fuck her brains out, but she also wanted, a bit more…. Anyway, he invited me in, to join them….”

  “Did she, by any chance, have a bright red ass by the time you finished?”

  He blushes. He actually blushes.

  Laughing, “I get it, Master. So, the two of you made a team, and worked together for your fun?”

  “That’s about the size of it.”

  “Am I embarrassing you?”

  “A little, yes, but I can hardly complain about your not telling me everything, and then not… reciprocating…… Is there anything else you want to ask?”

  “Yes. How did you find out about the auction?”

  He frowns. “Um, good question. How did I learn of it?” He rubs his head in thought.

  “You didn’t go looking for it?”

  “No, not at all. Never occurred to me. After all. I’m not exactly a teenager…. Ah yes…. Got it… It was an e-mail that came in, caught my eye”

  “You mean like one of those that offers to…. extend you…”

  He bursts out laughing. “Yes. Just like one of those. Except that this one offered to provide….” He suddenly swallows his words.


  “I’m sorry, Charlotte. The enormity of what I did, is still coming home to me.”

  “Master, It’s alright. We’re fine now…. aren’t we?”

  “I keep thinking about that other girl in the auction….”

  “You didn’t behave like that, Master. You were wonderful to me. I had a great week. I came back.”

  “Charlotte, let me ask you a question. How did you find out about the auction?”

  “Oh, that’s easy Master. I did go looking for it. I needed the money. I was simply trying to find a way of selling the only asset I had to offer. Once I started searching the internet, it only took me a few hours to track down a way of doing it.”

  He rolls over to face me again, frowning. “So, when you went looking for a market….”

  …. There is the sound of a car engine, footsteps outside, the clunk of a door opening, and more footsteps, inside…. keys clinking down onto on a surface.

  “Charlotte? James?”

  “Up here, Michael.”

  The click of shoes on steps…. and Michael pushes open the bedroom door. He surveys the two of us, semi-enfolded in sheets, the wine bottle, the glasses. His gaze sweeps the room, takes in the belt on the floor, the marks on the wall.

  His expression furious, striding over, he pulls the sheet away, looking me over. “Show me your ass.”

  I roll over, displaying my pale and perfect derriere…. and he relaxes, looking abashed. “Sorry, don’t know what I was thinking.”

  He scans the scene again. “Any more wine in that bottle?”

  “There’s another in the fridge.”

  His expression bemused, he returns after a minute, with the bottle and another glass. Perching himself on the end of the bed, he does battle with the cork, which, uncooperatively, disintegrates into the bottle neck.

  I giggle as he tries to fish out the bits, eventually pouring himself a glass, complete with cork ‘floaters’.

  “Can I take it that… you two have made up?”

  I nod. My Master smiles, languidly, a hand behind his head, stretching backward onto the pillow.

  “….and we can get back to a normal life again? Or at least what passes for normal for the three of us?”

  I nod again.

  He shakes his head, eyeballing me as he does so.

  He knows something happened….

  I paste on my best ‘wide eyed and innocent’ expression.

  “And I’m not fooled by the ‘Little Girl Lost’ face either.” he says. “You’ll tell me sooner or later.”

  “Yes, I will. But not right now…”

  He sips his wine. “So, what now?”

  “Get your pants off, Michael. This is a big bed, and your fiancée wants to be fucked….”

  His face unreadable, Michael tosses back the remainder of his glass, his gaze alternately locking between mine and that of my Master. Standing, he strips off his clothes, slips between the sheets next to me. Ignoring my Master, he turns my face to his. “And, how are you, now?”

  I wrap my fingers into his golden hair, pulling him towards me. “I’m fine. Really.”

  He leans in to kiss me, but I slide my face next to his, whispering close. “I love you.”

  He pulls away from me, looks down on me, his depthless blue eyes, wide. “You’ve not… said it… like that before….”

  I lift up, reaching to kiss him, trying to make him believe…. No…. to give him belief. “First time for everything…”

  As our lips touch, he shudders, head bowing. “Oh, Charlotte….” And I know that finally, he believes….

  We lie there, for a long moment…

  He pulls back, looking across me to my Master. “Might I ask if my fiancée has yet had the fucking she deserves?”

  The smile is back in my Master’s voice. “Not yet, no. The conversation took a philosophical turn. I was sure that, with your return, we could drag it back to more immediate concerns.”

  Michael grins, his teeth improbably white against his beach tan. “Not going to disagree with you. Spread ‘em, Woman…. Prepare to have your brains probed from your pussy…”

  Shrieking with laughter, as Michael rolls me onto my back, I open my legs. His hand questing south, he says “We’d better do a good job with you. You’ll be away for a while, soon.”

  “I’ll be back. But, yes, you can do a good job anyway.”

  My libido has returned, in force, and my cunt is demanding satisfaction.

  Sunshine in his smile, Michael tickles at my pussy lips, making me squeal and wriggle. “Keep still….” he mutters. But there is laughter in his words.

  My Master reaches over and around me, lifting my arms back onto the pillow, pinning them at the wrists. “Just holding you there, Madam, so your fiancée can do his work.”

  Michael’s fingers are working me, deftly finding their way through my folds, navigating to my clit. My pussy is responding, going into overdrive. Inside, I am heating, dissolving.

  “Now, let’s get you nice and wet.” whispers Michael. “A man likes to feel he’s welcome.” Fingers i
nsert themselves, curving into my front wall, rubbing at my sweet spot. “Ah, yes, that’s it. Nice and liquid.”

  Hot juices flowing now, my breasts flushing, my Master’s erection hard against me. Michael, to the other side of me, is growing harder by the moment, his cock pressed against my thigh.

  Expression intense, his eyes locked with mine, he climbs over me, between my legs, probing me, his penis testing my entrance.

  Panting now, I lift my hips to meet him. His hands slide up my arms, replacing my Master’s grip on my wrists to hold me down. My passage hot and slippery, he guides his cock inside me, gliding smoothly inside.

  As he settles, full length inside me, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and rolls, taking me with him, so we lie on our sides, facing each other, he still deep inside me, my Master behind me.

  “Lift your thigh.” he murmurs.

  I lift a leg, hooking an ankle behind him, knowing where this is going.

  There is a click behind me. A drawer opening? Then, a moment later, cold wet fingers slide in behind me.

  Behind me, my Master speaks softly. “You want this, Charlotte? It’s alright if you don’t.”

  “Yes, I want this. I want both of you, inside me.”

  Chill moisture coats my rear entrance, a finger inserts, slowly circling.

  More chill, and another finger, opening me, stretching the ring of muscle wider as it goes.

  Another pause, and then a slick sound.

  Michael inside me to the front, my Master eases in at the back, pressed close. Heartbeats echo through me, thumping hard, matching my own. My breath comes in short pants. Enfolded between my two Lovers, I quiver.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, it’s just very….”

  “Intense…” suggests Michael.

  Shuddering. “Intense, yes. That’s the word.”

  Despite myself, I smile, remembering what happened the last time I requested ‘intense’.

  But heat blooms inside me now. Michael starts to move, slowly, sliding in and out of me, not thrusting, but instead, almost kneading me from the inside. My Master matches his cadence. Both hold me, supporting me, keeping me steady; Michael at my shoulders, my Master at my hips.

  The twin movements of them inside me, filling me, brings a soft lust curling up from my depths; an arousal, deep, fervent, ardent. The sheer…. completeness… of having the two men I love most, so close, next to me, inside me, sets me trembling.

  The only sounds are our breathing and our heartbeats, and the blood singing through my ears. As Michael begins to move more strongly within me, my Master following, the intensity, the pressure inside me increases.

  Whimpering, I pant hard.

  “Alright, Charlotte?”

  Who spoke?


  My twinned lovers play me, like an instrument, to their song. Spaced-out, dreamy, I hover in a kind of sexual-spiritual ecstasy. Unable to move, rocked by the quickening movements of the bodies inside me, the bodies of my Lover, my Master, I ride the upward spiral to orgasm, like an eagle riding the sun to the skies.

  The rush rises in me. Moaning uncontrollably now, my skin slick with sweat, my hips want to buck, but cannot do so.

  The two pump me hard now, pistoning into me. My moaning rises to a wail, then a howl, and orgasm claims me. Trying to thrash, to struggle, but, twice pinned at the hip, layered between bodies, I can only writhe, crying out in rhapsodic pleasure as climax wracks my body.

  The pulsing inside me triggers them. Behind me, my Master groans, and I feel his face pressed to the back of my neck as, at the loins, he grinds against me. Michael thrusts a little longer; two or three strokes before, with a gasp, he shudders, and pumps into me, his hips jamming against my streaming pussy.

  For a while, none of us speak. We simply lie in a heaving, sweating, tangle of arms and legs.

  Michael slips out of me, flopping back onto the bed beside me. “I’m going to miss you, Charlotte.”

  “I’ll come back as often as I can.”

  “Of course you will. And we can visit you there, if you would like that?”

  “I’d love that.”


  I knock.

  “Come in.”

  My Master is already there, sitting in a chair, across the desk from Haswell.

  Richard smiles as I enter. “Hello, Charlotte. Please, sit down. How are you feeling now?”

  “I’m much better. I know I’m repeating myself, but I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for what you did. Thank you.”

  He nods acknowledgment. “It is enough to know that you can leave your past behind, and work on your future.”

  He slides an envelope across the desk to me. “In there, you will find a prepared contract relating to your employment with us; training, college links and so on. It’s the standard contract we issue to student trainees, but please look through it, and if you are happy, sign it and return it to us. If you are unfamiliar with, or unclear about, anything in it, I’m sure James here will help you out.”

  All but unbelieving, I take the envelope. “Um, should I read it now?”

  “By all means. James and I have things to discuss. Why don’t you go through the details, out in Reception.”

  I take my time going through the document, not quite believing the content. I have an employer, a salary; not a large one, but a salary nonetheless. There is hands-on training in all aspects of company matters, ranging from Accounts and Procurement, through Contracts to Engineering Works, Design and Development, Technical Services….

  My head spinning, as I sip coffee, reading and re-reading the document, the office door opens, and Richard and my Master step through, still talking.

  Richard glances down at me. “All clear to you?”

  “Oh yes, absolutely.” I grin. “How could I refuse? There’s only one thing…”

  Richard cocks an eyebrow, and my Master looks askance at me. “The clause about paying tuition and university fees, that doesn’t need to be in there. The fees are already paid.”

  Richard frowns a little. “This is not a one year contract, Charlotte. You will need that clause for later years.”

  “But, they’re already paid for later years. I paid everything when… when I had the cash, then I knew they were covered.”

  My Master slaps his forehead. “That’s what you did with the money…. I could never make the numbers add up; what you had spent it on, where it had all gone.”

  I’m confused. “But... you knew what I needed the money for. You knew, right from Day One.”

  “Yes, but not that you paid for everything… all in one go.”

  Rattled, I stutter a bit. “Well, it seemed the best thing to do. I can always find ways of making enough to live on, but it was important to pay those costs. Something might have happened, gone wrong for me. I didn’t want to find that I had a problem later… And the university gave me a discount for paying early….”

  Exasperated, my Master says, “You might have mentioned that. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why it was costing you so much to live.”

  “I’m sure,” says Richard, “that had there been a problem, you would not have seen Charlotte out of funds.”

  “No, of course I wouldn’t, but it was important for her to be paying her own way in the world; spending her own money.”

  “The clause stays.” says Richard shortly. “That way, any fees are covered no matter what happens. If it’s not needed, fair enough. Yes?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Then sign it, and we’ll take it from there.”

  Riding a high, unable to keep the grin from my face, I sign and give the document back. Richard leaves it on Francis’ desk, scribbling a note to pass it along to HR.

  “I’m going down on-site now, Charlotte.” says my Master. “Want to tag along? See what’s happening?

  “Try to stop me.”


  I watch the cr
ane swinging a girder into position, with much hand signaling and shouting from a hard-hatted man below.

  “Does it feel exciting?” I ask my Master.

  He grins. “It does actually. The pilings and foundations have been in for a few weeks, but this is the first part of the actual structure.”

  “How long will it take?”

  He rocks his hand. “Should be more or less complete by the time you’re back at Christmas.”

  “And your beautiful bridge will join the old and the new parts of the City.”

  He gazes down at me. “Do I detect a philosophical edge to that?”

  Slipping my fingers into his hand. “You’ve been my bridge between the Old and the New…”

  He says nothing, but kisses me softly, a hand on my cheek. Then, “Michael should be turning up soon. We thought you might like to go out for dinner this evening….”

  “A farewell party?”

  “We won’t see each other for a few weeks.”

  “I’ll come back some weekends.”

  “I know, but you can’t do too much of it. You need to knuckle down to work once you’re back at college…. Ah, here he is….”

  A van pulls up; white, and be-logo’ed; ‘Life and Fitness’.

  Michael gets out, rubbing his arms, blowing into his hands. “Summer’s definitely over.”

  “It’s not that cold.” I say.

  “Two months of beach sunshine, and it feels bloody freezing to me.”

  I notice his expression; amused. “Something wrong?” I ask.

  “I’ve never seen you in a hard hat and steel-toed boots before.”

  My Master snorts a laugh. “Get used to it.” Then he gets called away; one of the men shouting questions at him, waving papers.

  Michael leans my way, speaking quietly. “You know, you’re giving me fantasies in that outfit that never occurred to me before.”

  “What?” I laugh. “Dressed like this?”

  He grabs my hand, pulling me with him. “But….” I wave towards my Master.

  “He’s happy. Leave him with it for a while.”

  He pulls me towards the van, opening the doors, his eyes dancing as he head-points me inside.

  “Michael….” I protest. “What if someone notices?”

  “Then move quickly, so they don’t. Get inside.”


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