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Saxon's Conquest

Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  “Did you follow up on the priest? Later, I mean?” Saxon was remembering what the police chief in Lufkin had told him about seeing the cleric at Mona’s apartment complex.

  “Yes, I monitored the situation. Shortly after Fisher’s death, the church transferred him to a monastery, and then another one after that – the furor died down, and the case went cold. Eventually, I lost track of him.”

  Alivia paused in her notetaking. “What was his name, this priest?”

  “Father Murray, Curtiss Murray.”

  “Okay, we’ll follow up on this, just to see where it takes us.” Saxon offered his hand to Arceneaux. “We appreciate you meeting us after hours.”

  “No problem. I didn’t really have anything better to do. Some cases stay with you, and this one always bothered me. Delores Fisher was one beautiful woman.” He raised a stack of folders in his hands. “I brought you a copy of the files, just in case. These aren’t on the computer.”

  “Yes, please.” Alivia took them eagerly, then rose and gave him her hand. “I thank you so much. You’ve been extremely helpful.”

  “Well, I don’t know if these cases are connected or not. It could be just plain old coincidence or even some weird copycat killer. Either way, I hope I cleared some things up for you. If you think of anything else I can do, let me know.”

  “We’ll do that, sir,” Saxon assured the detective as Alivia excused herself to go to the restroom. After using the facilities, she stood in front of a small mirror, trying to process everything that had happened. Did these people let a killer walk away almost a quarter of a century ago? Could he be the one who was terrorizing these women today? She ran water in her hands to splash on her face. She didn’t know. She was also tired, and still a little shook up from Saxon’s ordeal. “I have questions, so many questions.”

  Working with him like this, sitting down and putting their heads together, it was addictive. An idea was formulating in her head, and she couldn’t shake it. She didn’t want to go home by herself. Alivia wanted to spend the night with Saxon. She wanted to have sex with him, that was a given. But she also wanted to lie beside him in bed and whisper with him, have soft pillow talk about all they were experiencing. Could she do it? Could she make herself vulnerable to this man? Invite him into her home and into her bed? Into her life?

  She didn’t know about long-term.

  But she wanted it tonight.

  After drying her hands, she returned to the barroom to find Saxon waiting by the door. “Ready to go? We don’t want to miss our flight.”

  “Yea, I’m ready.” They would be taking a commercial flight home since Kyle had needed the jet for another purpose that evening. “How much time do we have?”

  “Just enough, if you let me drive.” Saxon gave her a smirk. “You drive like a grandma.”

  “I do not!” she said indignantly. “I drive like a maniac!”

  Saxon held up his hands. “You drove fast when it counted, I’ll give you that, but the rest of the time, you were Grandma Moses.”

  “She was an artist.”

  “And you are too.” He took her by the shoulders. “In so many ways.” As they walked, he teased her. “At the computer. In the bedroom.”

  “Oh, really? An artist in the bedroom?” She waited while he opened the passenger door for her. “Would you be in the market for a private showing?”

  He’d leaned in to fasten Alivia’s seat belt for her when she made her intriguing request. “What?” He straightened up so fast he bumped his head. “Ow!”

  “Don’t hurt yourself.” She had to laugh. “Just get in.”

  He raced around, and she loved how excited he seemed to be. “Did I hear you right? Would this private showing include any unveilings?”

  “Maybe.” She grinned. “I might even show you my etchings.”

  “So, you’re taking me home with you?” Saxon asked as he pulled onto the highway.

  “If you want to come, yes.” As soon as she said the word, she saw his sexy leer and knew what was coming.

  “Oh, I want to cum, and I want to make you cum a thousand times.”

  “Well, it will be late when we get there, so let’s shoot for just two times.” She sighed and leaned her seat back a notch or two. “This is crazy, isn’t it?”


  “All of this. How old would this guy be now, if he were the same killer? Let’s say he was twenty-five in 1995, he’d be…”

  Saxon quickly tabulated in his head. “Forty-seven now, that’s not far-fetched at all.” As he steered the car to the airport in Beaumont, he tapped the steering wheel with one finger. “There are two interesting things I need to tell you. The first is when I talked to the police chief at the convention center, he said something that I passed off at the time, but it now sounds odd.”

  Alivia turned in her seat, almost fully facing him. “What sounded odd?”

  “He said that several people remember seeing a cleric in a collar at Mona’s apartment complex at the time she was being murdered.”

  “Wow.” Alivia let his comment sink in. “The word young bothers me, though, forty-seven isn’t young.”

  “Well, it’s not old, but I understand what you’re saying. They did say he had a beard, maybe the hair on his face just made it hard to tell his age.”

  “Maybe. You’re right, based on what we heard tonight, it’s definitely interesting.” She studied his handsome face. “What was the second thing?”

  “Oh, you’ll like this.” He glanced at her face, then cut his eyes back to the road. “While you were in the bathroom, I googled St. Nicholas. You’ll never believe what I found.”

  “Tell me,” she urged him impatiently, seeing he was enjoying dragging out the suspense.

  “One of the things St. Nicholas is known for, other than being the role model for Santa Claus, is that he’s the patron saint of prostitutes.”

  “Oh, my God.” Alivia was stunned. “Seriously? And you learned this in five seconds, looking it up on the internet.”

  “Makes you wonder what other details in cold cases have gone overlooked. Web browsers weren’t really ingrained in our methodology back in 1995. Google Chrome didn’t come along until 2008. Imagine how many cold cases could be solved or brought to life by running them through your Dragnet program.”

  “I agree,” Alivia said, changing the angle of a vent. “When you combine this info on St Nick with the parchment paper clues, it’s pretty compelling evidence, isn’t it? We’re looking at someone with a serious grudge against prostitutes.”

  “You’re cold, aren’t you?” Saxon reached to adjust the temperature. “Tomorrow, we need to find out where this Father Murray is today, and what he’s been doing.”

  “Absolutely, I can’t wait. We’d go start work tonight, but it’s been a long day.” Alivia felt her heart racing with adrenaline.

  “Hey, you invited me for a sleepover, don’t go changing your mind now.”

  “I’m not.” She giggled at his teasing tone. Letting out a long sigh, Alivia covered his hand with hers. “I’m enjoying doing this with you, Saxon.”

  “I’m enjoying it all, Alivia,” he assured her, “every second.”

  …The flight to Austin took less time than the ride from the airport to Hutto. Their Uber drover pulled into her driveway just after eleven. “Wow, this has been a long day,” Saxon said after tipping the driver.

  “I’ll take you to pick up your car in the morning from the other airport,” Alivia promised Saxon as she led him to her front door.

  “That’ll be great, thanks.” As he strode up the sidewalk, he admired the view. “I love your house, this wrap around porch is great. When was it built?”

  “In the early 1900’s; it’s been thoroughly renovated. I think you’ll be surprised at all the modern touches.”

  When they arrived at the front door, Saxon expected Alivia to reach for her keys. Instead, the door opened, and a voice welcomed them. “Alivia, you’re home! I was so worried!”
  “I’m fine, Savvy. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m better. My parts are all in working order.” She rolled back to allow Alivia to come in and spotted Saxon. “You brought company?”

  “I did.” Alivia moved into her living room to make introductions. “Savvy, this is Saxon Abbott. He’s a member of the Equalizers, and we’re working together on the task force. Saxon, this is Savvy, my companion.”

  Savvy extended her hand and Saxon accepted the gesture. “I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Abbott. Welcome to our home. Will you be staying the night? The guest room is full of project prototypes. We might have to move some things around.”

  “Saxon will be staying in my room, Savvy.”

  “Oh?” she asked, then followed her quizzical oh with a knowing one. “Oh! This is fulfilling the ‘getting laid’ goal on your life plan.”

  “Savvy.” Alivia chastised. “We need more lessons in appropriate conversation.”

  “Is this the man you told me you bumped into a while back? His cologne smells familiar.”

  “Savvy, enough,” Alivia warned her with a forced smile.

  Saxon was totally entranced by the pair. “Savvy, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I think you and I should have a long talk.”

  “I don’t think so.” Alivia took Saxon’s hand. “We’re going to my room, Savvy. Would you turn out all the lights and lock up before you retire to your room?”

  “Yes, but I’d rather come with you, I’m lonely.”

  Saxon chuckled. “Sorry, Savvy, we want to be alone.”

  “Just power down and recharge. We’ll see you bright and early in the morning,” Alivia told her as she led Saxon down the hall toward her room.

  “All right!” Savvy said brightly. “I’ll be sure and wake you up on time.”

  Alivia groaned and giggled as she rushed him inside the door and shut it quickly. “I’ll hear about this later, for sure. When she gets fascinated with a topic, she’s like a dog with a bone; she just won’t turn it loose.”

  “So, Savvy’s your AI project.” He was fascinated with everything about this woman he was about to make love to.

  “Yea, I’m constantly amazed at what she’s been able to learn. The Dragnet program wouldn’t be nearly as effective if she hadn’t worked almost daily adding new data and new interfaces.”

  “Enough about Savvy.” Saxon pulled Alivia into his arms. “Let’s think about an interface of our own.” He kissed her softly. “Two things meeting.” He kissed her again, giving her a little tongue. “Interacting.”

  “You’re terrible.” She giggled as she unbuttoned his shirt.

  “No, I’m good,” he promised as he shrugged out of the garment. “Let me prove it to you.”

  “Not yet.” She stepped back and grinned at him seductively as she began to unbutton her blouse – slowly, gratified when his eyes sparked with heated interest. “I’m your hostess. It’s my job to see that you’re well entertained and taken care of.”

  “I like to be entertained.”

  Alivia noticed that he widened the stance of his legs, crossing his arms over his chest. His body appeared relaxed unless you noticed the outline of the thick erection tenting his pants. Her body responded to the image, softening and tingling. The man was so masculine, she could feel power and sexual hunger coming off him in waves – and all of it was directed at her.

  “Good. Take off the rest of your clothes and sit in the rocking chair behind you. I have something special in mind.”

  He glanced back, saw the armless white rocker and moved to it, stripping as he went. His eyes never strayed from her for very long. When she finished with the last button, she let the silky blouse drop to the floor behind her. She noticed his gaze was glued to her breasts and when she removed her bra, there was no hiding the fact that her nipples were swelling at the prospect of him touching them.

  “Special? Like what?” He stared at her beautiful body as she eased the linen slacks down her hips, taking a pair of lacy panties along with them.

  “Like this.” She dropped to her knees in front of him, bracing her palms on his knees. “Interested?”

  “Very much so.” He bucked his hips slightly forward, making his big cock bounce. “Can’t you tell?”

  Alivia slid her palms up his muscular thighs. “I’m getting a pretty good idea.”

  Saxon’s eager cock was pulsing with excitement. “If you don’t touch me soon, I’ll go crazy.”

  “I think I might like you crazy.” She turned her attention to his manhood. “You’ve got the most beautiful cock.” She admired the broad crest, a pearl of pre-cum beading in the tiny slit.

  “Alivia,” he groaned as she took him in one hand and stroked him softly. “I’m not made of stone.”

  “Feels like it.” She held him upright with one hand as she bent forward to lick the crest, exploring him with lips and tongue. He moaned and cupped her head, sinking his fingers into her hair.

  Saxon closed his eyes, hissing with pleasure as Alivia drug her tongue down the thick stalk of his cock. “God, this is so good.”

  She sucked him deep into her mouth, playing and teasing, then sliding her lips back up to nip at the sensitive head. He growled a low rumbling noise in his chest as he shuddered with ecstasy. Pleasing him gave her pleasure, and Alivia felt heat grow between her thighs as she watched him enjoy her gift.

  “I love the way you taste,” she whispered as she licked the length of his shaft with the flat of her tongue, her other hand finding his balls and giving them a gentle squeeze.

  “Fuck, sugar,” he grunted, tightening his grip on her hair. “You’re killing me.”

  His response only spurred her on. She rubbed her lips from root to tip, grazing him here and there with her teeth. When his hips began to buck in supplication, she brought him to her mouth and sucked hard, hollowing her cheeks and humming her enjoyment.

  “That’s it, suck harder, baby.”

  Feeling her desperation mirror his own, she did as he asked. God, she loved this. She’d never felt so close to a man in her life. Alivia laved his cock, kissing and licking – up and down – her lips and tongue giving him enough pleasure to curl his toes. “Oh, hell, so good,” he moaned as she shuttled him in and out of her mouth – faster, smoother – and all the while she massaged his sac, feeling his balls draw up and become hot in her hand. Saxon was about to cum, she could feel it. She felt keyed up, on the edge. Alivia knew all it would take would be a touch between her thighs and she would light up like a Roman candle.

  “Up here.” He urged her to her feet. “I want to cum inside you.”

  Once she was up, Alivia straddled his thighs. “I always wondered why this rocking chair had no arms. Now, I know.” Her voice was rather even, but she was shaking inside, so aroused that her body was aching for release.

  “Let me in,” he muttered as she held onto his shoulders and positioned herself over his thick cock. As she guided him in, he bent forward to suck her nipples, opening his mouth so wide that he covered the whole areola and more.

  “Oh, yes, Saxon,” Alivia whimpered. She loved it when he sucked her nipples. With a gasp of surrender, she took him into her body, sliding down his massive length little by little. “Oh, sweet Lord, you feel so good.” She closed her eyes and moved on him – back and forth – relishing the way she stretched around him. The burn of his penetration was heavenly. All she wanted to do was squeeze and squeeze, milking every bit of pleasure she could from his cock.

  Saxon thought he might pass out. He’d never known such ecstasy. As she rose and fell, he set the rhythm, bucking his hips to impale her time and again. And all the while, his mouth and hands were busy touching and kissing – reveling in the way she felt, the way she tasted. “I’m never letting you go,” he announced, holding her close as the tension built and built with every thrust.

  Alivia held onto him, so close to coming that she could scarcely breathe. She craved how he made her feel; she wanted more and more. Wr
apping her arms around his neck, she kissed Saxon hard as he gave her what she needed. “Oh! Yes!” she cried as her need swelled – growing, surging, climbing higher and higher until it flashed in sweet release, sending her soaring into the clouds. She clutched his shoulders, her nails digging in as the almost violent ecstasy jolted her body in one white-hot explosion after another. “Saxon!”

  Saxon buried his face in her neck, grinding out his pleasure with a bellowing groan. He kept slamming into her – over and over – his essence jetting into her in plumes of white heat. “Alivia, Alivia.” He cradled her to him, loving how their bodies fit together so perfectly. “That was…unreal.”

  Alivia eased from his arms, standing to her feet. He’d just reminded her of what always held her back from situations like this. Maybe it wasn’t real – maybe this was just her reading more into a casual encounter.

  “I need to freshen up. Make yourself at home. There’s another bathroom across the hall.”

  Saxon’s eyes followed her as she padded across the room, naked and beautiful – and all his. “Okay. Hurry back.” He was still too blown away to process her need for space. Women were a mystery to him in many ways. Rising to his feet, he followed Alivia’s directions and went across the hall to clean himself up. He’d no sooner eased the door shut and found a washcloth before he heard something in the hall. “Alivia?”

  But it wasn’t Alivia, it was Savvy. Saxon grabbed a towel. “Savvy, I thought you were resting.”

  “I was too curious to rest. Is Alivia all right? Her blood pressure was spiking.”

  Saxon secured the towel around his waist. “She’s fine. We’re about to go to sleep.” He felt odd because the robot was studying him with open admiration.

  “I’ve never seen a boy close up, without clothes.”

  Saxon cleared his throat and started to shut the door. “We’re not much to look at, just rough and tough…muscles and hair.”

  “Very interesting.” She gave him a smile, then turned her head to see if she could peek through the slit in the towel. “Alivia likes you. She’s never brought a man home before.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Savvy, that’s enough,” Alivia spoke from across the hall. “Leave Saxon in peace, please.”


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