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Saxon's Conquest

Page 26

by Sable Hunter

  “You don’t say?” Micah sat up at the news. “What happened?”

  Saxon explained. “The case hit a dead end. The church backed up his alibi. Still, the detective felt there were some things that didn’t add up.” He held up a finger. “And listen to this, there was a statue from the church found at the murder scene. A statue of St. Nicholas.”

  Micah frowned. “Really? What do you think that means?”

  “St. Nicholas is the patron saint of ladies of the evening.” Saxon tapped the table. “Combine that clue with the names written on the parchment paper, and I say we have a connection.”

  “You may be right,” Micah mused. “Interesting.”

  “I’d like to see if we can trace the priest’s whereabouts,” Alivia said, joining in on the conversation for the first time since arriving. “They could potentially link-up with the murders, and his location at the time, but we won’t know until we try to find out what his story is, and where he is now.”

  Micah looked across the table at Saxon.

  “I agree with her,” Saxon responded. “I think it’s our best shot.”

  Micah considered it for a moment. “You think this is solid?”

  “Yes,” Alivia and Saxon responded in unison.

  Micah rose to his feet. “Then, make it happen.” He headed for the door. “Check out those other cold cases too. We might be onto something. Keep me posted. I’m heading out to my place to feed the livestock. I’ll be back later.”

  “Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be,” Alivia said when Micah was gone.

  “He’s unusually agreeable lately, considering.”

  “Must have something else on his mind.”

  “Yea.” Saxon thought about the email Micah had told him about. Threaten one of the Equalizers, and you threaten them all. He worried about his friend, but Saxon knew Micah could take care of himself, and the rest of them if need be. He wouldn’t force the Wolfe to reveal what was going on to those around him until he was ready, but Saxon would be there for his friend at the drop of a Stetson if need be.

  “Saxon.” Alivia waved a hand in front of his face. “You still with me?”

  Saxon snapped out of his daze. “Oh…yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

  “About contacting the police departments where the other women were killed?”

  Saxon smiled. “You read my mind. Come on, let’s go to my office.” He took her hand in his and started to head up to his office. Halfway up the stairs, Saxon halted, considering what he’d been worrying about before. “Wait. I want to make sure Micah locked the door downstairs. We don’t want anyone to just walk in on us.”

  Alivia waved him off. “I’m not worried. Nothing is going to happen to me as long as I’ve got you around.”

  Her words sent a rush of gooseflesh all over his body.

  She felt safe with him?

  Saxon pulled her close for a kiss.

  “What was that for?” Alivia asked breathlessly.

  Saxon couldn’t keep the admiration out of his eyes. “For being you.”

  They exchanged a heated stare. Their thoughts were obvious in both their eyes.

  “We can’t, Saxon,” she said finally. “We really need to focus.”

  Saxon tightened the arm around her waist and growled in a low register, “Fine. I’ll be right back.”

  After he’d checked all the exits, they spent the next two hours contacting and talking to various police departments across Texas.

  “Nothing,” Alivia said after hanging up with the police in Fort Stockton. She put her head on the desk, exhausted and drained from the day.

  Saxon hung up his own phone. “Abilene is the same.”

  Alivia was up and out of her seat. “We need to find the priest. Talking to these departments is fine, but they aren’t giving us any information we didn’t already know.”

  Saxon put his own head down on the desk. They’d both had the same thought hours ago, but agreed to try to get information without contacting the church directly.

  Alivia threw her hands up in exacerbation. “I’m doing it!” She went to her computer and started to search.

  Saxon stood and walked over to see what she was doing. “Whoa now!” He took the laptop off the table in front of her and held it behind his back.

  “Hey!” Alivia was up and trying to get it back. “Give that back.”

  He held her at bay with one stiff arm. “We both know what we know, but before we go in this direction, are we sure we’ve exhausted all other avenues?”

  Alivia fixed him with a sharp glare. “Do you want to catch this guy, Saxon?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.” And my heart, he wanted to add but didn’t dare.

  Alivia held her hand out, and Saxon ceded. Handing her laptop back over to her, he stepped back, leaned on the wall and watched her dial the Diocese in Houston to see if the Bishop would see her.

  Saxon watched nervously and listened. The Bishop was out at the moment, but Alivia left her number and hung up. “Now, we wait,” she said.

  “And hope,” Saxon added nervously.

  * * *

  “Damn it, Wolfe.” Micah stood in the parking lot of the Kinko’s in Westgate. “You are one hell of a handsome fella.”

  He’d just picked up an order of headshots his publisher had ordered for him to autograph and send back. The photos were for Don Juan’s adoring fans, and to be used as promotion at upcoming book conventions. As he was walking to his car, the phone in his pocket rang.

  Checking the screen, he saw the caller was Ms. Kraft. “Victoria, what’s up?” Opening the door of his black Dodge Challenger Hellcat, he switched over to Bluetooth and started the engine.

  “On the road?” Victoria asked, hearing the rumble of the V8 come to life.

  “Just had to run a few errands. What have you got for me?” The pageant festivities in Richardson were rapidly approaching, and Micah needed to make arrangements for his team.

  “Make the reservations for your group at the Renaissance Hotel,” Victoria told him. “That’s where I’ll be staying. Nice place; right next to the DART’S red rail line.”

  “I think I know the place. I attended a book signing there several years ago.” He looked down at the photos on the seat beside him.

  “I dare say this will be old hat for you. I don’t think Alivia and Saxon know what they’re in for. We’ve got fifty nervous contestants, an equal number of manic pageant moms, countless well-meaning, clueless friends, and dozens of harried, ambitious coaches – it’ll be like nothing they’ve ever seen.”

  “Ha! They’re nerds, so they’re used to big crowds at Comic-con, but you’re right, this sounds particularly terrifying. How’s the prep going?”

  Victoria was as proud as a peacock. “Despite the recent murders casting a shadow over the event, things are coming together quite nicely. The board had made some changes this year, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been able to secure a new home for the pageant. The contest itself will be at the Eisemann Center, which has a fully equipped performance hall.”

  “I’ve been there also. It’s the perfect venue.”

  “Thank you. There will also be a welcome ceremony and a fashion show for the public at NorthPark Center.” She laughed. “I won’t suggest that Alivia take part in the show, she’s got enough on her plate.”

  “Wise move.” Still, Micah was impressed by what she’d accomplished. “I think you did a great job on such short notice.”

  “Well, the prospect of an active hurricane season gave us a good excuse to move the event out of Houston. Now, that Harvey is approaching, we’re safe and sound in North Texas. Holding the pageant in Richardson will allow us to save more money. Money that can go toward scholarships for the girls, which after all, is what this whole thing is about.”

  “That’s great. Now, let’s make sure we keep them all alive.” With Micah’s lead foot, the drive from K
inko’s to headquarters was made in record time. He was just about to drive into the parking lot when he saw a UPS truck pulling out. Driving up to the building, he spotted a large package leaning against the front door. “Hey, Victoria, I’m back at my office. Keep me posted.”

  After climbing from his car, he approached the front door with caution. “Better to be safe than sorry. What have we here?” Micah squatted down to inspect the package thoroughly. “Everything looks clean. Micah Wolfe.” He read the name on the front. “That’s me. It seems we have a secret admirer,” he said to the stack of headshots in his other hand.

  Unlocking the door, he stepped into the foyer. Tucking the stack of photos under one arm, he took a knife from his pocket, and sliced the package at the top, reaching in to pull the contents out.


  Upstairs, Alivia stopped typing. “What was that?”

  “I heard it too,” Saxon responded.


  A loud noise followed the curse, and Saxon raced for the stairs.

  “Wait for me!” Alivia called as she followed him down the steps.

  When she came downstairs, she saw the marble floor littered with glossy headshots of Micah’s grinning face, and Saxon holding what appeared to be a large painting in his hand. “What’s going on? Where’s Micah?”

  Saxon stared at the painting. “Outside. Cooling off.”

  Alivia glanced out the window to see Micah pacing the parking lot with his hands on his hips, his face bright red.

  “What is it?”

  Alivia came around, so she could see the painting. The frame was broken in a few places, and part of the canvas was ripped. “What happened? Did he drop it?”

  Saxon considered trying to hide the situation from her, but that would only look worse. “Yea, I think he dropped it.” He handed her the painting, and she looked at it closely.

  “This is beautiful.” She admired the brush strokes depicting a huge black jaguar draped in a tree looming over a large gray wolf just below. “So, intricate.”

  “Yea, it’s a one of a kind, I’m sure.”

  The Jaguar’s threat had now come knocking right on their front door.

  “You stay here, I’ll be right back,” Saxon told her.

  “What’s wrong?” Alivia asked, realizing this painting meant something more than she understood.

  “I’ll be back,” was all Saxon said as he left the building.

  Going to his friend, Saxon attempted to calm his buddy’s nerves. “Easy, Micah.”

  Micah was practically frothing at the mouth. “I’m gonna kill that son-of-a-bitch.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

  “We’ll get him.”

  Micah turned and began to pace again. “The return address was my home address, Sax. This asshole knows where I live. He knows where Madison lives.”

  “And she isn’t there right now, so you’re good.”

  In Micah’s rage, he’d forgotten that she was still at Jet and Sami’s with Tyson and Marisol. “I have to call her.”

  Alivia came over to join them with the painting still in her hand. “What does this mean?” She held this piece of art up to look at one more time.

  “Jesus.” Saxon snatched it from her hand and threw it into the bushes to his left.

  Micah stood with the phone to his ear as it rang, his face still bright red. “It means the bastard knows where we are. He’s taunting us.” Going to the bushes, he retrieved the painting. “Madison, it’s me, baby,” he told her answering machine. “You need to call me the second you get this message.” He headed toward his car and tossed the painting into the back seat.

  Saxon followed. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m keeping the painting. And I’m gonna shove it down that bastard’s throat right before I kill him.” Opening the driver’s side door, he climbed in behind the wheel and started the engine.

  Saxon hadn’t seen his friend this fired-up since the night he’d laid a beating on Rudy Douglas in a dark and dingy warehouse for what he’d done to Madison. “Where are you going? Talk to me, partner.”

  “Call Tyson once I’m on the road. Tell him what happened.”

  “Galveston is three and half hours away, Micah.”

  “I’ll make it in two.”

  The Hellcat peeled out of the parking lot in a cloud of burning rubber. Saxon had no doubt his friend would drive at top speed if it meant getting to the woman he loved as fast as possible.

  “What’s going on?” Alivia wanted to know. “Where is he going?”

  Saxon only looked at her as he waited for Tyson to answer the phone. When he did, Saxon conveyed the message that Micah was on his way and they weren’t to go anywhere until he got there. “You strapped?” Saxon asked.

  “You know I am,” Tyson responded from the other end. “Always.”

  “Good. Don’t upset the ladies, but stay locked and loaded. The Wolfe will be there soon.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Micah heard from his nemesis. He’ll explain everything when he gets there.”

  “Got it. We’ll lay low.”

  Saxon didn’t have to reveal any more to Tyson for him to get the message loud and clear. “Talk later,” he said, ending the call.

  “What’s going on Saxon?” Alivia demanded to know when he took her by the hand to lead her back into the building.

  Closing the door, Saxon slid both locks into place and took a quick peek out the window before closing the blinds. There was nothing in the parking lot but their cars and the remaining haze of burnt rubber. He knew the Jaguar was just messing with Micah, but ultimately – they were all in danger.

  Looking at Alivia, he wondered. Was she his woman?

  His eyes on her made Alivia feel a touch nervous. “What Saxon? What’s going on?”

  For a moment he considered telling her what he knew, but scaring Alivia would serve no purpose. Her life wasn’t being threatened, at least not yet. The same question he’d just asked himself popped up again.

  Was Alivia his woman?

  “Nothing. He’s just upset about something from a case we thought was over. Apparently, it isn’t.”

  “Well, if need be, I can help. I have a gun in my purse.”

  “Of course, you do.” He chuckled, a little bit relieved. The thought of her getting hurt at the pageant hadn’t been one Saxon allowed himself to entertain, but seeing the fear and anger in Micah’s eyes brought it home to him. Alivia might not be on the Jaguar’s radar, but her life could most certainly be in peril. They were dealing with a dangerous killer. She’d become so important to him, the thought of her being hurt was almost unbearable.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you, Alivia.” He pulled her close for an embrace. “You mean so much to me.”

  Alivia was floored by his words. She melted into him, lacing her arms around his back. “You’re scaring me, Saxon.”

  Pulling back, he gazed down on her. “You don’t ever need to be scared. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  The need to protect her was like nothing Saxon had ever felt before. His entire body tensed. He was ready for war. Ready to do anything it took to make sure no harm came to this woman who’d become the center of his universe. Yet, he still didn’t know for sure where he stood with her.

  Placing his hands on her lower back, he eased her over until her head was tilted at an angle, so he could crush his mouth to hers. He needed her kiss more than air. His lips tugged and nipped at the soft plumpness, his mouth growing hungrier with each desperate joining.

  A surge of electricity jolted through Alivia as Saxon deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into the well of her mouth to explore and mate with hers. Alivia ran a hand up to his dear face and rested a palm there.

  “I have to have you, Alivia,” Saxon said after pulling away from her. “I need to be inside you.”

  “Right now?” she teased with a smile. “Whatever happened to foreplay?”
Her tone was joking, but her body was heated and craving his possession.

  Stepping back from her wordlessly, Saxon dropped to his knees. Remaining silent, he took her shoes off first, then her pants, and last her underwear. Working his way slowly back up with soft touches and tender kisses, Saxon stopped at her warmth and pressed his tongue in between her thighs to test the waters.

  “Jesus!” Alivia whimpered when his tongue found the tip of her now ultra-sensitive clitoris. She hadn’t been aware just how aroused she was until that moment. Holding his gaze, she opened her legs for him.

  As she parted her thighs a few inches in welcome, Saxon looked up into her eyes as he licked her swollen clit. “You don’t seem like you need the foreplay,” he said after tasting the warm heat of her sex.

  “I only need one thing,” she confessed in a whisper.

  “What’s that?” he asked as he slipped out of his own clothing to stand before her.

  Alivia beheld a vision of bulging, ripped muscles, and a cock so beautiful and hard it made her core weep. “You.”

  Stepping closer, Saxon placed both hands around her waist and bent to kiss her. The kiss was intense and passionate. Lost in the embrace, Alivia clung to him as their tongues clashed. His cock throbbed, a drop of pre-cum pearled up and smeared against her stomach. “I can’t wait any longer, Alivia. I need you so much.”

  Clasping her arms around his neck, Alivia surrendered another piece of her soul. “You can have me, Saxon. I’m yours.”

  Lifting her in the air, Saxon pressed the object of his desire against the door. “Wrap your legs around me,” he urged as he steadied her body with one hand, and guided her down slowly onto the heft of his shaft with the other.

  Saxon moaned, “Oh, fuck, baby.” The burn was just as good as it always seemed to be with Alivia. His thick cock glided into a pussy that fit him perfectly. As he buried himself to the hilt over and over, Alivia’s body slid up and down the door behind her. Saxon placed a protective hand between her back and the door to shield her soft skin.

  She was shocked by the flash flood of bliss exploding in her body. Clinging to him, Alivia buried her face in his neck and bit into the exposed skin of his shoulder. “Oh. Sorry,” she gasped as he filled her again and again.


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