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Notorious: Playing With Fire, Book 4

Page 3

by Karen Erickson

  “Uh, yeah I had some free time.” She reached up, ran a self-conscious hand over the foils. She must look an absolute mess.

  “Gotta look good for your clients, right?”

  “Exactly.” She nodded, watched him warily. “How did you find me, Eric?”

  Again that devastating smile and again her panties melted. “I have my ways.”

  “Why did you find me?” Her heart thumped madly and she breathed deep, tried to calm it. He’d actually sought her out. After she walked away from him, here he was.

  What did that mean?

  “I wanted to apologize.” His face grew solemn, and his gaze locked on hers. “For what happened the other night. I was an asshole.”

  “Well, you did warn me.”

  His brows lowered. “What?”

  “You warned me you were an asshole,” she reminded him, wanting the moment to be easy, not all heavy and downtrodden. She was sick of the heavy and the serious. She was in the mood for light and fun. “And I accept your apology.”

  “I’m glad.” He was still serious when she really didn’t want him to be. “I never wanted to push you into anything you didn’t want to do.”

  “I never said I didn’t want to do it.” Her mouth clamped shut the moment the words left her. Oh boy. She was asking for it, playing with fire when she barely knew how to light a match.

  His eyes lit with a wicked spark, and he smiled. Sexy and charming without saying a word. “Come to dinner with me tonight.”

  His request shocked her. He wanted to spend more time with her? “Tonight?”

  Eric nodded slowly. “Tonight.”

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “All right. But on two conditions.”

  He cocked a brow. “Name them.”

  “I’m in the mood for Mexican food.”

  “Done.” He chuckled.

  “And no drinking tonight. No beer, no margaritas, nothing.”

  Eric frowned. “No drinking,” he repeated.

  “I want you sober.” She wanted him rational and coherent and not drowning his sorrows in booze. Because she knew that was exactly what he was doing and she didn’t like it.

  Even if he didn’t want her to, she was going to take care of him. Make him see that he allowed his past to still shadow his life.

  “Fine. Mexican food and sober Eric, I can do it.” He smiled again, but this time it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “Perfect. I have a client coming in at five. Want to meet me at the restaurant?” She named a local place not far from her work. “Around six-thirty?”

  “Sure.” He shrugged, sent a welcoming smile to Lisa when she approached. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Lisa studied him curiously, then slid a glance in Stacy’s direction.

  “See you at six-thirty, Stace.” He offered her a little wave and then walked out.

  Lisa whirled on her the moment he was out of hearing distance. “Who is that?”

  “An old friend.” Stacy shrugged. It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t exactly the truth either.

  “He’s really good looking.” Lisa turned, watched Eric exit the salon. “How do you know him?”

  “Through Alexa.”

  “Oh.” Lisa’s voice revealed all. She knew about Alexa’s exploits. Yet another reason she should never mention exactly who Eric was.

  “He’s a nice guy, just a friend, nothing more.”

  “Be careful, Stacy. You’re vulnerable. Guys like to take advantage of that.” Lisa crossed her arms in front of her chest, all motherly concern.

  “He would never do that to me.” Oh, now she really lied. He was all over her like white on rice. Eric wouldn’t have one problem taking advantage of her in her vulnerable state.

  Funny thing though, he was in a vulnerable state as well.

  He just didn’t realize it yet.

  Chapter Three

  Eric learned three things about Stacy while sitting with her at dinner. First, she loved guacamole so much it probably bordered on an obsession. Second, she had no problem drinking Diet Coke continuously while all he wished for was a little bit of Jack in his Coke. And third, she had a really easy, sweet laugh. One he wanted to listen to again and again.

  Oh yeah, and she was easy to talk to. He felt comfortable with her, and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt comfortable with anyone. He had a hard time letting his guard down.

  With Stacy, he found he wanted to reveal things to her. Things he revealed to no one else.

  Her hair was extra blonde, blonder than the last time he saw her and it looked good on her. She dressed stylishly, probably because of where she worked and he couldn’t stop staring at her lips.

  Yeah, that was his real problem. He was fascinated with her mouth. When she first came into the restaurant, it’d been perfectly glossed. Shiny pink with the tiniest bits of glitter catching the light, that mouth drew his eye right away. But, as the night wore on and she chomped on endless tortilla chips heavily laden with guacamole, the lip gloss wore off. Until all he saw was the bare, pink, succulent flesh of her mouth.

  A mouth he’d kissed. A mouth he’d licked at with his tongue. He knew what she tasted like. He knew how she kissed back. Hell, he knew the horny little sounds she made in her throat when she particularly enjoyed a kiss and damn it, he wanted to kiss her again. Maybe even have those pretty plump lips wrapped tight around his cock while he stood over her and fucked her mouth. She would kneel in front of him and take him because she wanted to. Because she needed him.

  Yeah, like that was going to happen.

  But he sat there and made nice. Teased her and talked to her without revealing too much for fear she’d freak out. Gripped his irritatingly plain Coke and wished like crazy he had some booze in him to give him strength. Give him confidence. Just watching her dazzled him a little bit. She was rather hypnotic—her energy, the way she paid total attention to him when he spoke.

  He liked it. He liked her.

  The thought threw him a little off balance.

  “Is there something on my face?” she asked out of nowhere.

  Eric realized yet again he’d been staring at her mouth, only this time, he got caught. “What?” He pretended he didn’t know what she talked about.

  Stacy wiped at the corner of her mouth with the tip of her index finger, a move he found incredibly sexy even though really, it wasn’t. He wanted to be that finger, damn it. Touching her freely…

  He hadn’t had any sexual contact with anyone for almost a week. A record for him since he split with Brandon and Alexa and…yeah, that had to be the reason why he found her wiping her mouth to be so goddamn arousing.

  “You’re looking at me funny. I thought I had a glob of guacamole on my chin or something.” She rubbed at her chin, rubbed at nothing and he chuckled.

  “Nothing on your face,” he said, his gaze drifting to her mouth once more.

  Damn it.

  “Then why are you staring at me like…oh.” Her hand fell away from her face, and she pressed her lips together. As if she knew exactly what he was thinking, which really wouldn’t surprise him since she seemed rather attuned to him. “You’re thinking of the other night, aren’t you?”

  He didn’t answer. Deciding to press his advantage he slid closer to her, thankful they sat in a booth. Slid so close he bumped into her. Felt the warm press of her thigh nudge against him and he pressed close. He slipped an arm around the seat of the booth when really he wanted to rest his arm on her shoulders.

  He felt like a teenager. Though when he’d been a teen he’d lusted for pretty boys at school. Or rugged boys. Big, tough rangy teenage football players who made him feel all dizzy and hot inside.

  Funny, now it was a pretty little sprite of a woman who made him feel all dizzy and hot inside.

  “If you’re thinking about trying to kiss me again I’m going to tell you don’t do it,” she warned, her voice low.

  Now that startled him. But he didn’t move away from her. “Why not?”

  She turned to face him. “So you are thinking about kissing me.”

  “You have very pretty lips.” He nuzzled her hair, breathed deep its clean, crisp fragrance. He could inhale her all night long.

  “I don’t like public displays of affection,” she admitted, sounding prim, her shoulders stiffening when his arm dropped around them.

  “No one can see us.” His mouth moved to brush against her temple.

  “We’re in the middle of a restaurant.”

  He withdrew from her a bit to study her. “I kissed you in an alley. I had one hand up your shirt and my other hand up your skirt. You must admit that was a pretty blatant display of affection.”

  “No one saw us. It was dark,” she answered in a very small voice. Her cheeks flushed pink, and she looked so damn innocent it threw him.

  Eric withdrew from her, went back to where he originally sat. Frustration ran through him, flowed through his veins, throbbed throughout his entire body and he wondered what this woman’s game was.

  Everyone had a game. His was to conquer as many as he could as fast as he could. Was she a ball buster? Did she enjoy letting men hang on a string? She sure seemed to.

  “You’re mad,” she finally said after the silence between them went on too long.

  “Frustrated,” he answered. “I don’t get you.” He decided to be honest.

  She frowned. “Can’t I just be your friend?”

  “Is that really all you want?’ He guzzled the rest of the soda down, wishing yet again for liquor. The minute he left this woman he would go find a bar, get drunk and get laid.

  He immediately felt like shit for the thought.

  “Listen.” She reached across the table and settled her hand over his. Her skin was pale against his, her fingers small, elegant. A plain silver band circled the ring finger on her right hand, and he wondered idly who gave it to her. “I like you. I think you need a friend as much as I do. So why can’t we start out as just…friends?”

  “I don’t start out as just friends with anyone.”

  She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. “Maybe that’s your problem.”

  “Are you saying I have a problem?” He withdrew his hand from beneath hers, immediately feeling defensive.

  “I—I didn’t mean it like that.” She shook her head and despite his mounting anger and frustration he couldn’t help but think how pretty she looked.

  And how disappointed he was she didn’t want to move this into the sexual adventure zone right away.

  “Listen.” He sighed, ran a hand through his hair. “I’m on edge, and I’m acting like an asshole. Don’t forget I warned you about that, you know.”

  “I know.” She nodded, nibbling on that lush lower lip. Lust coursed through his veins and unbelievably, he felt himself grow hard. Jesus, he was ridiculous. “It’s just after everything that’s happened to me, I’m really not ready for anything like—this.”

  “Like what?” Now that statement intrigued him. What exactly was she talking about?

  She rolled her eyes, looked vaguely uncomfortable. “You know.”

  “No, I really don’t.” He shook his head, perplexed. And damn it, feeling a little hopeful too.

  “There’s a connection here.” She whispered the last two words, her gaze sliding this way and that, as if she didn’t want anyone to hear she just admitted that. “Between us. Can’t you feel it?”

  “Baby, I feel it so much I can hardly control myself.” Again he slid toward her, slipped his arm around her shoulders and stroked the bare, warm skin of her upper arm. Felt her shiver beneath his fingers and he smiled.

  “Eric.” She gazed up at him, the vulnerability written all over his face. “I mean it. I’m—you make me nervous.”

  Nice to know the feeling was mutual. She made him nervous as hell. “Let me kiss you just once.” Now she’d reduced him to begging. Nice.

  She stared deep into his eyes, so deep it was as if she could look into his soul and he wanted to squirm. Wanted to slip out of the booth and run away without ever looking back.

  It also made him want to kneel before her and bare it all. Let her know exactly what he was, who he was and know deep down inside she would accept him no matter what.

  Yeah. The thought was scary, yet it held a certain appeal he couldn’t deny.

  He leaned down, brushed her lips with his. Just an innocent kiss, a whisper-soft touch of lips against lips. And yet it rocked him to his very core. He wanted more. He wanted to devour her but he held off.

  “See?” she whispered when he lifted his head away from hers. “There it is. You can’t deny it.”

  No, he couldn’t. But it would be best if he could pretend it didn’t exist. Ignore it because it scared the hell out of him. That’s what he did now. Ignored everything that made him feel anything beyond sexual satisfaction.

  It was easier that way.

  “Uh, I need to go to the bathroom,” he mumbled, slipping away from her, both physically and emotionally. Slipped right out of the booth and stood before the table. Stacy watched him warily.

  “Are you trying to leave without admitting it?” Oh damn, she was good. Too good. She had him all figured out and she didn’t even really know him.

  Yet it felt like she did.

  “Hell no, I would never do that,” he answered weakly. “I’ll be back.”

  Liar, liar, liar.

  The word taunted him as he strode through the restaurant, dodging a waiter as he moved through the maze of tables. He didn’t look back at where Stacy sat, he couldn’t. One look at her sitting there waiting for him and he’d go back. Do something stupid. Or worse, he might say something stupid and he couldn’t do that.

  He couldn’t risk it.

  Eric went to the counter, paid their dinner bill accompanied by a generous tip and fled the restaurant.

  “Didn’t I see you here a few nights ago?”

  Eric glanced up from his third beer to find a very attractive man standing before him. Clad in designer jeans and a stretched-tight white T-shirt, the man exuded raw sexuality just standing there.


  “Probably,” he answered with a wicked smile, turning his full attention on the man, who eyed him with unabashed interest. “Come here often?”

  “Now isn’t that the oldest line in the book?” The man smiled, his teeth extra white against the bronze of his skin and Eric grinned in return.

  “Yeah, but it works.” Confidence flowed through him, as did the beer and he finally felt good. In his element and on top of his game. They chatted, made small talk and he found out the guy’s name was Rob. Rob was twenty-three, a recent college graduate hard up for a real job and working as a waiter at a popular restaurant not far from the bar.

  Tonight happened to be Rob’s day off. Eric silently thanked his lucky stars.

  It didn’t take much convincing on his part to talk Rob to go into the darkened hall in the back of the bar hardly anyone knew about. He led Rob back there with ease and as soon as they rounded a corner he had Rob pressed against the wall, their mouths locked, tongues dancing. The kiss turned instantly erotic, Eric’s cock hardened when Rob’s hands wandered all over him. Anxious and eager, Eric rubbed against him with a purposeful thrust, letting him feel his growing erection and Rob groaned into his mouth.


  “Suck my cock,” Eric commanded and without hesitation Rob went to his knees, his hands resting on the front of Eric’s jeans. Quick fingers undid the snap and slid down the zipper. Eric’s breathing increased as he watched Rob from beneath hooded eyes. Watched as he spread the fly of his jeans wide, stroked his fingers down the length of his cotton-covered erection. Rob touched him, teased him until Eric finally had enough and growled, “Do it.”

  A low chuckle sounded from Rob and he reached inside, withdrew Eric’s heavy cock from its confines.

  “Nice,” Rob murmured and Eric wished he would just shut up and do what he asked. Draw his cock into his mouth and suck him deep until
he shot his load down his throat. Then he’d zip up and go home.

  But first, he needed to come. And he didn’t give a shit if Rob wanted to come or not. He wasn’t going to offer.

  He only wanted to take.

  Within moments he had his wish. Rob’s mouth wrapped tight around the head of his cock, his fingers curled around the base of him. Sucking and stroking, licking and squeezing and Eric pumped his hips, fucked Rob’s mouth. He reached out and gripped the back of Rob’s head, holding him firm as he flexed his hips and increased his thrusts. Felt the lash of Rob’s tongue, the hot, urgent suction of his mouth and he knew he was close. It was so easy, how fast his orgasm came upon him, threatened to overwhelm him.

  He thought about trying to make it last but fuck it, he gave in. Let the sensation wash over him as his entire body was overcome with incessant shudders and his semen spurted from the tip of his cock. Rob groaned, swallowed it all down with a satisfied groan and finally, finally Eric pushed him away. Zipped up his jeans, patted Rob on the head and walked out.

  Feeling like complete shit, feeling guilty.

  Thinking of Stacy the entire drive home.

  He wasn’t worthy of her. She deserved better. He told himself he would never see her again. She didn’t need him. He would only hurt her. Hell, he probably already had.

  Eric kept the mantra up even as he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t sleep. Replayed the moment at the restaurant over and over again, remembering what she’d said and how much it scared him. He’d left her there. Straight up ditched her like some sort of complete asshole and he bet she wouldn’t want to see him again even if he tried. That would be the best move on her part. The smartest move.

  He was a whore. The quick, stolen moment with Rob the stud in the back hall of the bar left him feeling empty inside—and completely unsatisfied. He’d set himself up for a lifetime of meaningless crap and the thought of it, the absolute devastating image of him living his life just like this for the rest of his days depressed him so much he almost wanted to fucking cry like a baby.


  Forcing his eyes shut, he tried to sleep. Told himself he would never go see her again.


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