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Bitter Truths

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I’ve never apologized for all the crap I put you through. I was stupid.”

  “Yeah, you were.” She got to her feet, kissing his head. “I promised Tamsin I’d watch some kind of sparkly vampire movie with her. Think about it, Landon. Make the choice that you want to make.”

  Landon watched his mother go, and dropped his head into his hands. He didn’t have a clue what the hell he was going to do.

  “Hey,” Sarah said, catching him unaware.

  “I thought you’d gone to bed.”

  “I had. Headache, and when I get them, it’s just easier to sleep it off.” Sarah took a seat at the table. “What’s wrong, Landon?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’re having to make a choice about staying here, and going back to England with Rick, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Landon, your family aren’t just in the casino gambling business are they?” Sarah asked.


  “Darker stuff?”

  “The Denton name is usually one to be feared.”


  He reached out to take her hands, happy that she didn’t flinch away from him. “I never lied to you. The family has a job, and I can’t tell you it all right now. It’s too much.”

  “Do you have feelings for me?” she asked. “You know, do you feel something for me?”

  He swallowed.

  “It’s just I’ve heard odd parts of conversation, and I’m convinced that is what people have been saying. You’ve got to make a choice?”

  “I do have feelings for you.”

  “What choice do you have to make?” she asked.

  “My brothers, when they graduated from high school at eighteen, they all went to work for my father.”

  “You’re eighteen.”

  “And I’ve graduated. I can go to college if I choose, but I’ve always wanted to join the family.”

  She squeezed his hands. “Then you’ve got to do what you’ve always wanted. Landon, I’m not the prettiest girl in the world. I’m sure you’ll find someone new, but if you don’t, I can promise you, I’ll be waiting until you either show up looking all dashing and very proper, or I get a phone call saying that you’ve found someone else.”

  “That will never happen.”

  Sarah got to her feet, and brushed her lips against his. “We’ll see.”

  Chapter Ten

  The following night, Ruby woke up to the blaring of music. It was filling the apartment, and surrounding all of her thoughts, breaking through, driving her need to dance. Throwing the blankets from her body, she left her room, and paused when she saw Oliver, holding a remote, and strumming it like a guitar, dancing around the room.

  Seeing him let go, reminded her of what she’d done the first time she was at his apartment, and not bound by chains. Folding her arms, she watched him release all that pent-up anger and aggression that she used music to release. Since hurting that man in the cells the previous day, she’d been a little on edge. Shaken. She didn’t understand it.

  Fighting had been part of her life for so long, but now, since knowing the truth about Lionel, it felt, distant, wrong.

  She had followed a path her family had never wanted for her, and yet it was there. In the past twenty-four hours, she had wanted to be more like Harper and Betty than she had ever wanted to be like anyone else.

  Oliver spun around, and saw her, immediately turning the music down.

  “I’d left my door open, and you have the music even louder than I do. You must be pretty annoyed.”

  “Yeah, it’s proving to be difficult finding out who stole the fucking codes, or who had them. We know it was a Colton. Those bastards in the cells were working with them. Their bank balances show they had been paid off, each of them given a quick fifty grand for their part. It’s a shame that money now belongs to us.”

  “Hundred and fifty thousand dollars, that must help pay off some that was lost.”

  “If I told you there was at least five million in the safes, what would you think?”

  “How the fuck do you clean that money?” she asked. “Cops must know.”

  He shook his head. “That money is to do business with. It goes on the streets. It pays for deals. It’s money that can’t be traced to us, Ruby.”

  “Any leads on who it might be?”


  “Any you have brought in?” she asked, moving closer to him.

  “No. What does your guy say?”

  “My guy is still working on decoding my brother’s files. It seems Lionel had a big issue with trust. More than I realized. I thought he’d have taught me to decode stuff for him.”

  “He didn’t want to put you in danger, Ruby. He loved you, and I know if it was Tamsin, I’d have done the same thing. Everything I could do to protect you.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close.

  Every time she was next to him, her whole body felt alive, awakened by his touch.

  Cupping his cheek, she stared into his eyes, and followed the swaying of his hips. It wasn’t much, not really, but she just loved being near him, surrounded by him. “When I’m with you, I do feel safe, Oliver. I don’t know why I do. I just know everything feels right.”

  He didn’t say anything, and seconds later, his lips were on hers.

  She didn’t fight this time.

  Accepting his kiss, she opened up, meeting his tongue halfway, tasting him for the first time, and not wanting anything to stop.

  Oliver sank his fingers into her hair, holding her in place, and she accepted it, taking what he was giving, and loving it.

  Moving her hand to his shoulders, she held onto him as his other hand grabbed her ass tugging her close. Her body went into overdrive, needing him more than she’d ever needed anything else.

  Biting his lip, she pulled away, staring into his eyes. Her pussy was on fire, and she was tired, so tired of fighting him. Staring into his green eyes, she tugged her shirt over her head, throwing it to the floor.

  At the same time, Oliver started to remove his shirt. She liked seeing him naked. His tats were few, but they were cute. She especially liked the dolphin on his hip, which she discovered he got because of a bet with Jacob and Abel.

  Shimmying out of her pajama shorts, she stood before him completely naked, wet, begging, and desperate to feel him.

  When she wrapped her arms around him, ready to take the next step, she was surprised when he caught hold of her face, waiting.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life. I want you, Oliver. I don’t want us to stop this time.” She wanted this, with him.

  Oliver gripped her ass, and carried her back through to his bedroom. “This is your first time, and I’m not going to fuck it up.”

  He placed her down beside the base of the bed, and kissed her. His tongue plundered into her mouth, making her moan. She ran her hands over his naked body, wrapping her fingers around the length of his cock. He was rock hard, and the tip was a little wet from his pre-cum.

  Pumping the length for several strokes, she let him go to cup his balls. She’d never touched a man’s personals other than to hurt them, and she was curious about him.

  Finally, he took hold of her hand, pushing her away.

  “I’m the one that is in control right now. Not you.” He pushed her to the bed, and before she could stop him, he had her legs open, and kept that way with the width of his shoulders.

  “I want to touch you as well.”

  “All in good time. There’s no need to go rushing it.” He held open the lips of her sex, and she cried out as his tongue worked on pussy.

  It had been too long since he’d last touched her, and she was ready for him, more than ready for his touch.

  “You taste so damn good,” he said, sucking her clit into his mouth, and biting down hard.

  She screamed his name, sinking her fingers into his hair and riding his face as he wo
rked her pussy.

  “You’re going to come for me, and then I’m going to fuck you so hard, and claim that precious cherry.”

  If it was anyone else she would have been grossed out by his words, but Oliver, he was different. He belonged to her, and she knew without a doubt that she was his. Over the past few days she had come to see many things about Oliver, and about his family. One of them was that they were loyal, especially to their women, the right one. To Ruby, loyalty meant everything.

  “Please,” she said, giving in and begging for what she wanted. She needed to come, and was desperate for it.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his tongue to drive her crazy by swirling around her clit, and making her wait for what she wanted. She had never been a patient person, and so was desperate for his touch.

  “Make me come, Oliver,” she said.

  She didn’t know what made him show mercy. Maybe it was the use of his name, or something else, she wasn’t sure. Either way, within seconds, she came screaming his name over and over.

  Everything moved so fast as he moved her toward the center of the bed. She watched through hazy eyes as he got a condom, and slid it over his cock. He moved between her thighs, aligned his cock to her entrance, caught her hands in one of his, and stared into her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, babe. I wish I could take away the pain.”

  She was confused, and then he thrust forward, breaking through her virginity, claiming her cherry, and causing her immense pain. She felt like she was breaking in two. Oliver wasn’t small. From what she had felt of his cock, he was big, and he was proving it now as he thrust inside her to the hilt, making her take every single inch of him.

  There was no way for her to fight him as he held her down.

  To keep her silent, he slammed his lips down on hers.

  When all of his cock was inside her, he held still, and didn’t let her go. She didn’t know if she wanted to hurt him, or not. The pain was unexpected. Coming from a pleasurable high to pain hadn’t been in her plan, and she didn’t know what to do.

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t want to hurt you,” he said.

  “I’m going to kill you.” She gritted her teeth, hating that tears leaked from her eyes.

  She hated crying more than anything.

  “I never wanted to hurt you, Ruby.” He kissed her cheek. “I also know you’re a little firecracker, and the only way I’d get out of his unscathed was to make sure you couldn’t hit out at me. For a girl, you’re pretty strong.”

  “You could have warned me.”

  “Nothing I say would have prepared you for that.”

  “How did you know? Taken a few virgins?”

  “No. I haven’t. I care, and I may have … researched a little,” he said.

  His cheeks went a deep shade of red, and she stared at him. “You researched?”

  “Yes. I wanted to make sure that when this moment came, I was prepared for everything. I wanted it to be perfect, and to avoid possible damage. The problem is, a lot of women feel pain their first time. Some can handle it, but others find it difficult. I didn’t know what you would do, so I figured waiting was best.”

  “I don’t forgive you.”

  “You will.” He kissed her cheek. “Because how can you resist me licking your pussy out now?”

  She forced herself to look at him again. “What do you mean?”

  “How about I make it up to you?”

  “I’m listening.”

  She couldn’t believe she was striking a deal, with his dick inside her, while she partly wanted to kill him. Also, the pain was fading, and fast. She wanted to get as much out of it as possible. Being with Oliver, it made her feel complete somehow. She no longer felt alone.

  “How about I take you to a movie, or better yet, dinner? I know a nice Mexican place that we can try. When we come home, I will dedicate the entire night to your pussy, and make it up to you?”

  She was tempted.

  “Chocolate? And you have to go grocery shopping with me.”

  “Why grocery shopping?”

  “Because, we may not be a normal couple, but I want to do normal, couple things. Grocery shopping is one of them, and I love to cook.”

  The smile on his face took her breath away.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You called us a couple.”

  “That’s what we are, right?”

  “Yeah, we are. One hell of a couple. I’ll take you to any grocery store you want, whenever you want.”




  Oliver wished the condom wasn’t between them. He’d have loved to feel her wrapped around his dick, but that was for another time. She was no longer looking at him as if she was ready to kill him, and the small smile on her lips would stay with him forever.

  When she’d removed her shirt, he’d noticed the change inside her. She wasn’t holding back, but was in fact ready for this. He couldn’t believe he had claimed her virginity. Ruby didn’t have any idea how precious the gift she had given him. He’d treasure it for the rest of his life, and he wasn’t lying about his research either. Finding out she was a virgin, he’d been terrified. He was used to fucking women that had cock on a daily basis in all holes.

  The women had taken everything he had wanted—anal, mouth, pussy, whatever he wanted, they’d granted him. With Ruby, it was different. He didn’t want to take from her. No, he wanted to give, and see the little things he did make her happy.

  Like the roses he’d brought for her in the hallway. The red blooms had caught his eye on the way home, and he’d purchased the lot, including a vase. He’d watched her arrange them and display them. In the kitchen, he’d seen her stamp in the room. The once clear sides now had different oils and seasonings.

  Little bits of Ruby were starting to appear in his apartment, and he loved it. His space no longer felt lonely. He was finally complete, and in feeling that way, he knew what his brothers had finally found.




  He’d never known anything like it before in his life. Being a Denton, he was used to competing, fighting, and of course working. There was the love of a family, but nothing compared to this.

  Staring into her green eyes, he knew he’d finally found home.

  Leaning down, he claimed her lips, and slowly started to move within her. He pulled back, waiting to see if she was ready.

  “Does this hurt?” he asked, rocking inside her.

  She shook her head.

  “You’ll tell me when to stop?”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Ruby held onto his arms as he released her hands, gripping her hips, and thrusting inside her. At first, his thrusts were little, allowing her to get accustomed to the feel of his dick inside her. When she started to meet him, taking more, and gripping him so her nails would sink into his flesh, he gave her more. Increasing his speed, he averted his gaze to look between them at where they were finally joined. His cock had a few specks of blood on it, and the lips of her pussy were open, spread around his cock, taking more of him inside.

  “That feels amazing,” she said.

  “There’s more, baby.” He moved back, catching her hips so that she could see. “Look at us. Watch as I fuck you.” Watch as I make you mine.

  “Oh, yes.”

  Moving his hands from her hips, he stroked through her slit, teasing her clit. “I want you to come for me, baby. Come all over my cock. Show me how much you want it.”

  He thrust inside her, driving deeper with every push. Her pussy was so damn wet. Even on the condom he saw the evidence of her arousal. He loved it. Ruby wasn’t a fake, and it wasn’t the result in the money he’d thrown at her either.

  She was all his.

  He belonged to her, just like she belonged to him.

  They were meant to be together, and he’d fight for her every single day.

  Her c
unt tightened around his dick, and he struggled to keep his release at bay. He wanted her to come first, demanded it.

  Pinching her clit, he soothed it out with his fingers.

  She splintered apart, calling his name. Only when she rode her climax out did he follow her.

  Gripping her hips, he growled her name as he emptied his cum into the condom. He went a little lightheaded at the power of his orgasm, and he moved over her, kissing her lips. Staying inside her pussy, he held her close.

  “So that’s what I’ve been missing all these years,” she said, panting.

  “You’re never going to feel that way with anyone else,” he said, warning her.

  She chuckled. “I couldn’t resist teasing you.” She ran her fingers up and down his arms. “I know there’s not going to be anyone else for me. Not ever.”

  “Do you hate that?” he asked.

  “What? Belonging to you?”

  He nodded.

  “Absolutely. It’s going to be pure torture.”

  “You’re going to wish I was never born,” he said, laughing.

  The smile on her face disappeared. “I’m being serious now, Oliver. If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t.”

  “I’d make you.”

  “No, you wouldn’t. I thought you might, and for a few days, I wondered that myself. I’ve talked with your mother, Lou, Harper, and even Betty. You Denton men, you’re all tough to the outside world, and you are. You’ll take on any fight regardless if you win or lose.”

  “Most of the time we win.”

  “I know. The truth is, when it comes to women, or at least the right woman in your life, you’re like butter in a hot room. You melt. You’re not this hard guy who I need to be afraid of. I know you’d die for me, and even if that is scary as hell, I wouldn’t change it.”

  Oliver pushed some hair off her face, not wanting to be hindered the beautiful view.

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “No. Even when I was young, I always wanted to be needed. To be loved in a consuming way. Like in the movies. You know where then men are completely devoted, and love their women, never cheat.”

  “I get it.”

  “To my parents I was a mistake. I don’t ever want to make my children believe that they were mistakes. I want them to know that they are loved more than anything.”


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