Book Read Free

Secluded Heart

Page 9

by Graysen Morgen

  “Brian. He’s leaving for a lunch meeting.”

  “All right. I’ll be here.”


  Chase was asleep on the couch when the door bell rang. She noticed Pulp Fiction was playing on the Plasma TV on the wall when she got up to answer the door. Damn, I love that movie. The only time I get to see it is when it’s half over. Note to self: buy the god damn DVD! She pulled the door open. Remy was standing there in thin windbreaker pants and a tank top. Chase fought off the urge to pull the woman into her arms when she looked into the deep brown eyes staring back at her, full of desire.

  “Come in.” She stepped away from the door. Remy walked through the foyer Chase shut the door. Remy turned back towards her and their lips met softly. Remy ran her hands through Chase’s short hair and Chase pulled the taller woman as tightly against her as she could, running her hands across the soft skin under her tank top.

  Chase parted her lips, Remy tasted further until their tongues touched. They filled each other with the deep passion that burned between them. They made it as far as the couch. Remy laid back and Chase crawled on top of her. She slowly pulled Remy’s tank top over her head and tossed it to the floor. Their lips were fused together as they kissed once more. Chase broke the kiss, but continued the contact as she ran her lips and tongue down Remy’s neck and across her chest. Chase placed light kisses all over Remy’s soft stomach and slid her pants down.

  Minutes later all of their clothes were in various piles on the living room floor. Remy pinned Chase down to the couch and kissed every inch of the blonde’s body that she could reach, going very slowly over her breasts to tease them. Then, she let go with one hand so she could slide it between Chase’s legs. Chase raised her hips urging Remy to go inside of her. Her mind was searching and her body was begging for release. Remy gave in and entered Chase, feeling the wetness fill her hand when she teasingly pulled her fingers back out. Chase gasped and grabbed a handful of Remy’s short brown hair with her free hand. Remy straddled Chase’s thigh and slid against it hard enough for her folds to open and cover the path with warm moisture.

  “You feel that?” Remy said with a breathless whisper. Chase nodded. Her entire body was on fire, threatening to explode on its own any minute. “You do that to me. God Chase, I can’t stop thinking about you, the way you feel against me, wanting you inside of me, longing to be inside of you, dying to taste you…” Remy leaned down and kissed Chase’s soft pink lips. Their kiss easily turned forceful as the intense fire burned between them. Each woman pled her case to other through hunger filled, passionate caresses.

  Both women were oblivious to the fact that they were squished together on the couch when there was a very comfortable king-size bed upstairs. They continued to kiss and enter each other, riding to new heights as their orgasms peaked simultaneously. Chase threw her head back and pulled Remy against her.

  They fell asleep listening to each other’s heartbeat and shallow breaths.


  An hour later Chase awoke to the sound of the doorbell. Images of their lovemaking flashed through her mind when Remy stirred against her. Then, reality slapped her across the face when she heard a loud pounding on the door followed by a man’s voice. Oh shit!

  Riley dove off the couch and rushed around trying to put her clothes back on correctly. Chase was right behind her, straightening the last of her clothing as she pulled the door open. Brian was standing in the doorway. Shit, Shit, Shit!

  “Oh. Hi Dr. Leery. Sorry to bother you. I’m looking for Remy, I noticed her car outside.” Chase wondered how he figured out which door she went in. Either he was outside watching her, or he knocked on every door. Before she could answer him, Remy pushed past her.

  “I’m right here Brian.” She said sarcastically.

  “I was looking all over for you. What are you doing here?” He sounded fairly calm. Maybe he had no idea what had gone on an hour ago.

  “I stopped by to see Chase. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Well we need to talk. Let’s go.” She hesitated, and then followed him outside. She turned back long enough for Chase to see the sadness in her beautiful eyes.


  Chase hit the speed dial button on her cell phone as soon as she shut the front door. She waited for the voice to answer on the other end.

  Hey stranger.”

  “Don’t start Frankie. I’m having a god damn melt down!”

  “What! What’s wrong?”

  “What the fuck isn’t wrong?”

  “Huh? I hate it when you talk in riddles Chase.”

  “How about Remy came over, we made love, then her boyfriend shows up at my door. I’m not sure if he knew or not. He seemed a little irritated that she was here.”

  “Back the fucking turnip truck up! You slept with her, AGAIN!” Her voice went up a few octaves on the last word.

  “Yes.” Chase said under her breath.

  “Chase!” Frankie shook her head. “How did he know where she was?”

  “I guess he followed her, I don’t know.”

  “Hmm…how did he know which door was yours?”

  “Frankie I don’t know. Actually, he looked kind of shocked when I opened the door. I think he either saw her go to this one or knocked on all of them. Honestly, I think he thought she was with another guy. He looked really surprised.”

  “Holy shit! What did you say to him?”

  “What the fuck was I suppose to say? ‘Oh hi, I just finished screwing your girlfriend; she’ll be out in a minute’.” Chase said with sarcasm. “I said hi, and he said he was looking for Remy. By that time she pushed past me and spoke to him. They left right after that.”

  “Wow.” Frankie let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry honey.”

  “Don’t sweat it, it’s over now. I guess I’m lucky he didn’t knock me out or something.”

  “No shit! I would’ve pissed my pants!”

  Chase laughed. “I would like to have seen that. And for the record I was scared to death, but I didn’t let him know it. I acted like she stopped by to say hi.”


  A month passed by. Chase hadn’t heard from or seen Remy since that afternoon at her condo. She was worried about her and hoped she was okay. But, what went on between Remy and Brian was none of her business, in fact, she was furious with herself for letting things go as far as they had. Frankie, Gayle and Ping did everything they could to keep her mind off of Remy and the incidents that linked them together.


  Chase finished washing her hands and donned her surgical gown and rubber gloves before going into the sterile operating room. She was glad to see Dr. Henry Grainger in the room. She completely forgot he was her assistant for this surgery. In fact, she hadn’t worked with him since the fatal surgery last year that he assisted her with. Part of Chase still thought about that day, partly because it started off as the most perfect day of her life and ended as the most tragic. She knew deep down she’d never forget that man or his family, just as she still hadn’t forgotten about the first and only other person to die on her table.

  The blond said a tiny prayer and smiled at Henry when he joined her next to the patient.

  “Morning, Dr. Leery.” The black man smiled and began preparing the surgical tools.

  “So far so good Doctor Grainger.” The anesthesiologist was heading out of the room as Chase began to open the woman’s chest to perform the Mitral Valve Replacement. At this point in her career, Chase had completed so many of these procedures she could probably do this one with her eyes closed. But, she still followed every precaution, taking her time and using her own established technique.

  Two and a half hours later the operation was completed and the woman was set to recover with no problems. Chase spoke to her family as soon as she cleaned up, then made her way back to her own office to go over her schedule for the following week since it was already Friday.


  Chase finished her paperwork and was about to answer the page sh
e’d just received when she heard a soft knock on her door.

  “Come in.” She called out and hung up the telephone. When the door opened Remy’s tall slender frame was standing there with her gorgeous brown eyes gazing down at the adorable blond behind the desk in dark blue scrubs. Chase wished god would turn her into Smurf size so she wouldn’t be seen by the woman, but it was too late.

  “Hi.” Remy said as she shut the door.

  “What brings you here?” Chase said loosely.

  “I…we need to talk…”

  “We tried that last time we were together, remember?”

  A faint smile crossed Remy’s face, and then faded away. “I…”

  Chase took a deep breath. “What are we suppose to say to each other Remy?”

  “I don’t know.” The brunette tried to speak. “I’m so confused.”

  “You’re confused?!” Chase tried not to let the tone in her voice rise. “I don’t know whether I’m coming or going anymore Remy. All I think about is you. I try so god damn hard to get over you and as soon as I think I’ll make it to the other side, you appear and my entire world falls apart again.”

  “I don’t know what to do Chase. I…You’re the only woman I’ve ever been with.” She ran a hand through her short brown hair. “You’re the only person that has ever made me feel like this. I want you so bad I can’t see straight. Yet, I’m scared to death. I’m not…well at least I never thought I was…a lesbian.” She finished close to a whisper.

  “What is that suppose to mean Remy? Are you still with him?”

  “Yes and no. Hell I don’t know anymore.” Tears started to slowly roll down her cheeks.

  “Look at me.” Remy stopped staring at the floor long enough to see the green eyes sparkling in front of her. “I don’t want to be your little secret…I can’t.” Chase let out a long sigh.

  “What do you want?”

  “You Remy. I want you, and I can’t handle having only a part of you, and only when it’s convenient.”

  “What if I can’t give you that?” Remy broke their gaze, but quickly moved her eyes back to Chase’s.

  “Then we should just be friends.” Chase said with as much courage as she could muster up. Remy squeezed her eyes closed. When she opened them the tears started to flow. She left the room before Chase could stop her. Chase wiped away her own tears and wished she could take the words back. Maybe this is best. Maybe…Maybe my ass. She ran both hands through her short blond hair, drew in a deep breath, and then slowly let it out ending with a long sigh.


  Three weeks later Chase was back to working a hundred hours a week. She refused to feel sorry for herself or let the situation bother any longer. Damn it, she was bound and determined to get over Remy Sheridan.

  Gayle called Chase and invited her to go out with Gayle and her new ‘flavor of the month’ Victoria. Ping was also going, at least that would give Chase someone to talk to while Gayle did her usual petting all over the new woman she was with. So, Chase agreed to go. Since Frankie was working late, she wasn’t going.


  Chase was two stiff double Jack on the rocks’ into the night. Gayle bumped her arm and leaned over.

  “Look over there in the corner.” She whispered.

  “What?” Chase glanced around the room. She had no idea what the hell Gayle was talking about. Victoria was walking towards them. Chase couldn’t help eyeing the pretty young girl Gayle was seeing. She was about Chase’s height with long blond hair and blue eyes. Chase figured the girl to be maybe twenty-five. Gayle saw who Chase was looking at.

  “Not her.” She smacked her arm and pointed. “Over there!” Chase followed Gayle’s arm. The dance floor opened up enough for her to see the other side of the large room. The woman sitting at the table had her back to them. Even in the darkness Chase could make out the figure.

  “God damn it!” Chase turned back to the bar and ordered another round. The soft hands that thread around her waist and the warm breath on her neck sent goose bumps over her body. Her blood boiled and her libido flew into overdrive.

  “Get off of me Remy.” She said through clenched teeth.

  “Who’s Remy?” The person holding her from behind answered as she pressed her lips to the back of Chase’s neck close to her hairline. Chase spun around, nearly knocking the woman over.

  “Ronnie!” Chase had the ‘deer in the headlights’ look on her face. She was expecting Remy behind her, especially after she spotted the woman sitting across the bar.

  “So that’s her name.” Ronnie grinned.

  Shit. Son of a bitch! Chase tried to cover it up. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  Ronnie smiled. “I was working on a project with Frankie, she said you were here. She came in with me, but I’m not sure where she went.”

  “Hmm…She said she wasn’t going out.”

  “I guess I’m pretty good at persuasion.”

  I’d say so. Chase thought. This is so not what I need tonight. Ronnie ordered herself a drink while Gayle introduced her new ‘flame’ to Ronnie. Ping was busy flirting with the girl next to her that just stepped off of the dance floor.

  “So what does she look like?” Ronnie asked as she sipped her martini. Her curly black hair hung loosely around her shoulders.

  “Who?” Chase asked with a raised eyebrow. All She Wants To Do Is Dance started playing on the speakers. Gayle grabbed Chase and took off to the dance floor. The two of them always liked to dance to that song. They could make any woman’s head turn, just to watch the way they handled each other.

  Gayle wrapped her arms around Chase and pressed herself tightly against her, then released her for a turn. They fled right back into each other’s arms. Chase turned around to let Gayle hold her from behind. They mimicked each other’s every move as Chase turned back to face her. They made a fast dance to a fast song look very, very sexual. A few of the women clapped, some whistled. Gayle and Chase just grinned from ear to ear and continued twirling and grinding with each other. When the song ended they made their way back to the bar. Frankie was laughing and shaking her head. Victoria was ready to slap Gayle and Ronnie smiled. She’d seen them dance together before. Ping was off in her own little world, still trying to pick up the girl sitting next to her.

  “You too looked good together. But watch this.” Ronnie said as she grabbed Chase’s hand and led her to the dance floor. Chase smiled when she recognized the song, Son of a Preacher Man.

  Ronnie threw her arms around Chase’s neck and ran her hands into the short blond hair as they swayed together. Chase released Ronnie’s hold long enough to spin her around then catch her and pull her back into her arms. They continued to twirl and grind together until the song was over.

  Chase was panting when she made it back to the bar. She quickly downed the rest of her double Jack and wiped the sweat from her face.

  “I think the ladies are lining up to dance with you.” Frankie said as she walked up behind Chase and threw her arm around the blonde‘s shoulders.

  “Ha! Not likely. I thought you weren’t coming out tonight?”

  She shrugged. “I decided I needed a drink. Besides, I’m glad I did, you need someone protecting you with a stick.”

  Chase shook her head and laughed.

  “Hey love, where’s my dance?” Chase didn’t have to turn around she knew the voice and smelled the familiar perfume. Yelena smacked Chase’s butt.

  “What brings you out tonight? No sleazy magazine shoots this weekend?”

  Yelena smiled. Chase noticed the ‘French Bitch’ was wearing tight jeans and a very low cut spaghetti strap shirt with a built in bra that didn’t help. Her fake boobs were bulging over the top of it. Her wavy bleach blond hair hung halfway down her back and her hazel eyes glistened in the dark. If she wasn’t so fake, Yelena would be a really pretty woman. Oh well. Chase thought to herself.

  “I remember when we use to get the crowd going on the dance floor. You were always a sexy dancer, love.” Yelen
a winked at Chase.

  “She still is.” Ronnie butted in. Yelena raised an eyebrow at her and grinned.

  “Did you get the present I sent you?” Yelena was referring to the latest issue of Hustler Magazine where she was the completely nude centerfold. Of course Chase got it. As a matter of fact, she flipped through it and saw the raunchy pictures of the woman she shared her bed and life with for over two years. Then, she felt disgusted as she tossed it in the trash can.

  “Uh…yeah I got it.” Chase rolled her eyes.

  “So?” Yelena ran her hand through her long hair to push it out of her face. “What did you think?”

  I think it’s trashy, tasteless, trampy… “It’s definitely you.” She said with sarcasm. Chase still couldn’t believe what she saw in this woman.

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  The DJ changed the music to Wild Thing. Yelena grabbed Chase’s hand and winked. “For old times’ sake?” Chase shrugged and followed her to the dance floor.

  Yelena stopped in the center of the room, threw her arms around Chase’s neck and rubbed herself all over her. She looked like a stripper dancing on a pole.

  Frankie, Ronnie, Gayle and Victoria, Gayle’s new girlfriend, all watched from the bar.

  “Wow. She definitely has some moves.” Victoria said. Gayle shot her a look.

  “She’s so trampy.” Frankie added.

  “How long were they together?” Ronnie asked as she ordered another drink.

  “Uh…a little over two years I think.” Frankie sipped her martini. Ping noticed the action on the dance floor.

  “What the fuck?!” Ping yelled. “Oh she is NOT getting her whore claws back into Chase! Frankie, why didn’t you stop her?”


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