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Mia Bella Anna

Page 5

by Jacquline Anne

  Anna finished tying his tie. She straightened it and patted his chest. “All done.”

  Cole looked in the mirror and checked out her work. “Damn, it looks awesome.”

  “It’s a trinity knot.”

  “Where did you learn that?”

  “Would you believe me if I said design school?”


  “Well, I did. It was a special project I worked on. Knot tying, that is. I used my dad’s ties to practice on.” She grabbed his suit coat and helped him put it on. She put her arms around his neck. “You look damn fine, Mr. Turner, and to think I was dreading this weekend.”

  Cole pulled her body to his, his erection pushing against her. “Well, Miss Bryant, you look sexy as hell. Why would you be dreading this weekend?”

  “Some crazy alpha male invited himself along.” Anna licked her lips—on purpose. She was rarin’ to go, but it wasn’t possible right now with the kids and their schedule. She wanted to give him a hard time and admittedly enjoyed it. She wanted Cole to be thinking about what was going to happen later tonight when they got back to the hotel.

  “I know, Anna, I’m sorry. I can be a dick sometimes.”

  “Yeah, well, I can be a bitch sometimes,” she admitted in a soft voice. She leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips, letting them linger so she could enjoy the zing that was flowing through her body. She broke the kiss and stepped back. “Until later.”

  Cole smiled at her as she began to walk away. He started mumbling, “Lucciola lucciola, gialla gialla, metti la briglia—”

  Anna turned back around. “What are you saying?”

  “Oh sorry. I usually recite it in my head.”

  “What is it?”

  “It is an Italian nursery rhyme about fireflies. My ma used to say it to us when we were little.”

  “And why are you doing it right now?” Anna questioned with a raised brow.

  Cole pointed to the bulge in his pants.

  “Oh.” She laughed and walked toward the door. With her hand on the doorknob, she looked back at him. “An Italian nursery rhyme? Nice. I would love for you to recite the whole thing someday and translate it for me but only when I don’t want you hard.” She winked at him. “And feel free to talk to me in Italian whenever you want. It’s kind of sexy.”

  Cole chuckled. If he only paid more attention to his mother’s teaching of the language. He may have to get a quick refresher course from his ma.

  Chapter Five

  Cole and Anna arrived at the church with the kids in tow. Cole took the boys to where Adam and Mike were waiting. Anna walked Emily to the bridal room.

  She knocked on the door, and they entered once she heard Catherine’s voice.

  “Look at you! You look absolutely stunning!”

  “Thanks, Anna.” Anna gave Catherine a big hug. “It is so good to see you. You look beautiful. Love the dress!”

  “Thanks. I am so happy for you and Mike.” Anna smiled at Catherine with so much sincerity. A few months ago, Catherine’s abusive ex-boyfriend had kidnapped her. Anna’s brother had told her the horrid details of the event including Mike rescuing her. But looking at the way Catherine was glowing, no one would have ever known she went through such a nightmare. It just went to show how amazing life and love could be.

  Catherine gave Emily a big hug and gushed about how she had to be the cutest flower girl ever. Alayna and Anna completely agreed.

  Catherine introduced Anna to Missy. Missy was Catherine’s dear friend, co-worker, and serving as Maid of Honor.

  “I can’t wait to meet Cole, Anna. Are things going well?” Catherine probed.

  “Actually, they are.” Anna smiled at Catherine and her sister-in-law who was already beaming from ear to ear. “I know, Alayna, you knew. You are like the Yoda of relationships.”

  The ladies giggled.

  “She really is,” Catherine agreed, recalling Alayna’s initial thoughts on her and Mike’s relationship.

  Alayna and Missy checked the bride to make sure everything was in place. All the ladies looked amazing and were ready for the ceremony to start.

  Anna gave them all hugs and left the room. She wanted to see Mike before the wedding since she hadn’t seen him since she arrived in New York. She walked to the other side of the church, and the guys were chatting about the New York Empires. It was Mike and Adam’s favorite baseball team, and Catherine was the business manager for the stadium.

  “Woman entering the room,” she announced as she strolled in with a smile.

  Mike walked over to her and wrapped her up in a big hug. “When did you grow up?”

  “A long time ago, Mike. You do realize I am only seven years younger than you.”

  “Damn. You are thirty-one? Wow. You are getting old,” he joked with her. Anna playfully smacked his arm. “No, really Anna, you look great. Catherine and I are so happy you are here.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. I take it you met Cole.” They looked over at Cole who was crouched down adjusting James’ bow tie.

  “I did. Other than him being a White Sox fan, he seems all right,” Mike chuckled as he continued to rag on Cole’s favorite baseball team.”

  “Well, he was born and raised and still lives in Chicago. Can you blame him?”

  “Nope. Can’t fault a man for being dedicated to his home team.” He then bent down to whisper in Anna’s ear, “He sure had a lot of wonderful things to say about you.”

  Mike smiled at her and gave her hand a little squeeze. Mike was like a brother to her. Her lips curved up into a smile. Knowing Mike approved of Cole meant a lot to her.

  Cole came over to her and asked if she was ready to take their seats. He gave her his arm, and she linked it with hers. They walked into the main area of the church and sat by Anna’s parents.

  “You two make a lovely couple,” she softly spoke to her daughter.

  “Thanks, Mom, but we are not a couple.”

  She patted her daughter’s leg. “You will be soon, dear.”

  Anna thought about what her mom said as the music started. It had been a while since Anna had been in an actual relationship. Her work schedule didn’t allow for a lot of extra time. Frankly, she didn’t need or want the distraction either, or so she thought. She had goals for her business and was well on her way to achieving all of them. But from day one, there was something about Cole which made her think the distraction would be well worth it.

  Anna and her parents took out their cameras. Missy and Alayna walked down the aisle first, as the Maid and Matron of Honors. They each wore a beautiful strapless dress with an exquisite silver bodice that was embroidered in black. The bottom of the dress was a black, sleek, flowing fabric that skimmed the floor.

  Alex and James came down the aisle dressed so handsomely in their traditional tuxedos. They each carried a silver satin pillow, one with Catherine’s wedding ring and one holding Mike’s.

  Emily had on a silver flower girl dress with an embroidered pattern that matched Missy and Alayna’s dress. A gorgeous black sash accented her waist. She cautiously threw red rose petals as she walked down the aisle.

  The music changed signaling it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle. Catherine asked Mike’s father to escort her. She had lost her father years before. Mr. Foerster was more than touched to accept the honor.

  Catherine looked exquisite. Her white dress was glamourous and elegant. The deep V-neckline and halter straps were detailed with silver beading and carried down the front of her dress as well as the strip down the plunging, low cut back. The gossamer chiffon was pleated bringing beautiful details to Catherine’s body and ended with a chapel length train. When she walked, a pair of red peep toe shoes peeked out from underneath her dress. Alayna had told Anna the shoes held a lot of significance to Catherine and Mike, but Catherine never explained the whole story other than mentioning something about The Wizard of Oz.

  The ceremony was beautiful. The bride and groom were so much in love. It was evident in the
way they looked at each other. Afterward, they headed to the Empires’ Stadium for the reception and a ball game.

  Catherine and Mike had reserved the banquet room overlooking the field. The wall of windows provided the perfect viewing area from inside. Guests also had the option to head out on to the balcony to watch the game. The room was donned in black and silver with pops of red -black and gray being the Empires’ team colors. Both Mike and Catherine were huge baseball fans and were adamant about it being part of their special day. It was also what brought them together, in a number of ways.

  After dinner and cake, Cole got up from his seat at the table. “Dance with me?” Cole kindly asked with his hand outstretched.

  Anna lips curved into a wicked smile. “Well now, Mr. Turner, are you actually asking? I didn’t hear a please. I am sure your ma taught you better manners.”

  Cole leaned down to Anna’s ear. “My ma taught me to go after what I want. Now get your sexy ass out of that chair and come dance with me.” He nipped at her ear.

  Anna tried to play it cool. In reality, she was failing miserably. His command shot excitement straight to her sweet spot. She enjoyed his company and worked well with him as a business associate. They respected each other. And so far, they were having fun together even when they were giving each other a hard time. She thought she could possibly give up a little control to him, just not too much. She suspected it would be a fine line—maybe even a dangerous one.

  “Just this once, alpha man.” She took his hand and got up out of her chair.

  Cole chuckled and led her to the dance floor. He pulled on her arm, yanking her close to his body and began dancing with her. “Not if I get my way.”

  With her arms draped over his shoulders, she looked up into his eyes. “So sure of yourself, huh?” Cole gave her a smug look. “It is all about give and take, Cole. I just gave. Tonight, I will take.”

  A deep, throaty noise escaped him. “I have never met a woman like you before. Jesus, Anna. You can be a feisty pain in the ass.”

  “Mmmm. A little pain isn’t so bad.” She said seductively and winked at him.

  “That’s it. Time to go,” Cole stated abruptly.

  Anna tried to control her laughter as Cole hurried her through the crowd of wedding guests. They said their goodbyes to her loved ones. Anna continued to snicker at Cole’s immediate need to get her back to the hotel. She didn’t care much about missing the rest of the baseball game anyway, and she already had plans to see her family the next day.

  Once they got outside the stadium, Anna stopped in front of Cole. The expression on her face changed. She went from playful to wanton in a split second. She walked him backwards until he was up against the hard, concrete wall. She put her hands on his chest under the lapels of his suit coat, feeling his hard muscles.

  “When we get back to the hotel, it’s my turn to take, Cole, and your turn to give. If you do what I say, then you can have your turn.”

  “Damn,” he uttered with a deep, husky voice. His eyes were dark with desire.

  “It will be amazing and so worth it. You trust me, don’t you?” She batted her eye lashes at him.

  Cole dragged his finger down her cheek. “How could I say no to such a pretty little face?”

  She giggled again signaling her playful side was back. “I bet you can’t. Now let’s go,” she exclaimed as she pulled on his arm. “Taxi,” she yelled and whistled for a cab. One immediately halted to a stop right in front of them.

  How could seeing her haul a cab turn him on even more? He wasn’t sure, but it did.

  They hopped in the cab and sat in silence. The anticipation was building hard and fast. After a short drive, they arrived back at the hotel. They entered the elevator. Anna leaned on the back wall and impatiently tapped her fingernails against the mirrored wall. She glanced over at Cole. She had some wonderful things in store for him. Things she imagined Cole had never done before knowing some of his alpha qualities.

  They reached their floor and rushed to their room. Once inside, Anna pushed Cole up against the door. He responded with a hungry kiss. His hips ground into hers. He wanted and needed to feel her pussy engulfing him.

  Anna stripped off his suit coat and tie. She draped the tie around her neck saving it for what was going to come next. She unbuttoned his shirt as their kisses grew with intense passion. She yanked his shirt down his arms and tossed it on the floor. She continued kissing him and slowly moved his hands behind his back.

  Cole felt like a mad man. He was completely lost in the woman he was kissing. Before he even realized what was going on, Anna had tied his hands behind his back and somehow attached the tie to the door knob.

  “Anna, what are you doing?” he nervously asked.

  “Tying you up, babe. Remember, it’s my turn. Soon you will have yours.”

  Damn knot project! Cole wasn’t sure if he liked being restrained. He was usually the one doing the tying, not vice versa. Anna moved to his pants and pulled down his slacks. He decided to go with boxer briefs tonight to keep his manhood somewhat under control under his suit pants. She quickly got rid of those, too.

  “Step out,” she told him and helped him out of his pants.

  Anna took a few steps back and ogled the fine specimen standing in front of her all tied up. “Yum,” she said, licking her lips.

  Cole kind of felt like a piece of meat. His past antics with women crossed his mind. Is this how he made women feel? Like a piece of meat? He took a deep breath and let it out. “Anna. I don’t know if I like this.”

  “Aww, it’s okay,” she said with a pouty face. “You just need to trust me, babe.”

  She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Cole’s cock was now harder than ever once he realized she didn’t have panties or a bra on the entire day.

  “Fuck me,” he erotically cursed.

  She smirked and sashayed her bare body toward him, wearing nothing but her heels. The sight approaching him was like heaven on earth. His eyes traveled up and down her figure as her lusciousness moved closer. Right now, he couldn’t give two fucks about being tied up. If this woman wanted to devour him, he was going to let her—any way, shape, or form.

  Anna lightly trailed her fingers across Cole’s body from arm to arm. She licked his chest, stopping to give each nipple a lick and gentle tug with her teeth. Cole pulled on the tie fighting his deep desire to take over. Anna stopped for a moment and gave him a taunting smile. Her tongue and lips continued south until she had to get down on her knees.

  “Holy Mary,” Cole whispered breathlessly, eager for what was coming.

  Anna looked up at him as her nails lightly scraped up his legs. His cock was bobbing so close to her precious mouth. He wanted her so fucking bad. He moved his hips toward her, but she pushed him back to remind him she was the one in control. She took his cock all the way in her sweet mouth.

  “Oh fuck, Anna.”

  Anna sucked on him, hard. She released him for a moment and sucked on his balls.

  “God, babe, your mouth feels so fucking good.”

  Anna played with his cock and balls like it was the greatest, most treasured toy ever. She used just the right amount of pressure, roughness, and wetness. Cole was in awe by this woman’s skills both in and out of the bedroom.

  He moaned as the orgasmic pressure built. Anna reached around Cole’s tight ass with one hand. The other hand caressed his balls. Her mouth was consuming his cock. She put pressure on his anus. Cole froze, unsure of the feeling, but Anna didn’t stop. She inserted a finger in his ass.

  Cole’s heart raced and his breathing was heavy. “Oh. Oh God, Anna! Fuck,” he roared. His body fiercely shuddered as waves of mind blowing pleasure rushed through him.

  Anna swallowed every last drop of Cole’s sweet and tangy cum. His head thumped back against the door. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing and heart rate.

  The way Cole’s body responded to her erotic actions more than pleased Anna. She felt empowered
, sexy, and dripping wet. She dragged her fingers over his body drawing his attention back to her. Anna stood up and felt the wetness that had dripped onto her legs. Cole watched her as she took a finger, dragged it over her upper thigh to gather up some of her pre-cum, and seductively licked her finger.

  “Oh cazzo me,” he said under his breath. His wrists pulled on the restraints. “My turn to take, Anna. Untie me.”

  Anna moved closer to him and showered his neck with kisses. She wasn’t in a hurry at all. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “You know I did.”

  She looked up at him with dark, intense eyes. She wanted to know. She wanted him to tell her exactly what he liked. “Tell me what you liked.”

  “All of it. Now untie me, Anna.”

  Anna shook her head and waited for him to respond with more details.

  Anna either really wanted to know or wanted to hear Cole talk dirty to her. He was thinking a little of both. “Your mouth feels so good around my cock. You know what I like even if I have never done it before. That was the most intense blowjob I have ever received. Fucking mind blowing. I loved every second of it.”

  She was never a huge fan of talking dirty, but it never sounded so good. The way those words rolled off his tongue turned her on even more. Anna untied Cole, and he immediately swept her off feet. He carried her into his bedroom. “Get on all fours in the middle of the bed, Anna. Put your hands up by the headboard.”

  Anna did as he asked without fighting him. It was his turn to take what he wanted. She wanted—needed—his cock so badly, she ached. The yearning feeling took precedence over her need for control, at least for now.

  Cole tied her wrists together and bound her to the headboard. He grabbed another tie from his suitcase and covered her eyes.

  “Cole—” she started to protest the blindfold. The bound wrists she could deal with. Having her eyes covered made her feel uneasy. Anna was a very visual person. Taking that away from her teetered on the dangerous line in her book.


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