Mia Bella Anna

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Mia Bella Anna Page 8

by Jacquline Anne

  “Cole? Cole?” she repeated even louder the second time, trying to bring Cole back to their conversation.


  She raised a brow at him. “Are you even paying attention to what I am saying?” she asked, sounding a bit perturbed.


  “What did I just ask you then?” Anna leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Cole continued to stare at her. The way she crossed her arms lifted up her breasts so just the right amount of teasing cleavage was popping out of the neckline of her dress.

  She cleared her throat trying to get his attention back to the task at hand—his club.

  He gave her a blank look. He couldn’t recall a damn thing she said. “I’m sorry, Anna. I was paying attention to you but not to your words. I’ve missed you so much the last few days.” He had to be honest with her. If he didn’t, he knew she would call him on his bullshit.

  Anna gave him a small smile. He was being sweet. However, they did have a task to focus on. This wasn’t the best start to separating their professional and personal relationship. The details were extremely important at this point. “At least you are being honest about it. I’ve missed you, too, Cole. But, we do have work to do. Please try and focus on what I am saying. Okay?”

  Cole nodded. “I just— well, ever since New York I can’t stop thinking about you, Anna.” He reached across the table and held her hand. She gave it a light squeeze like she understood exactly how he felt. Somehow she was able to stay on track much easier than he could. “But, you’re right. During our work meetings, I will do my best to concentrate on the club.” He paid the bill, and they headed to the warehouse.

  Trent greeted Cole and Anna at the door and handed them hard hats and safety glasses. The place still looked like a war zone. Anna took a good look around being cautious not to get in the way of the construction workers or trip over any debris. The place was definitely large enough to accommodate all of her plans and plenty of tables to accommodate patrons.

  They made their way over to a make shift desk made of two saw horses and a piece of plywood. Anna rolled out all the plans and set out the samples. She carefully explained all of her ideas, pointing at the corresponding samples as she moved from one part of the design to the next. She laid out the costs of the materials and her services, making sure there was some cushion room within the budget. She liked to have about fifteen percent flexibility just in case something popped up or changed because something always did. Cole and Trent asked some questions along the way but were set on the original plans she had drawn up.

  They chatted with the contractor to get things rolling.

  “Thanks so much for all of this, Anna. You did an amazing job, yet again,” Trent praised.

  “My pleasure. I was glad the designs came to me so quickly. Having a big empty space to work with made it much easier. I have always liked working with a blank canvas.”

  Cole glanced at Anna with passion in his eyes. Anna felt the heat flushing her cheeks recalling the time and place the ideas came to her.

  Trent looked at Cole and then Anna. He could see the way they looked at each other, and it made him smile. He was nervous about his brother and Anna working together and having a relationship, but there was definitely something there. Anyone could see it.

  “I’m going to let you two go. Let me know when the mural artist can meet,” Trent said as he walked away waving goodbye.

  “Please tell me you don’t have to go back to the office,” Cole wished.

  “Actually, I do. It is only three o’clock, Cole. I have orders to place.”

  “If it is for this place, it can wait.”

  “First of all, it is not just for your club. I have other clients, too. Second, no, it cannot wait. We have to keep things moving along with business. Please don’t forget that.”

  Anna had her business face on. He thought it was cute and sexy as hell. He liked seeing the powerful, take charge part of her. He still couldn’t exactly understand why. He wasn’t used to that kind of woman. Then again, maybe it was why things seemed different with her—not just different but better.

  Cole walked toward her with a pouty face.

  Anna laughed at him. “You look kind of pathetic.”

  He pulled her in for a hug and whispered, “Is there any way I can change your mind?”

  “No,” Anna immediately stated making her decision final. “The work won’t get done by itself. Besides, you have a date to plan.”

  Cole released her from his hold but kept her hands in his. “I do?” he asked with a confused expression.

  “I guess I need to remind you that we haven’t been on an official date yet.”

  The right side of Cole’s lips curved up into a sneaky little smirk. “We haven’t, have we?”

  She leaned up and pressed a light kiss to his lips. “No, we haven’t. The pressure is on, Mr. Turner.” She winked at him and began to walk away. “I’ll be ready at seven,” she yelled over her shoulder.

  Cole watched as Anna confidently walked out of the construction zone. Every worker she passed stopped and ogled her. She handed her hard hat and safety glasses to a worker near the door.

  Was it like this during the construction of the last club? Cole either hadn’t noticed or didn’t pay close enough attention then. Right now, Cole felt a tinge of anger and jealousy run through him. He didn’t want anyone to gawk at her. Anna was his.

  Jesus Christ, I’m in deep. He brushed his hands over his face and tried to shake those thoughts away. They kept rushing back. He was falling for her so fast he didn’t know what to do. Was he ready for this serious relationship? Part of him was screaming hell yeah, she’s amazing! Another part made him feel anxious. He wasn’t sure if he knew how to handle the feelings he was experiencing. Every so-called relationship he had before Anna didn’t even come close to how he was feeling about her. He wanted to protect her, please her, and make her his every goddamn day. And hell, he was never a jealous man. He never had a reason to be jealous…until now. Thoughts of tying Anna to his bed and locking her in his room briefly crossed his mind. He shook his head. Christ, I’m turning into a fucking caveman.

  Chapter Nine

  Anna finished up her work and headed home. She purchased the top floor, two-bedroom apartment a few years ago. It was in an old, large, rehabbed home in the Lakewood Balmoral district, a quaint historic section of the Edgewater area of Chicago. The owner hadn’t started renovating the top floor apartment yet which was exactly what Anna had been looking for. She got it for a steal and put all her own designs in it, keeping the charm of the era with some modern touches.

  Anna’s phone dinged with a text. Cole told her to wear something casual. She wondered what he had planned. She took a quick shower and threw on a cute floral skirt and a tank top. She left her hair down and her makeup light as usual. It was the way she preferred it unless she was going out for a glamourous night.

  She watched television for a little bit just trying to relax the day away. Soon, her doorbell rang. When she answered it, Cole handed her a bouquet of flowers, a sexy smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of cargo shorts, a form fitting t-shirt, and a pair of leather sandals.

  “Thank you,” she said as she kissed his cheek and took the flowers. She smiled thinking he must be making the local florist very happy. This was the second bouquet he had given her today. “Let me put these in water, and then we can head out.”

  Cole followed her into the kitchen. She reached for a vase for the beautiful arrangement. When she turned around, Cole was right there pulling her into his arms. She gasped at the unexpected surprise, and he took her mouth for a ravishing kiss.

  He ended the kiss, and it took Anna a few moments to recoup before she opened her eyes. The kiss left her stunned in the most pleasing way.

  With his forehead touching hers, he whispered, “God, I missed you so much.” He felt this overwhelming urge to tell her how deep he was falling for her
, but he just couldn’t yet. It was way too early in his mind.

  Anna had just seen him a few hours ago. For a brief moment, she thought about how quickly things were happening, perhaps too quickly. She enjoyed spending time with him and did miss him when they were apart. Part of her worried he would make her feel like she was suffocating. She couldn’t be in a relationship like that again. She had to make sure she stayed true to herself. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to him, so she smiled at him and cradled his cheek in her hand. She looked into his eyes and what she saw remained a puzzle. She saw passion and love, but also anxiety.. She didn’t know what to make of it. Had something happened between now and when she left the club? Was he nervous about tonight?

  “Are you ready?” Anna asked as she put on her sandals.

  Cole nodded and led her out with his hand on the small of her back. Like any gentleman would do, he opened her door and helped her into his car.

  They headed to the lake. Cole was thankful he found a good parking spot. He got out and went around to open Anna’s door, but she had already gotten out. “You are supposed to let me help you.”

  “I can get the door, Cole, but thank you.” Anna wasn’t used to all this. Cole had always been polite but more so tonight. She liked his manners yet kind of missed him giving her a hard time. It was kind of their thing.

  Cole pulled out a backpack from the trunk of his car along with a blanket. Anna cocked a brow at him, and he just gave her a sexy, yet somewhat nervous, grin. He took her hand in his and led her to the beach. He still hadn’t told her a single thing about the evening.

  When they reached the sand, Anna took off her shoes and carried them. Cole noticed she had her toes polished a different color than when they were in New York.

  I just noticed her nail polish color? Damn. What is happening to me? Cole shook his head in amazement but did so with a smile on his face. He found a quiet spot on the beach and spread out the blanket. He sat down and patted the area next to him so Anna would join him.

  “Let our first date officially begin. Your dinner is served,” he announced as he reached into the backpack and pulled out their four course meal.

  He opened each dish and the aromas immediately hit her senses. Anna’s mouth watered. “Mmmm, that smells so good.”

  “I hope you like it. It is an old family recipe.”

  “Wait, you made this?” Anna questioned.

  “I did. There was no way my ma was going to allow her sons to grow up and not know how to cook.”

  Cole fed her a bite of the chicken parmigiana. Other than his mother and sister-in-law, he had never cooked for a woman before.

  Anna’s eyes closed. She moaned savoring the divine taste. “Oh. My. God. I think I am in love. This has to be the best chicken parmigiana I have ever had.”

  Cole gave her a proud smile, and his heart began to race as the words she had spoken sunk in. He wondered if she was referring to him or the damn chicken. To avoid saying anything too premature, Cole continued to set up their dinner with some bruschetta and salad.

  “I have some dessert for later, too.”

  “You are spoiling me, Mr. Turner.” He handed her a travel mug, and she took a sip. It was wine strategically hidden away from the “no alcohol permitted” beach police. It was the perfect pairing, too.

  Cole winked at her. “I had to. You can’t have an Italian meal without a good glass of Chianti.”

  “No, that would be a travesty.” Anna smiled.

  Cole leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips. A surge of heat rushed through his body. His heart raced, and it felt like his stomach was doing flips. He tried to ignore the rush of feelings, feelings he still couldn’t get a handle on. He wanted this to be the perfect first date with her, one she would remember forever, no matter what their future held.

  Future. Our future. Every time Cole thought about his future now, he couldn’t imagine it without Anna. It’s too soon for all of this, he told himself again.

  They continued enjoying their dinner and dessert. Anna had been doing most of the talking since Cole was being so quiet this evening. Usually their conversations flowed so easily.

  “Cole, is everything okay? You don’t seem like yourself tonight.” Anna sensed something was off with him. It was almost like he was trying too hard to impress her or something. She couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

  He swallowed hard and reached for her hand. “Everything is perfect. More than perfect.”

  “Are you sure? You have been acting different since you picked me up this evening. We haven’t even been giving each other a hard time.” She winked at him, trying to lighten things up a bit. She really hadn’t seen a serious side of Cole, other than for business. These different facets of him were beginning to confuse her.

  “I just wanted this night to be perfect for you—with you.”

  Maybe he was just nervous. A little anxiety is expected on a first date, right? She thought it wouldn’t be like that for him since they had already been intimate together. She didn’t feel nervous at all. She was quite relaxed other than wondering what was going on in Cole’s head.

  Anna moved aside all the dishes and snuggled up close to Cole on the blanket. The sun was just starting to set over the lake. The skies were painted with beautiful shades of oranges, pinks, and yellows. “It is perfect, because we are here together. Not to mention, I discovered your sexy, fine ass can cook,” she said with a grin.

  Cole chuckled. She placed her hand on his chest, right over his racing heart—a heart racing just for her. Moments like this were why he was falling for her—sweet and loving one moment and then a bantering pain in the ass the next. He closed his eyes giving into the realization and kissed her head.

  The colorful sky turned dark, and the stars shined brightly. The beach had been deserted by everyone who came to watch the sunset. Cole and Anna lay side by side on the blanket. He held her hand. His thumb slowly circled the area between her thumb and pointer finger. They were admiring the starry night.

  “Adam, Mike and I used to lie on the ground and look up at the stars every time our families went camping together. Did you ever do that when you were little?” Anna asked.

  “Trent and I used to climb out onto the roof of our house on clear summer nights. We would lay there and point out the constellations.”

  Anna giggled picturing the two brothers causing havoc.

  “I know, kind of nerdy.”

  “No, that’s not why I am laughing. I can picture you and your brother being quite the troublemakers when you were little. Oh your poor mother.”

  “We used to sneak out onto the roof. Ma caught us one day and grounded us. It didn’t stop us though. She hated when we did it. She was a nervous wreck always thinking one of us was going to fall off the house. My parents even bought us an awesome telescope hoping it would keep us off the roof. It didn’t. It didn’t even come close to the feeling you have being right under the stars. After two summers, ma just gave up and stopped nagging us. Once they saw we were actually interested in learning and not just playing around, they seemed cool with it.”

  “Can you see your favorite constellation tonight?”

  He sat up and she followed.

  “You are in luck. Right now is the perfect time of the year to see it.” Cole pulled out his binoculars which he conveniently packed in the bag. He pointed in the direction of his favorite constellation and handed them to Anna. “See over there. That is Aquila. Its name means eagle. It represents the bird who carried Zeus’s thunderbolts in Greco-Roman mythology. The main star is named Altair which means the flying eagle. The other two main stars Alshain and Tarazed, come from the Arabic term shahin-i tarazu meaning the balance.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed. You do know a lot about the stars. Why that one?” Anna questioned as she peered through the binoculars.

  “In the Greek legend, it represents loyalty between the eagle and Zeus. In the Chinese culture, the birds of heaven gather together to form a bridge with th
eir wings for lovers to cross the Milky Way.”

  Anna moved the binoculars away from her eyes. She studied Cole’s face in the moonlight as he stared up at the constellation. This was another side of Cole—a deep, reflective side.

  “Loyalty and love are an important part of this world, or they should be an important part of this world,” he clarified.

  His words warmed her heart. It made her ache for him in more ways than just physical ones. Her heart was softening for him. Anna thought he felt the same way, too, but it was too early in their relationship to know for sure. In due time, she thought. She leaned over and kissed him, softly pressing her lips against his. He pulled her onto his lap, and she straddled his legs. She deepened their kiss, and Cole slid his tongue past her lips. Anna ground her hips against him. Her panties dampened when she felt him go rock hard beneath her.

  Cole’s arms wrapped around her wanting Anna to be as close as possible. She moved over the bulge in his pants, grinding against it. He groaned at the wonderful feeling and the frustration of their clothes being in the way.

  “Make love to me, Cole,” she whispered in his ear and trailed kisses down his neck. It wasn’t just about sex tonight. She wanted it to be more. Anna wanted to feel that special connection.

  Cole held her even tighter, not wanting to let go. He had never made love to a woman before. Had sex? Yes. Made love? No, not in his eyes—or his heart. He never experienced that feeling before. But with Anna, he was ready, or so he thought.

  Anna moved away from him for a moment to remove her panties, keeping her other clothes in place. The beach was empty now, but they were still in a public place and had to be as discreet as possible. She unzipped Cole’s shorts and freed his cock which was more than ready for her. He pulled a condom from his wallet and rolled it on. He pulled on her hand, and she straddled him again thankful there was nothing separating the two. Anna wrapped her arms around him and sat down on his hard length. She gasped at the depth he reached. She slowly moved up and down his length, taking him in deeper each time.


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