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Mia Bella Anna

Page 11

by Jacquline Anne

  As the two o’clock hour approached, Anna was spent in the most fulfilling way. Cole wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. “Dormire, mia bella Anna.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cole and Anna spent a lot of time together over the next few weeks. They were trying to take the emotional side a bit slower and simply enjoy each other. Bantering, cuddling, going out, and working together was a daily occurrence. The construction and design of the club were in full swing and still going as planned. The sex was amazing, as always. They had developed complete knowledge and trust over each other’s body, bringing it to the brink of ecstasy almost on a daily basis, sometimes more. Cole let Anna have control at times. Anna let Cole take over at times. It was no longer about negotiations, but their give and take philosophy was all about pure enjoyment.

  Friday afternoon, Anna stopped by the construction zone to clear up some questions from the carpenter. Cole was planning on taking her out to dinner and spending the rest of the weekend in bed with her since he had to travel the following week.

  Cole was in the back room on his computer when Skype alerted him he had a caller. He answered it and saw his parents.

  “Hi, honey! Look what your dad and I finally figured out.”

  “Hi, Ma. Hi, Pop. I’m impressed. It only took Trent and me months of trying to get you to use it.” Cole chuckled.

  “You look good, son. Where are you? I hear lots of noise,” his dad asked.

  “I’m at the new club. There is still some construction going on. Do want to see it? I can walk around with my laptop.”

  “That would be wonderful,” his mother exclaimed.

  “I think Anna is around, too. Maybe you can meet her, well, virtually meet her.” He smiled with pride.

  “We would love to meet her. You keep talking about her which has never happened before.”

  Cole smiled and started walking around the main area. “Are you coming in for the grand opening?”

  “Yes, we are. Trent already booked our flights. Sienna is coming to pick us up at the airport.”

  “Great!” Cole showed them around the club telling his parents details as they went through. They were impressed by the design and loved the stage and dance floor. He walked into the VIP room and saw Anna giving the carpenter some directions on the center table.

  “Hey, babe. My parents are Skyping me, and I want you to meet them.”

  Anna quickly smoothed back her hair and fixed her clothes. She had been running around from one job site to the next all day long.

  He leaned and whispered, “You look perfect, as always.”

  Anna took a deep breath in and out and lovingly smiled at him.

  “Ma and Pop, this is Anna Bryant.”

  Anna popped on the screen and waved. “Nice to meet you, Anna. Our Cole has told us so much about you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Mr. and Mrs. Turner.”

  “The club is looking fabulous,” Mr. Turner stated with enthusiasm.

  “Thank you. We can’t wait until it is ready,” Anna said with pride.

  “We will be in for the grand opening and can’t wait to meet you in person.”

  “Sounds wonderful. I am looking forward to it.”

  Cole and Anna chatted a few more minutes with his parents until Anna was needed by the carpenter again. As she walked away, she heard his parents say how beautiful and sweet she was. She hoped she made a good first impression on his parents, even though it was via a computer.

  Soon, the workers were clearing out. Everything was set to start back up on Monday. Cole came out of the back area and looked for Anna who was unpacking and checking the light fixtures which were delivered earlier today.

  Anna looked up when she heard footsteps.

  “Hey, are you ready for dinner?” Cole asked.

  Anna put a piece of the fixture down and walked toward him. “I’m not quite hungry yet…for food, that is.”

  Cole put his hands on her waist. “What are you hungry for?” He started to shower her neck with kisses.

  “Ever since New York, I have fantasized about us having sex in this place, amidst all of the construction.”

  “Baby, all you have to do is say the words fantasized and sex in the same sentence, and you know I will make it happen. Just give me one quick second.”

  Cole walked over to the door and locked it, ensuring their privacy. He led her to a nearby saw horse. He placed her hands on it. Anna bent over, and Cole nudged her legs apart with his foot. He hiked up her skirt to her waist, exposing her scantily covered ass.

  “You’re a fucking vision, baby.” His voice was low as he smoothed his hands over her bottom. He reached in between her legs and felt how wet she was through her silk panties. He pushed the fabric aside and slipped two fingers inside her.

  Anna held onto the saw horse. She moved her body in a rhythm with Cole’s, pulling his fingers in deeper with every thrust. She stopped moving when she felt his lips on her ass. He kissed her, licked her, and nibbled on the sensitive flesh. The bits of pain making her want more.

  “Cole, stop playing. I want you inside me.”

  She heard him unzip his pants and turned around just as his cock sprung free. Her mouth watered for him, but her pussy ached more. As soon as she felt his crown pressing against her opening, she pushed back on him, taking him all the way to her womb.

  “Fuck,” he grunted as he moved in and out of her. “Anna, I want your fantasy to come true. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Fuck me hard, baby,” she panted.

  Cole grasped her hips and controlled their motions. The sounds of slapping flesh filled the room. She stood up, leaning her back against his chest as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Anna reached her arms back and wrapped them around Cole’s neck. His tongue swirled down her neck to her collarbone. She moaned as her fingers ran through his hair. His grip on her waist tightened. Anna’s one hand slid done on top of his, lacing her fingers with Cole’s. She brought their hands to her clit, both finding pleasure playing with the swollen sweet spot. Cole’s other hand made its way up her shirt. He lifted up her bra and massaged her breasts.

  “Come with me,” she panted.

  Her muscles clenched around him, and she screamed out his name. Her sounds, quivering legs, and clenching inner walls milked him through his own orgasm.

  He arched over her, wrapping his arms around her until their breathing started to slow.

  “Thank you,” she said turning around and straightening her skirt.

  Cole pulled up his slacks. “Thank you. I think we should have a new rule. You should only wear skirts or dresses when you are with me. Preferably skirts, so I have easy access to those beautiful breasts of yours, too.” He winked at her.

  “I think that might be fun. Maybe you can take me shopping this weekend.” She put her arms his neck and kissed him. They hadn’t been shopping together yet. Anna thought it might test his patience. She giggled at the scenarios running through her head.

  “As long as you model for me, I’m game.”

  Their weekend was full of wonderful sex, great food, and even the shopping was fun. Anna was quite surprised. She and Cole had a great time shopping at the boutiques in downtown Chicago. He insisted on buying her a dress and a few skirts. Anna argued at first since she had her own money to spend, but she ended up caving in. Later that night, he told her never to say no to him again when it came to pampering her. He showed her other ways he loved to pamper her. Now she was never going to stop him from doing it again.

  Monday morning came way too fast. Cole was set to head out to Philadelphia to train a ball player for a week. It was the first time he had to travel in quite some time. He was reluctant to go.

  “Everything will be fine,” Anna reassured him.

  “I know you and Trent can handle everything. That’s not why I don’t want to go,” he said embracing her firmly. “I’m going to miss you.”

  She gently kissed his lips as they stood by the entr
ance to the airport. “I know. I am going to miss you, too. But look at this way, it will give us the opportunity to have phone sex.” She winked at him.


  She nodded. He pulled her in for an intense kiss, one he hoped would leave a week long impression on her.

  “Call me when you land. Safe travels, Mr. Turner.”

  He pressed his lips to hers one more time and said, “Arrivederci, mia bella Anna.”

  * * * *

  Anna typically swung by the club every day to check on the progress, but today she needed to give a full status report to both Cole and Trent. Cole had been out of town for the past few days. He was still in Pennsylvania training some baseball player. Trent was busy all day with meetings and booking events for both clubs.

  She walked around pleased with how things were coming along. The crew was still on schedule which rarely happened. She walked onto the stage and slid her hand across the smooth wall which was partially finished. Soon it would be complete and showcase Chicago’s music history. She closed her eyes and envisioned the club packed full of people when she heard a strange noise. She peaked backstage.

  “Angelo? What are you doing here?” Anna questioned Trent and Cole’s manager.

  “Oh, hey, Anna. I was just stopping by to see how things are coming along.” He stood up and walked over to Anna. “The place looks great! I can’t wait to see it when it is all done.”

  “Thanks.” Anna was wondering what Angelo was doing here. Then again, he was the general manager of the other bar. She assumed he had every right to be here, but Trent and Cole never mentioned he would be managing this club as well.

  “So when will the mural be complete?”

  “A few more days.”

  Angelo’s cell phone rang and he excused himself. Anna continued checking the rest of the place. The electrician had a few questions regarding the placement of the lights around the bar. The painters picked up the wrong paint order. Other than those small issues, everything was progressing nicely.

  On the way back to her office, she confirmed with Elijah on timing to complete the mural. He was so excited to be working on it. Anna loved hearing the passion in his voice. From one artist to another, she understood it. She thrived on it herself.

  She also called Trent with a quick update and then Cole.

  “Hi, babe,” he said after just one ring.

  “Hey, are you busy? I wanted to give you a quick update about the club.”

  “I just took a quick break to get some food. What’s up? Everything going well?”

  “Yes. The electrician had some questions about the lighting. Painters picked up the wrong paint order, but luckily they don’t start until tomorrow. Elijah will be done in a few more days. Everything is all sorted out and still right on track.”

  “Great! You are so amazing. Have I told you that lately?”

  Anna laughed. “You mentioned it a few times last night.” She recalled the heated conversation—heated in a very good way. It wasn’t as good as feeling Cole inside her, but it would definitely make his time away go a little faster. “Hey, quick question for you. I ran into Angelo today at the club.”

  “Oh, you stopped by The Dirty Olive?”

  “No, the new club. He was just checking on how the construction was going. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Well, we have been talking about it a lot with employees at The Dirty Olive trying to build up some hype with customers, too. The places are going to have different atmospheres. I would imagine some of our regulars would want to frequent both places depending on their mood and the people they are out with.”

  “Most definitely. Will Angelo be the manager at the new club, too?”

  “No, Trent and I are bringing someone else in. It is actually a good friend of Angelo’s. He does an awesome job where he is.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Hopefully he can talk up the new place some more now he has seen the progress.”

  Anna and Cole chatted a while longer until she reached her office. “You’ll be home tomorrow night, right?”

  “Yes. Can you come over after work?”

  “I will be there with bells on…or perhaps nothing at all.”

  “Now that sounds more like it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Anna wanted to stop home to freshen up a bit before heading over to Cole’s. Her phone rang just as she pulled into her parking spot.

  “Hey, Alayna,” she greeted her sister-in-law as she walked toward her place.

  “Hi, Anna. Just calling to see how you were doing.”

  Anna could detect an inquisitive tone in Alayna’s voice. “You mean you want to know how Cole and I are doing.”

  Alayna giggled. “Yes. I was trying to ease into that.”

  Anna smiled. “We are doing really well. He is amazing all the way around and everywhere in between.”

  Anna told Alayna some of the juicy details and she caught herself giggling like a schoolgirl. It felt good. She felt alive.

  “I’m so happy for you two. Your brother keeps asking me to check on you, meaning he wants to make sure Cole is treating you right. He thinks you won’t tell him anything since he is your big brother. Good Lord, wait until Emily starts dating.” They laughed again.

  Poor Emily, Anna thought. The boys that liked her didn’t have a chance with her dad and her older brothers.

  “Thanks for calling, Alayna. Tell Adam all is good and give everyone a kiss for me.”

  “I will. Have fun tonight.”

  She stood in the doorway of her closet pondering what to wear. The past week dragged without Cole. She stayed late at the office almost every day and managed to get a lot accomplished. She didn’t have a reason to go home at a decent hour. In a way it felt like her old life, her life before Cole. But now, she felt a void when he wasn’t around. She had missed him a lot, more than she cared to acknowledge. She was trying her best to slow her emotions and feelings for him, but as the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  She decided to go a bit risqué for the night. She joked about it on the phone earlier but hoped it would surprise him. She pulled out a brand new bra and panty set she bought at a boutique on her lunch break yesterday. The champagne colored set was embellished with beautiful lace and a black satin bow in the middle of the bust. The panties were Brazilian cut and the lace wrapped all the way around the waist and donned a bow in the middle, just a few inches above her sweet spot. The set was gorgeous, sexy, and immediately caught her eye. She picked out a pair of sexy, yet professional, black heels, along with her dressy black trench coat. She brought her work bag with her. She wanted the outfit to throw him, so he would think she actually did come straight from work.

  She hopped in a cab and went to Cole’s. Feeling quite anxious, she fiddled with her fingers. The cab driver kept looking back at her through his rear view mirror. She rolled her eyes and checked to make sure her coat was properly buttoned.

  When the car arrived at his place, she paid the driver and walked into the lobby. She loved the modern set up of his building, but always thought it lacked warm design aspects, particularly some color. It was common for her to analyze places she visited. Design was her life. She would love to talk to the owner about making this place feel cozier and more welcoming for residents and their guests. She would have to ask Cole about the owner of the building.

  The elevator took her up to the ninth floor. Before she even had a chance to knock on Cole’s door, it swung open. He was standing there with a great big smile on his face and a present in his hand.

  “I missed you. I saw this when I was in Philly and thought of you.”

  Anna walked in, and he closed the door behind them. He embraced her and gave her a sensual kiss.

  “I missed you, too.”

  He shoved the box toward her. “Open it,” he said, barely containing his excitement.

  Anna giggled at his eagerness. She took the box and opened it. “Oh Cole, it’s gorgeous!�
� The box contained a beautiful ring. It was shaped like a lotus flower. The center stone was a princess-cut emerald accented with diamonds and more emeralds.

  “I know I usually buy you lots of flowers, but this flower won’t die.” He took it out of the box and slipped it on her finger.

  She noticed he put it on her left ring finger. Her heart began to race. Slow down, Anna, she told herself.

  He looked at the ring and then gazed into her eyes. “I knew the emerald would match your eyes perfectly.” He brought her knuckles to his lips and brushed them with a kiss.

  She looked down at the beautiful gift and smiled. “I absolutely love it, but you didn’t have to get me anything. This is too much, Cole.”

  “I wanted to. I missed you so goddamn much, Anna. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Even my client asked what was up with the shit eating grin I had on my face all week.” He pulled her into his arms.

  She breathed in his scent. “And what did you tell him?” she teased.

  “I told him I have this stunning girlfriend who is amazing and rocking my world.” He kissed her neck and noticed he didn’t even give her a chance to take off her coat. “I’m sorry. Where are my manners? Let me take your coat.”

  “Oh, I got it.” She took a few steps back and unfastened her coat, letting it drop to the floor.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Cole exclaimed with a hard swallow. “Turn around, babe—slowly. I want to admire all of you.”

  Anna slowly turned around in a circle, modeling her lingerie set. “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I fucking love it. I thought you were joking on the phone.”

  “That was the plan. I wanted to surprise you.” She jumped in his arms and wrapped her arms and legs around him. “I want you. Now,” she demanded and kissed him hard.

  When Anna said things in a certain tone, Cole knew to listen. She meant business, and by business, he meant a night full of mind blowing sex. Her kiss alone awoke the animal instinct in him. He loved it and was so happy to be back home with her.


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