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Mia Bella Anna

Page 13

by Jacquline Anne

  Jeff Cosimo was their attorney and friend from high school. Trent and Cole hired him when they first decided to start Twilight Enterprises. The man was a short, stalky Italian guy with amazing skills in the courtroom and with negotiations.

  They stopped at Cole and Trent’s office and boxed up all the employees’ files and headed back to Jeff’s office. It was better to do it somewhere else not knowing who could be watching them. They also didn’t want questions and rumors to start flying through the office.

  “Sit,” he instructed. The brothers did so without arguing. “We need to get to the bottom of this and quickly. I know the last thing you want is to have your clubs shut down or delay the grand opening. So let’s brainstorm.” Jeff paced his office.

  Trent and Cole agreed. The problem was they didn’t know exactly what they were being investigated for nor did they know where to start.

  “This is a fucking nightmare. I have to talk to Anna.”

  “No,” Jeff firmly stated. “If you talk to her, you are going to drag her in deeper than she already is. So let’s think. Tell me about your employees starting with the managers.”

  They pulled one file at time, starting with their general manager, Angelo Smithson, all the way through the cleaning crew who came in every morning. Each of them reviewed every single file, hoping something would jump out at them.

  “God, this is so fucking frustrating!” Trent yelled. “I just want to go home to my wife.”

  Cole rubbed his face. “I don’t even know what the hell we are looking for.”

  “I am going to contact my private investigator to run some thorough checks on your managers. I might even have them tracked for a few days to see if anything comes up. From there, we will work our way down the list.” Jeff laid out his plan.

  “I just don’t know if anything is going to turn up. The employees we have in place are pretty damn loyal. We have had some changes with bartenders and some wait staff, but that’s typical in the industry. Nobody left pissed off.”

  “Have you checked the footage on the security cameras?” Jeff asked.

  “Just bits of it. Everything looked normal.”

  “Do you have remote access to the footage?” Cole nodded at Jeff. “Good. Log into your account. Fellows, we aren’t leaving until we figure this out.”

  Cole set up his laptop and logged into the security account. The men took turns searching through files and watching footage.

  Hours later and tired to the core, Cole spotted some unusual activity on the footage. “What the fuck?” he said shockingly as commotion erupted through Jeff’s office.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Anna sat on her couch sipping a glass of wine trying to relax. So many things were running through her mind. She was browsing the television channels hoping to find something to watch and take her mind off things. She turned on the news channel, and a reporter was reporting live at a location which looked all too familiar.

  “Good evening, Chicago. This is Maria Ramone reporting live from The Dirty Olive in the middle of a drug bust.”

  Anna dropped the remote on the floor stunned at hearing where the reporter was.

  The reporter continued. “After months of investigating, the Chicago police finally unveiled the source behind the city’s latest drug trend, Ketamine. Ketamine is a horse tranquilizer which is crushed and then snorted. Its growth in popularity among young elites has recently been replacing cocaine circles. Mild doses bring on energy and euphoria, whereas greater doses alter reality with a separation of mind from the body, also known as a K-hole.” The reporter walked over to a familiar looking man. “Detective Moore.” She shoved the microphone in his face trying to get his attention. “Detective Moore, from the Chicago Police Department, when did this start?”

  “We have been investigating Twilight Enterprises shortly after their grand opening of The Dirty Olive. We had a report that evening of a few people leaving the club virtually paralyzed and unable to speak. Over the course of the past few months, we were able to gather enough evidence to make arrests.”

  “Detective, who is all involved?”

  “No further comment,” he said and walked away.

  She then saw Angelo, the manager of the club, and a few other employees, being escorted out in handcuffs by the police.

  Where the hell are Cole and Trent?

  Anna turned off the television and stared at her phone. She threw back the glass of wine. She finished the rest of the bottle and opened another while waiting for him to call. Time passed and still no word. She called him a few times, but her call went straight to his voicemail. She didn’t know what was going on. At this point, part of her was too afraid to find out. A tear slowly escaped her eye, and she felt the wetness drip down her cheek. The longer she waited, the more she didn’t want to feel anything. She wanted to feel numb. She was cautious in the beginning about getting involved with a man, let alone with one she did business with. She thought everything was going perfect. Apparently she thought wrong. Her world had stopped. After months, hell years, of hustling and bustling with work and then falling for Cole, it had all halted.

  Drugs? Fucking drugs! Was he involved? If not, how could he and Trent not know what was going on at their club? What the fuck was I thinking? How could he keep this from me?

  Like a crazed woman having a breakdown, Anna teetered on the line of insanity. Anna threw the closest things around her—a pillow, a vase, and her cell phone. The vase and her phone shattered along with her emotions. She was frustrated with Cole and her personal life. Perhaps she was better off as a workaholic. She loved her career, but was it wrong to hope for more? She curled up into a ball on her couch and cried. She opened herself up to love again and had given Cole her heart only to be dragged into a huge investigation. Now she wondered if she ever really knew him.

  For the next few days, Anna felt like a robot. She got the work done she absolutely had to and slept away the rest of the time.

  * * * *

  Anna woke up at the sound of someone banging at her door. It had been three days since she left her apartment.

  “Anna Bryant! I know you are in there. Get your ass up and answer the fucking door, or I will kick it down,” Becca yelled.

  Anna stumbled off the couch and went and opened the door.

  Becca busted in. “What is wrong with you? You look like shit, and you haven’t answered your phone.”

  Anna pointed over to the wall where her cell phone and the vase laid in broken pieces. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry? First of all, next time you tell me you are sick and email me about work stuff, please tell me when you have smashed your phone to pieces. Second, you need to get your head out of your ass.” She stalked over to the television and grabbed the remote. She turned on the local news channel. “Sit and watch,” Becca commanded.

  Anna watched the news on what was happening with the drug bust and Twilight Enterprises. Then a reporter was live at the grand opening of the new club.

  “Tell us, Mr. Turner, with the recent events at The Dirty Olive, how will it affect business here?” the reporter asked.

  “My brother and I are still in shock regarding the investigation and charges against our manager, Angelo Smithson, and a few of our employees. We, at Twilight Enterprises, will not tolerate such behavior. Now that the investigation is over and charges have been filed against all guilty parties, we will conduct business as usual.”

  “What are you going to do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?”

  “We will perform extensive background checks on everyone we do business with and all job applicants. Our clubs will be closely monitored around the clock to ensure the safety of our patrons and all of our employees.”

  “What’s next?”

  “The grand opening of Mia Bella Anna is this evening starting at seven o’clock. We have a number of blues and jazz bands playing throughout the night to celebrate Chicago’s music history.”

  “Mr. Turner, what is the significance o
f the name, Mia Bella Anna?”

  “My beautiful Anna is the heart and soul of this place. Anna, of Anna Bryant Designs, is responsible for the entire look and feel of this place. I am sure the citizens of Chicago will be more than pleased with the atmosphere. So please come by and celebrate with us tonight.”

  “Will Anna be joining you this evening?”

  Cole looked directly into the camera. “I sure hope so. She’s my heart and soul, too.”

  Becca turned off the television. “Let’s get you ready.”

  Anna didn’t move. Tears welled up in her eyes. She looked up at her friend. “He named the club after me?” she barely choked out.

  “Yes, he called me from Philadelphia. He wanted it to be a surprise, Anna.” Becca sat down on the couch beside her dear friend. She grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “Look, I know everything that happened was a shock. It shocked all of us. But the fact is, Cole and Trent are innocent, Anna. Don’t hold it against him because he hired some two-faced drug dealer as his manager. He didn’t know what was going on either. He and Trent trusted Angelo. They had no reason not to. He was a great manager. He just used them and the club as a front. He needed a chic place to sell.”

  “Why didn’t he stop by?”

  “He was at the police station for a few days until Angelo confessed to the whole operation, and they let Cole and Trent go. The first thing he did was call you, but you didn’t answer. He came here, and you didn’t answer the door. Then, he came into the office looking for you. When I told him I hadn’t seen you or heard from you other than emails, he was relieved he knew you were alive but still worried sick about you. He wanted—needed—to see you to explain everything. So he tracked down your parents, who are away at a medical conference. He told your parents everything because he wanted them to hear it straight from him and not from the news. Your dad told him to give you some time to cool off. Then your dad called me because he couldn’t get a hold of you either. So here I am.”

  Becca’s cell phone rang. She checked the caller ID. “It’s your dad.” She handed the phone to Anna.

  Anna hit the call button. “Dad?”

  “Anna, are you okay? Your mother and I are stuck in California and have been worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, Dad.”

  “Are you?” he asked in the tone she recognized all too well. He knew her best and knew she wasn’t telling him the truth.

  Anna began to cry. “No.” Becca squeezed her hand letting her know she was there for her. “Everything was fine and then turned upside down so quickly. I don’t know what I want anymore. I thought I did, then all of this happened.”

  “He called me, you know. He tracked me down at the hospital only to find out your mother and I are in California. He told me everything that happened. He was the one who found Angelo stashing the drugs in some secret compartments in the floor. A few of the waiters were dispersing the drugs to the customers.”

  “That’s why the police wanted the floor plans?”

  “Yes. They figured the drugs were being stashed somewhere in the club but couldn’t pinpoint the location. Cole also remembered you telling him Angelo was at the new club during construction. They found a stash there, too. Sweetie, I know you are angry with him, but you have to listen to him. He didn’t do anything wrong, other than be too trustworthy of some of his employees. It shocked everyone. Hell, it shocked most of Chicago.”

  “I’m scared, Dad.”

  “Of what?” he asked softly.

  “This relationship has had a number of ups and downs in such a short period of time. I don’t know if I can deal with this.”

  “Answer this, Anna. Do you love him?”

  Anna took a deep breath in and then exhaled. “Yes, I do.” But was love enough? Despite the information she just received, Anna was disappointed in Cole, and her heart was breaking because of it.

  “Then listen to him, sweetie. I know he feels the same way about you. Relationships aren’t easy. You can ask your brother and Alayna or Mike and Catherine. If you love him, truly love him, sometimes you have to fight to be together.”

  “Why didn’t he come to me and tell me what was going on when all this shit first started?” she asked with pain in her voice.

  “He couldn’t, Anna. Not only was he advised by the police and his attorney not to speak to you, but he also didn’t want you to get pulled in deeper. He didn’t want your business to be dragged through the mud either. Go get him back, Anna. Your mother and I know you two are meant to be together.”

  Anna took a deep breath trying to bring her tears under control. “Thanks, Dad. I love you. Tell Mom I love her, too.”

  “Will do. I love you, Anna. Call us later and let us know what happens.”

  Anna hung up the phone.

  “Sorry I had to pull out the big guns. Your dad is a great, wise man. I knew you would listen to him.”

  “He is. He always knows what to say.”

  “Yes, he does. So what do you think?”

  “I think you are wonderful. Have I told you that lately?”

  Becca hugged Anna. “No, but I know you love me. Now, let’s get you ready. By the looks…and smell of you,” Becca regretted inhaling when she hugged her best friend. “It’s going to take some time.”

  “Sorry.” Anna looked down at herself and then lifted her arm and smelled herself. “Oh God, I’m disgusting.”

  Becca laughed. “Girl, go shower and shave ‘cause I don’t even want to know how hairy you are. I’m going to raid your closet and pick something for you to wear tonight. When you are done, I will do your hair and makeup for you just like old times.”

  “You are coming with me tonight, right?”

  “Yep, raiding your closet for myself, too. I’m so glad we are still the same size.”

  The women shared a laugh and hopped off the couch.

  Anna took a long hot shower washing away the stress. She was trying to process all the information she heard on the news and from Becca and her father. After drinking too much the first night and crying buckets of tears for the past three days, she needed to clear her pounding head. She wasn’t sure what to make of everything. She was still hurting and shocked over how the events unfolded, but was touched to find out he named the club after her. Then when she see saw him on television and knew he was speaking directly to her, Anna knew she still loved him and had to see him. His words she’s my heart and soul too replayed over and over in her mind. It was a battle she knew was worth fighting for.

  Once she was all shaved and clean, she dried off and stepped out of the shower. She looked into the mirror. “Becca?” she yelled.

  Becca walked into the bathroom. “Yeah?” She handed Anna a much needed cup of coffee.

  “I look like hell. Can you work your makeup magic on me?”

  Becca smiled and pulled out all of Anna’s makeup and started applying some concealer. “Don’t you remember when we did this to each other after those horrible nights in college?”

  “How could I forget? It was like clockwork, especially right after the stress of finals. Nice pick, by the way. You look beautiful in that dress.”

  Becca smiled and knew Anna would approve of the red dress she had on. They had argued over the dress a few years back. Anna won the coin toss to buy the dress as it was the only one left in their size. She promised Becca she could wear it whenever she wanted.

  Soon, Anna’s make-up and hair were done. Becca did a beautiful loose French twist in Anna’s hair. She picked out an emerald green, V-neck cocktail dress accented with crystal rhinestones around the waistline. It made her breasts look perfect and caressed her curves perfectly.

  “This dress looks beautiful with your eyes, not to mention with that gorgeous ring Cole bought you.”

  “Oh my God! The ring!” Anna rushed out to her jewelry box and dug out her ring. She forgot she stashed it away not wanting to be reminded of him. She slid it back on her finger and took a moment to admire its beauty. She put on a simple nec
klace and some diamond stud earrings.

  “Okay, how do I look? And why am I so fucking nervous?”

  “You look stunning. You are nervous because you are going to get your man back, not that you ever really lost him in the first place.”

  Anna sighed and tried to settle her nerves. “I’m scared, but I think I am excited, too. I kind of miss his sexy ass.”

  * * * *

  Cole paced around the club checking with the event planner and his brother to make sure all the details for the grand opening were in place. They were scheduled to cut the ribbon at seven o’clock sharp. They had three bands scheduled tonight, each playing for two hours.

  “Dude, stop pacing. You are driving me nuts,” Trent exclaimed.

  “What if she doesn’t show up?” Cole asked, more nervous about Anna than the grand opening.

  “I don’t know, man. I know you two have something special, but she may need more time or maybe she doesn’t think it is worth it. All the shit that went on is a lot to process.”

  “Gee thanks for being so reassuring.” Cole rolled his eyes at his brother. “Do you think she saw the news?”

  “Becca said she was going to be there and make sure she watched it. You’ll just have to wait and see. Let’s go. It’s time to go outside.”

  Trent and Cole walked outside toward the green ribbon which was stretched across the walkway. Both men were dressed in their Sunday best. Trent wore a three piece suit, but took off his jacket a while ago. Cole had on a black, light pinstriped suit with a green shirt. He forewent the tie. He wanted Anna to be the one to tie it in one of her funky knots, but she wasn’t with him. Cole took a deep breath and prayed to God she would show up.

  There was a massive crowd waiting outside and reporters swarming all about taking photos for the papers. Trent and Cole cut the ribbon. The crowd clapped. Trent was proud of their business, and this one held a special place in his heart because of the music tribute. Cole was excited, too, but he was anxious and felt incomplete not sharing this moment with Anna.


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