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Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light

Page 2

by Michael W. Huard

  Commending her sister for the effort, Jansa said, “You’re a tough little sucker, aren’t you.”

  Jansa, now on her back, grinned in recognition, but there was no time to chat because she now had Raegan coming right back at her. But this time, she got lucky by grasping her sister's foot and drove her back down for a good ankle sweep. Jansa then got to the side again and this time, as Raegan was trying to get up, she slipped behind her and put on a firm rear choke to win the match.

  Both the ladies were smiling as it came to an end, and even though it was all in the name of fun, both had worked up a decent workout sweat. As Jansa hugged her good friend, she whispered, “You let me win, didn’t you?” The sisterhood’s leader shook her head, but Jansa still felt like the truth was unspoken.

  Mahira and Sinaye now entered the fight zone. Both circled about, teasing and faking to try and get the better grip to begin the match with. Sinaye pushed Mahira's head down and got an arm around her neck. She clasped both hands together and worked a guillotine-like strangle on her friend, but the little wildcat was not having any of that. She blocked the choke with one arm over Sinaye’s shoulder and a hand pressed against her sister’s hip. The raven-haired scientist now had no means to arch and choke her shorter opponent. Mahira then tripped Sinaye back to the mat and ended up on top. It was a finely executed counter throw.

  From the side, Mahira reached over and grabbed Sinaye’s far arm and brought her knee on the opposite side of her friend's head, pressing it against her ear. This arm lock was a killer, and Sinaye had no choice but to tap out. The two sisters hugged afterward, and this victory resulted in a final match between Mahira and Jansa.

  Mahira rubbed her palms together while looking at Jansa as they both made their way to meet for the final. The dirty-blond, top-ranking fighter smiled sweetly at her opponent. “Here’s your big chance, voodoo girl. What you got? You better be ready…and just so you know, I’m going to bring the pain on you.”

  Jansa grinned at her sister. “Very funny," she replied. "You never know, I might just have a big surprise in store for you.” Mahira nodded while rolling her neck to loosen up.

  The match then started, and Mahira dove right for Jansa’s legs. The good doctor sprawled back just in the nick of time and pushed her tough little friend away from tackling her. Jansa broke away and circled about with a wide smile on her face. Also smiling, Mahira faked as if she would shoot in once again, instantly making Jansa jump back. “Ha ha, got ya!” she added in a teasing tone.

  Mahira dropped to one knee, making Jansa drop low too. This gave Mahira the opportunity to go high and reach over her sister’s head. She then pulled Jansa with her in a headlock while also holding on to her sister’s ankle. Mahira rolled forward and both found themselves somersaulting over. As they landed, Mahira had Jansa’s knee in a secure lock.

  But Jansa skillfully rolled over to her stomach and got to her knees in a sprinter’s posture. She kicked Mahira in the butt and ran free of the hold, thus allowing her to stand back up. It was a great escape. Mahira also got back up and was clapping her hands in approval. “Nice move, sis. Impressive!”

  Again, the women moved in and locked up ready to continue their match. This time, Mahira slipped under and around to take her sister's back. Jansa was tiring. She found herself being driven forward and as she reacted, she was countered and tossed to her back.

  Mahira was in control now but Jansa was holding on. The gladiator pushed one of the sister’s arms across her face and squeezed with an arm and neck choke, leaving Jansa in a tight hold. With no options left, she gladly tapped out and brought an end to the sisterhood’s open grappling tourney.

  It was now time for a post-match training session for all present.

  Whenever the women got together, there was always a martial arts lesson to be taught. The sisterhood would choose a few of the ladies to run these clinics at the various events, so it was different each time they got together depending on who was speaking and teaching. Today, there would be lessons in the striking and grappling martial arts. The private sessions had more detail in an advanced setting, whereas the group training with new recruits would always be more about general technique and philosophy.

  Today, the beautiful Sinaye would teach the finer points of stand-up striking. All the women gathered in rows facing Sinaye as she began teaching footwork; moving forward, back, left, right, and circular, as well as teaching the ladies how to protect themselves with both hands up.

  Sinaye walked about as she explained about the footwork. “Ladies, this is very important. Keep your hands up and stay alive on the balls of your feet…that’s it, bounce on the tips of your toes, have happy feet, be quick!" she demanded while showing her own movements to the watching group of eager women.

  She continued, “Keep the same stance at all times, and never get too wide or too low when moving about. That's it…keep going! That's what I like to see. Great job, everybody!”

  There were, as always, many questions from the newbies and some of the more advanced women went about helping the group.

  Next came how to properly strike. The young scientist explained that the most common strikes were the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. All went through their punches over and over as the teachers walked about offering their assistance wherever it was needed.

  Sinaye yelled out, “Now let’s work on kicks. For kicking, there’s your push kick and roundhouse kick, and of course a few exotics like the spin kicks, the crocodile tail thrash, and the fun cartwheel kick.” The scientist sent everyone away for a while to try these out.

  She took a short break to get a sip of water, and when she was satisfied enough kicking had been practiced, she returned to teach the center floor.

  “Now, ladies, two of the most important striking skills we have to continue to master, and that our new people have to learn and train hard for, are elbows and knees. I will now demonstrate some knees and elbows so you may see their in-close effectiveness for yourselves.” Sinaye, using one of the newer members of the group as her partner, showed horizontal elbows and stabbing elbows to the face, followed by a demonstration of knees to the liver and ribs. All watched on, learning the ways of the sisterhood's up-tight striking methods. The ladies partnered up over and over throughout the training, working hard while gaining valuable knowledge and experience.

  As the striking session wound down, Sinaye delivered another talk to the group. “The most important thing when striking is to protect yourself. Your face, head, and jaw…this whole area is the crown jewel of your body. Protect your head and face at all costs! Failure to do so could result in you being knocked out.” She then recapped all the moves and footwork from their earlier workout.

  “Now, everybody, take everything you've learned today and shadow spar fight the air. If you can't fight the air, you're not ready to fight another person. Now go for it, and remember to breathe out on all hits. Go, ladies! Work it! Go, go, go!”

  She seemed happy with what she witnessed. “That’s it, take a break," she finally yelled out. "I am proud of you all. Remember, effort always defeats talent. Keep it up. Jansa will be next after a short rest.”

  All the ladies enjoyed a little downtime, where some fruit was served along with plenty of spring-fed water, and then it was the doctor's turn to take over and teach jiu-jitsu.

  Jansa spoke out to the crowd that was now gathered back in the center area of the training hall.

  “Okay, everybody, we're moving on to the grappling part of today's workout. The thing that's interesting about grappling is you kind of control if you want to do it or not. Most of the time, if you have four or five opponents in front of you, it's obviously not a good idea to pull somebody down while the others hover over you and kick at your body. They could then easily stab or shoot you as well.

  “So, with that said, try to keep it on the feet unless the situation merits otherwise, and then by all means strangle, break arms, and do whatever you have to do to su
cceed. Probably the most important thing for us all to realize and to continually learn, is that when you're smaller than somebody, the odds are you're going to be placed in a position of you rolling around on the ground, either on your back, or if at all possible, on their back. I always like to teach this because especially for a woman, this is the best way to deal with a tough person that might out-strength you. Does that make sense?” The crowd of women nodded as if they understood.

  “So I want everybody on their backs, grab a partner, and I want them to try to get around your legs and pin you down. If you can, keep your legs in front of you and guard against this pin, we call this the guard, and it is to prevent somebody from getting on top of you. I can’t stress enough how important this is.”

  All the women then went on to drill guard-replacement techniques. Jansa rolled about on the floor, using Zaey to demonstrate all the different ways of using feet and legs as well as the aspect of shrimping and scooting back when such movements were necessary. She had the whole group sweating and working hard for over an hour.

  “The final part of today's session is about learning how to utilize the guard when you have your legs wrapped around your opponent with them on top of you.” The curly-haired blond doctor demonstrated the three levels of striking defensive when an adversary tried to strike down at the women from between their legs.

  “Okay, everybody, level one,” Jansa announced as she motioned for Chaya to assist. “Look…I've got my legs wrapped around Chaya, but she is still attempting to punch down on me with her fists. What I need to do is defend my face, then I have to pull her forward with my legs and wrap my arm over her punching hand while wrapping my other hand around the back of her neck, thus holding her tight in a clinch-like fashion. When I do this, watch, she can’t get good hits on me!”

  The ladies watched on before attempting the move themselves.

  Jansa then hit level two. “This next level is a little bit different. The person is punching you and you’re trying to pull them down into a clinch, but you can’t get them forward so they keep hitting you. It’s here that you must place your shins and knees in the way. This pushes them back and keeps them from reaching your face to hit you.”

  Chaya kept trying to reach at Jansa’s face but failed miserably each time. “Now, as she forces her way through my legs and overextends to hit me," Jansa now explained, "I open my legs back up, drop her back down into level one posture, and clench my legs around her to stop her from pulling back.” Finishing the demonstration, she got up and clapped all the students into action, telling them to train hard on everything she had just shown them.

  There was never enough time to train these days.

  After a while, Jansa called everyone back together for some final thoughts.

  “You guys did awesome today. Training is tough, but it's worth it! This is always such an awesome training and tournament weekend. Remember the martial arts stay with you and become part of your life. It's a lifestyle, so wherever you go, wherever you are, it's like a friend in your back pocket, there when you need it, even in the dark streets of this crazy world. So all of you, be proud of yourselves for putting so much training in.”

  Later that evening, all the sisters, new and old, gathered for drinks, chat, and games. Not only was it a much-needed time to relax, but also a good bonding experience. It was nights like these they all cherished.

  Chapter Three

  Later that evening, Raegan gave a little talk to all who had made the trip. The big warehouse saw the whole group present and together.

  “What can I say, ladies, it’s been awesome seeing so much of you all. I just want to say that all the things you hear from many of us, like quotes we've learned or the feelings we have and share…these are the ties that bind us all together. For instance, you hear me say time and time again, tough times don’t last, tough people do. All of you are those people I speak of. When I say this, I see you all before me.”

  Raegan then motioned to Mahira to talk. The gladiator scratched her head and then took center stage. “When I say live free or die, I say it for all of us. I say it for all the families out there in the scorned world, and I scream it loud at times to make sure everyone knows that freedom is the only choice. We fight for this, and I too see all of you when I speak these words.”

  Raegan then waved Jansa forward to talk. The new-age healer smiled, showing she was eager to add her voice to the conversation. “It is so much fun to get together like this. We need to do it more often!” spoke the doctor. “And of course, as I like to say, we’re only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. This is the path that our mother, Metaya Valteese, laid out for the sisterhood. We will be slaves to no one…and together, we are stronger!”

  Raegan then gave her final thought to all the women in attendance. “I just want to say thanks to all who are here. It’s been pretty great for all to learn, make friends, and compete.”

  An uproar of applause ran through the entire group of women. “All of us, especially the long-time members here, are really proud of you guys.” Raegan looked out and saw about a hundred women, young and old, made up of those who had come to fight and train. "It’s so great to see these numbers!" She then raised a glass to salute the women before her. All the ladies followed suit as they each lifted a drink.

  “Today we celebrate togetherness!” She lastly raised a fist in the air. “You ladies all have a great evening, and always remember to believe in yourself! Thank you, guys. I love you all!”


  Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., the incoming storm had picked up its intensity. Lightning blasted through the skies and heavy winds tossed into the air anything that was not secured to the ground. A semi-tornado whirled about, and staying inside was everyone’s only option.

  President Marcou was about to explain more to the portly mayor when a clone rushed in and started blabbering in concern. “Sir, there’s a vehicle that has entered the grounds and a bomb has been detected.”

  This got the president’s attention as he stood up growling. He looked to the mayor and said, “Are your prevention bots not in place?”

  Westley Warns suddenly looked very nervous. “Um, they should be, but with the storm and all…um…yes, they’re out there.”

  Marcou turned to his hologram mega-robot, Omagus. “Please take care of it!”

  The robot, a true sidekick and always near the Y-Wood president, left the building and ventured out into the severe storm.

  The raging hurricane would knock any mortal soul either to the ground or send them flying in the air. But Omagus was far from normal. His design was aerodynamic and could easily withstand such devastating and extreme weather. He adjusted his greenish, glowing eyes, fighting through the rain and blinding wind as he searched the grounds for intruders. He then spotted a trio of bodies moving closer to the main Capitol building.

  It took seconds for him to flip up a laser gun from his wrist and shoot down all three figures. He then made his way over to them and spotted a large bomb-like device on the ground near a man that was wounded yet still moving. The guy was dressed in dark clothing and looked up as the giant robot loomed over him. Omagus used his eyes as flashlights to illuminate the man’s face. The laser had drilled a hole into his neck and by the looks of it, the wound was fatal. The terrified figure was barely a man; it was a boy of perhaps no more than fifteen. “I’m hurt bad," the kid mumbled as he glanced up at the thing above him.

  Omagus had holograms of numbers and codes all around him, each spotlighted over his tough metal exterior. The boy was in a living nightmare. “Help me, please help me," the teen pleaded.

  The leering robot spoke to him in a deep voice. “What is it you have there next to you?” The boy just shook his head as the big bot lowered his body closer. “I sense it is a very destructive device,” he added. “This is very bad, young man, you have broken the law.”

  The boy, now fighting for his life, begged for assistance.
Omagus bent his neck lower to look right at the kid’s face. “At Y-Wood, we protect and serve with the greatest of care.” He then pulled back and proceeded to stomp on the teenager's head, breaking his skull in two.

  The bomb was already set and timed to explode in mere seconds. Omagus, being one of the most intelligent beings on Earth, immediately scanned the device and adjusted a few wires, shutting it down with exactly one second to spare. The robot smiled and had a thought that he spoke out loud, yelling it into the swirling, howling wind. “Without me, where would this world be? Where would it be heading!” He smiled triumphantly and then made his way back inside to President Marcou.


  The women of the sisterhood were not a new concept. Hundreds and hundreds of years in the making, the Mystical Slayers were founded by a very special lady. Their founder and mother had unparalleled hope, a martial artist and a freedom fighter in every sense of the word. What the girls fought for now was a continuation of all she had started.

  Morning came and a new day had dawned. With the tournament now behind them, each had work to do.

  Raegan would be off to Washington D.C. to cover the newly renovated Capitol building. Today, the building was more of a figurehead. Y-Wood had made its real home at a much bigger place in Boston, Massachusetts. It would be there that next year, if all went right, the sisterhood would strike out in their biggest and boldest move ever against the tyranny of a once-great nation. Nevertheless, the Washington building was grand in its own right, and Raegan was anxious to see what changes had recently been made.

  Mahira was about to hit the road on a stretch of several death match arena fights, which spanned throughout most of the northeast region. Zaey would be on her way in another direction for a court case in Teton, County Wyoming, while Sinaye and Jansa had their own work to do in New York, that of modifying the sisters' healing formula and creating Starigen 6280.


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