Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light

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Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light Page 6

by Michael W. Huard

  The voice called out, “I'm over here! Everyone is gone, and they left me behind."

  Chaya did not know exactly where the voice was coming from, and she could not see a figure. Maybe, possibly this might be some sort of trap, but if not, she couldn't leave this child behind.

  It just wasn't in her nature. So, she slowly made her way over to the wooded area across the stream. She crossed over at the shallow end of the stream before her and looked up to the tree line.

  That's when several women stepped out with nocked bows and arrows pointing directly at the Mystical Slayer woman. One of them shouted out, “You can stop right there!”

  There were six women, all dressed in clothes that blended well into the scenery's colorful foliage of greens and browns with the occasional tints of red and orange. One woman wore a type of high-collared shirt, while the others were hooded with sweatshirts that made it hard to see who they really were. “I would take off your pack and throw your weapons down. And you can put your hands up too," demanded the sweater-wearing woman, still partially hidden in the trees.

  This was a somewhat primitive attack, so Chaya made her plea back to the six women. “Listen, I'm not here to harm anybody, I just heard the child shouting…you may not realize it, but I'm actually here to help. I was coming out to talk to this community before I saw the destruction. Perhaps you guys are not the enemy here.

  Another one of the six archers spoke now. “How do we know you are who you say you are?”

  Chaya spread her hands out, lowering her pack and her sword belt. “Who else would I be out here all alone?”

  The women slowly lowered their bows one by one and came out from behind the trees. Their leader asked, “Okay…we didn't think you would still come, you must be Chaya? We must apologize for this rude greeting. As you can see, we don't have much left here and can't afford to take any risks.”

  Chaya bowed in respect to the woman and again offered her condolences. The young boy appeared alongside the other six women; he was probably no more than seven years old and was also dressed in the browns and greens of the woods. The women asked Chaya to follow them.

  Their leader continued, “We've had to make a new camp. Follow us and we will show you what's left of our community…there's not much, but we found an old bear cave and we've been held up there for the last week. Down by that waterfall, there was a massive attack on us. Again, we're sorry for coming out at you like that.”

  Chaya walked on down a hidden trail. “I totally understand. You can never be too cautious these days.”


  The party was set in the center of the city. The hosts, as with many of the followers of the Corporation, still worked their asses off by slaving and giving most of their earnings to the new world order, Y-Wood.

  However, there were those that faked it. Jeffrey was one such individual, and he also happened to be an acquaintance to the two ladies heading his way. Jeffrey was a manufacturer of the Corporation's water supply. It sounds like something easily done, but water was in very high demand. Most water found in the city region nowadays was contaminated, so the process of giving the population clean drinking water had become a major factor for funding from the Corporation and a serious issue for people to deal with.

  The ladies knew the trip and the route there very well. They picked a side road in which to keep their vehicle safely hidden and made their way through an alleyway where a door led into another section of the building. They eventually found their way into an outside courtyard that led into Jeffrey’s home.

  Corporation soldiers and bigwigs would always use the main road to visit and do business with Jeffrey, but this secret way let the women arrive somewhat unannounced. Jansa and Sinaye, two fabulous looking women, were more likely to arrive safely if they weren't noticed on route.

  A white-suited butler opened the door to a once great massive hotel. He liked what he saw. “Good evening, lovely ladies, please come in.” This particular place had been hardly damaged, unlike many of the other tall skyscrapers in the city.

  As the ladies entered, all eyes turned to stare at them. Jansa quickly spotted her friend, Jeffrey, over at a nicely laid out buffet table to the right of the main room. It looked like a delicious spread with much food that most in the city would probably never even lay eyes upon, let alone taste.

  Jeffrey did not hesitate after spotting the girls and immediately made his way over to them. He was of average height and didn't have much hair left, but he had dazzling big brown eyes and appeared to possess a pleasant demeanor too. “Oh my," he hollered out, "how could I be so lucky to have such beautiful creatures join me at this evening's gathering.” He bowed to the ladies and added, “You two are most welcome to my humble abode, and may I add, you both look marvelous, stunning, simply…shall I say…ravishing!”

  Both women smiled as he continued. “I love the curly blond hair, Jansa! Your black boots are a very nice touch, by the way, and, my dear, your crimson tank top is rather flattering to say the least.” He took Jansa’s hand and kissed it.

  He then looked to Sinaye. “Now, I can't say that I've met your friend, darling."

  Jansa smiled. "You probably have at one time or another, but let me introduce you to the highly touted scientist, Sinaye.”

  Jeffrey nodded. “What a knockout. You in your blue denim, and if I may I say it fits rather perfectly, ha ha! Certainly highlights your ample features. Ladies, please make yourselves at home. Our guests are still arriving, though many are already here now. There are several floors for your mingling entertainment, and I have two bars set up within the complex." He again looked at Sinaye. “Love your belly chain!”

  Sinaye grinned; this guy was a real talker.

  He spun about. “Rest assured, I've taken great care to make sure there will be no trouble this evening. Of course, between you and I," he winked at Jansa, his voice lowering to a whisper as he leaned in, “we both know you two can certainly handle yourselves. So, with that said, let's just hope that the evening is pleasurable for you guys so you'll come back and see me again."

  Jansa knew that Jeffrey would want something in return for having them join his big-deal party, if not for the eye candy they brought. After his long speech, she replied, “My good old friend Jeffrey, I do remember the times when we used to hang out and play games as younger kids. Thank you for the nice greeting. My friend here is an expert in the field of robotics, and I already know what you're thinking…you've been trying to work on a particular model and you wouldn't mind if we took a look at it before the evening ended."

  Jeffrey's eyes lit up. “Well, well, I think you've read my mind, my old pal. That would be simply incredible." Jeffrey then looked to Sinaye. “How can it be that a woman with a reputation such as yours, can also be known as an intellect with such looks that could steal my heart?”

  Sinaye actually found herself blushing as she replied, “You’re too kind, and I would be fine to look at your creation anytime tonight.”

  Jeffrey beckoned for the girls to enjoy some mingling time and sped off saying, “Tootles, you two. We’ll talk later, I am sure of it. Go be silly, play about, have fun.”

  The women walked about to see his extensive art collection, sculptures, and the impressive champagne waterfall near the buffet table. Each grabbed a shrimp cocktail and nibbled on their snack.

  Sinaye looked to her friend. “Oh great, a night out where I'm going to have to work. I bet you knew this all along?”

  Jansa frowned at the comment. "Oh, don't worry, Jeffrey’s a lightweight. Halfway through the evening he won't even remember what we just talked about, so relax. Did I mention you look wonderful? Let's mingle a bit and try to have some fun." She stuck her tongue out at Sinaye. “You do know what fun is, right, sister?”

  Sinaye rolled her eyes at her friend. “Yes, I know what fun is.”

  Jansa smiled widely. “Well, there you go…let's party!”

  There were gambling rooms, voyeur sexu
al play rooms, dance floors, and virtual reality stations with all sorts of choices dotted around the hotel's various floor levels.

  As the girls looked over a virtual shooting range, a couple of men walked up to them after they too had finished chatting with Jeffrey nearby. Both were dressed in rather expensive looking clothes. Their talk with Jeffrey seemed like more of an argument than a friendly chat, yet here they were, on their way over. As they approached, one looked the ladies over and said, “I would love to buy you beauties a special drink, not an on-the-house version, but one very unique.”

  Jansa and Sinaye both looked at each other puzzled. Jansa then looked at the man and said, “I don't think so, but thank you anyway.”

  The tall blond man speaking was well groomed, but he had a cocky grin on his face and she just wanted to smash it off. He replied, “Oh come on, ladies, everybody wants to have a good time. That's why we're here, right?”

  His companion, a brown-haired handsome guy, added, “We’ll spare no expense, ladies. You can do anything you desire on the hotel's various floors. The idea is to, well, you know, have a good time. You may not realize but us two, well, let’s just say we’re well off and can party with the best of them.”

  Sinaye looked at the two guys. “We don't give a shit who you are, or about the so-called large amount of money you guys have…how's that for an answer?”

  “Ouch!" spoke the blond chap. "Easy, we are not trying to be rude here.”

  He then came around and placed his arm around Sinaye, making sure his hand rested a little bit low on her shoulder as he reached down to her bust line.

  Jansa shook her head. She looked at both of the men and said, “Listen, you guys, we don't care who you are or what you do. I'm going to tell you one time and one time only, back the fuck off.”

  The guys' faces suddenly went from playful to not-so-friendly. The brown-haired guy blurted out, “Well, just name your price, you two…we like what we see.”

  Jansa knew that was the last straw. Sinaye grabbed the blond guy's reaching hand and ducked under his arm, spinning behind him. She twisted his arm pretty good and as he spun to try and face her, she ridge handed him with a firm strike to the throat. He grabbed his neck and bent over in pain and shock.

  The sisters quickly left the area before more fighting could occur. Sinaye glanced at her sister and said, “I swear men think they run the world! They can have whatever they want nowadays, it’s ridiculous.”

  Jansa looked to her friend as they moved to a nearby stairway. “I agree, you got that right. I think they thought we would be easy prey.” She then pointed to her friend’s very revealing denim attire. “Then again, I think it's your outfit that lured them over!” she mocked with a giggle.

  Sinaye only frowned and added, “Yeah right!”

  Chapter Nine

  Coming off the main road, Lucinda and Zaey made their way through a thicker forest region. It was there they came to the turn that Lucinda had warned Zaey about, that being an ancient Native American burial ground. The trail was decorated with poles, totems, and skulls with various colored tassels hanging from the trees. A few more skulls dangled from nooses tied to the tree limbs.

  But the ladies couldn't see any of the dead walking about, or as Lucinda had put it, the undead. Nothing rose from any of the graves or land mounds scattered about here and there on the sides of the trail as the two rode on.

  The young Mystical Slayer lawyer could not figure out what might have happened to cause such a legend. She had come to Wyoming in hopes of helping this community out.

  Corporation strongholds in the inner-city were always expanding, but it was almost too late. All she could do was try to offer the remaining people a glimmer of hope in a world of madness. Zaey took a long breath as they rode on; thinking, always thinking.

  That's when the giant cats sprung down from the above trees and knocked both riders off their horses. In the high elevation, deep in the woods of a vast territory, were the creatures; part jaguar, part eagle and with moose-like heads. They were certainly a species badly affected by war, chemicals, and cloning.

  The guide had already drawn a long knife from her side and was trying to fend off the moose-cats now looming over her with salivating maws open wide and sharp claws reaching out at her.

  The impact had taken a lot out of the elder women, but she was in full defense mode for sure. The young Mystical Slayer had rolled with the hit, and even though she fell hard too, she kept the motion in her fall by turning and landing further away from her guide companion.

  Another of the big black cats jumped at her. She kicked out at it but failed to slow the beast down. It bit her in the leg, and she cried out in pain.

  The panther then sprung back as it prepared another jump at Zaey. She acted like she would face it head on but as the thing leapt at her, she suddenly ducked left and spun around to take the large creature's back. She wrapped her arms around its throat in an attempt to strangle the beast, but the animal went crazy, jumping up and down while shaking about to get the woman off of its back.

  Unable to hang on, she decided to let go of the berserk beast before it drove either itself or her into one of the many sharp tree branches surrounding the area. She tumbled off and rolled away, just as she'd been taught during her lessons in martial arts.

  By a shear stroke of luck, she reached out and grabbed her laser pistol from her now visible pack on the ground nearby.

  The monster came right at her, his jaws wide open and the razor-sharp, long teeth threatening to chomp her in two.

  She fired multiple lasers into its open maw and straight through to its brain. With an ear-piercing yelp, it fell on its side and was no more. Zaey's kill was just in time as Lucinda was fast losing the battle with the other panther-moose. Spinning about and taking aim, Zaey blasted multiple shots into the side of the creature battling with her guide.

  The woman had been doing her best to defend herself and had stabbed the beast several times before Zaey stepped in, but she had suffered many scrapes and bites in the process and wouldn't have been able to hold out much longer.

  Zaey helped Lucinda to bandage her wounds, then Lucinda helped Zaey to do the same. Both had some nasty cuts but would be okay. Zaey said, “I think this is the dead that everybody thinks rises up in this region. It’s not the undead that's demented by the sickness of war, it's these resulting cat-like monstrosities that have the people hyped up with fear."

  Lucinda seemed to nod slightly. “I believe you’re correct, and I must say thank you for helping me.”


  Meanwhile, back in Washington, the young reporter settled in for the evening; her room was probably the most extravagant place she had been in her entire life. It had more complimentary bathroom toiletries and other necessities than she could ever imagine. Raegan slipped into something more comfortable with the hope of getting a restful night's sleep. She imagined what it would be like to have a place like this for her family and her sisters. Not only that, she wanted a place like this for the entire country. In truth, this place used to really mean something, and she could picture what a special landmark it once was.

  She pondered how one day, if she could, no, when she could, she would bring this icon back to life. But for now she must rest. The early morning tours, conferences, and interviews were all on the next day's agenda starting bright and early.

  She needed to get a good night's sleep and not dream too much. Luckily, she drifted off quite quickly. Then, like she had never slept at all, she awoke with a thick hand over her mouth.

  A man was straddling her and pushing his weight on top of her body. It was too dark to see his face clearly. He held a knife in his other hand. Speaking in a raspy voice, he said, “Don't try to resist, little miss innocent reporter. It's time for you to grow up.” He placed the knife near her eye and ran it down her cheek to her carotid artery. “Don't you dare scream, or I'll cut your eye out and let you bleed to death in this very bed."r />
  Raegan, feeling the nervous rush of adrenaline kicking in, knew she had to find her center point immediately. The fact he had a knife and was already on top of her would make her strategy different; she had to let this man feel like he was in control, and that would take some serious skill and composure. Planning to have him think it was safe to put the knife down so she could make her move, she said calmly, “Okay, okay, don't hurt me. I'm not going to scream, just please, do not cut me.”

  He liked what he heard. It was dark in the room and she still could not make out who he was, but this was a good thing. Slowly lowering his knife from her throat, he ran it down her chest and fondled her pajama top with the cold, steel blade, cutting its buttons away and touching her bare breasts underneath. He was breathing loud now, excited, aroused. “That's it," he said, "that's a good little girl.”

  Raegan noticed he was a barrel-chested man, seemingly older. Accepting her good behavior, he did not hesitate and was now working at pulling her bottoms off.

  Putting her plan into action, she stated, “Why don't you just let me take those off for you? It will be a lot easier that way.” She sat up and slowly pulled her legs away from his probing hands.

  The parasite of a man before her was taken aback at first, but the woman had a point. Raegan then asked calmly, “Why don't you take off your clothes too? If we're actually going to do this, I'd prefer to do it right.”

  The fat fellow giggled, somewhat surprised but nevertheless extremely happy with her suggestion. Now feeling incredibly turned on, he said, “I think I'm starting to like you." He dropped his face down and slid his body up the bed to kiss Raegan on the lips. He held his meaty tongue between her lips, and it was all she could do to not bite his tongue off and scream bloody murder. Despite how gross the situation was, her discipline had kept her in control as she faked a French kiss and tried hard not to throw up in her own mouth at the same time.

  This was enough. Feeling quite comfortable, the man sat back and went about getting undressed.


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