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Scarlet Forest

Page 4

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  I followed Zander’s directions to the diner and parked in a vacant spot, opened the rear hatch for Phobos and Bretton to exit as the others climbed out of the other doors.

  “This is Team One. We’re at our location and ready to engage. Over.” I held the mic on the small radio attached to my shoulder thanks to Jacob and the police department.

  The other teams confirmed their locations soon after and we promised to alert each other if we ran into trouble.

  “Keep your eyes open for any danger.” Phobos moved next to me in his husky form as I spoke to my group. “We don’t know if they’ve set traps.”

  They nodded and followed me in a straight line to the treeline and then spread out with three feet between us. We’d discussed hand signals to alert each other of any dangers or for when we found the cave entrance. Thirty minutes later, Curtis held up a clenched fist, and we stopped. He pointed off to the right, and I noticed a dark opening in a cluster of rocks piled on the ground. We made our way to the mound, and I gulped. The entrance was a black abyss, dropping into the unknown.

  “We’re just going to drop into the death hole like it's nothing,” I hissed as Bretton walked over and sat on the edge, letting his legs dangle into the hole.

  “That’s why I’m here, Princess.” Bretton pulled his long toffee hair into a man bun. He winked, one amber eye shining in amusement. “If it's bottomless, you’ll hear my not so manly screams for a while.”

  I shook my head and held my breath as he dropped out of sight. Many scenarios flashed in my mind while we waited to hear from him. Time slowed, and I swore I’d been standing there for an eternity when Bretton finally called out the all clear. One by one, we dropped into the darkness. When it was my turn, I’m not ashamed to admit a muffled squeal left my lips. I thought I’d fall forever because none of them let me know how far it was to the floor, but as soon as I dropped, a set of hands gripped my hips and set me on the dusty stone floor with ease. I leaned forward and breathed in scents of the ocean and sandalwood. Ryn. I took a moment to absorb the comfort he freely gave.

  Ryn’s head dipped and as his lips ghosted over mine, I stepped out of his hold. “We should go.”

  Bretton’s body glowed in blue flames. He was our own fairy torch in the blackness. “Which way?”

  On both sides, the tunnel extended into an onyx veil. I closed my eyes and reopened them, allowing my wolf to come to the surface fueled by my fairy magic as I turned to the right. “I’ll take Ryn, Phobos, and Linc this way. You all go that way. Use your radio if you find something.”

  We parted ways and Ryn shined his flashlight toward the ground. We searched our tunnel for over an hour and were almost ready to turn back when I saw something.

  “What is that?” I pointed at the shimmer over a section of the wall to our left.

  “A glamour.” Ryn turned off his flashlight, and the wall pulsed in small green lights. “Made to look like a bioluminescent bug.” Ryn moved me in front of him and tilted my head. “If you look closely, you’ll see what it’s hiding.”

  It took me a moment to see another tunnel hidden behind the fairy magic. I gasped and stepped forward, but Ryn’s grip tightened and held me in place.

  “We need to go.” I struggled against his grasp.

  “Don’t be reckless.” Ryn spun me in his arms. “There’s only three of us and even if Bretton, Curtis, and Zander joined us it wouldn’t be enough.”

  “We can radio the other groups and go get Caden and Mauve.” I pulled against him. “They’re right there! We have Phobos.”

  Ryn’s hand covered my mouth, and I saw red, biting the soft flesh of his palm. Before I said another word, Linc’s hazel gaze connected with mine.

  “I know you want to storm in there.” Linc glanced past me. “I do too, but we need a plan. Something that won’t get us all killed.”

  He’s right. Phobos nudged his agreement into my mind. They know how to incapacitate me now. We need a plan to save your mate and aunt.

  I clenched my fists until I felt my nails breaking my flesh. “Fine. We’ll make a plan tonight and come back. I won’t leave them with Aelfric longer than we have to.” I rubbed my bloody palms against my thighs and radioed our find to the others. I swore to myself that Caden and Aunt Mauve would be back with us tonight if it was the last thing I did.

  Chapter 5


  M Y PLANS TO GO back to the cave tonight were squashed once we met up with the others. No one cared that I wanted our rescue mission to be more like a western shootout, guns blazing, and blowing away the smoke at the end of the barrel. They wanted to discuss our next move and decided to return to Moon Stone Ranch. I was ready to throw a tantrum that would rival any toddler, but for once, I held my tongue.

  Allie, Gwen, and Lilly gave us defeated sighs when they realized our targets weren’t in the vehicles. Allie opened her mouth to ask the burning question, but I shook my head and stomped past them into the office with the others on my heels. I took my place behind the desk, with a scowl that would have given Caden a run for his money when Uncle Kalen stepped through the door. He grimaced and kept his thoughts to himself. I wanted to pat him on the back for keeping, “his you know we’re only doing what’s for the best speech,” behind closed lips. I was behaving like a child, but each setback vindicated my emotions.

  I wanted this to be over. I wanted my aunt safe and sound. I wanted the comfort her presence brought me. I wanted my family to be complete again.

  I also wanted my soulmate. I wanted to hold him so we could grieve Lucian’s death together. This time, I wanted to be his rock and show him how I never gave up on finding him, just like he wouldn’t if the roles were reversed.

  The others filed inside the tiny room and shut the door as Phobos settled next to my feet.

  “We need a solid plan.” Uncle Kalen walked behind my chair and squeezed my shoulders. My chin fell to my chest, and I gave a heavy sigh. “Somebody, please give me something that won’t get us all killed.”

  An hour later, I scrubbed my hands over my face as the testosterone levels in the room increased while everyone argued which outlandish idea was better. With a small nod, Sable’s dark eyes met mine. It was funny how with only one look and even though we hadn’t known each other long; I knew she wanted me to intervene.

  “That’s enough.” I shocked myself when an authoritative power like I felt when Lucian had given a command, rolled out with those two words. All noise ceased, and each gaze met mine. “We have two of our own to save. I don’t need a peeing contest. I need something that will give me the result I want.” Still, the power emanated into the compact space and a few eyes shifted to the floor. Even I felt suffocated and I didn’t know how to stamp it out.

  A devilish grin spread on Linc's lips. “Sheesh, Kitra. If you didn’t have two soulmates to choose between, I’d so scent you right now.” Ryn’s eyes stared daggers at my friend.

  “If I remember correctly, you already tried that.” Austin elbowed Linc in the ribs. “It didn’t work out then either.”

  “I say we get rid of the two problems.” Zander’s chocolate eyes glittered with mischief. “Then, I’ll fight you for dibs.”

  A gut-wrenching laugh bent me in half as an angry screech left Ryn’s lips. Bretton stepped in front of him and Curtis locked Ryn in place when he clamped his arms around Ryn’s waist.

  “It’s a joke. They don’t mean a word of it.” I wiped the tears flowing down my cheeks. “Thanks, guys.” I should have been more apologetic and comforting to Ryn, but after everything we’ve been through so far, I needed that laugh.

  “W… what do you mean it’s a joke?” Ryn looked at me as if I had grown another head.

  “Her Luna power, you Neanderthal.” Allie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “The power is gone. Their antics.” She pointed at the accused trio. “broke the tension and Kitra released her hold on the power.”

  “Yeah, Twinkle Toes.” Linc grinned again, and I knew his next words would cause
more damage. He motioned up and down his body with a shrug. “She wishes she was mated to this, but I’m a man that can’t be tamed.” Ryn fought against Curtis and Bretton and Linc threw up his hands. “Sorry! Still a joke, man. Calm down.”

  “Ryn.” His eyes softened when he turned towards me. “You or Caden have nothing to worry about. They only said those things to help me.”

  Ryn’s eyes dropped to the floor, and he breathed in through his nose, holding the breath before it blew out in a rush. The others let him go, and he leaned back against the wall with his head still down.

  “Can we make a plan that will actually work?” I glanced at everyone else. “I refuse to stand still if all we’re going to do tonight is fluff our feathers. I’d rather take my chances and go back tonight.”

  Jacob stepped up to the desk. “What if we treat this as a police stakeout and raid?”

  “Go on.” I nodded, already liking what Jacob said.

  “We need stealth. We don’t want them to know we’re onto them.” He looked back at the others as they crept closer. “Sizeable groups will raise their attention and we don’t want that. I say we use one or two people for surveillance for a couple of days.”

  “But.” Zander started, I held up a hand, and he fell silent.

  “Why do it for that long?” If he wanted me to wait any longer, I needed more than a hunch.

  “It’ll tell us their patterns.” His hands started moving with each word. “The time they enter and exit the caves, the number of individuals coming and going, and when they have more guards around. Knowing how they operate is an advantage. Can we get past the glamour without alerting the Dark Ones? We want to be in and out with the least amount of problems. Doing surveillance will help reduce most unknown factors.”

  “Okay.” I stood. “Volunteers?”

  Everyone wanted to go, but we decided Jacob would take the first shift tonight and Linc would relieve him in the morning with Ryn taking the last shift on the second day. After we gathered intel, we planned for two groups to be involved in the actual rescue. Uncle Kalen would take Lilly, Bretton, and Jacob while my Guardians, Ryn, and Phobos went with me. My group would run point while the other protected us from behind. This left Allie, Sable, and Gwen to secure the homestead and make it ready for our return.

  I was a nervous wreck during the wait, but the first night even I agreed I was unbearable. I chewed my nails until they bled and snarled at anyone within my vicinity. Allie and Gwen threatened to give me a sedative just, so I’d stop pacing a path in front of the main house. Sable threatened far worse before she marched off and mumbled something about the apple not falling far from the tree.

  When Linc left before sunrise, I finally took a seat on the wooden porch swing and leaned my head back, closing my eyes. Patience wasn’t a virtue. It was my nemesis, a villain attacking at every hour and I lost each battle. I took a deep breath and vowed to beat its next attack.

  I must have dozed off because the sound of a car rolling to a stop startled me. I glanced at the squad car Jacob left in last night and shot from my seat. I opened the door before he’d even turned off the ignition.

  “Tell me everything.” So much for winning against my impatience.

  Jacob reported he didn’t see much during his stay, but he tossed a pebble through the glamour without sounding an alarm. At least we knew Aelfric wasn’t too concerned about us infiltrating his den of evil. I parked myself back on the swing as Jacob went in search of a meal and sleep.

  I stared at the driveway for over an hour before Uncle Kalen ordered me up to Caden’s room. He promised to throw me into a cell at the jail in town and keep me from our rescue mission if I didn’t take care of myself. I came too close to telling him I’d teleport back to the porch, but he was right. I barely held my head up, and he helped me upstairs. I was out when my head hit the pillow.

  I slept until the next morning and only woke to the smell of steak and eggs when Allie and Gwen crept into the room.

  “Do we know anything?” I sat up with a yawn and pushed crazy bed head hair behind my ears.

  Allie sat a tray on my lap and smiled when I dug in. “Linc saw a few people leaving around 9:00 a.m. and they returned at three in the afternoon. Whatever they’re doing, it happens during the day. He didn’t see much after that. Ryn left earlier, so we’re back to waiting.”

  “Great.” I finished my last bite and sat the tray beside me. “More waiting.”

  “No worries.” Gwen wedged between the tray and my side. She laid her head on my shoulder. “We’ll keep your mind off the time and turn you into a warrior princess for when you leave later.”

  “Warrior princess?” They both grinned, and I was suddenly terrified. “No high heels.” Where was Hattie when I needed her?

  “Duh.” Allie scoffed and smacked my foot. “I was thinking more along the lines of skintight leather.”

  “You’re not dressing me like a dominatrix.” My arms crossed over my chest. “I draw the line there.”

  Allie sighed. “Fine, but I’m keeping the leather. Get a shower.”

  She didn’t lie about the leather. I stood in front of the mirror after appraising my reflection. They tied my chestnut hair into a high ponytail, the end brushed against my shoulders. Allie and Gwen wrangled me into a black leather catsuit with combat boots that reminded me of Cat Woman, but that was where the similarities ended. I resembled an avenging angel sent to right the wrongs of the world. The special armor Hattie had given me stood out against the shiny leather and rested above my hip bone. It stretched over my vital organs in feminine lines until it crossed over my back in two gilded wings.

  I’d argued over wearing makeup for a potential battle, but Gwen told me it was much-needed war paint to complete the image. She gave me black smokey eyes with a black liner underneath, accentuating the violet color and drawing attention to my fierce gaze. She finished my face with a simple nude lip and declared me ready after I’d strapped my katana between my golden wings.

  They ushered me down the hall when we heard the others gathering in the foyer. Linc was chewing gum and choked when he watched me descend the stairs. Zander thumped his back until the gum dislodged from his throat and landed on the floor. Linc pointed to me and all eyes turned in the direction of his finger. Bretton whistled and Zander tugged at his collar while his cheeks darkened. Phobos came to my side and growled at the others. I laughed at the spectacle. Allie and Gwen had outdone themselves this time.

  I ignored the stares and made my way to Uncle Kalen. “Is Ryn back?”

  “No. He called a few minutes ago.” Uncle Kalen took Lucian’s sword from Sable, his Adam’s apple bobbing when he looked at it and water glistened against his lids. He cradled the blade before attaching it to his back. “There’s more movement. He thinks they may be on the move and believes we should strike now before we miss our chance.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Caden’s Hummer keys were passed to me.

  We sped to the diner parking lot and Phobos growled when I slammed on the brakes and parked, switching off the ignition. Nothing came over our telepathic link, but I knew I was pushing the phouka’s buttons. Our march into the treeline was as silent as a ghost. All eyes were on the lookout for any interlopers hiding in the vegetation, but nothing moved as we made our way to the tunnel entrance.

  Ryn waited above the hole into the abyss and pressed a finger to his lips. “I don’t want them to hear us. Nothing’s entered or left their hideout in the last twenty minutes. If we’re going to do this, the time is now.”

  We agreed and sent Ryn into the hole first with me following. Uncle Kalen and the others would wait for two minutes before they entered the tunnel and followed us.

  Ryn led us to the glamour disguising the entrance we’d found a couple of days ago. Nothing stirred besides our breathing and Ryn stepped through the veil into the tunnel beyond. Each of us entered, ready to fight for our lives, but no threat waited for us. Lit torches were spaced out along the ston
e wall cast a warm glow to the floor. The air was stale and held a stillness felt on a battlefield before blood was shed. Something wasn’t right and doubt flooded my bones. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but my wolf rose up in agreement, flaring to life in my eyes.

  Uncle Kalen and the others soon joined us, and we walked in a single file down the tunnel. The main passageway branched into two smaller shafts at the end of the junction. Uncle Kalen’s group went left, and we walked down the right tunnel. My nose picked up a trace of mint and cotton and I almost ran.

  “Caden!” I whispered, and we sped up.

  Our passage ended in a circular grotto with water dripping from the ceiling; seven barred doors stood along the edges. A whimper pulled my attention to the first door on the left and I smelled sunshine mixed with copper.

  “Aunt Mauve.” I charged her cell, but Linc pulled me to a stop.

  “Is there magic on the lock?”

  “What?” I looked up into his hazel eyes. “Magic?”

  “On the lock? It could be a trap.” He motioned to the garish metal securing her inside.

  I pulled on my magic and searched for traces of enchantments in the room. “Nothing.”

  Curtis yanked the lock with his bare hands, and it clanked against the stone floor. “I’ll get the others.”

  I tugged the heavy door open and rushed to my aunt. Her blonde hair was matted in rusty-colored clumps and stuck to her face. I pulled her into my arms, and she cried out as if I’d struck her. Mottled purple covered her face and neck and disappeared beneath the neckline of the tattered dress she wore. Dried blood and dirt hid the garment’s true colors as it covered her torso.


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