Book Read Free

Scarlet Forest

Page 11

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  I searched inside and found more destruction. Dried brownish red footsteps on the hardwood floor led to the front door. I sniffed the air, but the normal scents of her home had faded. I checked the rest of Sable’s home and found two gigantic pools hardened in the upstairs hallway. I ignored what my brain told those two spots were.

  Where was she? Where were the others?

  I sprinted out the front door and towards the direction of the main house. My heart chilled as the desolate landscape passed by, and I pumped my legs harder. This couldn’t be real.

  My home loomed against the horizon, and I slowed to a stop. Something was wrong. The right side was caved in and the male and female dormitories were nothing but rubble. A noise behind the destroyed buildings caught my attention. I crept around the fallen structure and peeked past the blackened beams where the deck once stood.

  Aelfric sat upon a mound of some sort. I called for my wolf’s sight, but he still wouldn’t heed my call. I took a step forward and something cracked into shattered pieces under my foot. I didn’t have to lift my shoe to know what had caused the sound. The entire field was covered in scattered bones.

  No matter where I stepped, I walked on a carpet of faded yellow bones. The crunching grew louder as I neared Aelfric. He sat on an ebony stone throne atop a massive pile of skulls with his legs hanging over one of its arms. Empty sockets and gaping jaws greeted me when I approached the mound.

  A green crystal crown was perched on top of his head. My presence didn’t stop him from picking at his fingernails or humming a cheery tune. The bones shifted under my feet when I took another step. A skull from the middle of the morbid hill rolled to my feet. Bile spilled from my lips, and I choked on each heave.

  “You know this is your fault.” I glanced up at Aelfric, but he hadn’t moved. “If you’d only joined me, your friends and family wouldn’t be dead.” His stare collided with mine and a smile stretched his lips. “How does it feel to be the only Dire Wolf left?”

  “No.” I stumbled backward. “You’re lying!”

  “Does this look like a lie?” Aelfric spread his arms and laughed with his face raised to the sky. “This is my creation, little alpha. They’re all dead.”

  I looked out at the sea of bones. A piece of my soul shattered, and I fell to my knees. This was another dream. “It’s not true.”

  “But it will be.”


  Aelfric’s laughter faded, and I jerked awake. The basement was dark, and my arms were still strung above my head. My breathing hitched when I thought about the newest nightmare. The part that broke inside refused to mend. If I wanted to save my pack, I had to make a deal with the devil.

  The smell of rotten flesh saturated the room, and a figure stepped from the shadows. “Are you ready to join me? Or do you want what you saw to become reality? It’s the only way you can save them.”

  “I know.” I stared at the concrete floor. “I’ll join you. I won’t fight you. What do I need to do?”

  The room glowed a jade color and Aelfric squatted in front of me. “Don’t fight it. Let me in.”

  A green glow colored his breath and breezed past my lips. My first instinct was to clamp my mouth closed, but I took a deep breath and pulled the magic down my throat. I had no other choice. I’d save my people. Then, I’d kill Aelfric. The room faded while my thoughts shifted to something darker.

  “Welcome back, brother.” Aelfric smiled when I opened my eyes again. “Our journey begins.”

  My lips lifted to match his, and he released me from my restraints. “When do we attack?”

  Chapter 17


  M Y FOREHEAD THUMPED AGAINST the desk. I wasn’t any closer to figuring out the weapon or finding Aelfric. We were all on edge and restless, and the mundane everyday life took its toll on our frayed nerves. The only solid plan we had was sending Lira back to the Council with Elder Dylan. When it was time for them to leave, she promised to secure the lapis lazuli crystal for our spell to destroy the gate. We worked all morning and Julia spent most of it drawing and writing out everything she remembered from her study of the ritual. Now, she and Lira sat across from me and made a few adjustments on the dance she needed to perform. Every step and movement had to be done correctly before each of us clasped onto the crystal.

  Suddenly, sharp stabbing pierced my heart and my wolf howled as my magic swirled. Purple sparks crackled from my fingertips while I panted.

  “Kitra!” Julia sprang to her feet and toddled as quickly as she could to my side. “Are you okay?”

  “Kalen! Something’s wrong with Kitra!” Lira yelled from the office doorway.

  The room swayed and tilted. I felt a warm furry body rubbing against my leg, and two voices filled my head. I couldn’t focus on the words or any of my surroundings. All I knew was blistering white-hot pain, and I screamed.

  My insides were scrambled but slowly pieced themselves back together again. The agony diminished and my breathing returned to normal almost as fast as my suffering had started. My wolf whimpered, and I felt her loss of something important.

  “No!” Tears poured down my cheeks. “NO!” My voice hitched, and I clawed at the back of my neck.

  “What’s wrong?” Uncle Kalen spun my chair towards himself. He grasped my wrists and his grip tightened when he looked into my pale face.

  I tried to break free, but he held fast. “He’s gone. Caden’s gone!”

  “What?” Linc shoved past Curtis. “How is he gone?”

  “My wolf feels like she just lost her mate.” My lips trembled and my hands shook when Uncle Kalen released me. “I felt my soul rip apart.” My left palm covered my neck. “Is it still there?”

  Lira moved my hair over my shoulder. “I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for.”

  “Here. Let me.” Uncle Kalen walked behind me, and I held my breath. His silence weighed heavily in my chest. “Nothing’s missing. Your mark is unchanged.”

  My breath rushed out. “Are you sure? Caden’s mark isn’t gone?”

  “I’m sure.” Uncle Kalen moved back in front of me. “Your mark is exactly the same as it has been since you got it.”

  “I… I.” I shook my head as my heartbeat slowed, and I clenched my fists. “Then what just happened? Why does my wolf think he’s gone?”

  “I don’t know.” Uncle Kalen looked to Elder Dylan and Sable. “I think we need to have you checked over in the infirmary.”

  “I’m okay.” My mental inventory of my body didn’t set off any alarm bells.

  “Just humor us, Luna.” Sable cleared the room so I could walk out. “Let us take care of you.”

  I allowed them to fuss over me for a couple hours, but when all my tests came back normal, I sent them back to their daily routines. However, I promised to rest on the giant couch in the living room. I had just gotten comfortable and opened a book when screams resonated outside.

  I jumped to my feet and ran out the back door. Black-robed figures threw green orbs at the pack members. I rushed forward, creating my own orbs. I hurled purple magic at the closest figure and shifted mid-jump. I landed on a Dark One’s back, and they crumbled under my wolf’s weight. Within seconds their fight was over, and their life drained from their limbs.

  More of the Dark Ones stormed from the trees and more wolves joined me. Phobos morphed into his shadow form and stood next to me. Soon, he decimated a sizeable group attacking from our left while the rest of us took on the others still emerging from the forest.

  I was hesitant to add my fae powers to my Guardians. In my last attempt during a training practice in Faerie, I almost killed Linc. However, now in my wolf form, I did use my magic and tore through Dark Ones. A yelp to my right pulled my attention to one of the females I had helped train. She shifted and held a gash over her stomach.

  I dove at her attacker. Soft flesh shredded between my teeth. The Dark One’s wail was music to my ears. Fairy fire raced up their leg, and I watched as the female spun and tried t
o smother the otherworldly flame. When she fell, my heart tugged at her loss, but I turned back to my fellow pack member.

  “Are you all right? Is it healing?” I lowered next to her.

  “It is Luna.” She moved her hand and showed me her bleeding had slowed. “Watch out!”

  I spun. “No!” I rushed to Julia as a male Dark One dropped to the ground. A knife handle protruded from his chest. Julia’s mouth hung open as blood bloomed under her sternum. “Oh, Julia! Why did you do that?”

  “I told your mother I’d watch over you.” Red liquid leaked from the corners of her mouth. Phobos finished off two more Dark Ones to our right. “Your shadow was a little tied up, so I thought I’d step in. Don’t worry Kitra. Everything will be all right. This isn’t your fault.”

  Salty droplets fell to my chest, and I held her against me. “Austin!” I even shouted for him in my mind, but he exchanged blows with an opponent across the field. “Austin will fix this.” Julia’s eyes fluttered. “Stay with me.”

  “My number has been called and I’m ready. My purpose is completed. Being able to guide you in destroying the gate was what I was meant to do. You trusted me and never thought of me as a traitor. Now, the rest of them will know it too.” Her breathing rattled. “You and Lira have everything you need from me.”

  “What can I do?” Lilly dropped next to me and moved my hand from the wound while Phobos kept Dark Ones away from us. “Oh my.”

  “Huntress, you have to take my p… place.” Julia clutched Lilly’s hand. “Promise me you will help them close the gate.”

  “I promise.” Lilly helped me lay Julia flat.

  Julia took one last breath and grew still. The others had turned the tide while we stayed with Julia, and now, Aelfric’s followers retreated into the trees. Austin gasped when he reached us. He pressed his glowing golden hands over her wound. Sweat beaded across his forehead and Lilly removed his hands from Julia’s wound.

  “She’s gone, Austin.” She clutched his hands between hers. “I heard what healing does to you. You had a close call with Linc. We can’t lose you as well.”

  “I can do this.” Austin pulled from his grasp. “You have to let me try.”

  “She’s right, Austin.” I stared at the blood drying on my skin. “I know you can heal Julia, but what will it cost you? Your life?” I finally looked at him. “I can’t let you take that chance. Julia wouldn’t want you to either. She said she completed her purpose, Austin. She was ready.”

  The rest of my friends joined us. Sullen faces met mine as I took in their appearances. Most were covered with blood spatter while Linc was drenched from head to toe. Sable and Jacob slid past the others and motioned for Lucian’s old guard to join them. They lifted Julia’s body onto their shoulders and walked towards the infirmary.

  “We’ll take care of her, Luna.” Sable patted my shoulder. “She’ll have a ceremony worthy of any of our soldiers.”

  “Thank you, Sable.” Zander helped me to my feet.

  Lira stood on the outskirts of our circle and swallowed when the guards passed her with Julia’s remains. Red-colored the left side of her face and caused her silver hair to cling to her cheek. “I’m sorry for your loss.” She turned back to me and bit her lip. “I don’t mean to sound harsh.” She glanced between the others and me. “But, how are we?”

  “I’m taking her place in the ritual,” Lilly interrupted. “I promised Julia I’d do it.” Lira nodded once in the huntress’s direction before she turned on her heel and left us to grieve privately.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news.” Zander and Curtis shared a glance. “But Caden was here.”

  “Where?” I spun to look out over the field. Normally, my wolf knew when her other half was near, but she didn’t pick up on his presence. Why hadn’t she called him? Why couldn’t I sense him anymore?

  “He was involved in the attack.” Curtis had turned green. “He didn’t kill anyone, but he wore the Dark Ones’ attire.”

  “You must be mistaken.” Uncle Kalen rubbed his temples. “Caden wouldn’t openly attack us… would he?”

  “No, he wouldn’t.” Linc crossed his blood-soaked arms. “He wouldn’t turn on his pack.” I wanted to agree, but what if I’d felt him switch sides earlier? What had Aelfric done to him?

  “Like Curtis said.” Zander scrubbed at his highlighted hair. “He didn’t kill anyone. He knocked a few out and tried to get into the main house.”

  We were silent for a few moments. My thoughts clogged with every excuse I could make for Caden joining Aelfric and the Dark Ones. This wasn’t the Caden I knew.

  “Do you think he was looking for something?” Gwen wiped the blood off her sword’s blade and sheathed it.

  “If he was looking for something, we’ll find it.” Allie’s butterfly swords still rested in her hands. “We should clean up and set up a watch just in case they try to come back.”

  “Agreed.” I stood next to Linc. “I’ll meet you all inside.”

  Everyone made their way to the house, but Linc and Phobos stayed with me.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Linc looked from me to Phobos, but my shadow friend stayed out of my head.

  “Julia said her death wasn’t my fault, but it feels like it is.” I crossed my arms and looked towards the forest. “She said it was her time, but she was here because of me. If I’d never gone to her for answers, she’d still be alive.” I wanted to walk into the trees and never return, but Aelfric wouldn’t give up. “And I don’t know what possessed Caden to join Aelfric. It doesn’t make sense.” I pulled on the ends of my hair. “I need to clear my head.”

  “Kitra, you know you can’t keep blaming yourself for all the horrible losses we’ve suffered or for what the future holds. We’re in this together.” Linc hugged me. “I know you’re outraged and things seem out of control. Maybe you should do something physical, Sparring might help.” One of my brows arched when he looked down at me. “It won’t hurt to try.” He released me and cracked his knuckles. “Maybe it will get rid of some of your bad mojo and let you look at the situation from a new point of view.”

  I rolled my eyes but followed him to the training grounds. Linc spent the next couple of hours as my punching bag. He and Phobos critiqued my form when I got tired and sloppy. Finally, they called quits and sent me to shower. Linc had been wrong though. My crowded thoughts drove me crazy, and I was functioning on autopilot.

  Allie and Gwen waited in front of the bed when I came out wrapped in a towel.

  “I didn’t think we’d need these again so soon.” She sniffled and held out the black dress I wore to Lucian’s funeral. A tear slid to her chin, and she wiped it away with the back of her hand.

  “Me either.” I left them to get dressed. We hugged each other when I returned, and I sat before the mirror and pinned my hair back.

  “Julia was really growing on me.” Allie caught my stare in the mirror. “She had a way of getting through your walls.”

  “I know.” Gwen brushed at the non-existent lint on her dress. “After all the drama from her arrival, she gave me a hug and told me she was rooting for my family. She thought we’d get to live together again soon.”

  I grinned, thinking about Brannon dealing with Gwen’s bossy side. “She did have a special way about her. She made you comfortable after you got past her rough exterior.”

  A knock at the door signaled it was time. We walked out to the field once again. Sable and the others got a pyre ready for Julia’s service and laid the fallen Dark Ones to rest. Many of us spoke about Julia’s contribution to our cause, but my mind went blank when I lit the wooden frame. How many more people would Aelfric take from me before I could stop him? The structure was fully engulfed when I turned away.

  Chapter 18


  T HE NEXT MORNING, WE gathered in the living room, but we sat in silence and stared at the walls. None of us were ready to talk about yesterday. We’d lost two more team members. Julia’s death an
d Caden’s new alliance gutted the rest of us, and I didn’t know how to fix it. Nothing remedied our somber moods as we tried to make sense of our pain.

  I also couldn’t help but think about my reaction to Caden’s betrayal. Why had I felt his loss when he joined Aelfric? Why hadn’t I felt something similar when Ryn betrayed me? I’d been consumed with rescuing Caden and his sellout almost killed me. I was angry with Ryn’s deception, but I never felt broken or like I lost him.

  Sable’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I turned towards the door. “Luna?” Her gazed bounced off each face. Since Julia’s death, we hadn’t been apart much. “The guard found a trail for Aelfric, but it’s a dead end.”

  “Where?” A couple of the others perked up.

  “A human house twelve miles from here.” She looked at the ground and clenched her jaw.

  “Any survivors?” Curtis stood still holding Allie’s hand.

  “None.” She shook her head and some gray strands pulled free of her low bun.

  “He’s killing humans now?” I held my face in my hands. “We can’t cover up his crimes if he attacks the human world.”

  “He’s calling for war between the Supernaturals and humans.” Gwen pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  “How are we going to keep this quiet?” Allie’s leg bounced. I could see the wheels turning in her head.

  “Jacob and the police have marked it as a homicide. He’s taking on the case himself so hopefully we can keep the rest of the humans out of it.” Sable inhaled through her nose and pushed it out of her mouth.

  “But those people were innocent. They need justice.” My shoulders drooped under more weight.

  “And they will have it, Luna.” Sable dropped to one knee with her fist over her chest. “I promise you this. We will stop Aelfric and his reign of terror. Until then, we can increase the number of patrols.”

  “All right.” This is a start, but it is not nearly enough. “I’ll text Brannon and Amara to see if they can send reinforcements for the patrols.” My fingers flew over the screen of my phone. My phone vibrated seconds later. “They’ll be here tonight. Can we cover it until then?”


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