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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

Page 39

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  The server brought their entrees, which looked delicious. Eli did have some trouble with the duck but acquitted himself well in the end. The food was delicious and very filling. The server inquired about dessert, but they all declined. When the check arrived, Raine grabbed for it and slapped Geoff’s hand when he tried to take it back. “It’s the least I can do to say thank you to both of you for making my vacation so much fun.” The server returned, and Raine handed him his credit card.

  “Thank you, Raine.” After being nervous earlier, Eli now looked full and very content.

  “Yes… thank you. That wasn’t necessary,” Geoff said.

  “Yes, it was.” Raine signed the check. “So stop.” They got up and left the restaurant, saying good-night on their way out.

  Outside, it was just getting dark as they walked down the street to the truck. “Hey fags!” Geoff looked around. “Yeah, I’m talking to you, faggot!” Geoff and Raine spun around as three guys came up behind them. “We heard about you.” The three of them looked like just-graduated high-school football players, and Geoff was sure he’d seen them around town before.

  “Eli, run to the truck.” He heard a squeak and saw Eli back away out of the corner of his eye.

  “We heard all about you. Is that the boy you been carrying on with?” Geoff didn’t turn around and started to back away. The men advanced on him. One of them grabbed Raine, holding him tight. “We heard all about you. Seems your relatives don’t like you carrying on with little boys either.” The guy closest to Geoff pushed him to the pavement, and Geoff curled into a ball just before he was kicked in the side and leg.

  Other people on the street stopped. “Someone call the police.” A few seconds later, Geoff heard someone speaking into a phone.

  “Let’s get out of here!” The three of them took off down the street at a run.

  When he heard the running, Geoff uncurled himself and tried getting up. His side hurt, but nothing appeared to be broken. It seemed his leg had gotten the worst of it. “Raine, are you okay?”

  The people gathered around had helped Raine up. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Where’s Eli?” His leg hurt and was going to be black and blue for a while, but everything seemed to be working okay and the pain in his side was easing, thank God.

  “I think he’s by the truck.” Geoff saw Eli standing near the truck, looking like a deer in headlights. They heard sirens, and a police car pulled up a few seconds later, sirens blaring, lights flashing.

  The policemen got out, and Geoff beckoned them over. They asked all kinds of questions about what had happened, and Geoff told them about the accusation the men made. Understandably, the police were very interested, and they walked to the truck and spoke briefly with Eli before finishing up their questions. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they were told they could go. Geoff asked Raine to drive, and Eli helped him into the truck.

  The ride back to the farm was anything but joyful. Geoff was in pain and felt like crap. When they reached the farm, Eli and Raine helped him out of the truck and into the house. They found Len in the living room.

  “What happened?” Len asked.

  Geoff explained about the incident in Ludington after lowering himself into a chair. Eli sat on the sofa, looking at him.

  “Why would they do that?” Len looked worried.

  “One of the kids said that my relatives didn’t like me carrying on with boys either. I think someone has been spreading rumors that I’m having a relationship with someone underage.”

  Len jumped to his feet. “That bitch!”

  “We don’t know it’s her.” Geoff didn’t sound convincing, even to himself.

  “That’s just the type of thing she would do, though. Spreading lies all around town. Hell, she doesn’t even need to tell lies. All she’d do is embellish the truth and let those busybodies take it from there.”

  Geoff was too tired to figure it out right now. Slowly, he got up, gave Len and Raine each a hug, and limped painfully upstairs to his bedroom.

  The first thing he did was take something for the pain. Then he got undressed and climbed into bed. He heard voices drifting up from downstairs as he lay there, his thoughts drifting to his dad and then Eli. Tears came unbidden to his eyes, and he tried to brush them away, but more took their place. Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed here. Maybe I should have sold the farm when I had the chance. What if they’d hurt Eli or Raine instead of me?

  He was so deep in his self-pity that he didn’t hear his door open and close, but he felt Eli’s arms around him, and that touch released a torrent of tears. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Geoff’s body ached, he cried so hard.

  “It’s okay.” Eli rocked him gently as he clung to him. “Lay back.” Eli settled him back on the pillow as his tears tapered off and got up off the bed. Geoff half expected him to leave, but Eli used the bathroom and then got back into bed, holding him until he fell asleep.

  Geoff had a rough night. His leg hurt, and he woke often, but Eli was there. When he woke in the morning, the bed was empty, but he heard Eli in the bathroom. Pushing back the covers, he looked at his side. His hip and calf were dark purple, and his leg was stiff and achy. Slowly he got to his feet, pulling on a pair of pants and shrugging into a shirt.

  Eli came out of the bathroom looking almost as bad as Geoff felt. He threw on his robe, and after giving Geoff a quick kiss, went down to his room to dress. Geoff cleaned up and went downstairs.

  Raine was already up and having a cup of coffee. “How’s your leg?”

  “Rainbow-colored, but not too bad otherwise.” Geoff sat down at the table, and Len brought him some coffee.

  Len sat down. “The police called this morning. They have the three men who assaulted you. They’d been drinking for much of the day yesterday. The officer said they were in jail and being charged with assault. He also said that when they sobered up, they confessed to everything.” He sipped his coffee. “One of the boys is Frank and Penny Winters’ nephew.”

  Geoff sighed as he sipped his coffee, having nothing to say.

  Raine finished his coffee. “I’ve got to head out. Will you walk me out so I can say good-bye?” As they walked through the house, they met Eli coming down the stairs. Raine hugged him tight and said something to Eli, but Geoff couldn’t hear it. Then he continued outside to the car.

  “Is everything loaded?” Geoff asked.

  “Len helped me this morning. Look, you take care and don’t let this get you down. It was just a bunch of stupid kids who’d had too much to drink. Besides, you need to take care of Eli.” Raine huffed when he saw Geoff’s expression and smacked him gently on shoulder. “He saw and heard everything that happened last night, and he’s feeling worse than you. You lived in Chicago and saw things like this; he never has.” Raine hugged him close. “Take care of each other. You truly deserve one another.” Raine hugged him one more time and then climbed in the car, started the engine, and with a wave, pulled out of the drive.

  Raine was right; Geoff had seen things like this before. Straightening himself up, he went back in the house. Len was making a quick breakfast. “Did you see where Eli went?”

  “He grabbed something and headed to the barn.” Len put a plate in front of him. “Eat first.” Geoff acquiesced and sat with Len, eating a good breakfast. When Geoff had taken the last bite, Len shooed him out of the house. “Okay, now you can go find him.”

  “Thanks.” Geoff headed to the barn but found it quiet when he got inside. Looking in the stalls, he discovered that Twilight was gone.

  “He probably needs some time alone to think,” Len said, patting him on the shoulder as he walked by on his way to the riding ring. Joey was already outside, ready for his lesson, a huge smile on his face. Turning around, Geoff walked back though the barn and into the house without even seeing where he was going.

  In the office, he booted up the computer and got to work. He had books to bring up to date, orders to place, and real estate contracts to review. Forci
ng everything else from his mind, he got to work, stopping only for a quick lunch. At about five in the afternoon, he’d finished everything he needed to. He’d gotten the books up to date, reviewed the contract, and contacted the lawyer to schedule the closing on the Winters’ place.

  Getting up, he moved stiffly through the house and out to the barn. Eli was in the stall with the young colt, working quietly, making sure he was okay.

  “Eli, are you almost done?”

  Eli turned around, and Geoff saw tears streaked down his face. “Yes.”

  God, I shouldn’t have left him alone so long.

  Eli returned the colt to the pasture, tears still marring his face. Geoff stepped to take him in his arms, but Eli stopped him. “I’m okay, Geoff.” He wiped his face with the back of his hand and got himself under control. “I’m done here. Can we go the house and talk?”

  “Yes, I think we should.” Geoff took Eli’s hand and led him inside and to the living room, where he sat next to Eli on the sofa and waited.

  Geoff watched as the tears started again, flowing silently down Eli’s cheeks. “I don’t know how to say this.”

  “I know what you saw last night upset you, and I don’t blame you.”

  Eli wiped his face again. “It’s not just that. I heard what they said. I know that your aunt has been spreading vicious rumors and lies about us.” He sniffled, and Geoff moved to hold him, but Eli moved away. “People don’t get beaten up in an Amish community, and they don’t spread lies like that. They help and support one another.” The tears started flowing fast, and Geoff felt his own well behind his eyes. “If talk reaches the community about us, my family will be shunned… heck, they might as well not exist to the rest of the community. My uncle, my mom and pa, my sisters and brothers, they’d all be shunned. I just can’t let that happen.”

  Geoff felt like his guts were twisting. “What are you saying?”

  Eli turned to face him. “I have to go back. For the sake of my family, I must go back.” He covered his face with his hands as sobs racked his frame.

  Chapter 16

  GEOFF MOVED closer. There was no way he could sit by and not comfort Eli. Taking Eli in his arms, Geoff felt him move closer, resting his head on his shoulder as the sobs continued. “Are you sure you’re not overreacting?”

  Eli pulled away. “You don’t understand!” he yelled through his sobs. “I love you more than anything, but I can’t let my family suffer because of it!” His frustration faded away as quickly as it rose. “I’ve thought about this almost all day. I knew what I had to do as soon as I woke up this morning; I’ve just been trying to figure out how to tell you without shattering your heart as much as this is shattering mine.”

  The sobs returned, and this time Eli didn’t hold back. He threw himself at Geoff, holding him, squeezing him as he sobbed through heaved breaths.

  Geoff knew he could tell Eli that he’d do anything to get him to stay. He’d sell everything and move them across the country; he’d get down on his knees and beg him to stay with him if he thought it would help, but it wouldn’t. He loved Eli, heart and soul deep, and part of what he loved was that Eli was the most caring, giving person he’d ever met. How could he ask him to be any less than himself to stay? He realized he couldn’t. “You sweet, sweet man.” Geoff ran his fingers through Eli’s hair. “I love you so much.”

  Eli’s sobs began to abate. “I’m caught, and there’s no easy answer. If I stay, I’ll have you, but my family will suffer, and I’d never be able to see them again. If I go, I’ll be giving up the one person I love more than any other, but I’ll condemn my family to possible shunning by the community.”

  “But they haven’t done anything.”

  “That’s the worst of it, isn’t it? They’ll be considered guilty by association and condemned regardless. Not officially, but others will treat them badly. Papa is respected, a community leader, but he’ll be pushed aside, and the family will be forced to live on the fringes. People will avoid them on the street. They’ll go somewhere else for their bread. They won’t buy Papa’s furniture or help him when he has a big order.” Eli looked up into Geoff’s eyes. “I don’t see any other way out.”

  Geoff’s heart was breaking. He knew he was going to lose Eli, the man he loved, but it hurt him more to see Eli in such agony. He had to let him go; there was no other choice. “When will you leave?”

  Eli sniffled softly. “I should go right away and not drag out the hurt and pain.”

  “No! You can go in the morning. I want one more night with you, one last chance to hold you and be with you, one last chance to say good-bye. I need something to last me the rest of my life.”

  Eli stood up, trying to get hold of himself. “I need that too.” Sniffling softly, Eli went upstairs, and then Geoff heard a bedroom door close. Geoff considered following him but thought better of it. He needed time to think… no, that was the last thing he needed to do. He had just a few hours with Eli, and he was going to make the very most of them.

  Geoff climbed the stairs and knocked on Eli’s door. “Eli, it’s me.” Slowly, the door opened to reveal red, puffy eyes. “Come here.” Tentatively, Eli moved into his arms, and Geoff drew him close. He wasn’t going to turn down anything that got Eli in his arms. “It’ll be all right.”


  “I don’t know. I wish I did. Is there anything you need to do?”

  Eli shook his head. “I don’t have much to take back with me.”

  “Oh.” Geoff leaned to Eli, kissing him. Geoff knew that each kiss could be their last, so he was determined to make each one count, and this was no exception. Eli melted into him, and he went with it, devouring those sensual lips and the sweet mouth before slowly pulling away. “I’ll be right back up.”

  Geoff turned around and went downstairs, heading to the kitchen. He made a simple dinner, put the food on a tray, and after a stop in the living room, carried the tray up to the bedroom. He knocked, and Eli opened the door wearing the pink micro bikini.

  Geoff’s eyes bugged out. “What’s this?”

  “Raine left this for me, and I really wanted to wear it for you.”

  Geoff put the tray on the dresser and slipped off his shirt and pants, standing in front of Eli in only his underwear. “I brought us some dinner.” He leaned forward. “Then it’s just us.”

  Their kiss was almost enough to buckle Geoff’s knees. He led Eli to the bed and made sure he was comfortable, brought over the tray, and joined him on the comforter. Geoff had confined dinner to finger foods. He picked up a bunch of grapes and fed them to Eli one at a time. Then Eli fed him the strawberries, with Geoff licking Eli’s fingers every chance he got. Tongue, hands, lips, it didn’t matter how he touched Eli; he just knew he had to, like he needed to get a lifetime of touches in just a few hours.

  Once they’d finished eating, Geoff put the tray back on the dresser, standing at the foot of the bed. Eli looked incredible in the pink bathing suit, the tight fabric leaving very little to the imagination. He wanted to remember, sear the image on his brain for later. Slowly, he climbed on the bed, crawling to where Eli waited for him. Gently, almost carefully, their lips touched, their tongues exploring.

  They didn’t hurry but let things build slowly. Eli moaned softly as Geoff shifted him down on the bed and lowered his body onto Eli’s, their skin coming into contact. Using one hand, Geoff worked the fabric off Eli’s body and then his own, pressing them together, his mind, the very cells of his skin crying out for as much contact with Eli as possible.

  They made love for hours, Eli loving Geoff, and then Geoff loving Eli. Hands, lips, tongues, fingers…. They caressed, tasted, gave, and took everything they wanted or needed. Hours they loved… soft and slow, fast and hard… it didn’t matter. They needed each other, and they loved each other with everything they had. This was the last time, and they made the absolute most of it. Devouring one another, filling one another, memorizing every muscle, every contour, every taste and scent.
  At almost midnight, completely sated and drained, they curled together on the bed, holding one another tightly, knowing this was the last time they’d get to do this.

  “I have something for you.” Geoff got out of bed and went to his dresser. “I want you to have this.” He handed Eli a small photograph. “Len took this just after I returned to the farm.”

  Eli reached out and took the photo, a tear running down his face. “I don’t have anything for you.”

  “I don’t need anything.” Geoff turned out the light and held Eli close, almost afraid to close his eyes for fear Eli would be gone when he opened them. Geoff told himself that he wasn’t going to cry, wasn’t going to break down while Eli was here. There would be plenty of time after he left to fall apart, and Geoff knew he would, but not until Eli was gone. At some point in the night, he did fall asleep, only to wake to the feel of the bed moving, but it was just Eli rolling over, and he closed his eyes again.

  When Geoff next opened his eyes, the sun was just peeking through the windows. Eli was still asleep next to him, and Geoff was afraid to move. He knew that once Eli woke, it was the beginning of the end. So he breathed slowly and watched him. Those lips moving ever so slowly, eyelids fluttering occasionally, that smooth chest, milky white skin that felt so good beneath his hands, thick head of black hair. God, he’d never be able to look at Kirk with his shiny black coat and not think of Eli’s rich, shiny hair.

  That almost did it, almost made him cry, but he pushed it away and rested his head against the pillow. Geoff watched as Eli’s blue eyes fluttered open, and Geoff kissed him softly. Eli moved closer, holding him tight and returning the kiss. Then he slowly got up. They both knew that the longer they dragged this out, the harder it was going to be.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs.” Eli slipped out of the bed and quietly left the room.

  After a while, Geoff got out of bed as well, pulling on a shirt and a pair of jeans. Without thinking, he went into the bathroom, brushing his teeth before stepping into a pair of shoes and heading downstairs. Eli was waiting for him, dressed in the clothes he’d worn when he arrived, looking once again like the proper Amish young man.


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