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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

Page 125

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  Thoughts of flipping Trace beneath him, sitting him up and slipping to the floor between his knees danced on the periphery of David’s consciousness, but he couldn’t make himself stop the wild rush of erotic need that was building between them. David undulated under Trace, a shockingly perfect counterpoint to his thrusts, their rock-hard shafts rubbing along each other with every pass.

  Moaning softly, Trace felt everything in him start to tighten so quickly that he was amazed; he had so much more control than this. But that all went out the window with David. Trace rocked harder, a soft whimper escaping as he bit down hard on his bottom lip. Almost. He was going to get off by rutting against his best friend. The thought struck through him like a shot of lightning, and suddenly he was that much closer to coming. “David,” he whispered helplessly, pleading.

  David’s hand closed over the flexing muscles of Trace’s ass, grinding them together forcibly, but it still wasn’t enough. He wanted closer, harder, more…. He could feel Trace trembling under him, clearly just as aroused. “God,” David ground out next to Trace’s ear, panting. “So fuckin’ close. Just touching you. Want to make you come, want to feel you come against me.”

  The words, combined with David’s hands on him, pushed Trace to the very edge. He thrust against David harder than before, his pelvis rubbing constantly over David’s length, each measure of its length and breadth drawing a gasp out of him. Trace released a low, tortured cry as he lost himself to it, just moving mindlessly, caught on the cusp of orgasm. He was shaking with it. His balls ached with it.

  Writhing under Trace, David wanted to come, needed to come. “God! Oh, fuck…. Trace! Make me come. Make me come, baby,” he babbled, his voice strained. “Harder…. God, like that. Fuck me!”

  The pleading in David’s voice broke any last reservations in Trace, and he shoved against David’s groin, once and again and again. His breaths were harsh as his hands clenched hard, and then he froze in place for bare seconds before throwing his head back and crying out as he jerked against David unevenly, shuddering into orgasm. “David! Oh fuck, David!”

  The tenor of Trace’s voice reverberated straight to David’s cock. He groaned, thrusting up into him over and over. “Trace!” he cried before biting into Trace’s neck as his hips bowed off the cushions into the heavy weight of Trace’s body.

  Trace gasped as the flash of pain mixed with the climax rushing from his body, stealing his ability to breathe. The room was spinning, the edges of his vision going gray when he finally managed to inhale a gasping gulp of oxygen.

  “Fuck, that was intense,” David murmured sleepily after they had collapsed together. “Having you actually fuck me might be deadly.”

  Beyond caring about lying against David in wet, sticky jeans, Trace half-moaned, half-laughed, and turned his flushing face against David’s chest. Every ounce of energy had left his body with his orgasm, and he was hanging in a state of suspended, sated, bliss. “I think I need to recover first,” he murmured. “I’m stayin’ right here,” he added drowsily.

  “Good.” David’s arms tightened around him, and they lay there for long minutes, just breathing.

  When he regained his breath, Trace crossed his hands on David’s chest and set his chin down on them, meeting David’s eyes evenly. When he spoke, his voice was soft. “I didn’t expect it to be so good,” he admitted. He lifted his fingers and lightly traced along David’s mouth. “I should have. You take care of me.”

  David brushed the compliment away, not quite comfortable with the intensity of what he was feeling. “I think you’ve got that backward. You’re the one who’s been playing valet and chief cook and bottle washer.” His eyes skittered toward the TV just in time to catch the protagonists gazing at each other during a quiet moment. David had given up on finding happily ever after a long time ago, but Trace had him wishing again. That could be dangerous.

  The change in David’s tone nagged at Trace, and he shifted uncomfortably. If it were a woman saying those words, he’d think she was either embarrassed or regretful. He hoped that wasn’t the case. He’d gotten swept up in the moment, for sure, but he didn’t regret it. He would only regret it if it caused a rift between them. “Okay,” he said softly, pushing himself up and scooting back, away from David, watching him carefully.

  David felt Trace’s withdrawal and unease more than he heard it and immediately made eye contact. His barriers low from the intimacy of the moment, he put everything he was feeling out for Trace to see. Reaching up, he stroked his fingers along Trace’s jaw. “I’d like to take care of you, though. Will you let me?”

  Turning his cheek into David’s hand, Trace’s eyes fluttered a little as he felt relief settle through him. David’s eyes—they were so intense when focused on him. It made him feel like the center of David’s world. Trace had taken care of David without any thought of wanting something in return, but this? This was a step further into what was turning into something more than close friendship. Trace wanted it. When he spoke, there was more warmth in his voice. “Okay.”

  WHEN TRACE blinked awake before dawn, he knew he had a problem.

  He was half on his side, half on his belly, curled over David’s side, his arm pulling the other man close, his head tucked into the curve of David’s shoulder. Carefully he sat up, looking down at the other man in the dim light. Asleep, David looked younger—not that he was old, that little voice in Trace’s mind insisted. The lines on his face softened, his lips a little fuller with warmth. Feeling swelled in Trace’s chest and groin, the heat of growing passion warring with something stronger but quieter, a reflection of the strength of their friendship layered with growing affection.

  It was the desire that niggled at him. Trace climbed slowly out of the bed, checking that he didn’t wake David up. He grabbed shorts and a T-shirt and left the room, pulling the door closed. Slipping into the clothes, he headed for the kitchen and got a Coke out of the fridge. Sitting at the table, he pulled one leg up to brace his foot in front of him so he could prop his chin on his knee.

  Their relationship was changing, and Trace had to admit he was scared. Scared and confused, enough that it had tinged his usually pleasant dreams with enough uncertainty that he was now wide awake and worrying over it. He took a drink and held the cold can to his forehead. Last night had been incredible. The flaming hot pawing and kissing and touching and explosive orgasms—Trace hadn’t felt so satisfied after sex in a long, long time. Except now, he wanted more of it. More of it with David. And what would that mean to them?

  Trace wasn’t so concerned about the bisexual label; he was comfortable with himself and he was comfortable with sex in general. He was more concerned that what he had with David would flare and soon burn out, leaving them too uncomfortable to even be friends. The thought made his chest hurt so badly that he couldn’t sit still, and he had to get up and pace, trying to shake the pain off. He didn’t want that, not at all. He’d rather give up the newfound passion than have that happen.

  After a few minutes of moving, he stopped at the sink to look out at the pinkish light starting to brighten over the backyard. What was he going to do? Sighing, he set the can in the sink and headed back to the bedroom. He stripped down, seeing no point in wearing the clothes to bed. Besides, he wanted the comfort of David’s warm body against his. He slid under the sheet and scooted until he could wrap around the other man. After a few minutes, Trace was relaxed and warm and content. That had to mean something, he thought. Just being close to David made everything okay.

  DAVID STIRRED, slowly waking, and shifted back into the heat of Trace’s body unconsciously, murmuring a sleepy, “Mornin’.” He kept his eyes closed, really wanting to stay asleep, but it just wasn’t in his nature. As soon as he was awake, his mind started working, and this morning it seemed fixated on the feeling of Trace crawling back into bed. Rolling over and resting his head on Trace’s arm, he asked, “Where’ve you been so early?”

  Shifting to allow David to move, Trace opened his ey
es slowly, focusing on the other man’s face. “Just to the kitchen for something to drink,” he said honestly. He lifted his hand and gently slid his fingers through David’s soft hair where it lay mussed above his ear.

  “Mmm,” David hummed, closing his eyes to lose himself in the feeling of Trace’s touch. “Did you start coffee?” he asked hopefully.

  Trace’s lips quirked. “Sorry. I was hoping I wouldn’t wake you up. We were up late last night. This morning,” he corrected. He kissed David’s forehead lightly.

  “Yeah, but I’m not complaining.” Reaching up to run his fingers through Trace’s hair, David rolled his body close again. “We okay?” he asked, voice hesitant. Last night had been surprisingly hot, but Trace’s friendship was far more important than any sex, no matter how mind-blowing.

  “I think so,” Trace murmured. “I’m just… worried, I guess.” His fingers slid down to trace the line of David’s jaw. “Don’t want to lose you or this. I’m just not sure how it’s going to work.”

  “I could show you some videos… very instructional,” David teased, rocking his body gently against Trace’s hip. “Trace, you aren’t going to lose me, but maybe we need to talk about what we’re doing. If we are going to be serious though, I need coffee.”

  “Okay,” Trace said softly. “You’re very important to me, you know that? My closest friend. Never saw it coming that you might be my lover as well.”

  “Serious.” David sat up, dropping a kiss on Trace’s nose. “Coffee.” He pushed himself off the bed and padded to the kitchen in his boxers, throwing back over his shoulder, “And I do know that.”

  Trace couldn’t hold back the smile that pulled at his lips. Damn, he was a lucky man. Shaking his head, he climbed out of bed, pulled on a T-shirt to go with his briefs, and followed David to the kitchen. David was at the coffeemaker, carefully measuring the water and freshly ground beans.

  Standing next to David until he’d finished, Trace leaned to kiss his shoulder. “I don’t need any convincing,” he murmured, sliding his hand along David’s ass before going to the cabinet to pull out two mugs. “I know what I want and don’t want.”

  A wake of tingles followed Trace’s hand, swirling into David’s groin and causing his cock to swell. Damn, that man was potent, David thought, his eyes tracking Trace and watching the flex of muscles in his back and shoulders as he reached for the mugs. “If you don’t need convincing, what do we need to talk about?”

  Trace’s movements slowed as he lowered the mugs to the countertop. When he turned, his face was serious. “If this doesn’t work, or if it burns out, I don’t want to lose you. I know how awkward a breakup is in a physical relationship. If it was us, it would tear me to pieces.”

  David moved closer as the smell of brewing coffee filled the room, just the scent clearing his head. “So we work to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Raising his hand, he placed it flat on Trace’s chest. “Where do you see this going?”

  Covering David’s hand with his own, Trace searched his face. “As far as we want to take it,” he said honestly, holding David’s eyes with his own. “It probably sounds unbelievable, but I fit better with you than anyone else. And I’m not even talking about sex.”

  David’s hand turned over, his fingers threading between Trace’s. “We do seem to fit pretty well, don’t we?” he mused, staring down at their joined hands. “I’ve never been as comfortable with someone as I am with you, but….” He paused, trying to find the right words. Trace had never shown any inclination toward men, and David already cared too much about him to be okay with this being a casual experiment. “Are you sure this is what you want? We can be friends. We can even be closer friends than we were before without adding the physical stuff. With someone else, I might be able to handle a little curious experimentation, but if we continue to kiss and touch, I’m going to fall for you.” David fingers brushed Trace’s cheek. He didn’t add that he’d probably already fallen and if Trace walked away now, it was going to hurt like hell.

  Trace’s eyes half-closed as he turned his cheek toward David’s fingers, rubbing against them longingly. “I want this,” Trace said fervently. “I do.”

  The tight knot in David’s chest released as he let go of the breath he’d been holding, waiting for Trace’s answer. Running his hand along Trace’s side, he curled his fingers into the loose T-shirt and pulled Trace closer. “Want this?” He nuzzled Trace’s neck. “Or want me? I need to hear you say that not just any man could make you feel this way.” He could feel Trace’s cock growing against him.

  Trace slid his arm around David’s waist as he pressed close. “Want you,” he said seriously. “David, no one’s made me feel this way. No woman. Certainly no man. It’s just you. I understand where you’re coming from with the falling thing. I’ve never wanted to spend more than a few nights with anyone. They just didn’t hold my interest. You had it before we even starting exploring each other.”

  “And this is pretty incredible,” David added, nudging at Trace’s chin and rubbing their cheeks together. “Try this with me?”

  Smiling, Trace nodded and turned his chin to kiss the corner of David’s mouth. “Not going to try. I’m going to do. With you,” he said quietly.

  A warm glow like good scotch spread through David’s belly. “Yes,” he murmured against Trace’s cheek. Sucking the full bottom lip, he cupped the back of Trace’s head, pressing their mouths together and teasing the seam with his tongue.

  Trace hummed contentedly and relaxed against David, opening his lips and joining the leisurely kiss. He’d grown to adore David’s kisses. He couldn’t imagine a day now without at least three or four… dozen. Insane, he knew. Certifiable. But damn…. He shifted closer and pressed his groin against David’s thigh as he curled one arm about David’s neck and the other around his waist.

  Everything in him was yelling that this was so right. He’d never felt that before, with a woman or man. He ached with the rightness of it. Maybe that was why it scared him. He’d never seriously considered making a commitment of any kind to anyone. But he wanted nothing less with David. He wanted to make this last.

  “Why did we get out of bed?” David asked, trailing kisses down Trace’s neck.

  “You wanted to talk,” Trace murmured as he let his head fall back, exposing his throat to David’s lips.

  “I did?” David groaned, accepting the offer of more skin with his lips and teeth. “I must be a fuckin’ idiot. Talking is highly overrated.”

  “It really is too damn early to be out of bed,” Trace agreed, voice faint as he shifted against David some more.

  A low rumble resembling a warning growl rose from David’s chest as his hands clamped onto Trace’s hips, stilling the movement, but not pushing him away. “Keep that up, and we won’t make it back to bed.”

  Trace sighed ruefully. “I am sleepy, though. Come on. You can keep me warm. At least ’til I fall back asleep. Please? Pretty please?” he wheedled, knowing how much David hated going back to bed in the mornings.

  Stilling, David framed Trace’s face with his fingers, staring deeply into his eyes. “I think I’d like that.”

  “Yeah?” Trace said, brown eyes brightening. “Good, ’cause my toes are cold,” he said with a grin.

  “Yeah.” David turned the coffeemaker to warm, took Trace’s hand, and led him back to the bedroom. Crawling onto the bed, he laid back on the pillows, pulling Trace close to his side. “I might just have to reconsider the whole ‘sleeping in’ thing if it feels this good,” he mumbled, closing his eyes to just enjoy the feel of Trace so warm against his bare chest.

  “Mmmm,” Trace purred sleepily, already cozy and lying half on top of David, his actually quite-cold toes slid under David’s calves. “Sleep now. Reconsider later,” he mumbled, rubbing his cheek against David’s shoulder. He still slept on the same side—the good side. It was easy to drift off now, knowing they were going to be okay.

  Chapter 12

  “GOD, I will be so glad
to be done with these damn visits,” David groused as they arrived back home after his physical therapy appointment, a stop at a local bookstore, and a quiet, sit-down dinner at a nearby steakhouse they both liked.

  “Well, you know it’s doing you some good, and you only ranted for ten minutes about the sadistic therapist this time,” Trace said as he parked the car, sparing a sideways glance for his companion.

  David sighed and climbed out of the car. Yeah, it was doing him some good. He was hardly wearing the sling now, usually only after PT when he was tired, and tonight he wasn’t even sure he needed it. “Yes,” he admitted as they walked in the back door after Trace unlocked it.

  Trace dragged in the door, sighed, and dropped his laptop and jacket on the small kitchen table. He yanked at his tie and looked down at his dirty and creased suit pants. “I think I am ready for a long, hot shower. Walking around the construction site of the new arena, I’ve felt dusty ever since.” He glanced at David. “Or do you want to watch a movie or something first?”

  But David only dimly heard him. After a long, sexually charged week of making out and exploring skin, he was more and more aroused just looking at Trace. And after the dreams of feeling the warm, velvet heat of Trace’s cock in his hand or the taste of his come on the back of his tongue, he couldn’t imagine a better place to quench the fire than a shower. With a very gorgeous and totally nude Trace.


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