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Desire in a Kiss

Page 11

by Nicki Night

  “What’s up?”

  “Hold on for Rayne and me.” Serenity merged the calls.

  “Now, what’s going on? What made the ball a disaster?” Rayne asked.

  “Did something happen?” Elisa asked.

  Serenity started with the awards and explained everything that had transpired.

  “Whoa!” Elisa said. “What did you say?”

  “Basically nothing. I didn’t know what to say.”

  “I can imagine,” Rayne said. “What are you going to do?”

  “What is there to do? It’s over.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “What? Elisa, you know how I feel about men who are liars.”

  “It really doesn’t sound like he intended to deceive you. I can see why he did this. He came clean.”

  “That’s after I found out. Who knows what other lies he’s told? I can’t trust him.”

  “I don’t know,” Rayne said. “This is hard. I understand you being upset, but I also understand where he’s coming from.”

  “He’s a Chandler, for goodness’ sake. And he’s quite handsome. I can only imagine the scores of woman scheming to get him to put a ring on it.”

  “This isn’t funny, Elisa.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny. Think about it. This man can have any woman and, from the sound of it, he wants you.”

  “I don’t care if he’s rich. I want someone I can trust.”

  “Did he seem sincere when he explained why he used the fake name?” Rayne asked.

  “Yeah, but so what?”

  “Then maybe—just maybe—he actually was.”

  “Consider this,” Elisa interjected. “If it ended now, would you have any regrets?” Serenity thought about Elisa’s question. “Would you be willing to give him a chance to prove himself?”

  Serenity groaned. “I don’t know. He said he wanted to continue seeing me but would understand if I didn’t want to take this any further.”

  “I say you continue dating him and see what happens,” Elisa said. “Think about it. He’s got a lot to prove to you. He knows he could never get caught in another lie because then he’d never regain your trust. What would you have to lose?”

  “I don’t know about this.”

  “I agree with Rayne. If he seemed sincere, give him a chance. His argument is actually legit. It’s just like us. We got tired of dealing with men who seemed to be only interested in sex. If there was something we could do to detect their true intentions, we’d do it, right?”

  “I guess.” Serenity rolled onto her back and placed her free hand on her forehead.

  “Sleep on it,” Rayne suggested.

  “I will.”

  Elisa giggled. “This is so Coming to America. Instead of getting a prince, you’re getting an heir. If you two get married, I want a boatload of those Mary Kate’s pies they sell in the supermarket. You should have dancers at your wedding like they did in the movie.”

  “Elisa!” Serenity chided. Rayne’s distinct cackle barreled through the phone. Elisa joined her. Serenity tried to stay composed but failed and laughed along with them.

  “You’re nuts, Elisa. I don’t care about his money.”

  “I know, but it’s a pretty damn good perk!”

  “Good night, ladies. Thanks for always being there.”

  Serenity ended the call, rolled over and put her cell phone on the nightstand. She wasn’t any closer to deciding what to do. The points that Rayne and Elisa had brought up were the same ones she’d volleyed in her head. Still, she didn’t want to be made a fool of. She grabbed her pillow in a viselike grip and grunted. Maybe she’d sleep on it and figure out what to do in the morning.

  She got up and walked through the house, turning off lights and checking locks. Back in her room, she slid her leggings off and climbed into bed. An hour later, sleep still evaded her. Her mind grappled with how to handle the situation. Valid reasons for both sides fought for precedence. Memories of their late-night talks, their amazing first date and the Sunday before also kept her from slumber. Not a day had gone by without her hearing from Chris since their initial connection. He had taken the time to teach her how to make pecan pie, and it was delicious. That was special. No man had ever done something like that with her. Chris encouraged her passions, telling her how she could indulge them. Her ex hadn’t done that. When he looked at pictures of her before the weight loss, he told her she was beautiful then and hadn’t flinched.

  Serenity remembered how they had made love Sunday, how her body craved him and how he satisfied every whim. Her core involuntarily shuddered. His kisses had made her feel as though she was standing on clouds. These thoughts weren’t helping. She didn’t want to miss him. Clear thinking was what she needed to focus on right now.

  The hour grew later until the new day arrived. Moonlight from the midnight sky glowed through her window shades. As tired as she was, she couldn’t turn her mind off. If she could just rest, maybe her mind would be clear enough to make a decision.

  Serenity patted the nightstand for her phone, opened a music app and set it on soft jazz. Focusing on the notes, she calmed her mind enough to finally fall asleep, but she still couldn’t get away from Chris. He showed up in her dreams.

  Chapter 18

  Chris awoke tired. Fitful sleep had kept him from getting any rest, and his sisters hadn’t helped any. All three showed up last night, arriving at his house moments after he got back from Serenity’s, and demanded explanations. Jewel brought his award to him. He hadn’t realized he’d left it until she set it on his console table.

  Like sisters, they made themselves as comfortable as possible in their evening gowns, pulling popcorn and chips from his cabinets and copping squats in his den. Knowing he didn’t have much of a choice, he filled them in on what had happened. He would have called Kent and Ray but knew they were managing a crowd at The Reserve, after getting the kitchen to a point where they could prepare meals, after the fire. There were still renovations needed, but at least they were able to open back up by the end of the week with some new equipment in place. The fire hadn’t done enough damage to put them out of business completely, but managing the cleanup had taken all their extra time that week.

  “You’ve got some proving to do if you want to win her back,” Jewel had told him last night.

  “If you really care about her, don’t give up so easily. Give her a moment to absorb all of this, but let her know you want her and will make it up to her.” Chloe always gave advice with substance. She was such a big sister.

  “Let me talk to her,” Jade offered.

  All three of them held their hands up and said, “No!” at the same time.

  “I’ll handle it,” Chris promised.

  “Be sure to make her feel special if she gives you a second chance,” Jade added.

  After that they hung out for a while longer before Chris retreated to bed. Serenity forgave him in his dreams. When he woke, he knew that he could possibly face a different reality.

  Pushing back the covers, Chris got up, brushed his teeth and changed into sweatpants and a tank top. He went to his garage, set music to flow from the hidden speakers and worked out in the area he had redesigned as a gym. Pumping weights and a quick run on the treadmill helped to relieve some stress and get his day started. After a long, hot shower, he slipped on a fresh pair of sweats and checked his phone. There was a text message from Serenity.

  I’m trying to see this from your side.

  For Chris, that was an in. It was time to put his sisters’ advice to work. He texted her back.

  Maybe I can help. Can I come over?

  Chris waited but there was no immediate response. Putting the phone down, he went to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. It wasn’t until after he’d eaten that
she responded with Sure. Chris took a breath. He was going to win her completely over. With a fair shot, he knew things could work with them. For the first time ever, he was willing to put in the work. Moreover, he actually didn’t mind.

  Serenity was making him court her, progressing through each stage with patience and poise. That lost art intrigued him. They’d shared weeks of emails, before texts and phone conversations and finally meeting in person. He would have bedded his other women by now and, despite spending more time with them up front, he knew Serenity in ways that he’d never known some of the women before her.

  Chris was sure about himself and knew what he wanted. He wanted Serenity. He often got what he wanted and, with a second chance, this time would be no different.

  He changed his clothes, stopped by the supermarket and made his way to Serenity’s house by the afternoon, giving her time to get home from church with her parents. She was still in a dress that hugged her beautiful curves when he arrived. She let him in, led him to the kitchen and excused herself, returning moments later barefoot in jeans and a graphic T-shirt.

  Already familiar with her kitchen, Chris pulled the groceries from the bags and started preparing his dinner of roasted veggies, his version of Greek fingerling potatoes and wild-caught Alaskan salmon. He’d purchased one of his family’s fruit pies for dessert.

  Serenity put on music, washed her hands and attempted to help Chris with dinner.

  “No. Thanks. Take this.” He handed her a flute of sparkling wine. “Sit and allow me to do this for you.”

  Serenity shrugged. “Okay.”

  Until then, conversation between them had remained light—an awkward duet.

  Once everything was on the stove and in the oven, Chris joined her at the table. “How can I help you understand?”

  Serenity sighed and let her head fall back. Staring at the ceiling, she shook her head. “I’m not sure.” She looked directly at him as if she were seeking sincerity in his eyes. “I’m still surprised you’re here.”

  “You said it was okay to come.”

  “I know. I’m torn.”

  “Let me help bring it all together. I’m a man of integrity, and I’m going to prove that to you. There will never be another lie between us.” Chris took her by the hand. Serenity flinched. Her discomfort bothered him. “It hasn’t been long, but time isn’t everything. Nor is it a qualifier for moving forward in a relationship. When things are right, they’re just right, and there’s something about you that feels right to me. All I want from you is to give us the chance to see this unfold. Can you do that?”

  Serenity tucked her lips. Chris watched her chest move up and down. Several beats passed before she said, “Okay, but if you make a fool of me, Mr. Mul—” Chris’s eyes widened “—Mr. Chandler,” Serenity corrected herself, “I’ll make you pay.”

  “I have a confession.”

  Serenity lifted her hands and let them fall on the table with a thump. “I don’t think I can handle any more of your confessions, Chris.”

  His smile was a teasing one. “I cringed every time you called me ‘Mr. Mullins.’”

  Playfully, she rolled her eyes. “Where did you get that name from anyway?”

  “It’s the town my grandparents grew up in, down in South Carolina.”

  Serenity shook her head and tossed him a chiding glare.

  “You’re beautiful when you’re annoyed.”

  She pursed her lips.

  Chris got up and moved to the chair right next to Serenity. “Did you know that things are always better the second time around?”

  She peered at him over the rim of her flute. Gently, he took the glass from her hand and delicately placed it on the table. She looked at him inquiringly. He held her chin in his hand, leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. At first she remained still, and he didn’t move, and she gave in, puckering against his lips. With his tongue, he parted hers and kissed her deeper. The kiss felt good to him. He didn’t want to let her go. They continued until they had to break for breath.

  With his forehead against hers, he said softly, “I’m sorry.”

  “I forgive you,” she whispered.

  They spent the next hour kissing and regaining their lost sense of comfort. When dinner was ready, Chris plated their meals and fed her. She smiled after every bite of dessert. His chest swelled as a result of being responsible for her smile again.

  After eating, they cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen together.

  “Now what?” Serenity asked, flopping on the love seat in the spare room she’d converted into a den. She pointed the remote at the television.

  “Get ready to meet the Chandlers?”

  Serenity’s mouth fell open.

  Chapter 19

  Serenity couldn’t believe she was actually in the car on her way to meet Chris’s parents. She’d lived on Long Island since she was a child and had never ventured to some of its northern parts. The scenery looked different from the areas on the South Shore that she frequented, changing from cozy, single-family homes and wide streets to winding roads with singular properties as large as several houses on her block combined. Grand estates hid behind ornate gates and lush greenery. Some properties were set so far from the street they required their own private roads to reach them.

  Chris held her hand and spoke to her as they drove, but she was too enthralled by the massive estates, private ranches and exquisite landscaping to focus on what he was saying. Where did this man’s family live? This felt like an enchanted journey.

  “Here we are,” Chris said, pulling into a property that rivaled the size of the middle school she’d attended.

  “Whoa!” Serenity sat up, careful to take in every morsel of the magnificent view. The driveway wound around the side of the property to the front of a three-car garage. Three other cars were parked in the same area, and there was room for at least two more. What she could see of the backyard reminded her of family trips to the Poconos. Sprawling landscapes ran into a wall of trees. They had their very own forest.

  Chris parked, jumped out and opened her door. Taking her by the hand, he led her through a side entrance.

  “Mom! Dad!” Chris called out, leading Serenity through the colossal home by the hand.

  “In here, dear.” Serenity assumed that was his mother.

  Three beautiful women, who looked like female versions of Chris, came into the kitchen sporting huge smiles. She remembered Jade from the gala.

  “Serenity?” The first held her hand out. “I’m Chloe, Chris’s oldest sister. I hear that you have a great voice.”

  Serenity widened her eyes at Chris and smiled. “Yes, I hear you do, as well. It’s very nice to meet you.” The fact that Chris’s family already knew much about her made her blush.

  “Outta my way, sissy.” The younger version of Chloe pushed her aside. Her cut-up jeans, tank top and ponytail positioned at the crown of her head gave her a more youthful appearance without the makeup and evening gown. “I’m Jade, remember? It’s great to see you again.”

  “And I’m Jewel.” Dressed in all black, her flirty shirt and leggings made her seem sassy and elegant at the same time. “I’m the brilliant one!”

  “Puh-lease!” Jade elbowed her.

  Chloe rolled her eyes and laughed. “Truthfully, she’s the nutty one.”

  Jade nodded in agreement, shaking her head. “Yes, she is.”

  Jewel playfully swatted both of them.

  “Step aside, so I can meet this young lady.” A refined woman, dressed in light blue slacks and a matching cashmere sweater, glided into the room. Pushing the rim of her glasses down, she peered at Serenity over the top.

  Serenity stiffened under her scrutiny. “You must be Mrs. Chandler. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

El Chandler examined her a little further before opening her arms and waving Serenity in. Cautiously, Serenity moved closer, and El wrapped her arms around her. “The pleasure is mine, darling. You have no idea. I was wondering when my Chris would bring another woman to meet us.”

  The sisters laughed, and Serenity joined them.

  “Is this the lovely lady?” A voiced boomed.

  “You must be Mr. Chandler.” Serenity nodded respectfully at the tall, distinguished-looking gentleman.

  “The last time I checked.” His laughter could have shaken the fine home to its core. “It’s wonderful to meet you, my dear.” Mr. Chandler kissed the back of Serenity’s hand.

  “Hey, Dad. Back off,” Chris teased.

  “It’s great to meet you as well, Mr. Chandler. You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.” Mr. Chandler nodded. “I did all the decorating myself,” he said with a slick smile. Mrs. Chandler pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes to mere slits. Mr. Chandler’s sheepish laugh made all of them crack up. He put his arm around his wife, towering over her. “Okay. She did it all herself.” He kissed the top of Mrs. Chandler’s head.

  “Let’s all go into the family room,” El said. “Chris, get the lovely lady something to drink.”

  “Stephanie introduced us at the gala last night, right?” Jade asked.

  “Yes. She’s a great friend.”

  The warm welcome put Serenity at ease. As she walked through the house, she tried to contain her awe. By the time they’d reached the family room, she’d lost count of all the other rooms she passed by, and that was only the main floor. Her entire apartment could fit in their kitchen and dining room. She’d never seen a home that huge in real life. Yet, as big as it was, it still felt cozy.

  Once they were all seated, they spent the next few hours getting to know one another. Despite the obvious difference in lifestyle, Serenity felt comfortable in their presence. Several times throughout the evening, she spotted Chris gazing at her. When she caught him, he’d smile or wink. One time, his sisters noticed the subtle exchange and looked at each other with raised brows. They asked questions about teaching and her organization, and they told her the history of the Chandler family legacy. She was impressed by his parents’ humble beginnings and promised to patronize the grandparents’ quaint restaurant on the South Shore.


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