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Shattered: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Seven

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  You’re safe here. Safe with Ryan Steel.

  Should I trust this soulful voice that spoke to me without words?

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said, lightly thumbing my cheek.

  No reaction to the fact that I told him I’d never been kissed?

  “You’re beautiful,” he said. “Very, very beautiful.”

  Beautiful. Another first tonight. No one had ever told me I was beautiful.

  No one I cared to remember, that was.

  I closed my eyes and inhaled. If only I could bottle this feeling, save it for eternity, stay on this beach forever and remember the feeling of being kissed, of being told I was beautiful.

  But this was real life, not fantasy. And this was Ryan Steel, someone completely out of my league.

  How I wanted to believe him. How I wanted to sink into his arms and find an escape.

  But I wasn’t beautiful.

  Ryan was wrong. He was reacting to what his sister and the others had created. This wasn’t the real Ruby. This was a mirage.

  I picked up Jade’s sandals and stood.

  “Hey,” he said. “Sit back down. Please.”

  “I can’t do this,” I said.

  “Do what? We’re not doing anything. Don’t be afraid.”

  But I was afraid. I was afraid of the feelings he stirred within me. Feelings I had suppressed for far too long. Feelings so long buried that I’d foolishly believed they’d never surface again. I had learned to keep myself under the radar, to keep myself from being attractive to men by my clothing, hair, and makeup choices. Yes, some men had come on to me in the past despite my precautions. Up until now, I had never met a man I wasn’t strong enough to resist. But Ryan Steel?

  No woman had that much willpower.

  “I’m sorry.” I turned and walked briskly away.

  When I heard him follow me, I began to run. He’d never keep up with me running in sand. Not in those black dress pants. And I doubted he was as used to running as I was. I did sprints for fun. No, he’d never catch me.

  But he did.

  I screamed when he grabbed my arm.

  “Shh.” He turned me around to face him. “It’s okay. You don’t have to run from me. I won’t hurt you.”

  “You already have,” I said.

  He touched my cheek again, and again heat coursed through my veins. His touch felt good. It felt…right.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just… You look so beautiful in the moonlight. Your lips are so soft, glistening.” He grinned. “So I’m sorry. Not for kissing you. But for frightening you.”

  “You must think I’m naïve.”

  “Maybe in a way. But I think in other ways you’re far from innocent.”

  He had that right.

  He continued, “I think you’ve seen things that no one should have to see, Ruby. And I’m sorry about that.”

  “I’ve been through nothing compared to what your brother has.” My words were true. I had escaped my father. Barely, but I had. I’d worn a few bruises and scratches, but I had escaped his molestation.

  I hadn’t let a man touch me since.

  I hadn’t thought I’d ever want to.

  But as I looked into Ryan Steel’s brown eyes, his dark hair a mess, the tail of his shirt flapping lightly in the soft midnight breeze, his muscled chest and abdomen apparent underneath the soft cotton…

  I wanted to be touched.

  And that scared the hell out of me.

  I pulled away from him. “I can’t do this.”

  “You’re not doing anything. We’re just standing here.”

  “You…kissed me.”

  “I did. And were you serious when you said no one had ever kissed you before?”

  Thank God for the darkness. My cheeks were burning so hot that I knew they were bright red.

  “That isn’t any of your business.”

  “Fair enough.” He let go of my arm. “Walk with me?”

  “I’m heading back to my room.”

  “It just so happens I have a room in the same house you do. Since we’re going to the same place, maybe we can walk together.”

  “I suppose.” The truth was I didn’t want to leave him. I desperately yearned for his touch, his kiss, his…things I hadn’t allowed myself to think about.


  He didn’t try to take my hand, but he did take Jade’s sandals. “I’ll carry these for you.”

  Suddenly I felt like a juvenile, with the cutest boy in school offering to carry my books.

  That had never happened, and it wasn’t happening now. Ryan Steel was so far above anyone who could be considered the cutest boy in school. Ryan Steel was a fucking god.

  “Would you like to meet for breakfast tomorrow?” he asked.

  “I was going to get up early and go work out before breakfast.”

  “Great. How would you like a workout partner?”

  I couldn’t help myself. A laugh escaped my throat. Ryan Steel had no idea how hard I worked out.

  But I looked him over. Clearly he was in great shape. Maybe he could keep up with me. I guess we would see.

  “Sure. I’m attending the six a.m. yoga class, and then I’m heading to the fitness center for some lifting. Then breakfast after that. Sound good?” No way would he be getting up at six a.m.

  “Sounds great.” Then he laughed. “You look surprised.”

  “I didn’t think you were the type of guy who would be up at six a.m.”

  “Have you forgotten that I help run a ranch? My normal rising time on work days is five a.m., Detective.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile creeping up on my lips. “All right, cowboy. Six a.m. it is.”

  We didn’t talk much for the rest of the walk, and in about fifteen minutes we had reached the bungalow that housed our party. It was a six-bedroom house. My room was on the second floor, but Ryan’s was on the first. Like a gentleman, he escorted me up the stairs.

  “It’s been a pleasure, Ruby.” He leaned in toward me and gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

  All my instincts told me to grab him, drag him into my room, and take him into my bed. Never mind the fact that I wouldn’t know what to do with him once I got him there.

  I doubted an instruction manual was needed though. I knew everything, but I was all theory and no practice. What I didn’t know, I was sure he did.

  Maybe I should’ve had a little more wine…

  “I’ll knock on your door tomorrow at a quarter to six. Be ready.”

  He smiled. God, he was gorgeous. “I will be.”

  He turned, and I watched his well-formed ass amble down the hallway to the staircase.

  It was late, nearly one in the morning, but I was still on Colorado time. So I fired up my laptop. Time to see if I could locate dear old Dad.

  Chapter Eight


  When I went downstairs, I was surprised to see my two brothers and Bryce just getting in.

  In a low voice, so as not to wake up anyone who might be sleeping, I said, “Where are the ladies?”

  “They’ll be along. Marjorie dared them to go skinny dipping in the nude pool, and since it was dark, Melanie and Jade agreed to go.”

  I laughed. “What are you guys up to?”

  “I should ask you the same,” Joe said. “You took off after Ruby and we didn’t see you again. Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. She’s up in her room.”

  “Anything we should know about?” Bryce asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You went after her pretty fast, and you were gone for a while…”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  “She looked great tonight,” Bryce said.

  I eyed my brother’s best friend. He, like me, was single. The fact that he’d made a comment about Ruby’s looks didn’t sit well with me.

  “And that body…” Bryce whistled.

  I took a step forward but then backed off. My hands were clenched into fists. I was not going to
haul off and punch my brother’s best friend. But damn, I wanted to.

  “What’s going on between you two?” Talon asked.

  “Nothing,” I said. “I’m down here, and she’s up there.”

  “But…are you interested?”

  “Of course not.” A lie.

  “Too bad,” Talon laughed. “You could have one of those couple names, like Ry-bee. Or Roo-an.”

  “Ruin? Ha. Doesn’t sound too promising.”

  “Definitely Ry-bee, then.” Bryce laughed as he grabbed some highball glasses out of the stocked kitchen. “Who wants to join me in a nightcap?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” Talon said.

  “I’m going to pass,” I said. “I have an early morning.”

  “An early morning?” Bryce said. “We’re on island time here, man.”

  “I’m working out with Ruby.” I yawned. “So I think I’ll say good night.” I headed toward my closed door, but Jonah stopped me.


  “Yeah?” I turned.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Sure.” I opened the door to my room. “Come on in.”

  He shut the door behind him.

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s Ruby.”

  “What about her?”

  “Melanie says she’s been through a lot.”

  “I know that. I mean, I assume that, considering who her father is.”

  “So tread lightly there, okay? This wedding means everything to Melanie and Jade. I wouldn’t want anything to…”

  “Fuck it up? What do you take me for, bro? You really think I’d screw up your wedding?”

  “I know how you get when you want—” He patted me on the back. “Sorry. Of course not. I’m sorry, Ry. Really.”

  “Okay…” Something wasn’t jelling here. Jonah wasn’t a bad guy, but he had a temper, and he didn’t normally back off so quickly when he got his mind on something.

  “Sure you don’t want to join us for a drink?”

  “No. I’m good. Thanks.”

  Jonah smiled and left my room, shutting the door behind him.

  Something was definitely off.

  Maybe pre-wedding jitters.


  Even I didn’t buy that.

  * * *

  Music blasted into my ears. Five thirty a.m. Really three thirty a.m. Colorado time. I hadn’t drunk a lot last night, but damn, morning had come early. I rolled out of bed and headed toward my shower. Each room in this house had a private bath. Pretty cool. Marjorie had spared no expense.

  Nothing was too good for my brothers and their brides. They deserved all the happiness in the world.

  I thought again about my brief conversation with Joe last night.

  He’d told me not to start something with Ruby, that she’d been through a lot, and not to screw up the wedding. Big brother crap. Classic Joe. What wasn’t classic Joe was how he’d backed off suddenly, as if he’d thought of something else.

  I’d have to talk to him about that later.

  For now, I had a date for yoga and a workout.

  I toweled myself dry and put on some athletic shorts and a muscle shirt. I figured it wasn’t naked yoga, but on this resort, who knew? I’d strip if I had to. I wouldn’t mind a look under Ruby’s clothes. I ran my fingers through my wet hair. It would do.

  I turned when someone knocked on my door.

  I opened it, and there stood Ruby. Her hair was pulled back in that funky schoolmarm style, but it probably worked well for yoga. Her pretty face wasn’t made up, but she didn’t need it. Her lips were a dark pink. And that body… Workout clothes showed every curve, every muscle, every magnificent part of her shape.

  Last night, I’d barely touched her, barely kissed her, but my groin had responded as if we’d been involved in some damned heavy petting.

  And right now, it was tightening already, just from me looking at her.

  Crazy shit.

  I wanted to grab her and kiss her and then lead her to my bed and make gentle love to her.

  Scratch that. I wanted to fuck her senseless, but I couldn’t do that. She’d need a gentle touch first, as an introduction. Because if she hadn’t ever been kissed—


  That didn’t mean shit. Her psycho father could very well have raped her without kissing her.

  Not exactly a question I could ask.

  She’d need an ultra-gentle touch if that was the case.

  Did I have that in me?

  Any other time, I’d have walked away in a heartbeat. Too much baggage. God knew my family had enough to deal with.

  But something about her…

  “You look great,” I said.

  “I look ready to work out.”

  Couldn’t take a compliment, this one. How far was I willing to go? Did I like her that much? Want her that much?

  Fuck, yeah. I did.

  She carried a small cooler.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Our protein shakes for after yoga. We’ll need some energy to burn for weights.”

  “Sure. Of course. Did you get up early to make them?”

  “Yeah. Didn’t you hear the blender?”

  “I was in the shower.”

  “Oh. Let’s go, then.”

  We walked around the bungalows and hotel to a grassy area. The instructor was just setting up. She was a pretty Jamaican woman, her dark skin a nice contrast to the white yoga pants and tank she was wearing.

  “Good morning.” She smiled. “I’m Herlinda. We don’t get a lot at this early morning class. It might just be you two.”

  But a couple others showed up.

  I had no idea how to do yoga, and some of the positions were a little out of my league, but Ruby executed them all beautifully, her muscles flexing.


  After class, Herlinda warned that we might be sore if we weren’t used to yoga and to use one of the hot tubs at the resort.

  Hell, I worked on a ranch. A little yoga wouldn’t take me out.

  Ruby opened her cooler, pulled out two thermoses, and handed one to me. I opened it and looked at the thick shake inside.



  “This is green.”

  She laughed. “Yes, it is.”

  “What the hell is in it?”

  “Whey powder, almond milk, bananas, pineapple…”


  “Kale, chia seed, and wheat grass. Try it. It’s really good.”

  I shook my head. “If you say so. Bottoms up.” I took a drink. It wasn’t very sweet, but it didn’t taste like shit. Thank God.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “It’s okay.”

  She laughed again. “You get used to it. Drink up. You’ll need it.”

  It took some doing, but I managed to get the whole shake down.

  “Now drink again.” She handed me a bottle of water. “It’s important to stay hydrated. Especially back home in Colorado.”

  I knew that. I took a few sips of the water.

  “Off to the fitness center,” she said. “Should we run?”

  After I’d just drunk that shake? Doubtful. “I’ll walk, I think.”

  “Good plan.” She packed up the cooler. “Follow me.”

  “You know where you’re going already?”

  “Of course. I worked out yesterday before dinner. I hate to miss a day.”

  “You like working out?”

  “It’s part of who I am. If I don’t do it, I get pretty antsy. I make sure I work out at least four times a week. Preferably six. You don’t work out?”

  “Baby, my whole life is a workout. I’m a rancher, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I thought you were the winemaker.”

  “I am.”

  “Do you actually stomp the grapes yourself?” She smiled a little.

  “Of course not. No one makes wine like that anymore. This isn’t Italy in the fifti

  “Then how exactly do you work out?”

  It was a fair question. “I check the vineyards from spring until harvest. I go out during harvest and help if I’m needed. I’m always moving. Riding to one part of the ranch or the other.”


  “Yeah. On horseback. It’s how Talon and I like to get around the ranch. Joe not so much.”

  “So let me get this straight. If you’re riding the horse, isn’t the horse doing all the work?”

  “Baby”—why did I keep calling her baby?—“clearly you’ve never been on horseback. It’s work. Trust me.”

  “Whatever you say.” She chuckled.

  “You think it’s not work? When we get back, I’ll take you riding. How’s that sound?”

  “I didn’t mean to—”

  “I know you didn’t. But if you think riding is easy, you have another think coming.”

  “Fine. Fine. Here’s the fitness center. I’m going to do some reps with the free weights. What do you want to do?”

  I had no idea. I hadn’t been in a weight room in ages. “I’ll just do what you do. How’s that?”

  “You can probably handle more weight than I can.” She smiled. “I’m going to start with the dumbbells. I use the fifteens because I don’t like to get bulky.” She looked me over. “You should probably start with the twenties or thirties.”

  Twenties? Did she think I was that much of a wimp? I grabbed a fifty pounder in each hand and started doing some bicep curls. I’d show her.

  My arms were strong, so I didn’t have much problem doing the first ten reps. I rested a minute and then did another ten. She had moved onto tricep curls by the time I started my last set of reps.

  The weights got heavier.

  Damn. But I finished. No way was she going to show me up.

  I moved on to tricep curls. As before, the first set was easy, but then…

  God, what had I gotten myself into? I was strong, true, but the muscles I worked around the ranch were different from the ones I was working now, apparently.

  “Don’t overdo it,” she warned.

  “Don’t you worry about me. I know my way around a gym.”

  “Whatever you say.” She put down her dumbbells and picked up a yoga mat. “I’m going to do some crunches and push-ups. Go ahead and finish with the weights.”


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