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The Tour

Page 20

by Denise Scott

  To Stu and Gideon who were there on the day of my roadside epiphany and who kindly never released the photos.

  To Susan Provan and her team for creating the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow—it really does change lives.

  To Judith Lucy. Throughout this whole process she has been there for me. The fact that she was also writing her second memoir at the same time meant we could get together, drink a glass of wine (not easy to do when curled in the foetal position, I found one of those bendy straws useful), and talk through our anxieties and self-doubts. I am blessed to have her as a friend and work colleague.

  To my gorgeous sister Julie Scott. Without her support I simply would not have been able to write this book. And a big thank you to my Aunty Noreen who is so funny and such good company and was always such a wonderful, loyal and loving sister to my mother Marg.

  To both my parents, Marg and Russ, and their extended families—the Scott’s and the Young’s—I give thanks for being part of such a wonderful and fascinating clan.

  To my good friend Fran Jenkins, who is like a sister to me, for all the encouragement she gave me during the writing of The Tour. And thanks also to author Kirsty Murray, whose helpful advice and support arrived at a point in time when I so desperately needed it.

  To all at Token, especially Kevin, Dioni and Zoe for your tireless, ongoing support and for just making so much exciting stuff happen in my work life!

  To Jordie and Bonnie Lane who continue to amaze and inspire me.

  And finally, to John Lane. Always there and willing to listen, to give me feedback, gee me up, put a positive spin on things and who, without doubt, ensures my life is never ordinary.

  Author’s note

  Although all the people and events in this book are very much real, on the odd occasion I have changed people’s names in order to protect the innocent, and the guilty, and ultimately myself.




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