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Legacy of the Living

Page 14

by Sean Liebling


  "Pete!" Josh hollered. "They're going to get stuck. You know what to do." Pete nodded, and with engines gunned they both took off after the car, which had slowed to a crawl then stopped as the herd of zombies grew too thick and too fast for it to move anymore. This was going to be close; they had seen it happen before.

  Josh threw a hand signal at Pete who nodded, swinging wide and around as Josh wove his D10 back and forth, crushing as many of the fuckers as he could. They were starting to scatter but only a few. Most were intent on fresh prey! Fuck this was going to be tight.

  Pete rammed the car from behind. Not quite hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to push it through the hundreds of zombies that had already gathered and were pushing against it. With shock, Josh saw three tiny faces filled with terror looking at him from the rearview window of the Chevy, their mouths open in apparent screams he could not hear over the roar of the Cat's engine. Growling fiercely, with a twist of his right hand Josh cranked the music up all the way again and roared alongside, scraping the bastards away from that side of the Chevy with a shriek of metal and glass. Fuckers were already breaking into the car, no time for nothing! The vehicles ground to a halt as Pete backed up, then swung around to start circling as hordes of the undead moved in on them. Josh backed up slightly, pointing the front of the dozer to the right and opening up some space before stopping. Then he kicked the cage door open and gripped his safety strap tightly. Terrified faces peered out at him as a huge swarm of the fuckers hit the Chevy again. Over the blaring music, he could finally hear the little girls’ screams as several zombies attempted to enter the car from the other side. Josh screamed his own hate in return, firing his M16 on full auto, emptying his clip in seconds as he tried to clear as many away as possible before dropping it to the bottom of the cage.

  Wasting no time, he leaned down and yanked their door open, then launched himself inside the front seat and grabbed the slender woman who was half bent over into the back, trying to fend off the reaching hands grasping for the little girls huddled there. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he wrenched her off the seat and jerked himself back into the cab and cage, dumping her to the side unceremoniously. James was beside him firing steadily with deadly aim, taking the bastards out as they converged on the open space between the vehicles. He was screaming something at the man in the front seat but Josh couldn't make it out. He crouched low, ready to leap again when he saw the man turn and reach into the back, pulling two of the little girls into the front seat near the open door. Josh didn't have time to curse. One was a baby, damnit, and the other not much older.


  "Pass the girls up!"

  Samuel shook his head violently to dispel the tears clinging to his eyelids, seeing the freckled redhead crouched in preparation to leap inside their vehicle again as another face appeared beside him. Samuel saw the new man's mouth open again, and another frantic shout reached his ears.

  "Pass your girls up. God damn it!! There's no time left!" A wild scared look was now in the other young man’s eyes. As Samuel watched, his eyes shifted forward and instantly he fired several short concentrated bursts with the automatic military-style weapon he held. Then his gaze was back on Samuel, his expression pleading, and Samuel acted. With a lurch, he dropped the revolver and turned in the seat, reaching for his girls, his babies.

  With strong, frantic fingers, he grasped the coats of Monica and Jeza, pulling them over the top of the front seat into his lap as he slid sideways from under the steering wheel. He thrust them forward towards these unknown figures and instantly the redhead leaped into the Chevy again, his tough arm wrapping around both screaming girls, then leaped back, carrying them to safety. Samuel did not bother looking anymore. He knew these men were saving his family, and he turned, reaching backward to grab Sarah. He pulled her to him and held her tightly against his chest as he looked out, seeing the redhead's back to him. He waited, scared enough for his bowels to loosen as the driver's side window shattered behind him and grasping hands clutched at his shoulder. He twisted frantically, shrugging them off, and noticed the redhead was ready to leap. The other young man was there beside him, half seen and shouting again as at the same time he fired steadily towards their front. Automatic weapons fire could be heard from Samuel's side also, but whoever that was couldn't be seen through the press of creatures.

  "Both together! We can't hold them back any longer!" Samuel nodded and leapt forward as the redhead swung into the front seat again. He felt more than heard the young military-looking man grunt under his weight, but the arm tightened around both him and his daughter, and then they were yanked sideways out of the Chevy. Painfully, his shins banged against a metal opening and he twisted, rolling Sarah on top of him so she wouldn't be hurt by the metal edges. Then he felt a strong hand grab the back of his coat and yank him forward. Samuel maintained his death grip on Sarah, not letting go as even more automatics weapons fire erupted. The redhead was now firing a weapon of his own to match the others, and Laura was leaning forward to help Sarah and Samuel farther into the cage.


  Josh instantly launched himself into the front seat of the Chevy, crushing the two tiny girls against his chest, and then swung out again with a hard jerk. He could feel James helping. Holy fuck this would be close. The man, the father maybe, was pulling the last one from the back and sliding to the opening. Josh dumped both tiny girls into the woman's arms before crouching again, his eyes narrowing and a snarl coming to his lips as even with James firing the zombies were too close. Way too close and pressing in.

  What the hell ... It’s a good day to die, as Josh launched himself into the front seat one last time, grabbing the man who held tightly to the child in his arms. With a heave, Josh leaped back to the dozer, yanking hard on the strap. They barely made it as grasping claws scratched his legs through his camouflage utilities. They banged their way into the cab and the man he was holding managed to twist sideways so the child he was holding did not hit the edge. Too fucking close a call. James was already in the driver's seat, gunning the engines. Bracing himself and pulling hard, Josh grabbed the back of the guy’s coat and yanked him all the way in before releasing him, then grabbed his M16. Reloading it quickly, he immediately started firing as the bulldozer swung out and away from the stopped Chevy. Fucking creatures were all over the place and he fired one-handed as his other latched the door closed. In the distance he could see Pete weaving in and out of the hoard, crushing hundreds. Unbelievable how many had appeared.


  Samuel found himself in what appeared to be a huge metal cage, somehow fastened around the cab of a large construction bulldozer. The young sandy-haired man was already crouched behind its myriad levers and wheels, hands moving with lightning speed as the bulldozer leapt forward, swinging to the right. The redhead half sat on Samuel and continued to fire steadily one-handed as his free hand re-fastened the cage door over the entrance. The sandy-haired younger one called over his shoulder as his deft hands twisted levers, bringing them around again.

  "Nice to meet you. Name's James Ederer and this is my brother, Josh. That's Pete Herkenham in the other dozer fucking with them." A happy yet sly grin suddenly appeared on the young man's face, and he shouted the last bit over the engine’s powerful roar and loud music. The redhead turned slightly, giving Samuel a brief sardonic grin, then went back to firing steadily. Vaguely, to his other side he heard another loud engine roaring and saw another cage-equipped dozer running rampant through huge masses of the things.

  "You're safe now, maybe. Rocking and rolling dude!" Happily, the young warrior slash savior went back to driving the huge machine, and Samuel felt a sense of relief overwhelm him and his senses swam. It was too much and he felt himself fading out.


  James was introducing them as they cleared the main mass, and Josh took a brief moment to smile at the man. He could tell that James was happy that they’d been able to save this family, as he was grinning as he
wove in and out of the larger groups of undead. The black guy seemed to be close to fainting, and Josh reached out a quick hand to grab him while holding him upright.

  "Dude, don't faint, we aren't out of this yet, man." Gently he shook the man and returned his attention to the zombies who were trying to climb up the sides of the bulldozer. With quick shots he took them out as James continued to weave back and forth in their midst, causing massive destruction to flesh and bone.

  "Thank you! Oh my God. Thank you so much for saving us." The man was in tears and tried to hug Josh, who fended him off.

  "Chill brother. Let's get back safe to the yard, then intros."

  "You're right, sorry. What can I do?"

  "Relax and watch death and destruction." With a gleeful expression on his face, Josh loaded another magazine into the M16 and continued taking the zombies out with more carefully placed headshots.

  It was only a matter of minutes before they were pulling up to the gate again. The women were ready. Zombies were dropping all around them and the crane swung its shovel sideways, clearing the front as they roared through moments later exactly as the gate opened. James pivoted the bulldozer on one track, ready to head back if any got through, but none did. The gate was secure.

  A short time later, they were all sitting over coffee in the main shack and the man introduced himself and his family.

  "My name is Samuel Thomas, and we can't thank you enough. I will never be able to thank you enough, young man. This is my wife Laura and my daughters Jeza, Sarah, and Monica." He indicated each by gently touching the tops of their heads. They smiled shyly at Josh as they sipped their warmed apple juice boxes. Josh grinned down at them as he nodded at Samuel.

  "I'm Josh Ederer, you met my brother James, and that's Pete Herkenham over there." He nodded at Pete who waved idly. "Why in hell were you headed into town? Didn't you know that's where they mass up?"

  "Yes, Josh, I do know where they mass up, as you say, but we were headed north and west which I thought was in the opposite direction."

  "Dude. You were going south and east." Josh grinned at the expression on the man's face and nodded in approval as James handed him a beer.



  It was another sunny, early winter day and I needed to get out to the dairy farm to see about additional fencing. We’d had another zombie incursion early this morning out there that initially scared the daylights out of the people guarding it. A small crowd of forty or fifty of the undead had broken a side gate open and had gone after the cows. No livestock was lost, mainly because it's really hard to catch a two-thousand pound animal with a tough hide that can run a lot faster than you can if it doesn't wish to be caught.

  They had scared the hell out of the staff and guards though. The sleepy-eyed guard waiting on dawn had originally mistaken the herd of zombies for a herd of cows, then when they moved closer he’d realized what they actually were. He had roused the entire farmhouse before realizing they were relatively harmless; in fact, their antics had been extremely amusing.

  The crowd of zombies had packed together and had been moving in unison, first chasing one cow then another. Their problem was that the cows didn't want to be caught, so they’d basically spent a half hour going around and around the inside of the field and had gotten nothing for their efforts but a bunch of pissed off cows and a bull. The guards and staff had laughed until they’d cried, then had sobered up and dispatched the evil bastards with well-placed shots. Then they had chased down the four cows that had escaped through the broken gate and had put them back before securing it again.

  From their driver’s licenses it appeared these undead were from White Cloud for the most part, which we had expected would appear. I had left instructions with ideas on the additional security for the dairy, and they had been working since sunup on them. Now I needed to go make sure it was being done correctly.

  I corralled Paul and Clarissa as I was leaving. I suppose they were on their way to help at one of the farms, but I wanted them with me. We should be safe enough and it would be good for us to spend time together. Emma and little Jack were with the other small kids in the nursery under heavy armed guard. I was taking no chances with any of our littlest ones.

  "Como estás, Juan," I called out as we hopped out of the Humvee. The kids were excited as could be and were already chasing chickens around the yard. I had replaced the original crew that the marauders had attacked with a new one led by Juan, Miguel's cousin. He was a good man, solid and honest as the day is long. and not only intelligent but mature beyond his years. He led a half dozen solders and about an even dozen civilians. I saw Maria coming out of one of the several hen houses with a very large basket and waved at her, which she returned while smiling at us.

  "Como estas, Senor Jay," he returned the greeting while reaching out to shake my hand.

  "I heard you had some excitement this morning before dawn?"

  "Yes, Señor. After the panic died down, we laughed until we cried. Sí, they are very dangerous but still not very smart criaturas.” He chuckled, and I with him. It was good to see him happy. In the distance on the south side I saw a work crew busy with new fortifications. I needed to get down there and see how it was progressing. Early this morning I’d had a bulldozer and front-end loader put on a trailer and sent to the dairy farm. I’d wanted to try an idea I thought might work. Faintly, we could hear the buzz of chainsaws and see the thirty men and women I had also sent scurrying around and looking busy.

  "Let's run down there and see how they’re doing, if you have time, Juan," I said while reaching back in the Humvee for my M4, which one of my security detachment handed me. They had stayed in the vehicles to give me some privacy with Juan but I waved them out now. Eight men piled out of the two vehicles and assembled around us.

  "Absolutely Governor, I need to check on them regularly anyways," he grinned. He called out in Spanish to one of his farm crew and pointed at Paul and Clarissa. The man smiled and nodded, scurrying over. He would keep them occupied while we were at the fence line. I pointed to four of my eight guards and then at the kids; they nodded and moved closer to where the kids were stroking one of the horses we had on the farm. Their safety seen to, the rest of us headed through the pasture at a walk.

  As we strode closer to the work in progress, I saw that it was going very well. Currently the heavy gauge cattle fencing was supported by poles every ten feet. Starting at one corner, they were adding more poles to put the spacing at every five, and then bracing them with stout tree trunks cut down from the surrounding woods. On the other side of the fence, a fifteen-foot berm was being erected as the fencing crews completed each section. Major Weston's narrow escape the other night, and the fact that he and his men were unable to climb the wind berm around the granaries had given me the idea. If the berm was made steep enough that not even regular people could climb it, then the zombies sure as hell couldn't.

  I called out to the work crews present and waved for them to come over. As they did, I thanked each for their hard work and dedication to our survival. I meant it, and could see from the looks on their faces that they appreciated the gesture.

  Next I examined the berm critically. It was around fifteen feet wide at the base and at least fifteen feet high, pushed right up against the fencing. It would do for a good barrier. I was quite pleased with their work which when done would encase the entire farm with a high wall with only one way in and out, and that way heavily guarded.

  "It looks like it's going to take a few days to complete this, Juan," I remarked, gauging their progress from the work already completed and the fencing yet to go.

  "Sí. Maybe three more days, Señor, then it will be done, but it is a good barrier. I tried to climb it earlier and was unable to get more than a few feet up. Zombies will have to bring their own ladders if they wish success." We both chuckled at that, and headed back to the farmhouse. I greeted everyone there and thanked them all before collecting Paul an
d Clarissa, who had been having fun riding the horse around the house under the watchful gaze of the farm hands and guards. Everyone turned out and waved as we left, then I turned to Clarissa.

  "Did you two have fun with the horses?"

  "Oh yes, Daddy. It was a lot of fun. Can we get a horse for home?"

  "Yes, can we, Daddy?" Paul was chiming in, smiling so wide I thought his face might split.

  "Well, I think the horses should stay on the farm where they belong. But we can come visit them often, OK?" I responded.

  "Can we come back tomorrow Daddy?" they both asked at once. I had to laugh at the happy expressions on their faces. They’d had a good time and so had I. I hugged them both before responding.

  "No, actually, I have a different surprise for you tomorrow after church." Miguel had found another minister and he had been thoroughly cross-examined. We needed to bury our dead and I was giving everyone a half day off. Soon, hopefully, we would go to the full day of rest on Sundays, but right now our survival depended on too many things to allow that luxury.

  "What, Daddy? What?" both children chorused.

  "I'm not telling you. It's a surprise, but you'll love it and you'll have fun." I had already talked to Darin about our two families going fishing after the service. The west side of Hess Lake was less populated with potential zombie hiding spots, and I figured we would take a picnic lunch and cast a few lines out while relaxing for a few hours. The kids loved to fish; I really needed to take them down to Devil's Hole and check on my parents but didn't want to expose their young minds to the current hedonistic lifestyle down there. Actually, it was the hedonistic lifestyle of most there, with my parents being the exception, which I needed to keep firmly in my mind. By now we were almost back to the compound and neither of my two children were happy about having to head out on a work crew, but I knew it would build character.


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