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Legacy of the Living

Page 29

by Sean Liebling

  The next morning he would find out Team One had run across another unit of rogue operatives late into the night. He and his men had heard the chatter of automatic weapons far in the distance, but had ignored it per orders.



  Johnny snuggled up to Celeste in the warmth of their tiny bedroom. They had just finished making love and he was drowsy and just wanted to go to sleep, spooning and holding one of her breasts in the palm of his hand.



  "How are we really doing, Johnny? Are we going to make it out of here alive?"

  "Babe, if Loki allows it, then sure. If he doesn't, then nope."

  "Johnny, you know I'm a non-practicing Catholic! I don't believe in Loki."

  "Well then, if your God decides we will, then we will."

  "We're not doing so good, are we?"

  Johnny sighed and rolled her over to face him and kissed her softly. He really was worried. The guppies were getting much more bold and pushing against the gates constantly. They’d had another incursion today, and lost six people. Samson had been severely bitten on the neck, arms, and stumps, but would survive; though with the addition of one hundred and forty stitches. There had been so much blood, with dead and wounded lying everywhere when they’d finally pushed the guppies out, that he'd almost felt like giving up.

  "No, not really, babe. We lost six today, and many people were wounded this time. It's no longer good enough just to have people moving on top of the wall. I think the guppies are getting hungry. We need to stay active in keeping them back. I'm not sure how long we can do it though. I'm exhausted."

  "Well, it doesn't help that most of the residents here are easily distracted, and we don't have enough care workers to keep then all on task, Johnny."

  "Yeah, I know." Johnny sighed, and then kissed her again, wondering if this would be their last night together in this realm. Gently he brushed the palm of his hand back and forth across her breast, feeling her nipple harden almost instantly, then felt himself harden in response. He chuckled suddenly, as he remembered the first time they'd had sex six days ago.

  "What's so funny, Johnny?"

  "Just remembering the first time we had sex, babe." He chucked again and she joined him.

  "Yes, I was starting to wonder if your CP also affected your dick."

  "Hey! You threw yourself on me like a tramp and my dick went into shock. Hel, you practically ripped my clothes off trying to get at him. I was scared!"

  “Oh my God. Hardly Johnny! I just tried to kiss you properly for saving my life and you took advantage of me in my moment of vulnerability and I can't help it if you had a limp penis."

  "Ha! It was only limp for a little bit, then he performed admirably."

  "Sure, but I had to ask you if I needed to call an orderly to perform your duties for you."

  "Okay, that wasn't funny then by the way. It was embarrassing, babe. However, it's pretty funny now."

  "Well Johnny, I thought a joke might help you relax, and it did."

  "Yeah," he muttered as he brushed his palm against her nipple again, then gripped it between thumb and forefinger while twisting it slightly. He heard her sharp intake of breath and his dick was trying its best to wedge itself between her legs. Hmmm.

  "Johnny? What do you think you're doing? Again?"

  "Again!" he muttered as he rolled her over and slid between her opening thighs.



  Jessica smiled into her beloved Darin's chest, tenderly kissing the curly hairs she found there. Even in the middle of this zombie apocalypse, she could not believe the level of happiness this man had given her. He shared everything with her, never held back, and was always there for her while listening to anything she had to say. When he was in or around the compound he always made a point of checking in on her and the boys several times a day, and never complained when she stopped by to drop off his lunch or just to say “Hi” in between work parties. In fact, he seemed to like it.

  Darin was so different from Rodney, her dead husband. Rodney had loved them, she knew, for he had sacrificed his life to hold the zombies back for a few more minutes until help could arrive. But Rodney also had had his faults, and a great many of them. They had met at a party one night, and instantly clicked as they both loved their lifestyle of never ending parties and bar hopping. At the time she felt they were madly in love. Then Andy came along, with James soon after, and for Rodney, the lifestyle never changed. Her lifestyle did, though. It had to. She now had two babies to take care of, and all the diapers and sickness and crying that came with them, but also all the laughing, baby talk and first steps as they grew older.

  Rodney would leave to hang out with his friends or go to the bar, sometimes even staying out all night. They had fought all the time about everything, for they really had nothing in common once she outgrew the partying stage of her life. Kids did that to a mother, and sometimes to a father. She had loved Rodney though, in her own way, but it was a love unlike what she now felt for Darin. To her, the sun rose and set with Darin. He was her everything. Her psyche had no doubts where he was concerned, and she trusted him without reservation. The best part was she knew without doubt he felt the same about her.

  She had been terrified when the bad men from the island shot at them. She was scared to death for her boys, and for Darin. She’d watched as he, the other soldier and Jay had picked the kids up, using their own bodies as shields while they carried them to safety. She must have kissed James and Andy fifty times while they were hiding behind the dock. Then to her surprise, Jay refused to leave. The island was cleared and he insisted they go back to fishing. The boys were scared at first, but with Darin and Jay coaching them, easily got back into it. That was another thing she liked about her beloved. He was so much like the governor, as everyone called Jay now. To her though, Jay would always be the man who had saved her and her children when she thought their end was seconds away.

  "What are you thinking about, honey?" asked Darin. They had just stolen a few precious moments and made love before the boys came back from supper. Having regular sex when you had two young boys was an exercise in planning, but so far they’d managed it.

  "Oh, just how much I love you, my big hunk of man," she murmured back, kissing his chest again.

  "That's good to hear. You know I love you and the boys the same."

  "I know, baby.” She paused, twirling his chest hairs around her little finger. “So you never did say why you were angry when you came home."

  "Oh, nothing much, but I'll tell you because we will never have secrets, love of mine. It was just another asshole that made some comments about you in front of Jay, and did so to his regret." Darin was black, as in very black, like coal. Jessica was white, with white-blonde hair, or what they called platinum, but she did have a good tan. Darin was 6-foot-6 inches and over two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle. Jessica was 5-foot-1 and weighed a hundred pounds. But for all that, God had truly created a pair in them. The last time someone had made comments about the black man with the white woman, Jay had chewed their butt in front of everyone and given him an hour to leave or he would shoot him, unless he apologized. The man had apologized at the time, but had then joined the evil preacher and was killed in the battle.

  "Did Jay chew his butt again?" She smiled as she said it, picturing Jay going off on someone. The man was wicked scary sometimes.

  "No, actually he decked him. Single butt stroke. With the shoulder stock of his rifle. It took the medics a half hour to revive him and Jay ordered him tossed out the gates."

  "Wow, really?"

  "Yeah, honey. The guy said some very bad things. Jay just got to him before I could."

  "What did he say?"

  "Sweetheart, that I would rather not repeat. They were graphic and sexual in nature concerning you and him. Mind if I don't? I really don't want to remember what he said." />
  "Shhh. It's OK. Thank you though, and thank Jay for me."

  "Already did. He knows. He's one of a few."

  "Okay, now hold me for the few minutes we have left before we have to lay next to the boys. I want my man’s arms around me!" she whispered.

  And he did.



  I jerked awake in the darkness while reaching for my guns, then froze as memory came flooding back. I was in bed with my kids, specifically curled around little Emma, and slowly I started to relax as the dream memory receded. Her soft snores calmed me, and gently I kissed her tiny face several times before carefully rising. I didn't want to wake her, for I knew it must be very late. Idly I wondered why Jean hadn't woken me, then shrugged it off. She was probably just as tired also. Every day was a tiring day and that was a good thing because we were getting things done. Sure, there were danger-mixed setbacks, but that's what building a new life was all about.

  I sat on the edge of the bed as I got my bearings. We had been doing the usual, playing games and reading, then getting the children ready for bed, when I had received the report that one of our SpecOp teams had ambushed an infiltration unit. I had been excited though tired, and wanted to get out there to see what fish we had caught, but LSS told me Lieutenant Colonel Botello had taken over as unofficial executive officer and had it handled. There was no reason for me to go anywhere and we would pick the pieces up in the morning. My LSS was working double shifts in Command trying to get all the new people trained up. We wanted no more snafus like the one that almost happened when we were attacked by jet fighters. I had agreed, and after putting my pajamas on had lain in bed with all five kids reading one last story before sleep. Emma had started crying when I tried to get up, so I held her after signaling Cara to turn the light down. That was the last thing I remembered.

  Looking at my watch, I realized it was 11:30 PM. I wanted more sleep but I was also horny, and some things take priority after all. Moving softly, I wondered where Cara was as she had permanently moved in with us, which suited me perfectly. Actually, she had never moved out, but was fond of pointing out to everyone she was moving in and taking charge. God, I needed some of that tight little thing. There was simply no such thing as getting too much of Cara. Well, or Jean...and ah, LSS. I eased the hallway door open to verify the four guards were on duty outside and eased it closed again. They had seen me but just winked and went back to the card game they were playing. I padded in the other direction in my socks.

  As I opened the adjoining bedroom door, I immediately heard soft moans coming from within. I also noticed the room was warm, too warm maybe, and softly lit by the glow of the kerosene heater which was on high. I could tell this from the intensity of the light radiating off its element. This was fine as we had an almost full ten-thousand gallon tank of the stuff at Wesco, and there was even more at the fuel farm. The moaning both intrigued and excited me, as silently I crept forward in the semi-darkness until I could easily see the forms on the bed.

  Tiny Cara lying on her back, legs spread, her hands buried in Jean's hair as Jean's head moved between her thighs. Wow! I silently thought to myself as my eyes adjusted even more to the gloom, and could see Cara's head turned sideways, eyes closed. The majority of the moans were coming from her but some soft sounds also from Jean. The way her arms pressed in against her body as she pushed down on Jean’s head made her breasts push straight up like the mounds of tiny volcanoes, and instantly my cock hardened fully.

  I grinned savagely as I loosened the drawstring of my pajamas and let them slither to the floor. I stepped out of them silently, approaching Jean from behind who was crouched on her knees with her arms wrapped around Cara's thighs. The view was amazing for the heater was behind her, slightly to one side, and I had a perfect view of that shaved pussy. Wait, shaved? Boy, she had been busy this evening, for last night it had needed a trim. Her pussy lips were glistening as were her inner thighs, and I accurately guessed that Jean had received Cara's tongue first before returning the favor. At that point, my cock started throbbing and bouncing up and down on its own. It needed a hot wet place to hide in and like a heat seeking missile had homed in on the closest handy receptacle.

  Jean's knees were spread wide so she could crouch lower, with her feet dangling off the bed. A more perfect position could not be found as I crept between her legs, being careful not to brush against them as I silently dribbled spit into my hand then rubbed it over the head and shaft of my cock. Oh, this would be good, I thought as I remembered their words to me the previous night. They told me they might get all lesbian on me someday, and implied I had to be a good boy to deserve it. Ha! There was no fun in being a good boy and I had major psychological issues against taking prisoners. They had no idea I was there, as Cara's moans were quite loud and even Jean was now grunting from the exertion of her efforts. I was ready.

  With a last half step forward I leaned into Jean, directing the head of my cock between those wet pussy lips while reaching forward to place my other hand over Cara's which were tightly clenched in Jean’s long dark hair. Grunting, I instantly slid in about half way and started stroking fast as I pushed her head down harder. Feeling me enter, she had instantly tried to rise but I wouldn't let her. My hand was large enough to grip both of Cara's tightly along with Jean’s hair and I started rubbing her head up and down into Cara, but not hard enough to hurt her as I kept my rhythm up, slamming that thick shaft of mine in and out.

  "Jesus Cristo mi amore!" shrieked Cara the moment she felt my hands tighten over hers, and opened her eyes.

  "Hush little one, and cum for me while I watch. You hush too, Jean, and do your job!" I growled at both girls as my rhythm sped up. Jean had been trying to say something but that just told me she was not trying hard enough. I pushed her head down further, and I saw her give up as her arms once again wrapped tightly around Cara's thighs. Both girls were moaning loudly now and Cara's eyes had closed again. I released Jean’s head and gripped her sweet ass with both hands over her hips and really started riding that thing. My bed was perfect for this position, and I could almost relax while rocking in and out of that tight pussy. I could certainly do it for hours if I chose.

  With a shriek Cara orgasmed, and sliding my hands down Jean’s waist then over her breasts I gripped the hard nipples on her huge tits and twisted them savagely. Within seconds she was cumming also, and I rode that wave as two of the three girls I truly loved both experienced pleasure with me.

  But the night was young, so I slid my cock out of Jean and pushed her off Cara. I snagged one lovely Mexican ankle and dragged Cara to me, kicking and softly squealing until she was close enough for me to sink that shaft into her tiny muff. Jean was already sucking on Cara's nipples and I started rocking back and forth again. It was only midnight after all, and I was going to enjoy this thoroughly.



  The Reaper paused then signaled to Travis. They were on night recon, exploring some of the lights they had seen. Both were wearing night vision goggles they had taken from the bodies of National Guardsmen whose roadblock had been overrun. They still had a couple hours before the zombies really started moving around. Or ‘getting active’ as Travis called it. Still, they had to be careful.

  Their packs were safely hidden at their current safe house, but still the two men were very well armed. Getting the kids to safety earlier had been a bonus, but now the Reaper wondered how many more juvenile gangs were out there, and seeing lights appear as it became dark had aroused his curiosity. So far, they'd explored four and found families and small groups. The routine was simple. Throw a couple stones against the suspected door or barricade, which were easy to spot wearing the NVGs, then call out softly until recognized.

  It seemed like everyone had a damn portable CB radio, and it was a bit disconcerting that everyone seemed to know him on sight. His hand was tired from all the handshakes, but the hugs from the wo
men had been nice, he thought. Travis informed every group they met about the Sirens and how to get a hold of them, but many were waiting for government troops to arrive and make the area safe again. They would either learn, or die, thought the Reaper grimly as he crept forward slowly.

  Currently, they were approaching the fifth spot of light they had glimpsed, and the Reaper sensed something different about it. For one thing, they had two guards out front behind a barricade whom he and Travis could almost smell from forty feet away, and they could certainly smell the marijuana the guards were smoking. For another, they appeared to be gang members and were obviously not part of Alethea's group. The Sirens honestly could not be called that anymore, as they'd roped in surviving members from most of the surrounding gangs in greater Grand Rapids. Because of that, they had changed their gang colors slightly with a red bandana tied around their upper right arms to signify some kind of unity amongst each other.

  The Reaper touched Travis's arm gently and pushed him backward, indicating a slow, cautious retreat. They were careful and made little noise, not that it really mattered. Even with no power, there was noise everywhere from the zombies. While most were standing around motionless, more than a few were bumping into everything in sight, or beating their limbs against some object or other. They were noisy fuckers even when dead.

  When they were at the corner of the block behind a dumpster, Travis spoke in a whisper. "I don't like it. Looks like a gang to me and not a good one. They're also smoking weed, which isn't the smartest thing to do around zombies."

  "Agreed. Something is up here. Maybe they're just holding onto their gang, but they're also holed up in a warehouse with a docking center that has a clear path to the freeway."

  "I noticed that too, Reaper, and it's cleared out back with two big trucks ready to go."


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