Legacy of the Living

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Legacy of the Living Page 47

by Sean Liebling

  "Jay, and my thanks," I said as I gripped his outstretched hand tightly. We didn't shake hands. We just held on and squeezed. The previous history tonight had been too intense not to garner a feeling of brotherhood.

  "Name’s Rob, and you’re welcome, Colonel." The other man was short and stocky and had a tough air about him. I approved what I saw. "Let me introduce you to my staff," he continued. "This is my second in command, Captain Douglas Price, my aide, Lieutenant Max Purcell, and my Assistant Intel Sergeant First Class Norman Meredith. My air operations chief, Chief Warrant-3 Sheldon, and my S-2 intelligence officer, Lieutenant Ebers are back at Jackson monitoring operations," he finished after naming the last of their small group and letting me know who was missing. Major Robinson was still holding onto my hand and his grip was tighter than firm. I exerted a bit more pressure and felt an echoing response before he finally released it.

  I was impressed with all of them and said so as I shook each hand. Then a thought occurred to me.

  "Wait. Rob Robinson?" I asked. I was having flashbacks of Jean and Jean.

  "Robert Robinson the second, actually," the major shrugged with embarrassment, then I saw his eyes travel to my cap and a broad grin split his face.

  "Now let me introduce you to my current staff here, Major. I'm not quite as organized as you are, as we have new units coming in almost every day, but this is my Communications Officer and Intelligence Specialist Corporal Corey Rider, Master Sergeant Trask, who fills the slot of Command Sergeant Major, and the Reaper, whom you may have heard of," I said, indicating Jason's silent form. The major nodded. "The others are back at the compound so you'll have to meet them later, Major," but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring at my LSS.

  "So this is your communications officer!" he murmured as he ignored me while still holding onto the hand of my LSS. She smiled at him and flipped her long, flowing red hair over her shoulder where the wind whipped it forward again. "Isn't that hair a bit un-regulation, Corporal?" he inquired, smiling.

  "The commander won't let me put it back up in a bun, Sir," she replied shyly. What in hell? Was Robinson hitting on my girl? I almost started laughing then sobered as I realized her attitude towards him.

  "I see," and it was obvious he did. He had instantly figured out LSS was my woman. One sharp man, and that suited me because I did not intend to lose her. Then his next actions surprised me as Robinson stepped forward and hugged LSS hard, lifting her off the ground. She squealed in surprise as he started laughing.

  "You have no idea how half my men have fallen in love with you from your voice alone, as we listened to you every day battling the bad guys. Oh, the proclamation naming the zombies, ‘zombies’ was an excellent choice, Colonel. We laughed hysterically when that was announced. We're looking forward to joining you." Then he turned and addressed the last of my party to meet him. "And this lady here?" he asked, indicating Ashley, who had followed me out and was looking all Amazon deadly, festooned with weapons as she was. She smiled briefly at him as he held out his hand to her. She shook it briefly while she continued to eye everyone us and our surroundings continuously.

  "I'm the savior's bodyguard, Sir," she replied.

  "Savior?" Major Robinson questioned.

  "Long story, Sir, but take my word for it, she's the best we have in hand-to-hand and edged weapons." Top had finally spoken, and the major nodded and flipped a hand at Lieutenant Purcell.

  "Young as he is, he's also our best. Maybe they can share techniques," and I saw Ashley's eyes glow as she finally smiled while looking at the young lieutenant. It lit her face up beautifully and I instantly saw that the lieutenant had transferred his puppy love to another. Suited me just fine.

  "I would like that," she whispered.

  "I like your insignia. Custom? Or did the Marine Corp approve that just before the shit hit the fan?" Major Robinson had turned and was speaking to me again as he pointed at my cap.

  "A gift from the 53rd Infantry Battalion, or what's left of them. We've been through some shit together."

  "I get that, and I bet we heard most of it." The major was chuckling and I joined him, but the lieutenant was tugging on my arm and I looked over, smiling.

  "Where did you get the Badgers? How many people do you have? What is your plan for taking on those rogue government bastards. Have you really cleared out Fremont? It will make a sweet home. Better than Jackson." His voice choked off as the major thumped him on the back hard. I blinked as I tried to figure out which question to answer first.

  "Don't mind the Lieutenant, Colonel. He has a bad case of Newaygo puppy love."

  "What?' I asked, perplexed.

  "He's been pushing us to contact you for days but we had to be sure you weren't part of 'them'."

  "I see," I said, and I did. "And now? What is your opinion?"

  "I'd still like to know how a Marine Corps colonel came to be in a small town like Newaygo."

  "Mustang promotion from action in Somalia. I stayed in the thick after that. Grenada, Panama, Beirut, and Iraq. Without the degree from Annapolis, colonel was as high as I would go, so I resigned and took up programming. It actually paid better." I grinned. Major Weston had coached me well and I was prepared. We knew people would ask the inevitable. I continued. "Major Weston reactivated me. Seems there are a few clauses in my former commission I neglected to read.”

  Robinson started laughing and clapped me on the shoulder. "That there are, Colonel. That there are!" He continued, "Well, relatively speaking, there is not a viable chain of command any more, but with the courage and intelligence you've shown in your decisions over the last week and more, my men and I are willing to follow your orders. As long as they continue to be intelligent, that is, Sir," and he grinned at me.

  "Most of my peers were dickheads, except for a few, Major. I do not intend to follow their example. I just want my children and our world to survive!" I said strongly.

  "Same here, Jay. I think most of the stupid are no longer with us. Thank God for that."

  "Amen, brother," I said without thinking.

  The major then went on to tell me of all the shit they had been through, beginning with the evacuation of the remaining units from Forts Hunter and Campbell, and then of the nuke Hunter was hit with. I was furious. Bastards! We would see them roast in hell, and I said the same while telling him about Major Weston and my promise to see the rogue forces pay, with his help.

  "As we are taking you up on your offer of combining forces while subjecting ourselves, provisionally, to your command, we did notice that the Fremont airport would be ideally suited for our purposes, as would the town itself, as we number over ten thousand in forces, dependents, and refugees. The satellite images show it to be a very well laid out community."

  "It's yours, of course, and you’re right," I responded.

  "Wait!" My LSS had spoken, and was addressing the major. "You have access to the satellite imagery? I could not break the codes on those yet."

  "I'm sure Sergeant Meredith can fill you in on those, Corporal Rider. Despite his rugged looks and stoic demeanor, his IQ is near genius level, and I'm willing to bet he has them memorized." My LSS turned in surprise and looked at Sergeant Meredith again.

  "As is mine," she murmured.

  "What do you need from me immediately, Colonel? It will take us at least a week to get moved in," Robinson stated.

  "I need your Sergeant Meredith for starters, if I can have him. Corporal Rider is trained in intelligence, and as she just mentioned she's genius level IQ, but she's also tremendously overworked. I need you, Major, as my S-3 of Operations. Lieutenant Colonel Botello, whom you haven't met yet, is my executive officer, and Major Weston, whom you haven't met either, is my S-4 Supply and Logistics. We have a Major Harold Phipps who was Botello's second, but he's career line infantry and would be better in your department, Major, but you be the judge."

  "Those all sound like excellent decisions for now while we shake ourselves out, Colonel." Major Robinson smiled at me as we
shook hands again. No death match this time, just a friendly strong shake.

  Suddenly my LSS turned her back on us and I saw her hand quickly cup over her right ear as she listened to communications I wasn't privy to. Then her lips moved as she hunched over further. Oh, hell no. I knew that look and body language. Shit was about to get deep again. God damn it. We needed a break. Jason, the Reaper, walked up at that moment, and while I was very glad to see him, I held up a hand to give me a moment. He nodded.

  "Oh shit. Not again," I growled. Robinson looked perplexed but I waved a hand for quiet. I knew this would be bad from the hunched over form she presented. Then my LSS turned to me, her eyes brimming with tears, and my heart sank.

  "Oh my God, Sir. They took her. They took Jean! Badgers are tracking and they want to know what our response is!"

  I exploded as I held my hand out to Top for his headset!


  Fridaddy looked at the fallen bodies of Jean's guards and cursed. He recognized the signs of a professional snatch instantly, and even quicker he was on the tactical net communicating with the major. As he did so, he knelt by one of the bodies and laid the back of his hand on the chest, feeling what was left of the man’s body warmth.

  "They snatched her, Major. Clean and professional, about an hour and a half ago, best guess without a thermometer. I'm going to bring the dogs up and try to track them but I'm probably spinning my wheels. What are your orders?" The governor had made it crystal clear that absent his presence, the major was in charge of all things military in Newaygo during a crisis, and Miguel was in charge for all other things.

  "Fridaddy, any idea who they are or where they went yet?" Fridaddy appreciated the fact that the major never asked stupid questions, and responded quickly.

  "There are some drag marks out back but no signs of blood from Jean; normal position so we have to assume it was a kidnapping. The signs disappeared within a dozen meters. They carried her at that point, and they're very good. Apparently they were lying in wait for some time, and came down through the ceiling tiles."

  "Try the dogs when they get there. I will alert the posts to go on full readiness from both directions. Weston out!"


  The console chimed again and Specialist Kirk Feravich’s feet hit the deck hard as his hand slapped the activation button. Twice in one day? This was more like it! He was excited as the radar displayed the information. Flight signature indicated a helicopter, probably a Black Hawk, and headed east away from them, right at a hundred feet. He activated the silo nearest him and felt the reassuring rumble as it rose and swiveled into position. Maybe he could release this time. God, he prayed so. Then he got on the radio and patched into Command.

  "We have a contact, Command. Bogie east at less than ten miles heading due east at one five zero knots. Notify the commander per op orders. Requesting tactical response, over!"

  "Hold one, Badger Command; I am patching you through to the commander now."

  Kirkwaited impatiently. Then Corporal Rider was on the channel. Another voice joined theirs as Command overrode the communications link, and Kirk recognized the voice of Major Weston as he listened. This was bad. This was really, really bad, and all hell was about to break loose. Feravich just knew it.


  "Follow!" I said as I ran to our command Stryker. "Put it on speaker!" I addressed my LSS, and I was furious. She instantly complied, and Major Weston's voice filled the interior as he spoke quickly and concisely. Major Robinson was leaning beside me while listening intently.

  "Jay. Looks like Jean was snatched. I can only assume by the shadow government. We have a bogie we are tracking heading east. They are descending but they're close enough we can track down to almost ground level. Her guards were killed, and Sherriff Fridaddy says it's total SpecOp all the way. I ordered Badger Command to launch their drones and turn them east and south. They can't keep up, though."

  "Have you contacted them yet?"

  "Negative on that Sir."

  I looked at LSS. "Can we patch in and communicate?" I was frantic. Jean! I loved her and she was carrying my baby!

  "Yes Sir," she replied. My LSS had her mini-board out and was punching points on its surface furiously while tears rolled down her cheeks. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and looked up to see Jason nodding at me; a much younger man I didn't recognize stood beside the Reaper, looking concerned. The Reaper had my back. I felt comforted.

  "Go, Sir. You’re patched into maritime UHF. They should receive it."

  "Wait! What do you intend to say? Or are you not planning at this point?" Robinson spoke urgently. He had reached up and was cupping my microphone, bending it away from my mouth.

  I looked at him, my eyes dead orbs of blue ice. Thoughts of my children, Jean, LSS, and Cara simultaneously ran through my mind. Our children, our possible future, my friends, our community ... and I became very angry. Seeing my expression, he removed his hand slowly and stood back as I reached up, hitting the mute button on my headset.

  "I'm going to ask them why they took my woman, who's carrying my baby by the way, and that I'll fly a missile right up their ass if they don't turn around!" I growled.

  "Colonel, listen to me carefully! Don't give them an edge. I seriously need to talk to you about operational security also, but right now you're angry. They kidnapped your lady and you’re your unborn child. Don't give them any openings."

  "Do you want your revenge?"

  "Damn right we do!"

  "I've a feeling you're going to get it, and soon," I replied and hit the mute button again, opening my channel. My mind was now blazing yet crystal clear.

  "Attention unidentified aircraft. You have intruded on my airspace. State your intentions or I'll blow you away. I have no patience at the moment."

  Almost immediately, an unknown voice responded. "We expected your call just as soon as you lit us up. The asset is needed, and I would advise against initiating any response because if you hurt us, you hurt her."

  "Asset?" I inquired. Oh, I knew whom they spoke of. Jean.

  "We have your girl, Governor," the voice responded.

  I spoke clearly and distinctly. "I have three lady friends, whoever you are. Of whom do you refer? All I know is that you violated my airspace and I'll shove a missile up your ass sideways if you fuck with me."

  "Your lady friend Jean, Governor." The voice sounded unsure now and slowly I smiled. Before me, Robinson was nodding.

  "I would advise that you bring her back. I will grant you a fifteen-minute amnesty while you return her. It pisses me off when I'm screwed with concerning my people. This is your only chance to survive, whoever you are."

  "You have no assets that can reach us, Governor. Your threats are empty. Calm down and consider yourself lucky we didn't come for you!" the voice responded angrily. Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw Lieutenant Purcell pumping his fist, and Major Robinson grinning. Whatever.

  "If you had come for me, you would be dead!" My fury was burning even brighter now, and I trembled all over. This was uncool. Bastards would pay. I snarled, and my voice was that of death itself. "If she is hurt in any way, I will set each and every one of you on fire and watch as you slowly join your master in Hell. You are now on borrowed time, and I'm coming."

  "I would advise against that, or the package may suffer," responded the voice.

  "That package is my wife, and I'm coming for you!" I ripped the headset off my head and howled with fury. Then I turned to the Reaper. "Are you with me?" I asked as I held out my hand. He grasped it tightly and nodded.

  "Major. I need to borrow one of your helicopters," I addressed Robinson, and he nodded.

  "Absolutely, but we're coming with you," he responded.

  "As am I." Ashley had spoken. I hadn't seen her there earlier in the compartment, although her presence was hard to ignore, but her face was determined and I nodded. A chorus of equal remarks drifted to me as my comrades expressed their determination to see this through and I grinned
, but not with mirth, with anger. Anger tightly held in check.

  "But Sir, not tonight!" Robinson was speaking again and I listened. He was Special Forces and had probably been in more actions than I could shake a stick at. If he had advice, I wanted to hear it. This was more important than my feelings. I loved this woman with all my heart and would do anything to get her back.

  "I think I know where they're headed. I've been informed my supply team is back and I'll task an EC-130H Compass to track them because their passive radar is cleaner than anything you have, but I'm pretty sure their destination is a base in Ohio we know about. We’ll discuss it in the air. Grab your people and let's move!" I nodded at his words then turned slightly.

  "Wait," I instructed, then I grabbed LSS to me, lifting her off her stool. She turned in my arms and I hugged her tightly as I trembled. My mind was boiling over and I was white hot! Her arms were just as tight around me, and we stood there for a moment in the silence of the compartment. I breathed a sigh of relief that these friends and compatriots gave me a moment of desperately needed space. Slowly I released my woman after kissing her and murmured, "I love you!"

  "Love you too," she breathed against my lips, and then I turned to the major.


  "Understood." Then he was speaking into his own tactical headset. "C-Team disembark. Find a home in the others. Captain Price. Take care of our men and women. I'm making a slight detour."


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