Book Read Free

First Down (First and Ten #1)

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by Lea Hart





  Copyright 2015 Lea Hart

  All Rights Reserved

  This e-Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-Book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and events are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be interpreted as real. Any similarity to real events, locales or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  For all of the girls with messy hair and wild hearts.


  I want to thank Julie Cup at Formatting Fairies for her magic.

  I want to thank Jacy Mackin for her help in making this book finally work. Also for the idea about what to do with those reindeer.

  Table of Contents





























  Jack and Ana met in Catch

  …..Ana and Ronnie walked down the street toward Birdie’s house. “I’ve never been to this part of San Diego. I love the island,” Ronnie said.

  “It’s going to be hard to leave. But the fellowship is an opportunity that I can’t pass up.”

  Ronnie glanced over at her best friend. “The only way to shake up your life is to go big. You are definitely going big. The opportunity at the University is huge, and it’s going to be a turning point in your career.”

  They were about to walk into the gate when Ronnie spotted Jack walking down the street. She shook her head for a moment and thought she was losing her marbles. “Is that you, Jack Ellis?”

  “It’s me, Ronnie DuMond. You looked shocked to see me on Coronado Island on a Wednesday evening.”

  “I am. What brings you here?”

  “My brother, Chris. He used to be in a platoon with Mark, and now works at SAI with Max. His girlfriend, Rachel, is part of book club, and this is his first invite for poker night. Since I’m in town, they let me tag along.”

  Ronnie stepped up and gave him a hug. “I never saw the connection. I want you to meet my best friend and college roommate, Ana James. She’s Birdie’s cousin, and she’s moving to Miami next week.”

  Jack stared at Ana, and found himself incapable of speech, because she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. Her chestnut-brown hair moved as she gazed up at him and smiled. He finally realized that he hadn’t responded, and both women were staring at him, waiting for him to speak. “Hi, Ana. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jack.” She turned and walked through the gate toward the house. She was about to walk in when she realized that Jack and Ronnie were standing on the sidewalk, deep in conversation. “I’ll see you guys inside.”

  “She doesn’t like football players. Just leave her alone. She’s not going to be interested,” Ronnie hissed.

  “She hasn’t said two words to me. She might like me,” Jack replied.

  Ronnie crossed her arms over her chest and gave him the same scowl she gave all of her clients when they were trying to talk her into something. “Not going to happen.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I’m as sure as sugar. I want her to like Miami and stay. She’s never going to be interested in your lifestyle.”

  “I don’t have a lifestyle.”

  “Yes, you do. You are one of the highest paid defensive ends in the league. You have more endorsements than I can count. You have women throwing themselves at you at every turn. Ana is one of the smartest people I know. She had a bad run of things here, and I want her to believe that love is possible. You are not a candidate for my plan for her.”

  “It’s not up to you, Ronnie. You may manage my money, but you don’t manage my life.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Yes, we will.” They stared at each other for a couple more moments and then decided to leave it for now. “I guess this wouldn’t be the best time to tell you that I got an offer to model underwear.”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking you’re right. Ana would never date a man who had a billboard plastered across Union Square with his junk hanging out.”

  “That’s rude, Ronnie. My junk will be all tucked in. They said it would be tasteful.”

  “Whose taste are we depending on?”

  “Fair point.”

  “I don’t make any other kind,” Ronnie responded.

  They walked into the house and moved toward the backyard. “I like the way she smells.”

  “I know, Jack. But you can’t break my best friend’s heart. If you do, I will be forced to break you, and that would be bad for my business.”

  They were soon engulfed by everyone, and the conversation ended. Jack wasn’t going to give up. He watched Ana surrounded by a group of women and she was laughing with her head thrown back. Any woman who laughed like that was worth getting to know…plus she smelled perfect. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d met a woman who smelled like soap. He was constantly surrounded by women who wanted something from him. They smelled like perfume and desperation. Ana looked like the prettiest girl in high school. Not the most popular girl but the one that was never noticed. She wore a simple dress and flats, and he’d never seen someone so sexy. She’s moving to my town, so that means I have a chance.


  Sun Life Stadium

  Miami Garden

  Jack striped off his sweaty uniform and dumped his pads in front of his locker.

  He noticed Clark walk into the locker room and wondered if he was going to the open house for Ronnie’s new office. “Hey, do you want to ride over to Ronnie’s together?” He watched Clark rub his shoulder as he walked over to grab a towel. “Are you still sore from the game on Sunday?”

  “Yeah, man. That son of a bitch from Chicago got the jump on me. I hope he gets nailed with a fine, because it was a dirty hit.” He took his shirt off, looked in the mirror across the way, and noticed that the bruise was getting darker. “I think guys just want to hit me harder because they think it gives them bragging rights. It’s bullshit, but I guess that’s the price I pay for being the best linebacker in the game.”

  Laughing, Jack grabbed his bag and headed for the showers. “As long as you’re modest.” He heard Clark call and waited for him to catch up.

  “Let’s ride to the party together then get something to eat afterward.” Waving to the trainer, they both walked toward the showers. “Do you think any women will be there today?” Clark asked.

  “I’m hoping the woman who’s been avoiding me will be.
She hasn’t returned one of my phone calls in the last two weeks, and I need a chance to remind her about our chemistry.”

  “Is this the chick you met in California?”

  “Ana is not a chick, she is a full-grown woman, and yes, I met her in California. She’s Ronnie’s best friend, and she’s just moved here.” Jack stepped into the shower and turned on the water.

  “Why are you interested if she never calls you back? The message is clear. She’s not into you, man.”

  “I don’t like the message she’s giving me, so I have to talk to her and see if I can change her mind,” Jack replied.

  “What is it about her that has you so nuts?” Clark asked as he turned off the water.

  “She smells like soap and has shiny long hair. You know how you walk around with a picture in your head of the perfect woman?”

  Clark dried off and gave him a funny look. “I have a lot of pictures in my head, not just one.”

  “Well, I have one, and Ana fits it perfectly. It’s like someone reached in my head, pulled out the picture, and then made her specifically for me. I can’t explain it. All I know is that when I met her my heart pounded out of my chest, I lost the ability to speak, and I made an idiot out of myself. I think she’s the one for me.” He quickly dried his hair. “She’s a doctor and isn’t impressed with me or my money. I have a feeling that if she ever decides to give me a chance it will be because she likes me, not because she wants something from me.

  Clark shrugged and clapped his friend on the back. “That’s awesome, man. I’ll be your wingman today and see if I can help you out. I think there’s another woman that’s part of their group, too. I’ve heard Ronnie talk about her college friends a couple of times. Who knows, maybe she’ll like me.”

  Jack laughed and wrapped the towel around his waist. “Women liking you has never been a problem.”

  Clark followed him and smiled. “That’s true.”

  DuMond Management

  South Beach, Florida

  Ana stood next to Ronnie and stared out the windows at the expansive view of the Atlantic Ocean. “Your office is much nicer than mine. It definitely pays to manage the fortunes of professional athletes.” She studied the people on the beach in their swimsuits and speculated how long she would have to stay today, because this wasn’t her idea of a good time. She tried not to spend time with people who didn’t get her, and rich sport stars definitely never got her.

  Ronnie turned to study her best friend and wondered why her tone sounded so dismal. “I know this isn’t your crowd, but I promise it won’t be that bad. I have lots of new clients, and you may find the golfers kind of interesting.” She followed Ana’s gaze and then shook her head. “I can’t believe that I just tried to tell you golfers were interesting. I must be losing my touch. Anyway…I appreciate you coming out to support me today.”

  Ana squeezed her arm in response. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, and I’m very proud of you. Opening your own business is terrific, especially if it gives you a view like this. My small cubby has no window.”

  “I’m a capitalist pig, and I spend my days making athletes richer. You’re a doctor and spend your days researching ways to change people’s lives.”

  “So you’re saying that I shouldn’t be jealous of your fabulous new digs and comfort myself with my noble pursuits in academia?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.” Ronnie smirked.

  “All right. I can live with that.” Ana gazed around the office once more and gave Ronnie a bright smile. “I’m actually quite happy with my small office at the University, because if I had to come to a place like this every day, then I would probably have to brush my hair and wear a dress.”

  “There is that. It’s probably more effort than you’re willing to put in on a regular basis.”

  “You’ve got that right.” There was a light knock at the door, and Ana turned to see one of their friends from college. She watched him walk in and plop himself into one of the office chairs.

  “Alex, are you here as my client or as my friend today?” Ronnie asked.

  Alex Martinez, star pitcher for the Florida Piranhas, smiled at Ana and Ronnie as he leaned back. “I’m here as your friend and your client. Did you make me any money today, Ronnie?”

  Ronnie sauntered to her desk, slid into her new chair, and moved some things around. “I make you money every day. You’re still on the budget, though, so don’t try and sweet talk me into increasing your allowance.”

  Ana walked away from the windows, sat next to Alex, and smiled. She noticed that Ronnie and Alex bickered the same way they did ten years ago, when they all met freshman year at Stanford. “You should probably give him a little more money, Ronnie, because he’s been to my aunt’s house twice this week for dinner.”

  Alex turned to Ana as he responded. “Your aunt invited me and told me to come whenever I wanted.” He fixed his shirt and then continued. “She loves me and always makes me feel welcome.” He smiled slightly. “Unlike some people I know.”

  “I’m not cooking for you, so you can just forget it. I’ll let my aunt fawn all over you. It’s in her genetic makeup to feed people, and I wouldn’t want to take that away from her. Also, we both know that you go over there to see if you can run into my cousin.”

  Ronnie watched her two friends across her desk and wondered why this was the first time she was hearing about Alex’s crush. “You want a chance with Lourdes?”

  “I’m not talking about this.” He crossed his arms over his chest and remained mute as the women stared hole into him. He wasn’t going to reveal anything to these two sharks. Who knew what they would do with the information. “So who’s coming today?”

  Ana leaned over, smiled into her friend’s deep blue eyes, and tried to read them. “You like her, Alex, and it’s killing you that she couldn’t be less interested. She may be the first woman not to fall at your feet.”

  “She’s not the first woman; you and Ronnie were never interested in me.”

  Ella and Jordan walked in, and the Stanford Five were together again, saving Alex from further interrogation.

  Ronnie waved them over and smiled at her friends. This group represented her favorite people in the world outside of her family and Gerald. “Thanks for coming. Welcome to argument seven hundred and sixty three between Alex and Ana. Today we’re featuring a debate on Alex’s crush on Ana’s cousin.”

  Ana stood and straightened her dress before addressing her friends. “I just hope it’s not about the chase and he has some genuine interest in her.” She gave Alex a death glare to make sure that he understood her message.

  Ella erupted in laughter. “It’s nice to see that some things never change.” She stepped forward and hugged Ronnie before taking a glimpse around the office. “This place is awesome. Congratulations.”

  Jordan sat in Ana’s abandoned seat and twirled the chair around in a circle. “These are comfortable. It’s probably a good idea to make your clients as relaxed as you can when you tell them what you charge.”

  Ignoring his comment, Ronnie checked her watch and noticed that she had about ten minutes before her guests would begin arriving. “My clients will be here soon, so I’m going to check on the refreshments and make sure everything is ready. I want you all to mingle today. No excuses.”

  Ella pulled out her lipstick and was about to reapply it. “I don’t want any of you telling the men what I do for a living. I need to start dating, and I don’t want anything to hamper my chances. As far as anyone is concerned, I work at a bank, and that’s it.”

  Ana laughed in agreement. “I work at the lab at the University and nothing more.”

  Jordan stood and fixed his pants. “I don’t care if you tell people what I do. Women like doctors, and I’m planning on using it to my advantage.”

  Alex punched his friend in the arm and let out a laugh. “Just don’t tell anyone that you have a doctorate in infectious diseases. That would totally kill your game.”

  Jordan look
ed down his nose at Alex. “It’s a good thing that you can throw a ball.”

  Ronnie walked toward the door and grabbed Ana and Ella’s hands. “Let’s go, ladies. I want to fill you in on who’s invited this afternoon.”

  The ladies walked into the large reception area and Ronnie handed them each a glass of champagne. Ronnie held her glass up in toast. “To all of our dreams coming true and no one seeing our true geekiness on the first date.” It was the same toast they’d been making since they met all those years ago in school.

  “I want you ladies to know that I’ve been working on my casual chit chat, and I think I’ve got it down. I have several things memorized, and I plan on trying them out this afternoon,” Ella said.

  Ana took another sip of her champagne and fidgeted in her dress. “If you have to memorize things to say in a casual conversation, then it’s no longer casual. We should amend Ronnie’s earlier toast and hope no one will see our geekiness in the first ten minutes. It’s the best we can hope for.”

  “Speaking of hopes…..Mr. Jack Ellis has been blowing up my phone line in search of you. He set his sights on you in San Diego and hasn’t given up his dream. I tried to dissuade him, but it hasn’t worked yet,” Ronnie said.

  Ana flipped her hair and gazed out the window. “I was hoping that he would stop calling and my lack of a return phone call would give him the message. Why can’t he take my silence for the rejection that it is? I have no interest in getting to know him.”

  Ella poured more champagne into her glass. “Who is Jack Ellis, and what’s wrong with him? Also, do you think I will become less awkward if I’m slightly inebriated?”

  Ronnie took the glass out of Ella’s hand and set it down. “Jack is one of my clients, and he’s a defensive end for the Miami Sharks. He’s a popular sports figure in town and has a ton of endorsements. He has his mind set on our Ana, and he’s not being easily deterred. And…you do not become less awkward when you’re drunk.”


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