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First Down (First and Ten #1)

Page 8

by Lea Hart

  Ronnie got up, refilled her cup, and patted his arm as she passed him. “These parties are about business, not my love life. You know that I’m not dating any more professional athletes, and unfortunately, that’s who I spend most of my time with these days.”

  “What about the attorney that’s always calling. Let’s give him a chance, and see what he’s like. You may be surprised.”

  “That’s the problem, I don’t think he has any surprises in him. He’s very nice, good-looking, smart, and--I have a feeling--boring as hell.”

  “It might not be a bad way to get back in the pool. You don’t need fireworks right now. You need to go on a couple of dates and have a good time.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I should just go and get it over with.”

  “I’m sure the gentleman would be thrilled to hear your enthusiasm. I want you to accept his invitation and have a good time, even if it’s painful.”

  “Fine. I have the office opened now, and I’m running out of excuses to avoid dating. I don’t want he who shall not be named getting any ideas that his behavior has affected me in the least.”

  “It may be too late for that. Your self-imposed dating hiatus may have already given him a heads up.”

  “Did we get the shipment from Mama?”

  “Nice change of subject, and yes, we did. I have the instructions, and we can bless your office later today.”

  “Thanks, Gerald. I’m glad Mama sent you down here. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Well, that’s something that we’re never going to find out.”


  Jack cracked an eye open and smiled. He had Ana wrapped in his arms, and she was warm and soft and holding his hand. Lifting his head, he looked over her shoulder and noticed she was still asleep, which allowed him to stare at her pretty face without interruption. He watched her long, dark eyelashes move as she became aware of the weight of his stare. Sliding his mouth across her shoulder, he whispered, “Good morning, sweetie.” She squirmed under him, so he released his hold and watched her stretch out. Soon he was rewarded with a view of her stomach as her t-shirt rode up and her arms went over her head. His morning condition became a little more serious when she rolled into him and let her arm fall across his chest.

  “Good morning. I slept like the dead, as usual.”

  Jack felt her foot slowly moved along his leg, and the electricity of her touch ran up his back. Her body seemed to want to get to know his body, and he couldn’t have been happier. Between her soft curves pressed into his chest, her hand running up and down his arms, and the smell of her hair enveloping him, he’d be lucky to make it out of the bed alive or, at the very least, not embarrassed.

  Ana rubbed her hand through the light hairs that covered Jack’s chest and a sigh escape her lips. “I know that I’m rubbing up against you like a cat, and I promise to stop soon. But, my God, you’re sexy. I’ve never seen or touched anyone so freaking handsome and appealing in my whole life. What’s it like to be you and have all of this at your disposal?” She waved her hand around in front of his body and then let it rest on the massive wall of muscle that covered his chest. “I want to run my mouth all over you and figure out what I like best.” She glanced up and noticed his eyes were big and his smile almost split his handsome face in two. “Sorry, I probably should’ve kept some of that to myself. I never know when to say what I’m thinking and when I shouldn’t.”

  He rolled her on top of him and held her hips. “Don’t hold anything back, Ana, not what you think, feel or want. I want to hear it all, and then I want to give it you. If this was the end of the season, I would get your sweet body onto a plane and fly us somewhere very remote where clothes were not required. And, I would keep you there for about a month. I figure it will take me that long to try all of the things I want and come up with my top twenty list. Then I’ll know what I want to concentrate on for the next forty or fifty years.” He felt her move around until their bodies were perfectly aligned.

  She rested her face on her hand and stared.

  He waited to see what she thought of his confession, because never in his life had he laid it on the line like that.

  Smiling, she ran her hand over his face and traced his cheek bones, his jaw, and finally his lips. “I couldn’t take the time off, but maybe we could work something out in the short term to come up with that list of yours. I already have a top five that I’d like to get started on right away.”

  Jack hauled her up his body until their mouths were aligned and pulled her head toward his so he could taste her. The moment her lips met his, he knew that she was his. Their mouths fused, and the kiss went on and on until Ana pulled away and took a breath.

  Her heart beat against her chest, and heat pooled between her legs. The kiss he gave her was powerful, untamed, and spoke of ownership. The man seemed to want to know her in ways that she didn’t quite understand. Dropping her head to his chest, she let out a sigh. “We have to go, because I’m not having sex with you in a house full of people. I have a feeling that you’re going to make me lose control, and I’m going to want to scream your name. I would prefer for all of that to happen without an audience.”

  “Agreed. Do you want to go to your house or mine?”

  “How big is your bed?”

  “California king.”

  “Your house. All I have is a queen size, and I have a feeling that’s not going to be big enough.”

  “You’re right. Not for the things I have in mind.” He moved his hand up her T-shirt and started to lift it. “How quickly can we get out of here?”

  She pulled her shirt down and tried to move out of his reach. “We can’t run out of here like our hair is on fire. We have to pretend that we’re civilized adults and not sex-crazed animals.”

  “Are you sure about that? We could say that we have some place to be,” Jack said.

  “Everyone is going to know the only place that we have to be is inside each other. I don’t think we’re going to fool anyone.”

  Jack let out a laugh, rolled on top of her, and wiggled his hips against her. “Let’s get going then.”

  “What time do you want me to meet you at your house after we leave?”

  “No, we are leaving here and going straight to my house. No stopping.”

  “I have to go home, take a shower, and put something nice on.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re going to be naked and sweaty within five minutes of walking in the door.” Running his nose up her neck, he kissed the skin right behind her ear and felt a shiver under his lips. “You smell good to me. It’s a combination of us. Our bodies have been rubbing up against each other all night, and I think you smell delicious. Good enough to eat.” He slowly moved his mouth over waiting lips and dove in. He wanted to show her what his body and heart were feeling and give her an idea of what it was going to be like between them.

  Slowly opening her eyes, she realized that beneath Jack’s fun, easy-going personality was a man who got what he wanted. She saw the alpha warrior who’d do anything to insure his conquest. This man was the king of the jungle, and right now, she was in his sights. “All right then, Jack.”

  “I want you to know that I would do anything in the world for you, and your happiness is everything.”

  She lifted her head and gave him a quick kiss. “Let me take a quick shower; then I’ll meet you downstairs. We’ll have breakfast with the group, and then we can go to your house and see how happy we can make each other.”

  He kissed her nose, rolled off, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Sounds good to me. I promise to take you on a thousand perfect dates after today. I want you to know that I’m not trying to rush over the dating part. But I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t have a chance at this really soon.”

  She sat next to him and patted his leg. “I was the one who started this, so please don’t feel like you’re taking advantage of me. In fact, I may be the one who is taking advantage of you. At least, that’s w
hat I’m hoping to do.” Running her hand over his face and slowly down his neck, she stopped when her hand rested against his beating heart. For a man who was in peak physical shape, it sure was beating fast. Which felt like a mirror of what was happening to her own. Hearts beating fast, separately yet in a perfect rhythm.

  “We should take advantage of one another, and then we’ll both be happy.”

  She glanced over and fell into his smile that told her everything about his desire, his intent, and most importantly, his kindness. “I swore off football players after high school, and I guess that’s all about to change.”

  Taking her hand, he stared in her eyes with serious resolve. “I’m the only football player that you ever need to worry about. And I’m a lot more than what I do for a living.”

  “I’m seeing a glimpse of the man who is considered the best at what he does and doesn’t let anything get in the way. I hope you take care when you come after me, because I don’t have another heartbreak in me.”

  “I’m the answer to every happiness in your life.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I’m willing to work every day to make sure that it’s true.”

  She stood and held his face in her hand as she stared into his green eyes. “I guess we’ll see about that.” She pressed her mouth to his and took a deep breath in, because she didn’t want to forget the moment that her life began again.


  “Do you think anyone believed us?” Ana glanced quickly over at Jack and then back to the road. “I think they might have.”

  Jack tried to get the seat to go back farther and wasn’t having any success. He sat up and tried to find a comfortable spot. “I think everyone knew exactly what we’re about to do.”

  “You might be right. I think Jordan’s new girl was a bit miffed that she wasn’t getting all the attention at the breakfast table. I’m going to need to discuss it with him next week. For such a smart man, he sure has bad taste in women. He always seems to go after the ones that need an excessive amount of attention, and I don’t understand it. He is smart, successful, kind, and has an amazing body. Why is he settling for the nutcases?”

  “How do you know about his body?”

  Ana glanced over and noticed that Jack looked uncomfortable in his seat, and he was sporting a good- sized frown on his face. “Are you irritated because you’re uncomfortable, jealous, or sexually frustrated?”

  “All three. I don’t fit in this car, and I don’t like hearing you talk about another man’s body when we are on the way home to get naked together.”

  Laughing, she patted his knee and left her hand there. “My mini is too mini, I get that. The thing about Jordan is just an observation about a friend. Nothing more, but your jealousy is cute. Especially since you have the body of a Greek god. Now quit pouting, and give me directions to your house.”

  “I’m a grown-ass man, and I do not pout. I’m expressing how I feel, and that’s all.”

  “All right. Now tell me where to go, so I can get at that grown-ass body of yours.”

  He turned, and couldn’t believe that had come out of her mouth. Her face was red, and she seemed a little surprised by it as well. He might not be the only one who was suffering here. “Take a left up there at Old Cutler Rd. I’m about a mile down on the right.”

  “I’ve never been down here. I love these big old trees. It’s so charming. Do you live in a big modern mansion?”

  “No. I live in a house that’s been around for a long time. It’s a mix of California ranch, Spanish colonial, and bit of old Florida thrown in for good measure. I know it sounds crazy, but it seems to work. I’ll probably eventually build on and make it bigger, but the size works for me now.”

  “I have to tell you that I’m relieved. I hate those big modern mansions that line the waterfront in Miami. I think it’s a good sign that you don’t have one of those.”

  “Would it stop you from wanting to get at me?”

  “No. But I think I’ll enjoy it more if it doesn’t happen in a tacky modern house with leather furniture and glass tables.”

  “Sweetie, I don’t think you’re going to be thinking about my decorating when we buried in one another. At least, I hope you’re not. I don’t want you to be capable of a complete thought when I’ve got your clothes off.”

  Chancing a peek, she smiled. “I have to admit that when you kiss me, my mind becomes blissfully quiet. That is a rare thing for me and something that I look forward to experiencing more, because my brain exhausts me sometimes.”

  “Turn in up here, and pull around to the side of the house.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “I hope to make you blissfully satisfied for the rest of the day.”

  Ana admired the expanse of land that surrounded Jack’s home. It really was as he described, a jumble of several styles that was completely perfect. “What a great house, Jack. I love all the space you have.”

  “Me, too. I don’t want to feel like my neighbors are on top of me. You can scream my name as loud as you want today, and no one is going to hear.”

  Ana parked next to the house and smiled before getting out. “That’s good to know.”

  Jack unfolded himself from the car and stretched. The car had lived up to its name and was too damn mini. He was going to have to drive them until they got engaged. Then he’d buy her a nice big car after she accepted his proposal. He grabbed the remnants of his costume and Ana’s overnight bag from the back and waited for her to come toward the door.

  “I don’t need my bag. That was for last night when I spent the night at Ronnie’s.”

  “You might need some stuff in here, because you’re spending the night tonight.”

  “I wasn’t planning on staying. Don’t worry, Jack. I have no interest in camping out.”

  “Well, I do. I want you to spend as much time with you as I can.”

  Shrugging, she walked to him and waited. “We’ll see.” She felt nerves run along her back as they stood together staring at one another. “I’m nervous now. I wasn’t earlier this morning when I was lying next to you half-naked. But standing in front of your house in the middle of the day is making my nerves jump.”

  He took her hand and led her toward the front door. “I think it’s a good sign that you have some nerves, because I do, too. Maybe it’s just excitement and nothing more.” He unlocked the front door, and they were greeted with cool air as they walked in. He watched Ana look around with a smile on her face. “Do you like it? My mom picked out most of the furniture and rugs.”

  “I think it’s lovely. Are you going to give me the tour?”

  “Absolutely. Let’s start in the bedroom.”

  Taking her hand, he led her down the hall and opened the last door that they came to. Walking in, he noticed that her grip tightened slightly as they crossed the threshold. He dropped her bag next to the bench at the foot of the bed. The sound of it hitting the tile floor surprised both of them, and they let out a laugh at the same time. “I guess our nerves are strung a little tighter than we thought.”

  He sat on the bench and studied her as he held her waist with his hands. Rubbing his finger against the fabric of her dress, he smiled to himself. “I can’t believe that you’re finally here. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of this moment since I met you in San Diego.” He watched her eyes grow large as she gazed at him. “Come here.” Reaching forward, he gripped her hips and pulled her against his frame. As their bodies touched, he let out a contented sigh. “Finally.”

  Placing both of her hands on either side of his face, she dropped her mouth to his and whispered against his lips, “Finally, indeed.” She brushed her fingers through his hair briefly before trailing them down his jaw. Desire shot up through her body and stole her breath as his hands tightened on her waist.

  His need to consume her, to make her a part of him, roared through his body as their mouths clashed in a greedy attempt to satisfy the need they had. One hand gripped her hip, and t
he other yanked at the hem of her dress as he began pulling it away from her body. He finally had to release her mouth, so he could get the thing over her head. Throwing it over his shoulder, he let his gaze wander over her body and knew that she’d been made for him. Each peak and valley fascinated him as he let his fingers brush gently over her skin. He felt her hands on his face as she made him look at her.

  “You have a much more impressive chest than I do, and I would like to free you of that shirt you have on.”

  He blinked and gave her the smile of a man who had all the time in the world. “Whatever you want.” Moving his hands to his shirt, he felt her brush them away, and he stared at her in surprise.

  “Let me.” She moved her hands to the buttons of his shirt and unfastened them as quickly as she could. Moving the shirt off of his massive shoulders, she watched it slide over his enormous arms. Sighing, she moved her mouth to his neck and pressed her lips against the smooth skin where his jaw met his ear. Nothing and no one smelled better than Jack Ellis. Letting her hands roam over his body, she grazed them over his huge chest and down his abdomen, and she let her fingers run along the trail of hair that led to his pants. She undid the button, slid the zipper down, and soon was able to see his boxers. Looking up, she smiled and noticed that his green eyes had turned dark, and there was a streak of red that covered his cheeks. She felt his hand on the back of her head as he pulled it toward his and pressed his mouth into hers. And like magic, her brain slowed and the hum left, and all she was left with was desire pulsing through her body.

  Standing, he lifted her in his arms and moved toward the bed.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist as she let out nervous laughter.

  “I think we should take advantage of this big bed, because I’m going to need a little room to explore.” Leaning over, he threw the comforter off and then gently placed her in the center. He took a moment to enjoy the view of Dr. Ana James laid out on his bed with only a wisp of pink panties covering her. Desire shot through his body again as all of the feelings rolling around in his chest tried to escape. He pulsed with need to cover her body with his, to drive into her moist heat and feel the agonizing pleasure of releasing inside her. He quickly pushed his pants down his legs and was soon free when he heard Ana say, “Condoms.”


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