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First Down (First and Ten #1)

Page 15

by Lea Hart

  Keeping his arm around her, he grabbed her phone and handed it to her, and then picked up his own. They both started reading the incoming texts and the accompanying links to the websites that were featuring the latest installment in the crazy that the woman was stirring up. Jack was glad that he’d held on to Ana, because he had a feeling that he was going to need to keep her as close as he could as this thing played out. He had to be able to remind her about the truth of them. “Everything that is out there is untrue, and I expect it to be revealed by the end of the week. I have faith in my attorney, and I instructed him to go after this woman with everything we have.”

  “Well, let’s hope that’s true. Maybe she’s doing this for her fifteen minutes of fame. Clearly, she knows that Immaculate Conception doesn’t really happen, so it’s just a matter of finding out what her motivation is.”

  He kissed her head and let out a deep breath. “I’m lucky that you’re so smart.”

  “That’s true.” She laughed. “I should get going. I have to write the protocol for the study that you’ve so generously funded. I’m almost done, and I promised it to the committee by the end of the week.”

  “I have the day off, so can I drive you to work?”

  Patting his massive chest, she shook her head. “No, honey. Go and enjoy your day and relax. I saw the hits that you took yesterday, and you should rest.”

  “Okay. But let me take you to dinner tonight.”

  “I don’t think that I’m ready to try that quite yet. The last trip to the ER is still fresh in my memory. Why don’t we order takeout and relax at home? You can pick a movie for us to watch.”

  “All right. But I want you to know that I’m going to take you out on a real date, woo you, and win your heart. We don’t need to hide away at home to have a good time.”

  “I don’t know, Jack. I have a pretty good time with you when we’re hiding away at home. This morning, for example, was some pretty powerful wooing. I’d say you’re doing all right in that department.”

  “So this is just about you getting at me. That’s all you’re interested in?”

  She put their cups in the sink and patted his arm as she walked out of the kitchen. “Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing.” She kept walking and started laughing to herself. She thought it was pretty funny.

  He caught up in less than two strides, picked her up, and swung her around. “I know you saw the television coverage yesterday after the game, and I’m sure that my speech is burned in your brain. So you can play it fast and cool, but we both know where this is going to end up.” He kissed her soundly and let her down. He noticed that she gave him a hard stare, and he didn’t think he was going to like the next thing that came out of her mouth. In fact, the hands on her hips pretty much guaranteed it.

  “And…where is it that we are going to end up, Jack?”

  He pasted one of his most charming smiles on his face before replying. “We are going to end up married.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, it is. So get ready, because here I come.” He leaned down and kissed her lips loudly. “Quit dawdling. You have a study to get approved and lives to change. Let’s not stand here and squabble over insignificant details.” He watched her face go through a couple of contortions before she let out a big laugh.

  “Yeah…marriage. Such a minor detail.”

  “See, I knew you would come to my way of thinking.” He watched her shake her head and mutter to herself. Since she wasn’t saying it loud enough for him to hear, then it was just her complaining about him being pushy. That was fine, because he would push until they were walking down the aisle together. He grabbed his travel bag and opened the door for her, and they were greeted with the sound of cameras going off. Parked a couple of houses down were a pack of paparazzi.

  Jack quickly moved Ana in front of him and turned his back on the pack of wolves. All they were getting was a picture of his back. “Let me get you in the car, and then I’ll take you to work. I’ll call my brother and get a security detail.”

  She tried to peek around his massive frame, but he moved before she could. “Why do they care about me?” She stepped into him and leaned her head against his chest. Was this going to be too much for her? Lifting her head, she ran her hand down her hair. She didn’t want to have any more pictures out there with bad hair. “Jack, look at my hair. Is anything sticking up?”

  He checked her hair, and it looked like it always did. Long, shiny, and perfect. “You’re beautiful, and so is your hair. Take my hand, don’t give them direct eye contact, and let’s get into the truck. We’re going to act as normally as we can.”

  “All right. So just like when we left the restaurant…right.”

  “Exactly.” Taking her hand, he led her toward the driveway where his truck was parked. Opening her door, he helped her in, and then gave her a quick kiss before depositing her briefcase and his bag in the back. He was glad that he backed into her driveway. His brother had gotten him into the habit years ago, and this was one of those days that he was thankful for his paranoia. Starting the engine, he checked the surrounding area and noticed that there were about four cars parked on her street. He was definitely going to get her a security detail, and they were going to be staying at his house until…well, forever, he supposed. The big gates and a security system would rival a small embassy, and he never wanted her to be put into danger because of the crazy people out there. “Let’s get you to work, and I’ll call Chris and have him give me a couple of names.”

  “Let’s just call Joel. He has a whole office of people who can do it. That’s who Chris is going to call anyway.”

  “All right, but I’m going to call him and make sure that I’m not missing anything. You’re going to have to move in, because I can’t keep you safe in your house.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “I’m not moving in with you. I’m not even moved in completely to this house. I have an alarm system on the house. I’ll be perfectly fine at home.”


  “Nice try, but that’s not going to work.”

  “I can’t put up gates around your house, and I’m not going to have some sicko come up to your window or door when I’m on the road.”

  “You think they would do that? I’m not even interesting.”

  “You just became real interesting to a pack of people who have no moral code. What this woman started is going to affect more than just me. This trash sells, and you just became a player in the drama that they’re going to try and spin. It doesn’t matter if any of it’s true or not.”

  “Well, poo.”

  He took her hand as he drove down the street and smiled. “I couldn’t have said it better.”


  Monday Evening

  “Those are some mad knife skills, I better make sure that I never give you a reason to use them on me.” He watched her chop vegetables as she smiled. “Why wouldn’t you let me order food?”

  “Because I’m stuck on a protocol for my research, and cooking helps me work things out. I enjoy cooking. It’s very therapeutic for me.” She pushed the vegetables into a bowl, pulled out another cutting board, and started taking apart a chicken. “Did you know that I thought about becoming a surgeon for a while?”

  “I had no idea, but seeing you with that chicken and knife, I can see the possibilities. How can I help with dinner?”

  “You can leave me to it. I like to listen to the music and cook. By the time dinner is finished, I hope to have unlocked the answer to my problem.”

  “I know something else that unlocks your brain. We should do that after dinner.”

  “All right, but I’m going to see if this works first.”

  “I’m here, whatever you need--wherever you need it and in any position.”

  “You’re a prince among men, Jack Ellis. The way you sacrifice your body for the advancement of science is impressive.”

  Laughing, he leaned over and stole a kiss before leaving the kitchen. �
�I’ll be in the office making important decisions about my career.”

  She waved and went back to decimating the chicken.

  He walked down the hall and felt his heart fill with happiness. Ana was home, and they were together. Walking into his office, he looked around and wondered what he should move so he could fit another desk in here. She would need her own space when she moved in permanently. Maybe they should just consider remodeling now and start adding on.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket and interrupted his thoughts about how many children they might have. “Ellis,” he answered. “Hey, Joel. Thanks for getting back to me.” He listened to the outline of what Joel proposed and opened his email on the computer to check the outline of the schedule for Ana’s security detail. “Looks great. Send me the bills, and I’ll take care of it right away.” He hung up and considered the schedule and people that Joel was setting up. She would be covered for all the times that he couldn’t be with her. He decided that having someone at the university with her was a good idea. Who knew how aggressive these vultures were going to be with her. He never wanted her safety compromised.

  The smell that was coming out the kitchen made his stomach growl. He would speak to the chef that he’d been working with and see how it would work with having Ana living here. Maybe he could have him make meals for them when she didn’t want to cook. He heard her calling his name and felt like she was calling him to a life that he dreamed about and not just dinner.


  Ana sat next to Ella at her first professional football game.

  Trevor sat behind them and scanned the crowd. The retired Navy SEAL worked for Joel.

  He’d been on her detail a couple of times in the last week. She felt comfortable around him, because he reminded her of so many of the men that she’d been around for the last couple of years. He’d actually been on a platoon with her cousin for a rotation. Turning, she smiled. “Are you sure that I can’t tempt you with a hot dog or something?”

  He grinned at her and shook his head. “I’m on duty, Ana. Why do you keep trying to feed me when I’m working?”

  “Because we’re at a football game, and there are no paparazzi allowed in this section. It’s un-American to come to a game and not eat a lot of junk.”

  “I think I’m good. But I may change my mind in the second half.”

  “Don’t tease me, Trevor. My dream is to feed you.”

  “I know, honey. You just keep that dream alive. Who knows, I may take you up on that invitation for Thanksgiving, after all.”

  She smiled, elbowed Ella, and wagged her eyebrows. She watched as she shook her head. “You don’t know for sure. This could be a match made in heaven. I think he may like her, and we should give them a chance.”

  “Stop with the matchmaking. Just because Birdie is obsessed doesn’t mean that you should be.”

  “One match does not make me obsessed.” She worked with someone who she thought would be perfect. Trevor had an off-beat sense of humor, and so did Katie. Ana’s theory would soon be proven correct when she put them both together at the same table.

  The fans in Florida were loud and enthusiastic, and she noticed a lot of people wearing Jack’s number. Apparently, he was a fan favorite. Laughing to herself, she figured he was going to have quite a few more after his campaign for the underwear was released. He’d shown her the proofs, and they were smoking hot. He said he couldn’t have done it without her and that she should remember that she was the inspiration for the all of the sexy looks.

  Ella turned and waited for an explanation. “Well, what’s got you laughing to yourself?”

  “I’m thinking about how much more popular Jack is going to be after his underwear campaign is released.”

  “That good?”

  “Yeah. I might have helped him out a little too much. Women are going to be coming out of the woodwork.” She felt Ella lean into her as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “I think he did a good job last week after the game. He said on national television that he was planning on being married by this time next year. There’s not a whole lot of wiggle room in that statement. He said it loud and proud and sent his message clearly.”

  “That could just make the crazies come out of the closet.”

  “He seems to have that covered. Don’t forget about the massive man sitting behind you. He’s not taking any chances.”

  Digging into her popcorn, she shoved a bunch into her mouth and thought about what her friend had said. It was true that she’d been nowhere in the last week unaccompanied. It was either one of Joel’s guys or Jack. Trevor had put more than a few photographers in their place in the last week. She was grateful for what he’d done, but it was claustrophobic.

  Several women came into the section that they were sitting in.

  Jack and Clark had told them that they were sitting in the family section. Fans were not going to harass them, and they could relax and watch the game. Several of the women introduced themselves, and a couple gave Trevor the eye. She couldn’t blame them, because Trevor was a good-looking man in a Captain America way. Maybe the women who were checking him out were not romantically involved with a player. At least, she hoped so.

  The music began, and the visiting team started coming out of the tunnel.

  Ana took in the spectacle and the noise and felt her excitement rise. She’d never been to a professional game before, and the thought of seeing Jack in his element was exciting. Finally, the Sharks were announced, and the team emerged from the tunnel. She stood and clapped with Ella and most of the women who were sitting in their section. She tried to pick out Jack as she scanned the players, but she couldn’t see him. The defensive line was some of the last players to appear, and she finally spotted him. Seeing him run across the field as people cheered his name left her awestruck. He was a big, impressive man in street clothes, but seeing him in his uniform and pads was mind-blowing. He seemed like someone who you wouldn’t want to mess with and also sexy as hell. She couldn’t believe that he was the same man that she slept with. Good thing she got to know him before she saw all of this. She never would have taken him on if this was the first thing she’d seen about him.

  She noticed Clark scanning their section as he looked for Ella.

  Once he caught sight of her, he pointed and made a sign for her to turn.

  “He wants to see your jersey.” Ana smirked.

  “I know he does. I guess I’ll make him a happy man.” She blew him a kiss and twirled. She looked over her shoulder and watched him put his hand over his heart as he winked at her. As much as she tried to resist him, sometimes it was hard.

  Trevor leaned over and spoke to Ella, “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  Ella gave him a grim smile. “I don’t want my heart broken. What happens when I give in, and he loses interest?”

  Trevor pointed to the jumbotron as Clark’s antics were replayed for everyone in the stadium to see. “A man doesn’t do that unless he has some serious intentions. Get ready, girl.”

  Ella sat and her shoulders slumped as she studied her shoes. She felt some popcorn hit her head. She looked at Ana as she lobbed food at her head. “Stop it. It could get stuck in my hair, and I won’t find it for a week.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you look good before we leave.” She took her friend’s hand and squeezed. “Maybe it’s time we both took a leap of faith and see if these men are as good as they seem. We can’t wait on the sidelines for the rest of our lives until a sure bet comes along. Given our history, we probably wouldn’t recognize it anyway. Maybe we should starting acting brave, and see if our minds can catch up.”

  Ella squeezed back. “Yeah, with our brain power, it may not take long.”

  They both laughed and stared out on to the field at the men who were messing with their powerful reasoning powers.

  A performer came out, and the crowd was asked to stand as she began singing the national anthem.

  Ana grin
ned at the back of Jack’s head. He was an impressive man, and she should take this opportunity a little more seriously.


  Trevor, Ella, and Ana stood in the hallway next to the area where families could wait for their players.

  “I hate the sound of their pads crashing into each other. Every time Jack was on the field, a feeling of panic ran down my back. I don’t know if I’m meant for this. I wanted to kick the man that blocked him. I’ve never felt such rage in my life. I’m a calm, rational scientist. Not a crazed woman who wanted to rip the face off a man who crashed into her boyfriend.” Ana shook her head and looked down the hall.

  Trevor put his hand on her shoulder and grinned. “This was your first game, and eventually, it won’t bother you.”

  Glancing up, she tried to determine if he was privy to some knowledge that she wasn’t. “I sure hope you’re right, because I didn’t enjoy it. When we watched it last week, it seemed much more civilized. But being that close to the field is crazy. The crashing pads, bodies, and helmets are so brutal. I swear I could see a cloud of testosterone over the field during the game. It’s like some ancient Roman ritual, where the strong survive and the rest are left bloodied on the sidelines.” She noticed his smile. “Why am I talking to you? You’re a retired SEAL, they don’t let you in unless you’re crazy.”

  He shrugged and looked out over the crowd. He noticed a couple of photographers that had come out of the locker room, and they had their cameras pointed toward the families. That wasn’t part of the program, and he searched for security to see if they were going to do anything about it. He noticed that they were at the other end of the hall talking to some fans. Great. He didn’t want to call attention to Ana and Ella, but he wasn’t going to let the guys run off a bunch of shots of the families and sell them. “Ana, I’m going to clear the photographers. Stay here, and I’ll be right back.” He made sure that the women were secure before he headed in the direction of the photographers.


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