Book Read Free

Eye Candy

Page 30

by Tijan, J. Daniels, Helena Hunting, Bella Jewel



  “Did you want to come in for a tea?” I ask, and then feel immediately stupid. Tea. I asked him inside for some tea.

  “Sure,” he says, without hesitation.


  Okay then.

  I push the door open and flick the light on, stepping into my small but comfortable apartment. Oliver looks around as I put my stuff down and walk into the kitchen to put the kettle on.

  “Nice place you’ve got here,” he says, sitting at a stool by my counter.

  “Thanks, I like it. It’s close to everything and easy to look after.”

  “Where’s this hamster?”

  I smile and nod toward the lounge, where Batty’s cage is. Oliver stands and walks over, staring into the cage. After a moment, he returns. “I’m buying you a puppy. That’s embarrassing.”

  I laugh. “I don’t need a puppy. They’re so much work. Batty is easy.”

  “Batty is creepy.”

  I giggle. He does look a little creepy. And he is a bit of a weirdo. But I love him. “I can’t deny that,” I grin. “But he’s easy to take care of.”

  “A kitten, then,” Oliver continues.

  I laugh once more. “No way, they require far more attention.”

  He gives me a half grin that’s so attractive I have to inwardly tell my knees to stop their damned shaking.

  “What about you?” I ask, getting two mugs out. “Do you have a pet?”

  “Got a dog. A shepherd.”

  My eyes get big. “Wow, that is a big job.”

  “Yeah, he’s a lot of work, but he’s loyal and he’s good.”

  “I bet.”

  After making tea, we go and sit on my old but cozy black sofa. I cross my legs, facing him, gripping my mug with both hands, and trying not to blush. I wish I wasn’t so damned shy and hesitant. That I could sit here without feeling a little nervous. It’s not that I don’t trust Oliver; I do, I can tell he’s a good guy. But I guess because of my past, I have forgotten how to feel normal, act normal, and, I guess, trust a little bit. I take a deep breath and do my best, though.

  “What do you like doing for fun?” I ask Oliver, trying to make conversation, because really all I want to do is lean forward and kiss him.

  So, so bad.

  I haven’t felt that for such a long, long time.

  “I ride motorbikes, obviously, since I work on them,” he says. “I also like fishing.”

  I raise my brows. “I didn’t peg you as the outdoor type.”

  “Why not?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I’m not sure. Motorbikes, yes, but fishing . . . no. I guess that’s the beauty of people, though, you never really know until you ask.”

  “No, that’s true,” he says, sipping his tea. “You like fishing?”

  “I’ve never really been, but I think I’d like it, yes. I’ve always wanted to give it a try.”

  “I’ll take you.”




  My heart races and I want to scream with joy. If he wants to take me fishing, then he wants to get to know me. Inside, I’m both happy and scared. I have the chance to get to know this guy. Though I feel like I’m ready, even after what happened with Terry, I’m still a little nervous. Still, I think Oliver is worth taking the chance on. I smile and say, “That would be cool.”

  “You like camping?”

  I swallow. If he asks me to go camping with him, I’ll jump at the chance. The woods, a fire, and just us two alone . . . yes, please.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “We should go. I know this little spot. Kenai and Marlie have come with me before, maybe we can all go.”

  “Sounds great.”

  My heart swells with the kind of happiness and excitement I haven’t felt in a long time.

  “I should get goin’,” he says, putting his tea on the coffee table and standing. “Going to be a big night tomorrow night.”

  My heart drops. I was enjoying just having a conversation with him. Without any pressure. It was really nice to talk with someone of the opposite sex like that again. But still, slowly is how I want things to go, even though I wish I could talk to him some more. I know there’s plenty of time for that.

  “Okay,” I say softly, standing and walking him to the front door. “Thanks for dropping me home.”

  “Thanks for the tea,” he murmurs, staring down at me. “Jade?”

  “Yes?” I ask, looking up at him.

  “I don’t do this often, but do you want to go to dinner with me?”

  Oh my Lord. Yes. Yes. Yes, I do.

  I try to keep it together when I answer, “I’d really like that.”

  He pulls out his phone, opening it and typing something, then he asks for my number. I give it to him.

  “I’ll text you when I get home, so you’ll have mine. Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  I swallow and look up at him. “Goodnight, Oliver.”

  He leans down, pressing a kiss to my head.

  And then he’s gone.

  And my heart practically melts.

  The second the door is closed and I hear his truck drive away, I let out a happy little squeal.

  Yesterday, I was too nervous to even talk to him, but today, he asked me on a date.

  How quickly things can change.

  Chapter 4

  A hard body lands on top of mine and I’m jerked awake. Panic sets in, but only for a second once I hear the feminine giggle coming from on top of me. My eyes open and I peer up into a disfigured wolf face staring down at me. “That’s nasty,” I say sleepily, squeezing its snout.

  Erin reaches up and jerks the mask off. “I know, right, but I wanted to scare you. And you’re not scared.”

  Erin lives in the apartment next to mine, but she has a key and pretty much welcomes herself into my home whenever she feels like it. Most mornings she’s here, drinking my coffee, before I’m even awake. I wouldn’t have it any other way, though. Her roommate drives her crazy, and I know my place feels more like home to her. Plus, I like the company.

  I laugh. “I’m terrified. Really.”

  “I could have been anyone, you know?”

  “Your giggling gave it all away.”

  She laughs and rolls off me. “Happy Halloween.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh again. “Why are you waking me up early, when I had a late night?”

  She rolls to her side and looks at me. “That’s exactly why. I need all the juicy details. I couldn’t wait. So. Tell them to me. Tell me all the details. Do not leave anything out. You know I can tell when you’re lying.”

  I stretch and groan. What time is it? I glance at my bedside table. Eight a.m. Way too early. I could have gotten a few more hours in before I had to head in for the Halloween party.

  “Let me get coffee, then I’ll tell you.”

  I roll out of bed, and Erin follows me. “It mustn’t have been that great, if he’s not still here.”

  “Last time I checked, it’s not proper to sleep with someone upon meeting them.”

  She huffs. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

  I reach the kitchen and flick the coffee machine on. “I do have some morals, as tempting as it was.”

  “So,” she says, clapping her hands. “How far did he go? First base? Second? A sneaky third?”

  I smirk at her, and throw some sugar into the mug while I wait for the coffee to brew. “We didn’t even kiss. Calm down.”

  She pouts, exhales dramatically, and then says, “Well, what did you do then?”

  “He dropped me off here, and came in for some tea.”

  She blinks. “Please tell me tea is code for a little bit of you . . .”

  “No. Tea is code for tea. We had tea and talked.”

  “Oh my God,” she says dramatically. “My grandma has a more exciting love life than you.”

  I laugh. “Your grandma is an animal. He did ask me out, though . . .”

  “He did!”
she squeals.

  “Yeah. It was nice. He wasn’t sleazy. It felt good.”

  Erin sighs. “How romantic. Did he text you?”

  I remember I gave him my number, and rush off to the room to grab my phone, checking it. Sure enough, there is a text message on my screen. I must have fallen asleep before it came through.

  I had a good night. Thanks for the tea. See you tomorrow.

  I smile stupidly and walk back out. Erin takes one look at my smile and claps her hands again. “Oh, he texted you all right.”

  “Yes he did.”

  “Are you going to respond? What are you going to say?”

  “You know”—I give her a look—“if you were a dog, all I’d hear is yap yap yap. Settle down, I’m thinking.”

  She rolls her eyes. “What are you going to wear tonight?”

  “Something spooky.”

  “Something sexy spooky though, right?”

  “Yes, Erin,” I laugh. “Any ideas?”

  “A sexy witch?”

  “Been done.” I frown.

  “A sexy ghost? You could wear this see-through white garment . . .”

  I roll my eyes. “No. I’m thinking of a dark fairy.”

  “Oh, I like it. All dark and twisty, yet sexy at the same time.”

  “Yeah, I have an old costume, I think I’ll go with that.”

  “Does this costume have a short dress?”

  “Actually, it does.”

  “Then you’re wearing it!”

  I finish making my coffee, and then make her one, sliding it over before taking a well-earned sip of mine. It goes down smooth, and I groan with happiness. Erin is too much to deal with before coffee.

  “I have to get to work,” she says, after finishing hers. “Wear something sexy and then come back and tell me everything. Leave nothing out. I mean it.”

  I smile, and hug her. “I won’t leave anything out.”

  When she’s gone, I look down at my phone and think about what to text Oliver. I want to do the right thing and reply, but I don’t want to come across as desperate, or needy, or even too full-on. I think about it, and just go with something simple.

  I got your message. Thank you. I hope you got home safely last night. Thanks again for the ride.

  He responds a moment later.

  You’re welcome. See you today?

  Grinning like an idiot, I reply.

  Yup, just getting ready now. It’s going to be a big day.

  Yeah, it is. I’m already here. See you soon.

  Knowing he’s already there has my butt hustling to get ready. I quickly take a shower, get dressed in a pair of jeans and a tank, throw my hair into a ponytail, get my costume for later, and then start making my way to work.

  I’m excited for today.

  Mostly, I’m excited to see him.

  And I haven’t felt this way in a long time.

  Chapter 5

  I arrive at Sanctuary, and it’s bustling. Marlie is standing on the front steps, giving all the people who have come in today a job to do. It’s keeping them all busy, and putting some smiles on faces, which is great. I rush up to her. “Morning, Marlie.”

  “Hey, chicky.” She smiles. “Glad you’re here.”

  “Where do you need me?”

  “You can go and help someone. Anyone really. There is food prep going on, cleaning, final touch-ups, so join in wherever you can.”


  I rush inside, waving and smiling to a bunch of people. I go to the staff room and put my stuff away in a free locker, then I head back out. I go to the kitchen first, finding Kaity running the show. “Morning, Kaity. You need a hand in here?”

  “Yes, please. How good are you at icing cupcakes?”

  “I’m good. Want me to give it a go?”

  “Yes, please. All those”—she points to trays of chocolate cupcakes on a counter—“need icing.”

  “On it.”

  I mix up some icing, picking orange and red as the colors, and then I get to work frosting the cupcakes. Kaity looks over midway through her preparation of some fruit cups, and says, “Soooo . . .”

  I look up and she wiggles her brows at me.

  “What?” I ask, even though I already know what she’s going to say.

  “What happened with you and Oliver last night?”

  “Nothing. He dropped me home and we talked a while, then he left.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, like she doesn’t believe me.

  “I’m serious,” I giggle.

  “Hmmmm. Okay. If you say so. Did he at least kiss you?”

  “We have only been talking a day.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, but you’ve been giving each other lovey-dovey eyes for ages.”

  “No we haven’t!” I huff.

  “Um, honey, yes you have. He watches you all the time. And you watch him all the time. It’s so obvious. We’ve all been waiting to see who would finally make the first move.”

  He has been watching me?

  My heart flutters.

  “I didn’t realize he even noticed me,” I admit.

  “Oh, he notices you. Trust me. I’m glad you two finally got the courage to talk to each other.”

  My stomach does a happy flip. “Oh.”

  I continue with the cupcakes, finishing them off. When Kaity gets a few more volunteers, I head back out into the main area and find someone else to help. I see Oliver carrying a heap of chairs in and spacing them out around the room. I rush over. “Good morning, can I help?”

  He looks over at me, and his eyes are warm and sexy. “Sure,” he says. “You start spreading these out as I bring them in.”


  He stares at me for a minute, and then says in a low voice, “You look really pretty today, Jade.”

  Before I can answer, he turns and walks back to his pile of chairs. My cheeks flush and I feel an incredible rush inside. It feels nice. It’s been a really long time since someone of the opposite sex paid me a genuine compliment. I take the chairs, with a silly smile on my face, and start spreading them out, leaving gaps so people can walk past, and room in the middle of the area so people can dance. I continue doing this until we’ve run out of chairs. When I’m done, I walk back over to Oliver. “It looks great in here, you think?”

  “Yeah,” he agrees. “Come give me a hand bringing in the punch bowls.”


  * * *

  “What are you wearing tonight?” Marlie asks as we hustle into the office to get changed before the party starts in just under two hours.

  “I have a dark fairy costume from a few years ago. What about you?” I ask, pulling out my costume and undoing the wrapping.

  “I’m going to wear a witch costume. Cliché, I know, but it’s the only thing I could find while I was trying to organize all this.”

  I laugh softly. “Well, fair enough. I’m sure you’ll look great. What about you, Kaity?”

  Kaity lifts a big white sheet with two big eyeholes cut out and drops it over her head. We all burst out laughing.

  “Let me guess,” Marlie giggles. “Couldn’t be a ghost, could it?”

  Kaity laughs from under the sheet, pulling it back off her head. “No one said I was original. I couldn’t be bothered going and finding something, so I found an old sheet and decided what the hell, that would do.”

  I strip down to my bra and underwear, Marlie doing the same, and I catch a glimpse of her knees. I’ve seen them before, of course, but it never ceases to amaze me how strong she is. The scarring and odd way they move tells of a terrible story, a story everyone in the world knows about, yet the girl standing before me shows nothing but strength and determination. She’s not weak. Not even a little. I admire her for that. She’s half the reason I didn’t let myself sink after what happened with Terry. If Marlie can survive something like that, and continue living, then I sure as hell can deal with a frustrating ex.

  “Oh my,” Kaity says when I pull the black and pu
rple dress over my head. “That’s . . . sexy.”

  I look down, realizing it must have shrunk in the last year, or I must have grown, because it’s a lot shorter than I remember. The purple satin just covers my backside. Oh my God. I tug at it, trying to get it down further, but it isn’t going to move. “It was longer than this last time, I swear.”

  “Well,” Marlie says, raising her brows, “Oliver is going to be a happy man tonight.”

  “I should change? Right?” I say frantically, tugging the dress.

  “Absolutely not!” Marlie cries. “You’re going to wear that dress with pride and knock the socks off that man.”

  I tug again, but to no avail. The dress is not moving.

  I have nothing else to change into, so I have no choice but to wear it. Sighing, I pull on the long black tights, thanking God they’ll stop my panties from flashing, at the very least. I put on a pair of slim boots, pull on my black, tattered wings, and then let my hair down to flow around my shoulders and down my back. Then I get to work applying dark makeup. When I’m done, I spin around.

  Kaity is wearing her sheet, which makes me grin. And Marlie is all decked out in a super cool witch costume. Both their eyes fall on me and widen. “Holy crap. I knew you were pretty, woman, but I didn’t know you could do hot, too. Oliver is going to lose his mind when he lays eyes on you,” Marlie says.

  I look down and then back up again. “Is it too much?”

  “Hell to the no,” Kaity says, coming over and grabbing my arm. “Let’s go before you change your mind.”

  They pull me out into the main area, where the lights are now low and all the lighting Oliver and I set up is on for everyone to see. The smoke machine lets off soft smoke, light enough that you can still see and not choke to death. The music is Halloween themed, and Marlie hired a few people to carry around trays of food and drink to the people just starting to pile in.

  “Here we go,” Marlie says. “Enjoy your night, everyone. Find me if there are any problems.”

  We all branch off in our own directions. I move toward the kitchen to help bring out some more food. I’ve just put down a platter of hot dogs when I spin around and slam into a hard chest. I look up at the hottest version of Frankenstein I’ve ever seen. Tattered clothes, scars painted on his face and neck, Oliver looks breathtaking, and scary, and way too hot for his own good. His eyes drag down my body, and his mouth tightens. “You look . . . fuck . . . hot.”


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