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St. Helena Vineyard Series: Saving Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 2)

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by Cary Hart

  “Yep, now let’s see what your little jelly bean is doing in there.” He turns back around, moving the wand around my belly, while watching the screen.

  Chapter 4


  Leaving the doctor’s office in a better mood than when I went in, I decide to surprise Colin and grab us a couple iced lattes…decaf for myself.

  Walking up the steps with a little more spring in my step than usual, I open the door, looking down to make sure I don’t trip over the decorative rug. Personally, I think it’s a safety hazard, but when I emailed Allison about it she let me know that it was staying.

  “Colin, I have a surprise for you,” I call out.

  “Daisy!” Lillian’s voice brings my attention away from the rug and to her stalking over to me, looking pissed, forehead wrinkled and ruby red lips pursed.

  “If you want to keep your job you have to be professional.” She whispers, grabbing my arm and dragging me across the room. “Your boss is here.”

  Looking across the room, I see Colin and who I assume are Allison and Ferris with their backs to me.

  “Ferris, I would like you to meet my sister, your new secretary, Daisy Daniels.” Lillian nods at me to shake his hand.

  Allison turns around first, giving me an irritating smile, looking me up and down then glancing at her watch.


  Colin must have forgotten to tell them I was coming in late. Standing there I wait for Ferris to finish. Finally, he turns around and acknowledges Lillian.

  No. No. No…this can’t be happening.

  Everything is starting to blur, voices start to blend together. Instead of tensing up, my muscles relax. The tray that was holding our coffee drops, splashing back up onto my outfit and I assume on everyone within a few feet.

  Him. My perfect stranger.

  “Daisy! What is wrong with you?” I finally hear Lillian’s voice over the commotion.

  It can’t be him. Not here. Not when I looked everywhere for him. The room starts to spin, my knees begin to buckle and I start to go down.

  The baby!



  “FUCK!” I hear myself roar as I lunge for my beautiful angel. Reaching her, I scoop her up and carry her to the waiting room couch, laying her down softly, I holler for Allison to go get a damp washcloth.

  “Daisy, get up!” Lillian comes around me and starts to slap Daisy across the face.

  “Don’t!” I grab her hand, throwing it back, away from her.

  “Here you go. Would you like me to call 9-1-1?” Allison comes to kneel down by me, a little too close for comfort. Something she has been doing more of this past week.

  “Not yet. I need everyone to back the fuck up and give her room to breathe.” I look around the room at everyone to make sure they understand, my eyes coming into contact with Colin last. I’ll have to deal with that later.

  Taking the washcloth, I wipe her face down, brushing hair out of her face. “Daisy, are you okay? It’s time to wake up now.”

  For fuck’s sake. Open your eyes.

  Looking back down, I see her eyes flutter.

  Thank God.

  Finally, they begin to open. “That’s right. Open your eyes.”

  “Wha-what happened?” she stutters.

  “You fainted!” Lillian shouts, sounding irritated with her sister. Sister? How is this beautiful angel her sister?

  “Lillian! Enough! Let the girl wake up,” I demand. She tries to speak, but one look and she snaps her trap shut.

  Opening her eyes, Daisy makes eye contact with me, a slow smile spreading across her face.

  “You?” Her eyes go wide in realization. “YOU!” She shoots up, grabbing her head from the sudden movement.

  “He, is your new boss,” Lillian informs her over my shoulder.

  Does she ever shut up?

  “Welcome back to reality, Miss Daniels.” I shut out all the emotions that surfaced just moments ago. “Take the rest of the day off.” Getting up off the floor, I try to pull it together.

  “Lillian, take your sister home and make sure she is settled in before our dinner meeting tonight and Colin, call that old codger from Plumb Crazy back, I don’t have time to listen to his nonsense.” Heading back toward my office I motion for Allison to follow.

  I hold the door open for her to come in. Shutting it behind us, I move around to the desk.

  “Sit.” I motion to the empty chair.

  “I’m guessing you owed Lillian one hell of a favor for you to hire her?” She flips through the calendar on her iPad, never looking up. “I mean seriously, I’m sure Lillian will understand. That girl will end up being an embarrassment to the company. I mean, her work the past week has been fine, but not up to your stand—”

  “Allison!” I cut her off.

  “Yes, Ferris?”

  “Mr. Hampton.” I correct her for the millionth time. “Go home.”


  “Go home. Your services are no longer needed here.”

  “What?” She looks confused. “Wait? Are you firing me?”

  “No. I’m not.” I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I know she can’t be here. “But your services are no longer needed here.”

  “Is this because of last week? Because I was drunk…I didn’t mean to—”

  “No, it’s not because of last week.” I cut her off again. “However, if I ever find you naked in my hotel room again or even anything suggestive in nature you will be fired on the spot. Do. You. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now, call yourself a car and make arrangements to fly back to Chicago. I’ll call corporate and inform them of the transfer.”


  “Mr. Hampton.” I’m tired of correcting her. “Now leave. I have to make a call.”

  Chapter 5


  Three weeks. That is how long it’s been since I saw my perfect stranger, Ferris Hampton, my boss. After he demanded Lilly drive me home, I sat up all night replaying the day’s events. The doctor, seeing him, fainting…it was all too much.

  Not sure how I’m going to handle the next day, I rehearse all night. Practicing how I’ll say that I searched for him. How I missed him. How he stole a piece of my heart and left a piece of him with me.

  Instead I come into work, power up my computer and find an email from him.

  Miss Daniels,

  I’ve had an urgent matter come up that has caused me to be out of the office for an undetermined amount of time. I have shared my calendar with you and expect you to carry out each of the tasks. If you find yourself unable to do so, please let myself or Mr. Palmer know so we can find your replacement.

  Even though I’m away, you may contact me via email and either my secretary or I will get back with you.



  I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed that he brushed me off, but a part of me is relieved to have this time to adjust to my job and the more pressing matter at hand, the little jelly bean growing inside me.

  “Hey Daisy, you want to come out tonight? I could use a wing man.” Colin walks over to me and finds an empty spot on my desk to sit on.

  “No way. I’m not letting you drag me out again. Pick up on Friday and Detach on Monday…did you see the look that Kat gave me?”

  “Hell yeah. If looks could kill you would have disintegrated.” He laughs it off.

  “Not funny, Palmer.” I gather up my things so he can walk me to the car.

  “So, you have bigger plans than kicking it up with your new bestie.”

  “Colin, me and you, not besties and you saying that is kind of creepy.”

  “What?” He smacks me on the ass and he walks towards the door. Looking back, he says, “Come on. You’ve worked your ass off this week. Let’s start it early.”

  “Ok, let me grab my laptop. I have a few things I have to do this weekend.”

  “How much OT do you have this we



  “Colin, I’m salaried…remember?”

  “No shit? Well, let’s go then.”

  Grabbing my bag and keys, I follow him outside. “Colin, when do you expect Ferris to be back?”

  He gives me a questioning look. “What do you mean? He’s been back.”


  “He got back last week, meetings during the day and working from the office at night.”

  That coward!

  “Oh, I just assumed he was still out of town, since he was emailing me orders.”

  “Nope.” He stops to open my door for me, letting me get in.

  “Daisy, I know something is going on there. I’m not sure what it is, but if you ever need to talk, I’m here. Lord knows you’ve had to hear about me and my past.” He gives me a nod and closes the door.

  Rolling down my window, I holler out to him. “Colin!” He turns around. “Thanks…for everything.”

  “I should be thanking you.” He gets in his car and drives off.

  Pulling the rearview mirror down, I examine my eyes. For being tired, I look pretty damn good. The “glowing effect” is in full swing.


  Pops: Hi!

  Pops texting, this should be good.

  Me: How you doing Pops?

  Pops: Good.

  Me: Nonie behaving herself?

  Pops: Had to bail her out of jail.

  Me: WHAT???

  Pops: Public indecency.

  Me: ???

  Pops: She took a face painting class.

  Me: Pops, I’m not following.

  Pops: She went out painted.

  Me: They arrested her for face painting?

  Pops: No… she went out naked.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  Me: Someone is calling. Hold on.


  “Thank God you picked up. Don’t listen to the lies your Pops tells you.” Nonie sounds winded.

  “He said you went out naked. Why would he lie about that?”

  “Baby girl, your Nonie only goes out naked when we go to the nude beach. I had on body paint, that’s hardly naked.” She sounds irritated. “Now, tell that grandfather of yours to come to bed. I’m worn out from running to the bedroom to call you.”


  “Oh hush, child. You only live once and your grandfather didn’t complain. He painted by numbers.”

  “Goodbye, Non…I love you.”

  “You too, baby girl.” Click.

  Me: So body paint? I heard you were her accomplice.

  Pops: Gotta go. TTYL.

  Me: LOL

  Putting my phone up, I adjust the mirror and start to back up, but quickly put it into park and pull out my phone again.

  Me: Have time to make me my usual to go?

  Brian: You got it. Give me 15 min.

  Me: See you in a few.

  Me: Thnx

  Brian: NP

  I put my phone away again and back out, then head toward my favorite bar. It has the best burgers, which have become the subjects of my cravings.

  I met the bartender, Brian, while surfing. A classic California guy, with the blonde hair, tan skin and toned body. We usually hang out every summer, but since I’ve entered the corporate world, it’s been less frequent this year.

  Quickly pulling around back, I park in the employees’ lot by Brian and walk in through the back.

  “Hey Bri!” I pull out a stool, making myself comfortable.

  “Hey DD. How’s life?”

  “Busy. My asshole of a boss has totally been ignoring me and only will talk to me via email.”

  “That sounds real grown up,” he says, setting a draft down in front of me. “Sounds like you could use one of these…on the house.”

  “Thanks.” I pick it up, waiting for him to turn around, hoping he doesn’t notice I’m not drinking. And as soon as he turns his back, I’ll switch out the mugs for an empty one.

  “Don’t look now, but your bitchiness and her beau just walked in.” He nods his head in the direction of the door, where I see my sister and behind her is none other than Ferris Hampton.

  Her boyfriend?

  “Cutting work early I see?” She comes up beside me, but doesn’t take a seat.

  “I put in my hours this week, and then some. Plus, Colin gave me the OK.”

  “Colin doesn’t work for Hampton Enterprises.”

  “You know what?” I slam my drink down, letting it slosh out and make a mess. “If you think I suck that much, then why did you get me this job? Why set me up to fail?”

  “I had no choice. In your condition you needed a job with insurance. This is all I had, but I’ll be damned if I sit back and let you embarrass me in the process.”

  Ferris walks up behind Lilly, putting his hands on her shoulders, not an intimate touch, but one of familiarity.

  “Here’s your order. I put a salad with extra dressing in there, too.” Brian hands me the bag over the bar.

  “Thanks, Bri. You always know how to take care of me.” I lean over the bar and kiss him on the cheek.

  “See you soon, DD.”

  Not wanting to stay and talk to the queen of bitchiness, I turn to leave, but remember I parked out back and have to walk past them.

  Hurrying back past them, I make it to the back door. Knowing it sticks, I raise both hands and give it a big push. The only problem is, someone is pulling on the door when I go to push which sends me flying, but I don’t fall.

  Strong arms are suddenly around my waist pulling me back against a wall of muscle.

  Brain must have followed me out.

  “Seems to me you need to be more careful.” Nope not Brian.


  “I have a name.” He smirks.

  “You’re not funny.” I push his hands off me.

  “Not even a little bit funny?” He tries to joke and maybe if I hadn’t been pregnant and scared to death for the past eleven weeks, I would think it was funny, but pregnant Daisy thinks he is an ass and rubbing it in my face.

  “No! Not even a little funny.” I pick up my bag, turning to leave, but my hormones are in full gear and rage starts to set in. Turning back, I go in for the strike. “You!” I jab him in the chest. “You walked onto my beach and into my life. I didn’t ask you to. I didn’t beg you. You came there and stayed on your own will. We did things. Things I would have never done with a stranger, but you didn’t feel like one to me. You felt real.”

  Tears begin to form, but I continue. “We agreed, no names, but we promised each other tomorrow. Why didn’t you give me tomorrow? Why did you leave me? Am I that much of a disgrace to you that you couldn’t have me in your world? Because I thought you fit pretty damn well into mine.”

  “Daisy—” he tries to cut in.

  “Don’t Daisy me. I don’t regret you, but I will never relive you.”

  “This,” he motions between us. “Now you know why we can never be together, even more so now that we are working together. In my life, work always comes first and I won’t compromise what I have worked hard to build by fooling around with hired help. I hired you as a favor to Lillian, but it’s up to you now to keep it. The job is yours if you want to stay, but if you would be more comfortable to relocate I can find you another position elsewhere.”

  “Stop right there. I’m not leaving my home. You walked into my life, not the other way around.” I’m back on him again. “Walking away is your job. My feet, they are planted.”

  “Well, it looks like we have come to an agreement. The past is the past. From here on out, strictly business, Miss Daniels.”

  Snapping out of it, I turn and walk away. “Have a good night Mr. Hampton.”

  Once in the car, I pull my seatbelt on and, glancing in the rearview mirror, I see that he’s gone. Pulling the to-go box from the bag, I open it.

  “Son of a bitch.” The hamburger is covered in salad from dropping it. Th
rowing the box back into the seat. I start to cry. I cry for me, for Ferris and for my unborn child.

  Chapter 6


  Last night was supposed to be simple. Get off work, grab a burger and chill. That didn’t happen. Instead I ran into Ferris, who had been MIA for the past three weeks and laid it all on the line. Well, except for the one tiny thing that is growing inside me.

  Deciding the doctor is right, I don’t have to do this alone, I call my mom.

  “Hello?” Her voice sounds groggy. She must have been asleep. Looking at the clock I notice it’s past midnight.

  At just the sound of her voice, I cry out her name. “Mommy?”

  “Daisy? Daisy…are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  “Mom, I’m fine. I just need you. Can I come up tomorrow?”

  “Oh sweetie. Yes, you can come up any time. You don’t sound too good. Do you want me to come to you?”

  “No. I need to get away from here. Between work and Lilly, I need an escape.”

  “Okay. Is there anything we can talk about tonight?”

  “No. I just want to go to bed. I’m so tired,” I confess.

  “Then get some sleep. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Love you mom.”

  “Oh Daisy…I love you so much. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye.” I get off the phone finally feeling a little at ease, knowing I don’t have to keep this secret anymore. Sleep slowly following.

  Waking up bright and early, I suffer from exhaustion, but make the three-hour-plus drive in record time.

  I pull up my parents’ driveway and slowly roll to a stop. Tired, I climb out of the car, not even bothering to grab my bag. I knock on the door before opening it, then walk in. Immediately, I feel comforted.

  “Daisy, Is that you?” my dad hollers, rounding the corner.

  “Daddy!” I run toward him, jumping into his arms.

  “Whoa there sweetie. You’re going to knock me over.” He laughs, giving me one last squeeze before he puts me down.

  “Where’s Mom?”

  “She’s fixing up your room.”

  “Why? It should be clean. I made sure of it before I left.”

  “Who knows…she said something about the lighting and sleep.” He looks up toward the stairs. “Go up and see for yourself.”


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