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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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by Hannah Gittins

  Today had started as your ordinary day but it sure hadn’t ended that way. How dare he speak to anyone like that! It made her sick to the bones and fed up of people thinking that they can talk to others like that. Just thinking about it now was making her angry.

  Huffing and throwing her smart uniform skirt and blouse in the wash basket and hanging the jacket in her wardrobe she walked out of the bedroom and turned left into her kitchen. It was open plan and was separated from the main room by a breakfast bar. All the appliances looked great but didn’t match. It was the one room she hadn’t fully finished. The walls were painted the same happy and bright buttercup colour that the main room was and the counters were ivory Brown. The colours gave the room a ‘let’s cook’ feel to it. Over time she hoped that she would be able to buy the best appliances but in the meantime the stuff she had was good and she didn’t mind waiting for the best. Going to fridge she pulled out a half full bottle of white wine, grabbed a wine glass and went back to the sofa. Pouring herself a good helping she tucked her legs under herself and snuggled on the sofa turning her head to the window once more. Familiar with this position Marvin circled the ground in front of the sofa a couple of times before dropping down with a sigh. Smiling again she took her first sip. He always makes it seem like he has had such a hard day.

  “You should have seen this man today, Marv?” she told the dog who raised his head to look at her as if he was listening, which she was sure he was. “You would have hated him too…trust me.”

  Why had he wound her up so much? Yeah he had been rude to the extreme but he had tried to apologise and she had cut him off. There was no way that she was just going to let him off for speaking to her like that just because he flashed a smile at her. Okay, so the smile could melt a million hearts but she had been too angry to let it affect her at all. When he had first walked through the door she had noticed him. To be honest there was no missing him. Although the hotel was not the most expensive place out there it still had a certain type of people that stayed there and none of them were like him. He walked through the door in jeans that she was certain had oil stains on them and a fitted black leather jacket. He was a big guy, at least 6.3 maybe more. His clothes fit him well and did nothing to hide the muscles underneath. There was no way they were just for show. His hair was messy and looked like his fingers had been run through it a lot but the chestnut brown colour was warm. Sure she had briefly wondered what it would be like to straighten it up for him…then messing it up again with her own fingers. And yes, she had wondered what he was wearing under that jacket…then under that. The mere fact that she was even thinking these things shocked her. It had been a long time; we are talking years, since she had been remotely interested in how the other sex looked or how they affected her. The fact that all this man had done was walk in the door and her eyes were glued to him was seriously unsettling.

  Then he reached Maddie’s reception desk, settled his brown eyes on her and opened his mouth. Then, with that, everything she had been wondering about left her head. Her mind tried to remind her of all the times she had been spoken to worse and more but she quickly took a sip and pushed that from her mind. Now was not the time to let that free. Maybe it was best she not think about the stranger that put her in this mood. It made her think of things that she had worked too hard at keeping locked up to let one rude idiot ruin.

  “It’s not like I am ever going to meet him again.” She informed her dog. “Tomorrow let’s do something fun Marv.”

  The dogs tongue fell out of his mouth and gave a little pant.

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes please, mummy!’” Maddie chucked to herself. “You hungry?”

  Now those words the white husky defiantly knew. Jumping to his feet he ran into the kitchen. So although she couldn’t see him she knew he would be stood in front of his food bowl waiting for it to be filled. Finally letting the man leave her head she followed her dog into the kitchen to feed him and then herself.

  Chapter 2

  Zipping up her burgundy hoody she then bent and pulled on her brown boots over skinny, worn, jeans. The weather was cool but clear. Although Marvin gets walked twice every day, once in the morning and again at night. There were days like today when she felt too restless to be stuck in the flat and needed to get out. Even if it was just to have the cool breeze blowing away some cobwebs. Of course Marvin never complained about getting an extra walk. Especially as it meant going to the park or for a long walk round the woodland area the other side of town. If there was one thing Marvin loved more than his red cushion, it was chasing and barking at the birds in the trees or scaring the ducks in the pond.

  Grabbing his lead and muzzle from the hook by the front door, she bent to her husky. There is no way that Marvin would ever attack a person unless he was told to by her. Something she had never done and was sure she never would. But that didn’t stop mother’s firm grips pulling their children away from him as if he was unsafe. If only they knew what a big softy he was and how well he was trained. Mind you, it didn’t help that when someone got to close to her he growled. It was never in an attacking manner but done more in warning. That person was getting to close to his mistress and he wanted the stranger to know it. Her Marvin had not had an easy life, it had taken her months to get him to even trust her to touch him. But she had spent the time and along the way she had won his trust and heart. Now there was nothing that he wouldn’t do to protect his ‘mum’. So to make people feel safer she popped a muzzle on him. Although he didn’t like it, he tolerated it and as soon as she was in the woodland it came off. Plus when she walked him late at night he didn’t have to wear it at all. Those walks he loved the best. As for Marvin, if Maddie wanted him to wear it he would, just to make her give him an extra scratch behind the ears.

  “How about we head to the park.” She said putting on the muzzle then the lead. “You can chase some ducks and I can watch and drink a hot chocolate.”

  Standing on all fours the dog shifted restlessly. This she took as agreement to her plan and grabbed her keys before walking out in to the hall and locking her door.

  “Marvin!” A young voice cried.

  Turning in surprise to the stair well, she saw the boy from next door run towards her.

  “Ethan.” A woman's voice shouted out after him. “Wait!”

  Ethan was Sarah’s son and along with her little girl, Rosie, they lived next door to her. She used to work hard to try and not bump into them in the hall because Sarah liked to stop and chat to her. There was nothing really wrong with this because Sarah was a nice person. It was more that Maddie liked to keep herself to herself. She lost her ability to mingle with people easily a long time ago. Sometimes it bothered her enough that she thought about going next door and inviting Sarah round to share a bottle of wine…but then she thought about something else and the urge went away. Slowly Sarah stopped talking to her so much in the hall to the point where all they did these days was share an awkward little smile and move on. Her children on the other hand adored Marvin and would not be stopped from saying hello to both her and her companion.

  “Hi, Ms Smith.” Ethan said happily before turning his full attention to the dog.

  Because he had met and petted the dog so many times he knew exactly what to do and how to approach him. The little boy held his hand out palm up waiting for his hand to be sniffed before the husky lowered his head in a way that meant he was okay with being stroked.

  “Hi, Marvin.” Ethan giggled as he petted the white head of her best friend. “Are you taking him for a walk?”

  Sarah came round the corner carrying several bags of food shopping and looked slightly out of breath. They lived on the top floor of a 3 story block.

  “Sorry I couldn’t have stopped him even if I could have caught up with him.” Sarah said looking down at her son and letting the bags sit on the ground. Releasing them she started to stroke her hands. Sarah was an attractive woman who was maybe a little older than Maddie, say in her early 30s. She had B
londe hair that was shoulder length but normally always up in a ponytail. Her face was make-up free and red after her rushed walk up the stairs after her son. She was probably carrying a bit too much weight on her shorter frame but she carried it well and, more importantly, she worked it. Maddie knew her husband was a solider, so was not always here, but when he was she knew he adored his wife and loved her extra pounds. Today Sarah had on a pair of simple burgundy cords and white cotton cap sleeved top. Everything made for comfort and durability, she did have 2 children to care for, after all.

  “That’s okay.” Maddie said softly, looking down at the boy she replied to him. “Yeah, we are going to the park. He wants to chase some ducks.”

  Ethan laughed and Sarah smiled.

  “They don’t stand a chance!” Ethan exclaimed. “Can I come?”

  Taken by surprise at the boy’s request she widened her eyes and looked at him petting the husky, who, going by his wagging tale, was loving the attention. Ethan was ten and dogs were his great love. She knew his mother was hoping he would grow out of it or at least wait until he was old enough to get one of his own.

  “Em…” Maddie started. Not really sure what to say.

  “No, Ethan.” Sarah cut in. “Leave Ms Smith to her walk. She is probably looking forward to the peace and quiet.”

  Ethan’s eyes swung from mother to her. His young mind couldn't understand why you would want peace and quiet when you could be terrorising ducks.

  “Please, I won’t make any noise. None at all.” He sated with such pleading as only a small child could. “I promise to be on my best behaviour.”

  About to open her mouth and tell him that she was sorry but she was going to take Marvin for a really long walk that would tier both him and herself out, when Sarah cut in once more.

  “Don’t make promises that you can’t keep young man.” Her words were softened by the small smile on her face. “Now let’s get these bags in and see if we can find something on the telly for you to watch.”

  As their mother was about to bend down and retrieve the shopping bags Maddie found herself saying…

  “It’s okay he can come with me.” Where had that come from? Looking at Sarah she could see she was thinking the same thing. Had she just agreed to take Ethan with her?

  Maybe it was time that she talked to people a bit more. Yesterday at the hotel it had reminded her of the bad side of people. But Sarah and her family had shown her nothing but kindness. Yes, it was time to open her doors a little bit to the world. It’s not like Maddie had to rush it. Just a little bit at a time.

  “YEEESSSSS!” the boy jumped with joy making Marvin bark with excitement too. Yes she had just agreed to take Ethan with her.

  “You don’t have to.” Sarah said softly, seeming a little unsure.

  Smiling at the boy’s happiness and her dogs shaking body she lifted her head to look up at her neighbour. Well it could be fun and she had said it now so might as well roll with it.

  “Honestly, I don’t mind.” Rubbing Marvin between the ears she carried on. “And he would love having someone to run along with. I will get Ethan back in an hour or so.”

  Sarah again looked surprised. There seemed to be a couple of different feelings moving across her face before it broke into a huge smile.

  “It would be a godsend to have him occupied for an hour.” Sarah said picking up the bags again. “Means I can put this stuff away, sort something for tea and wait for Rosie to come back from her dance class. I might even sneak in a glass of wine.”

  Laughing with her neighbour, Maddie tugged on the lead and started to walk towards the stairwell.

  “Go and enjoy your wine I will tire Ethan out and hopefully Marvin too.” Taking hold of Ethan’s hand she started to walk down the stairs. “We’re going to the park a couple of streets over so I need you to hold my hand but when we get to the park you can hold Marvin’s lead and run around with him. Does that sound like a good deal?”

  “YAY!” he cried. “I have never walked a dog before. Come on, let’s get to the park quickly.”

  Maddie looked quickly over her shoulder and caught Sarah giving their parting backs a soft smile before gathering her bags. Looking back around she smiled too.

  Maddie had done the right thing.

  So they set off out of the block of flats and down onto the street. With Marvin just as excited to play with Ethan, it took a lot to make them walk at a reasonable pace. Sooner than she normally would have, they reached the park and Marvin was running around with Ethan.

  For a while she just stood watching them. Ethan’s laughter filling the air along with Marvin’s barks and the ducks quacks. It had been a long time since she felt herself pleased with a decision that she had made or at least this pleased. She decided that she would take the young boy on walks with her more often. It had the added benefit of her having to not walk as much. The two males were covering a lot of ground together. Why had she never offered to take Ethan to the park before? Maybe she could take Rosie too?

  They were just like their mother, quick to smile and had no sense of fear when it came to talking to new people. Maybe some people would see that as a bad thing and dangerous to some extent. But all that Maddie saw was that Sarah and her husband had created two lovely children that would never be short of friends. If anything it reminded her of the younger Maddie again.

  Frowning slightly, not really focusing on the boy and husky any more, knowing that Marvin would not let harm come to his young charge, Maddie let her mind wander to slightly darker times. This is twice in the last couple of days where her mind tried to bring up things that she had worked hard to keep hidden. When things were really bad there is no way that she would have ever been allowed to take a walk in the park let alone own a dog and go with the neighbour's son. Maybe that was why she had really stayed away from them for so long. Maybe there was a part of her that still feels she has to follow the rules that she once had to follow so strictly. Well she had had enough of that. She was free of everything that trapped her before. She needed to remind herself of that more often. Maybe tomorrow she would take Ethan and Rosie to the park. Or buy some wine and sneak in a glass with Sarah. Smiling softly, she focused in again on the happy laughter that filled her ears.

  “Poor ducks.” She heard a shocking familiar voice say from behind her.

  Jumping slightly she spun around to see exactly who that voice belonged too. Finding her eyes level with a strong throat and decently stubble covered chin. Her whole body tensed up because she knew who that voice belonged to. Looking a little higher she caught the smile on his attractive lips, his strong but not over large nose and finally his laughing brown eyes.

  Realising she was doing nothing but staring she spun on the spot and started to walk quickly towards the duck pond to collect Ethan and Marvin. She had to get away from here.

  “Wait.” He called after her. “Please wait.”

  A hand reached out and grabbed her arm stopping her from taking another step. Not a painful, hold but insistent. Turning nothing but her head she looked up at him again. Why did her body scream at her to flee and stay in equal measure, although the feeling was only caused because she wanted to stay so much? It was too dangerous to be here.

  “Let go of me.” She had meant for her voice to come out forceful but there was no hiding the quiver. Clearing her throat she snapped. “Now.”

  He frowned at her for half a second before letting go of her arm.

  “Look, I’m sorry I just wanted you to listen to me.” He said shrugging slightly. “I was a dick yesterday and I can't have it on my conscience that I was the rudest person you had ever had the misfortune to serve.” There was a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I am pleased you remembered.” she stated, surprised that he had used her exact words. “Hopefully you will remember that before you speak to someone else like that.”

  She turned away from him again. Maybe if she ignored him then he would just go away.

  With this he laughed out
loud. The sound was not bad, although she didn’t want to admit it; it was fairly far from bad. Rich, deep and warm might be better words used to describe it.

  Slowly she turned back to face him. His laugh making it impossible to do anything else. His face was lit up with his amusement. The crinkles round his eyes and the laughter lines round his mouth showed that he was often amused. Or at least had many occasions to laugh freely. All she knew was that it was 100% hypnotising.

  “You are not an easy person to apologise too.” He said still chuckling.

  Slowly she managed to shake herself out of the daze he had sucked her into.

  “Shouldn't waste your time then.” She said waving Ethan back over.

  Looking back at the man she saw him smiling big, again.

  “I'm Aiden.” He said holding out his hand.

  She looked at his hand for a second. The thought of touching him again didn't sit well with her but she really was holding on to this pointlessly. He had said he was sorry. It was time to just shake it off, share names and then never see each other again. Ever again.

  She, of course, knew his name having checked him in, but that didn’t stop her from liking it all the same.


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