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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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by Hannah Gittins

  Why had Ethan not told her that the man they met in the park yesterday was his coach? Now that Maddie thought back on it she thought about the boy’s reaction to seeing her talk to what she thought was a stranger to him. He had not asked his name nor had he been worried about talking to him at all. At the time she had put that down to Ethan being Sarah’s son. Clearly it was not that at all.

  Slowly she realised that once more she was staring at him and that Sarah was talking to her.

  “Sorry what?” she mumbled embarrassed and looking away from the pitch to her dog again.

  “I was just saying that I know I shouldn't ogle him because I am a very happily married woman but it is so hard not to.” Sarah said completely unaware of Maddie's reaction. “I mean he is not just a good looking man the coach is HOT. He puts other men to shame easily. But more than that he is just a nice man. I haven't had a chance to speak to him yet cause every female within a mile radius swamps round him like he is the only glass of water in a drought. Maybe you can get Marvin to attack them all so I can speak to him?”

  Maddie tried really hard to make her laugh sound convincing. The awkward sound made both Sarah and her dog look at her. The dog with an intense stare and the woman with a curious look.

  “What am I missing?” Sarah said. Scanning the crowd and then looking across the pitch to see what might have bothered her friend. Then slowly she turned to look at Maddie who looked her quickly in the eyes before looking away. “What is the name of your man?”

  Maddie jerked and looked up at her friend once more with back straight and shoulders back.

  “I don't have a man.” she snapped.

  Ignoring her harsh tone Sarah continued “It wouldn't happen to be Aiden Scott would it?”

  “I don't have a man.” Maddie snapped again now turning completely away from the pitch.

  A sharp whistle rang through the air letting all the spectators and players know that the game had begun.

  “Your man is the Coach of my son’s team.” Sarah said looking across the boys running around to the man standing on the side lines shouting orders ever now and again. “Sometimes it really does surprise me how small the world is.”

  “Please.” Maddie said almost desperately. “I don’t have a man.”

  Maddie stood with her shoulders hunched over and her head down looking at the grass that her feet were stood on. There was a little nudge against her leg which she knew was her dog saying he was there if she needed him. He may not understand what had upset her but he nudged her anyway.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it Maddie.” Sarah said cautiously.

  Realising that she was getting sucked into thoughts and feelings that she didn’t want to get caught up in, she looked at her friend and smiled letting her know all was well. There was no point letting Sarah know about the things in her head and heart. She may know the stories of her last 'Man' but she wouldn’t understand how hard it was to fight and work to live and survive without being crushed under that man. Now she was proud to have no man. Plus the last man Maddie wanted was Aiden Scott. He was....too much.

  Finding Ethan on the field she shouted out “GO ETHAN. GO BIG BEARS.”

  Rosie squealed and shouted out too. Before long the three of them were all shouting their encouragement to the team. Marvin was not to be left out and howled along with them. Laughing Ethan turned and waved at them before running to tackle the player with the ball. It soon became shockingly clear to Maddie that she knew nothing about football. Sarah on the other hand had informed her that John, (her husband) loved it, and had taught her everything she needed to know. After declining the offer of being taught, Maddie just cheered when Sarah did and it seemed to work. Rosie and Marvin played at their feet and clapped/howled when the mood struck them.

  When the final whistle had been blown it stood 1 all. Sarah said the team would be happy for the draw so Maddie decided that they should go for 'congrats your team drew ice cream', everybody agreed.

  Parents walked forward to collect their children and just like Sarah had said there was a swarm of women around the coach like bee's round honey. She told herself that she didn’t care. Which she didn’t of course. Maddie bent down to pop Marvin's muzzle back on.

  “Why do you put that on him?” Rosie asked. “I don’t like it.”

  Doing up the clasp at the back of the husky's head she replied. “I don’t like it either honey but some people think Marv might hurt them. So I put this on him so he doesn’t get into trouble.”

  The little girl looked at her seriously then looked at Marvin with the muzzle on.

  “Marvin wouldn’t hurt anybody.” She whispered clearly shocked at the thought of it.

  Reaching down Sarah picked up her daughter and gave her a cuddle.

  “Yes princess we know that but some people don’t get to know him before they think bad things about him.” The mum told the daughter.

  Rosie seemed to think about this for a moment and then nodded her little head, yellow hair going everywhere. “Well they are just bum-heads then.”

  “Rosie!” Sarah gasped trying not to laugh. “Who taught you that?”

  Maddie adjusted the lead and joined in the little girls giggles at saying something naughty.

  The three of them (and Marvin) walked towards Ethan who was talking with a couple of boys. The boy spotted them and ran towards them shouting ‘Bye’, over his shoulder.

  “Hey mum.” he said quickly before dropping to his knees to greet the husky.

  Laughing softly she stroked her sons head and said “Hi son” then looking up at Maddie she carried on “I think I made the wrong choice in saying no to getting a dog. They are so quiet and well behaved.”

  Maddie scratched his ears and laughed. “They do take a lot of walking and I am not sure they would be so quiet when they would have to walk him in the rain.”

  “They would love it in the snow though.” a deep voice said from behind the little group.

  Not again Maddie thought. Where did this man learn to creep up on people the way he does. It seemed really unfair to have such a talent because it meant that she was never safe from him. When Maddie knew Aiden was there his presence seemed to fill the room or space they were in. How did he manage to control that when he was sneaking up on people.

  “Coach.” Ethan said jumping to his feet. “This is my mum and my sister Rosie.”

  Sarah turned with a huge smile on her face. “Coach it's nice to meet you at last.”

  Maddie on the other hand didn’t turn round but instead crouched down to fiddle about with the muzzle. She had to make sure it was on properly of course.

  “Sorry I haven’t been able to say hello on other days.” He said to Sarah. “Please call me Aiden everybody does.”

  Maddie could hear the smile in his voice. She could also feel his eyes burning on her back.

  Rosie stood holding onto her mother’s hand looking up at the tall, tall man.

  “Do you think Marvin would bite you?” she asked.

  Aiden turned all of his attention to the little girl.

  “I have met Marvin before in the park.” He said reaching down and scratching the husky's ears. His hand was so close to hers that she could feel the heat. Maddie was shocked to the core that Marvin didn’t growl or snap. What had made her defensive dog suddenly be okay with Aiden since their last meeting?

  Marvin was a traitor!

  “I told mum all about us meeting you in the park.” Ethan said still full of excitement from the park.

  My head turned up and swung round to look at Sarah. She refused to look Maddie in the eye.

  “Do you?” Rosie asked again, still holding her mother’s hand and wanting to know the answer to what she felt was a very important question.

  “No I don’t Rosie.” he said looking right at her realising how grave she was being. “But I do think that he will protect Maddie and you if he has too.”

  Rosie seemed to think about this and then nodded slowly.

; “He must like you though because he was playing with you during the game. Wasn't he?” Aiden asked.

  Maddie realised that he must have known all along that she was there and watching the game. She felt both warmed by him having noticed her and surprised that he had. Why would he want to watch their little group?

  Rosie let go of her mother and moved to lean her little weight against the large dog. “He loves me.” she declared.

  “Princess why don’t you and Ethan go play with Marvin.” Sarah said ushering her kids on ahead.

  The two children ran on ahead, Marvin chasing them, taking away the only excuse that Maddie had to not talk to Aiden. She had been set up. Sarah knew that he was the Coach-that was why she had invited her along. This is what happens when you put your trust in people. They use the information that you gave them to set you up. To make you look like a fool.

  “I thought you would never break free of that hoard of women.” Sarah said laughing.

  Maddie gasped looking at Sarah having stood up next to her so-called friend. How could she say that?

  Aiden just laughed and laughed hard.

  The air left her lungs in a rush as she watched his face lighten up and his shoulder shake. The deep rich sound filling the air making another, much stronger, quiver hit her in a southern area that had not been awake or used in a long time. She could feel the heat flood her cheeks and she wished the ground would swallow her whole.

  Maddie knew that if she looked around every woman that was left standing on the playing field would be watching Aiden laugh.

  “You’re right!” Aiden said his voice still full of laughter. “They sure find me fascinating.”

  “Can you blame them?” Sarah exclaimed. “You are hot!”

  “Sarah!” Maddie choked.

  “What?? Are you saying he's not?” she inquired.

  Aiden looked Maddie directly in the eye. She could see the warm brown merriment in their depths and the laughter round his eyes. But she could also tell that he wanted to know the answer. He wanted to know if she thought he was attractive or not. Why would he want to know that?

  As she looked at him, his eyes made their way down her face and then body. Taking in every inch and curve before making their way back up to her face. It was clear that he liked what he saw. Instead of feeling repulsed by this look Maddie felt completely the opposite. Every inch of her body felt touched and zinging with energy. The heat in her cheeks now burned.

  He was doing it on purpose making her feel embarrassed. Making her all flustered and unable to think straight. Turning her on with just a look. Maddie had made a promise before that she wouldn’t be made to feel like a fool by a man ever again.

  Standing straighter Maddie returned Aiden’s look.

  “What I think doesn’t matter.” Turning to Sarah (whose eyebrows were raised) “Are we still going to get ice cream?”

  Although she didn’t want to go and get ice cream anymore Maddie didn’t want to let the children down plus it was a good reason to get away from Aiden and all that was him.

  “Yeah of course.” Sarah answered. “Would you like to join us? We’re going to Mario’s.”

  Snapping her head back round to the coach Maddie held her breath as she waited for his reply. Again he studied her face and smiled as if there was something there that he found amusing.

  “Who would turn down a trip to Mario’s? I would love to come with you.” He responded with a twinkle in his caramel eyes. “I will follow you in my truck.”

  And with that Maddie's heart sunk to her toes. How in hell was she going to manage to sit around a table with a man that scares the crap out of her. She was finally being honest with herself. He scared her in a way that was completely different from anything else she had felt before. As of yet she wasn’t quite sure why. Maddie decided she didn’t want to find out either.

  “Well my car will be full with the kids and Ethan's kit.” Sarah started. “Maddie and Marvin walked here but the ice cream place is miles away. Would you be able to give them a lift?”

  Her lungs froze. What was Sarah thinking? Get up into his truck and sit in there with him for however long it would take to go to the ice cream place. It made her want to be sick.

  Marvin trotted back to them and sat on her feet looking up at them all. Just waiting for them. Wondering what was taking them so long. To check that the man was not causing any trouble with his mistress. Maybe her dog hadn’t totally gone to the dark side.

  “I think Marvin is tired.” she said patting his head. “I should really take him home. Maybe ice cream another time for me Sarah.”

  As Maddie was starting to step away Aiden cut in quickly by saying “That's okay Maddie, We can stop at yours on the way and drop Marvin off. No bother.”

  Before Maddie could say anything else or come up with another excuse Sarah butted in.

  “Perfect! Okay see you there.” then she quickly walked ahead to catch up with her children and move them towards the car.

  Maddie turned from watching them to look up at the man stood in front of her.

  “What excuse are you going to use now?” he asked laughing.

  Damn he saw right through her. Well she would not give him the pleasure of thinking that he knew what she was thinking. If he really wanted to give her a lift and be stuck with her in the ice cream shop she was going to make it as bad as possible then maybe he would take the hint and leave her alone.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” she said to him. Clipping the lead to Marvin's collar she wrapped it round her hand a couple of times before saying. “What are you waiting for?”

  Aiden bent and picked up his bag then turned and headed towards the car park. When she had caught him up he swung his arm up and put it round her shoulders and pulled her in close. Tucking her into his side. Clearly he didn’t see all the looks the angry women were now giving them. She tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her. Marvin didn’t even growl.

  This was totally a claiming move but who was it for? The people watching them with obvious curiosity or Maddie? To show her he had won this round?

  “This will be fun.” he whispered in her ear and his warm breath made her happy place shudder and the air burn in her lungs.

  This would not be fun.

  Chapter 4

  How did she end up in this situation sat in Aiden's passenger seat in his huge truck? So huge in fact, that he had wrapped his hands round her waist and lifted her up into the seat. Sat here being driving to her flat she could feel each place where his fingers had been, burning their imprints on her skin (even through her clothes). He didn’t touch her anywhere else just her waist and she didn’t want to admit how much her body wanted more. Her brain on the other hand was annoyed that he had even touched that much. He lifted her with no effort which backed up her theory about his muscle not being just for show. Not that he actively showed them off they just did it all by themselves.

  There was a slight whine from behind her. Turning her body she looked over her shoulder at Marvin who was sat on the back seat looking out the window. Or rather he was sniffing at the small gap at the top. He turned to look at her with his tongue hanging out and a small baffled look on his face.

  “You’re not getting out yet you silly dog.” she said softly. “And the window is not being opened more so that you can stick your head out either.”

  Reaching back she rubbed his back and got a lick in return, she then turned back to look out the window. Her main objective of ignoring Aiden was semi working. She managed not to talk to him in any way, even when he helped her up into the truck, but she couldn’t stop herself from looking at him. He drove with great speed but never out of control. If anything he looked relaxed and at ease behind the wheel. What she was really struggling to not look at was his impressive thighs working gently as he moved the pedals and his strong hand working the gear stick. Strong hands that had been round her waist and impressive arms that had lifted her.

  Crunching her eyes shut she looked out
the side window again. For god sake what was wrong with her?

  So Aiden had lifted her into his high truck with his impressive muscles, Maddie was sure she wasn’t the first woman in history that this had happened too. She just needed to stop thinking about it.

  “At least he's not growling at me anymore.” Aiden said next to her.

  She refused to answer or even look round at him. Between him and Sarah they have managed to manoeuvre her into this position. She just wanted to be dropped off at her flat and stay there with Marvin.


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