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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

Page 39

by Hannah Gittins

  Another added benefit was the bond that was created between man and canine. Maddie had finally managed to create a happy home for the husky, herself too. Now they were making their little family bigger.

  Maddie wasn’t a hundred percent certain when it happened but she had finally managed to get a life that she had only read about in books.

  “Wow.” Tabby exclaimed. “I love huskies! When I grew up I always wanted a dog but my mum loved cats so the house was always full of them. Mind you I like cats too but having a dog was my secret wish.”

  Smiling and nodding in understanding, Maddie had felt exactly the same once upon a time. She realised how much she liked the other woman. It probably wasn’t the best plan to hire on a feeling but Tabby would have the probation period to prove her worth.

  “Okay this is the plan Tabby.” Maddie started standing and gesturing for the woman to follow her again. “I want you to come in a do a couple of shifts with us, paid. It gives Jean and I a chance to see how it works but it also gives you a chance to see how we work and if you want to join us. We are a family here and we give that to you as an employ but also to our customers too. This means hiring the right people is important to us. Do you understand?”

  Tabby had a huge smile on her face as she followed Maddie up the stairs.

  “Yeah I understand, it’s one of the things that makes this place so awesome.” Tabby breathed.

  Maddie could feel herself blushing again. The woman was right though. It was what made ‘Craft Time’ so special. As they got to the counter Maddie saw that the queue was gone and used the quiet moment to introduce Jean and Tabby.

  “If you leave us a contact number and address so I can pop you on the system.” Maddie said handing Tabby paper and pen. “I will be the one showing you how to do everything and where to find the things you are needing. How about you come in at 9 tomorrow.”

  Tabby, who had been writing down the information that she had been asked for, paused at the time she was asked to come in, then carried on writing again.

  “That’s fine.” Tabby muttered. “Do you know what time I will finish?”

  Frowning at the pause, Maddie wondered what was going on there. She couldn’t ask though because it was none of her business. If Tabby started working at the store and it didn’t affect her work then there was no need for her to know either. It would be up to Tabby to share if she wanted.

  “5 o’clock.” Maddie said. “We started wrapping things up in the store round about half 4 so that we can get out at 5. That okay?”

  As Tabby nodded the bell above the door opened and Marvin gave a bark of welcome. Without turning to look Maddie knew who was there and had a ready grin on her face as she turned to watch her husband walk in the shop.

  As he reached her Aiden wrapped his arms round her waist and kissed her hello. It wasn’t a small kiss but instead one that made sure she knew that he had missed her. Maddie returned it so that he knew she had missed him.

  Aiden pulled back and ran his hand over her growing belly.

  “Hey.” Aiden whispered.

  “Hey.” Maddie breathed back still trying to recover from the kiss.

  It had been a year without any drama. For the first few weeks it had been hard to fully relax plus she was dealing with a lot of mixed emotions due to Charles passing. When they had gotten a call asking if they were going to his funeral Aiden had gotten so angry that he had to ask Sarah to come and sit in with Maddie while he went out for a run with Marvin.

  That was her husband, her Aiden. Always doing things to make sure that she never had to be scared by anger ever again. That wasn’t to say that he didn’t share the emotions or talk things through (they did) instead it meant that he talked to her when he was calmer and able to shelter her from any anger. Aiden always protected her.

  Jessica had reached out with a letter that had been addressed to Maddie. At first she had been shocked that it was for her and not Aiden. Inside it she apologised for everything that had happened that day in the flat and the park. It also explained that she had a lot of work to do on herself and stuff she needed to work through before she would be able to reach out to her brother. Maddie understood that and wrote a letter back. Somehow they started to write to each other every week. It was a strange kind of pen pal rellationship, but it was a beginning. Maddie just wasn’t sure yet of what or where it went from here.

  Aiden thought it was crazy considering what had happened. He always said,

  “You would forgive anybody, anything, Ruby. I am okay with you writing to her but if she crosses the line, that’s it baby, no more. Jessica only gets your forgiveness once.”

  Maddie had agreed for two reasons, one he was right and two, she would do anything for him.

  Grant and his slim sidekick Larry were in the wind. Nobody had seen hide nor hair of them. Jessica had shared many things with the police but nothing that would help them, no matter how much they tried. For some reason she was sure that the police would not be able to keep her safe. Maddie had stopped being worried about it. In her mind if they wanted to do something they would have done it by now.

  Aiden on the other hand did not feel the same. There had been a point when he wanted to hire a private investigator to find them. Chris and Maddie had managed to talk him out of it but it wasn’t until she told him she was pregnant that he decided not to do it.

  They were in no way short of cash. The money was already coming in nicely from the store not to mention they had a lot of Jean’s money left over. Aiden worked his normal hours and had always earned a really good income from the garage. For them, money was not a worry.

  Jean brought her back to the present by loudly muttering to Tabby.

  “They are always like this. You would think they had been apart for years rather than a few hours.” Jean grumbled. “They had lunch together for goodness sake.”

  Tabby and Maddie laughed while Aiden gave the older woman a half grin but was in no way embarrassed by his love for his wife.

  “I think it’s sweet.” Tabby smiled.

  Jean laughed at the woman to her side.

  “You say that now Hun, wait until you see this every morning, lunchtime and night.” Jean said walking behind the counter to get her bag. “You will be just as sick as me. You two love birds can lock up tonight.”

  The older woman gave Maddie a kiss on the cheek and made Aiden bend down so she could kiss him too. The older woman joked but Maddie knew that Jean was happy that Maddie had him in her life and wouldn’t want it any other way for her.

  “Sorry.” Maddie gasped remembering that she hadn’t introduced Tabby and Aiden. “Tabby this is my husband Aiden. Aiden this is our new shop assistant Tabby. She is starting tomorrow and I think we might have to fight Marvin off of her every night.”

  Tabby laughed and shook the hand that Aiden was holding out.

  “You joke about that now but I might just take him.” Tabby said to her before looking at Aiden. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Aiden shook her hand and took her in.

  “You too.” Aiden looked down at his wife with a raised brow before turning back to Tabby to joke. “You can take him any time you want.”

  Maddie hit her husband’s chest but laughed with Tabby.

  “Well thank you so much Maddie. I will be in at 9 tomorrow.” The woman looked a little unsure for a moment before looking Maddie straight in the eyes. “I know you only just met me and you are probably really unsure about the choice that you made today but I just want you to know that I won’t let you down. I am hugely grateful for the opportunity you are giving me and I can’t wait to be part of the ‘Craft Time’ family.”

  With that Tabby smiled and walked to the door. She turned and gave a little wave before she walked out. Maddie hadn’t had a chance to say anything back not that she would have known what to say. All she knew for sure was that she was making the right choice in hiring Tabby.

  “I thought you had only just decided last night to hire someone?�
� Aiden asked looking at the closed door.

  Maddie nodded looking up at Aiden as he turned to look down at her.

  “I did and she came in today.” Maddie answered. “You should have seen her face baby, it was like she was a kid in a candy store. I want that kind of person working here. I want that kind of person helping my customers. Plus there was something about her that made me feel like she could do with some help and kindness.”

  Aiden took in the look on her face before smiling softly.

  “You’re too nice for your own good Ruby.” Aiden said with love and concern on his face.

  Maddie laughed and went up on her tip toes. Kissing along his chin she wrapped her arms round his waist and started to explore his back.

  “That’s why I have you.” Maddie whispered huskily as she kissed her way to his mouth. “My hero is always looking out for me.”

  Closing the small gap between them she kissed her husband. Like always the kiss took on a life of its own. Her thighs tingled and her breasts swelled. Aiden really did have a magic mouth that she found she just couldn’t get enough of.

  Aiden pulled back and kissed her nose.

  “I had stuff to tell you and now I am totally distracted.” Aiden grumbled with a cheeky smile.

  Maddie giggled and tried to give him an innocent look. To be fair it was pretty easy to distract him. Sometimes she didn’t even know that she was doing it. The other night she was just coming out the shower to change into P.J’s and he claimed she was doing it in a sexy way.

  “Spoke to Chris today he is free for the celebration night.” Aiden informed her.

  They had decided that they wanted everybody to get together one more time before the baby was born. They would eat good food and everyone would drink, except her. Just one more time where they could talk about adult stuff without a baby in the room. Not that anybody was not looking forward to there being a baby in the room. Eddie and Fiona were over the moon. Both were ready to be very hands on grandparents. Sarah was always round sharing stories and helping pick things out for the little one. Rosie couldn’t stop rubbing her belly and her big brother just wished that it was going to be a boy. Ethan was apparently starting to feel a little outnumbered.

  All and all this baby was going to be so spoiled and loved.

  “Oh that’s brilliant!” Maddie exclaimed clapping her hands before wrapping them back round her husband. “We haven’t see him in at least a month. I hate it when he has a big case on.”

  “Takes a lot out of him baby, he’s our friend and we just have to take him as he comes and when he is free.” Aiden said.

  She nodded. Again her husband was totally right. Detective Chris Miller had been a little difficult to become friendly with but Maddie did not give up easily. Now they saw him whenever he was available and they never commented when he lost weight or looked more run down than he had before. They would be there for him in any way they could. It would be good to see him.

  “I’m so excited.” Maddie gushed. “Not just for the party but everything. The baby, the future, us. I woke up this morning and still can’t believe how amazing things are.”

  Aiden smiled big at his wife and kissed her softly.

  “Believe it baby because I am going to spend the rest of my life making sure you wake up that way every morning.” Aiden stated.

  Instead of letting the tears of happiness that were burning her eyes fall, Maddie kissed her husband and put all of her happiness into it. Aiden responded straight away by pulling her closer, being mindful of the baby bump, and holding her tight to him.

  Marvin went behind the counter and laid down in his bed there. He knew what was coming next.

  Aiden pulled away from the kiss and Maddie. He locked the front door as Maddie got the lights. He then picked her up and carried her down to the store room.

  When she had been pregnant before Charles hadn’t wanted to touch her. Said that he body was becoming disgusting. Aiden didn’t feel that way at all. He seemed to find her more attractive than ever, if that was even possible. Every new change was enjoyed and marvelled at. He seemed to never be able to get enough of her body but that was nothing new. What was new though was the way he would sleep with his hand on her bump. Every time he did that and spoke the baby would kick. Seemed liked the little one loved their dad’s voice just as much as she did.

  As Aiden started to help her out of the blue dress she had put on that morning and paused to look at her matching blue lacy underwear, Maddie smiled huge. He cupped her breast, which were super sensitive and reacted straight away. Aiden groaned in appreciation.

  “Fuck, I am so lucky.” Aiden mumbled as his head lowered to suck a hard nipple through her bra.

  Maddie’s head feel back as she moaned.

  “I love you.” Aiden said as he moved from her breast to her mouth.

  “I love you more.” Maddie managed to get out before he really started to show her just how much he loved her.

  * * * * * * * *

  3 months later, after a lot of hard work and encouragement form Aiden, the couple’s family grew by one.

  They welcomed their little boy, Edward Christopher Scott, into their lives while the waiting room was full to the brim with the rest of their loved ones and the namesakes.

  As Maddie laid in the hospital bed watching Aiden show their son of to his grandparents she realised something. With a lot of hard work, love and family around her she had finally managed it.

  Maddison had finally, and fully, become Maddie.




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