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Lilly (Angel Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Tracy Lorraine

  Chapter Seven


  “Are you free this week?” Nicole asks the second I put my phone to my ear. She doesn’t wait for me to respond; she just keeps talking, knowing the answer doesn’t really matter. “The carers have organised for me to have a week of respite and got a room for Mum in the local hospice at the last minute. Apparently, I look like I need it. Anyway, I’ve got to be back for the weekend, but if you’re free I’ll get in the car right now.”

  “OH MY GOD,” I shout into the phone. “YES, YES, YES, get your butt down here now.”

  After a bit more overly excited chatter about her imminent arrival we hang up. I fly around the flat like a mad woman, getting it cleaned for our guest as well as making up spare sheets for the sofa bed.

  I obsessively check the clock every ten minutes, hoping the four hours have miraculously gone by. It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, and life has been really tough for Nicole recently. I need to give her a huge hug.

  Nicole and I met at playschool. She was a tiny little thing with bright red hair and freckles. We hit it off instantly over our love of My Little Pony, and were inseparable from then on—until she moved up north with her mum to look after her grandparents. I now realise it was for financial reasons as well. Nicole’s mum brought her up on her own after her dad died. She was living in Oxford and working three jobs to try to support them. She was desperate not to uproot Nicole, but in the end her parents’ deteriorating health meant they had to make the move. I was gutted to lose my best friend, but we’ve stayed in touch and apart from the distance we are still as close as we ever were.

  Lucas is still in Yorkshire with no idea as to when he’ll be back. I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t miss him. Something changed for me the night I slept in his bed when he was ill. I can’t put my finger on what it was, but suddenly I didn’t have the urge to run anymore. Which is weird, because after what his mum told me I think I should be running faster.

  He texted me earlier in the day with a brief update, but it seems they are still no further forward in working out what happened.

  Thinking it will pass some time, I pick up the phone and call him.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Lucas says in his sexy, deep voice. It sends goosebumps rushing over my skin.

  “Hey, is this a bad time?”

  “I’ve always got time for you.” Swoon! “So, what’s up?”

  “Nothing. My best friend is heading down for a few days. She lives in County Durham and can’t get away much at the moment. I’m just waiting for her to arrive.”

  “So you’re telling me you’re bored and need distracting?”

  “Uh,” I think about how he knows me so well. “Something like that,” I admit.

  “I’m joking, Lilly. Call me whenever—whatever you need.”

  “Thank you. I wanted to let you know that I’ve booked last minute holiday as Nic’s coming, so your room might not get cleaned.”

  “You didn’t need to book holiday. I don’t have a problem with you not going in while I’m not there. I hate that you have to clean my room at all.”

  “Lucas, it’s my job, and just because you and I are…whatever, doesn’t mean I want special treatment. That’s not why I’m—” Thankfully, he interrupts me.

  “You’re looking too much into it.”

  “Am I? Because the way everyone else will see it is that I let you in my bed and now I can turn up to work when I feel like it. That doesn’t sit right with me, Luc.”

  “I’ve told you before, just quit. Focus on your last couple of weeks at uni.”

  “NO,” I shout, a little too forcefully. “I need my job, Luc. I have things to pay for. I’m not like you with thousands sat in your bank account.”

  “I’ll make sure you have money, don’t worry.”

  “Oh great, so now everyone’s going to assume you’re paying me for sex!” This isn’t the first time we’ve had this discussion. I thought he understood—clearly not.

  “Lilly, that’s not how it is.”

  “No, because we’ve only had sex once. I’ve got to go. Goodbye.” I jab my finger against the phone screen to end the call in a huff. How dare he? Just because he’s some rich fancy pants businessman he thinks he can tell me what to do. I don’t think so.

  By the time the buzzer goes off, I’ve already had half a bottle of wine while ignoring my ringing phone. My mood instantly lightens when I think about who is at the other side.

  I pull the door back and launch myself at Nic, we hold each other for the longest time on the doorstep.

  Eventually I let her go, grab her bag and together we walk into the flat. Nic kicks off her shoes as I pour her a glass.

  “Wow, you’ve already had a good go at that by the looks of it,” she comments when she sees the half empty wine bottle.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all about it.” And as if on cue, my phone starts ringing.

  “Who’s Lucas?”

  “The reason I’m already tipsy.”

  I go on to tell Nic everything. I can see she’s a little annoyed that this is the first time hearing it, but she understands when I explain that I didn’t want to put any more on her plate. I think she feels guilty that I felt the need to hide what’s going on in my life.

  Her mum was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. She had all the treatment and got the all clear. Nic was convinced that was it, that she’d beaten it, but towards the end of last year her mum was getting headaches. One scan later and Nic had the news she was terrified of. Not only had her dad died when her mum was pregnant, she had lost both grandparents in the last couple of years, and now she was going to lose her mum as well.

  Nic’s incredible. The strength she has amazes me. She’s given everything up to care for her mum. She dropped out of college the first time round and never ended up perusing a career in music like she always wanted. This time, she’s given up her job, her life, everything to be her sole carer. She has some help from carers that come in daily, but every other minute of the day it’s just her. It kills me to be so far away and unable to help. Not that Nic would accept it, mind you. She is stubborn to her core.

  “Give him a break, Lil. His hotel just burnt down and he’s had food poisoning; he’s probably not thinking correctly,” Nic says once I’ve told her everything. I think she’s giving him too much credit. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “I’m not so sure,” I mutter.

  “Anyway, enough about that. I can’t believe you had a one-night stand with him. That’s so unlike you. Mind you, it’s about time. How long ago was it you broke up with Jake?”

  “Eight months.”

  “Exactly. Time to get back in the game.”

  “That’s rich. When was the last time you showed any interest in a guy?”

  “I haven’t got time, you know that.”

  “I do, but that’s only been recently. What about before that?”

  “I don’t know. No one interested me, I guess.”

  Nic and I have an incredible couple of days. Having booked holiday from work, my mornings were free, and while I went into uni in the afternoon, Nic went shopping before meeting for me dinner and more drinks. I don’t think I’ve ever drank so much, but I was grateful that Nic was relaxing and enjoying herself, so the hangovers were worth it.

  I skive off uni on Friday so we can spend our last together. I book us both in for a hair appointment, followed by eyebrows and spray tans. Nic’s usually gorgeous red is looking seriously drab, and the tan should help her look a little less exhausted.

  “Thank you for the last few days, Lils. I really needed it.”

  “You’re welcome. I just wish you didn’t have to go so soon.”

  “I know, but one day soon I’ll be able to do as I please,” she replies sadly.

  Listening to her talk about it on the phone is hard enough, but having her here in person and listening to what her life is currently like is heart breaking. Although she’s ha
d a good rest, I can see that being so far away has been playing on her mind. She’s well aware that the phone could ring at any minute.

  “We’re going on holiday,” I state to try to cheer the conversation up slightly. “Where do you want to go?”

  “Somewhere hot, with a beach, a bar and a load of hot guys,” she says with a laugh and a genuine smile on her face.

  “Done. We’ll get it booked as soon as we can.”

  Our excited chatter about sun, sand and hot men is soon distracted by my ringing phone.

  “It’s Dec,” I say, going to grab it. Fair play to Nic, because she manages to contain the groan I know she’s desperate to let out. It’s no secret that Nic and Dec do not get along—they never have, and I’m pretty sure never will.

  “Hey, what are you doing ringing on a Friday evening? Shouldn’t you be out on the pull?” I say, teasing my brother. It’s unlike him that he’s not already on the hunt for tonight’s partner.

  “Ugh, you sound just like Mum,” he complains. “I’ve had a busy day. I thought I’d be a good brother and call you before going out, as we haven’t really spoken much this week.” My twin brother can be sweet when he wants to. “So, what’ve you been up to?”

  “Nic’s here,” I reply excitedly. The noise he makes in response takes me right back to being a kid and listening to the two of them bickering. “We’ve spent the week chilling out and drinking mostly. She’s heading back tonight though.”

  “Okay, well I’ll leave you to it and we’ll catch up over the weekend then, yeah?”

  “Yeah okay. I haven’t got any plans so call me whenever.”

  “Okay, bye.”


  As I hang the phone up, Taylor walks in all dressed to the nines and smelling incredible. He hasn’t been around much again this week, and it looks like tonight isn’t any exception. His bed-hopping is getting a little over the top now.

  “Going somewhere nice?” Nic asks.

  “Heading to a gay bar in town. Hoping it’s my lucky night,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Isn’t every night your lucky night?”

  “Now, now, Lilly. Just because your boss hasn’t banged you into next week again, doesn’t mean you can take your frustration out on me,” Taylor replies with a laugh, making Nic smirk and me throw a cushion at him.

  “Whatever,” I mutter.

  Before I know it, Nic’s getting ready to leave. We’re just grabbing her bags, ready to head towards her car, when there’s a knock at the front door. It’s unusual not to be buzzed first; people in this building are pretty good a not just letting randomers in, which I’m thankful for.

  When I look through the peephole though, I’m not surprised. I’m sure he could sweet talk just about anyone to get what he wants.

  Besides a couple of short texts, we haven’t spoken since the other night’s argument. His text was a pathetic sort of apology, but I figured that was probably more than he was used to. I can’t imagine he apologies for much.

  “Hey,” I say when I pull the door back. He immediately steps forward, his hand slides around the back of my neck, and he pulls my lips to his. It’s an innocent kiss, but it still gets my blood pumping. Having Nic here helped me forget how much I was missing him, but having him here, his scent in my nose, brings all my feelings back.

  “You must be Lucas. I’ve heard quite a bit about you,” Nic helpfully says and distracts us from each other.

  “Is that right?” Lucas says with a smirk. “I’m sure it’s all been good.”

  “Something like that,” Nic mutters, making Lucas laugh.

  “I guess I deserved that.”

  “I’m glad I stayed a little later than planned now so I got to meet who has Lilly all tied up.”

  “Nic, please stop,” I beg when I see Lucas’ eyes light up and a smile start to tug at his lips. He does not need to know any of this.

  “No, please, continue. What else has she said about me?” His eyes are sparkling with amusement, whereas I’m dying inside.

  “Nothing I could share,” Nic says with a wink. “Right, I need to get going.”

  “Thank you for coming. It’s been so good to see you.”

  “You too.”

  Lucas stands and watches as we say our goodbyes. Neither of us makes any promise of when we’ll see each other again. I think it’s easier for Nic that way. Her life is so up in the air and I’m scared to say I’ll see you soon because we both know what that means for her.

  By the time we walk away, we both have black mascara stains down our cheeks.

  “Hey, come here,” Lucas says, stepping towards me and wrapping me in his arms.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve just not seen her for so long and I’ve no idea when I’ll see her again, other than that I’m pretty sure whenever it is, it’ll be for a sad reason.” Lucas gives me a look that prompts me to explain Nic’s situation.

  Once I’ve finished, he wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs and kisses my forehead. He’s so gentle with me and I can only imagine gentle is the last thing he wants to be—especially if the urgency of the kiss he gave me when he arrived was anything to go by. It may have been gentle, but there was a promise behind it. A promise that made my knees weak with anticipation.

  “Go and get packed. I’m taking you away for the weekend.”


  “You heard—now go pack. And make sure you bring that black dress you wore out last time. I really liked that,” he says, dropping his hooded eyes to run the length of me.

  Butterflies erupt in my stomach when they come back up to mine.

  “O…okay,” I stutter before rushing towards my bedroom.

  I pull out a small case and start throwing things into it. I don’t need to turn around to know that Lucas is stood in the doorway watching me. I can feel his presence.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask when he grabs my case from the bed and starts to move towards the front door. I quickly slide my feet into my Converse and rush after him.

  “I’ll explain when we’re in the car. Come on, it’s already late enough and I’ve got plans for you.”

  I don’t respond; I just lock the flat door and follow him into the lift. The atmosphere is thick as we descend in the enclosed space. I so badly want him to kiss me properly but I’m aware that if he does the only place we’d probably end up tonight is back upstairs and in my bed.

  “So you said you’d explain,” I remind him when he pulls out of the car park.

  “You’re my guest for a charity auction I’m going to at the end of the month so we’re going to London so we can get you a dress.”

  My mouth falls open as his words register in my brain. “What if I don’t want to go?” I ask, trying to be irritated by his demanding attitude. Unfortunately, my body is thrilled that he wants to spend more time with me.

  “It’s a charity for underprivileged kids. You can’t say no.”

  “That’s a low blow, Lucas. How could you use kids like that?”

  “Because I was one of them.”

  His words shock me into silence. I look over at him and his eyes are a little wider than usual. I don’t think he meant to say that out loud.

  “Have you been to the London Dalton before?” he asks suddenly, obviously trying to change the subject.

  “No, I’ve only ever been in the Cheltenham one.”

  “This might be a shock then. It was the first one I took on when my dad allowed me to work for him. I had a lot to prove. He never said it but I know he was waiting for me to fail, to fall back into my old ways. He was worried about me being back in London but I told him to trust me and I think he’s glad he did now.”

  “Did you live in London then?”

  “I’m not sure you could describe it as living. I existed in London. It wasn’t a good time in my life and it’s not something I like to talk about.”

  “Okay,” I whisper as I think about the secrets I have. It looks like we bo
th have skeletons hiding in our closets. “How’s it going in Yorkshire?”

  Lucas spends the rest of the journey talking about his burnt down hotel. I get the idea that he really needed to get it all off his chest so I sit and listen and make the right noises in the right places.

  “Mr, Dalton, such a pleasure to have you with us,” the concierge says as we enter his swanky London hotel. He was right when he said I would be shocked. It is very different to Cheltenham. The hotel sits inside a very similar old building but inside has been modernised within an inch of its life. Everywhere is blue and silver to match the Dalton brand but it’s much more like the design work I’ve been doing than the hotel chain look I was expecting. I now understand why Lucas was so taken with my ideas. It looks like we have similar design tastes.

  As predicted, we head straight up to the top of the hotel to the penthouse suite. The colossal size of it makes Lucas’ suite in Cheltenham look tiny.

  “Lilly, are you nearly ready? Our reservation is in five minutes,” I hear Lucas shout through the bathroom door. Practically as soon as we entered the room he told me to get dressed as he’d organised a table downstairs for dinner. I wanted to take in the stunning room but all I’ve really seen so far is the bathroom. It’s a nice bathroom—I’m not complaining, but I don’t get that excited by them. Plus, I haven’t seen Lucas all week. I was hoping for a bit of time together before having to go out in public.

  I turn my straighteners off and run my fingers gently through the curls I’ve just created. Even I can see that I look better in this dress than last time. Instead of hanging around me, it is now hugging my body. Let’s face, it my figure is too athletic to ever really be described a curvy, but I’m definitely seeing more curves than a couple of months ago. The woman looking back at me in the mirror now has a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face. It’s a very different look to what I had been beginning to get used to.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go,” I say as I pull back the bathroom door and find Lucas sat on the corner of the bed in his standard suit and tie combo. The more I see him dressed like that, the more I’m beginning to like it. Not as much as when he takes it off, mind you, but the sophisticated look is growing on me somewhat.


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