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Modern Arrangements: Complete Trilogy (Modern Arrangements #1-3)

Page 33

by Sadie Grubor

  "Come back to bed," he yawned. "It’s Sunday." He was stretching again.

  "What does that have to do with –?"

  "It means that we should stay in bed all day." Aidan rolled his head in my direction so I could watch him wiggle his eyebrows with his crooked smile plastered on his face.

  I shook my head and walked into my closet. When I reached the built in dresser at the farthest end, I pulled out some yoga pants and one of my racer back yoga tops. Slipping both pieces of clothing on, I left my closet to find Aidan groggily getting out of bed. I giggled at him and left the room to work out.

  After all the food we ate at dinner last night, I needed to work out. I started with my yoga routine before heading over to the treadmill for some cardio.

  Setting up my work out on the treadmill was easy enough to do and once the belt started to move I put my ear buds in and turned on my IPod. After walking briskly, the machine picked up the pace to jogging speed. Next was running speed for about ten minutes before it brought me back down to a jog. I closed my eyes and tried to sidetrack myself from the burn in my muscles with the music pumping into my ears.

  More than halfway through the workout I was jolted out of my comfortable groove by Aidan. He had jumped onto the treadmill. His feet planted on both sides of the belt and his hands firmly on my waist holding me from falling down.

  "Jesus, Aidan!" I screamed and hit the stop button on the treadmill, placing my feet on the outside of the belt in front of his. His body shook with laughter. I turned on him.

  "You could’ve seriously injured me," I informed.

  "I had you," he smirked. In fact, he still had me by my waist.

  Pushing at his arms, I tried to be angry with him for scaring me and being careless.

  "Oh, calm down, like I would’ve let you get hurt." He still wore the smirk.

  "Let go of me," I said half amused and half irritated.

  "I don’t think I will," I was about to protest, but he continued "Unless you agree to go out with me on another date?" He raised his eyebrows.

  "Today?" I looked at him confused.

  He shook his head and pulled me closer to him.

  "No, next weekend," his breath washed over my earlobe. I shivered. His confidence and smugness took over the posture of his body.

  "Fine," I said quickly. "Now will you let me go?"

  "Hmm..?" his lips brushed my ear and his hands slid to my hips. Pulling my hips close to him, he pressed himself against me.

  My breathing caught and, like it was instinct, I wrapped my arms up around his shoulders. His mouth immediately found the skin between my neck and shoulder.

  I pulled back.

  "So help me God…if you leave another mark on me –"

  He shut me up by cover my mouth with his. The kiss deepened, the control panel of the treadmill digging into my back. My breathing turned into gasps and pants.

  "You’re way too hot covered in sweat," he growled into the side of my neck. His lips moved over my chin and down my throat.

  When his hands fanned across my ass, my hips thrust forward to meet his. He moaned against my skin and squeezed my ass tight. His fingers started traveling around my hips, slipping into the wide waistband of my yoga pants. He stripped them off fast and impatient.

  He dropped to his knees and grabbed my legs. I gripped the hand railings when his tongue found my clit. From his knees, he pulled my legs over his shoulders and buried himself between my thighs. My knuckles turned white from my grip on the railings. My gasps grew to moans.

  "Fffuhhckk Aid…da…ahh…huhhihh…Aidan…" My hips writhing against his face.

  "Mmmm…Lilli," Aidan murmured and kissed the inside of my thigh. His finger found its way inside of me, pumping in and out of me. "You taste fantastic." He licked my thigh and then returned his tongue to the throbbing between my legs.

  I whimpered when he pulled away the second time, but ground myself down as another finger entered me.

  "I want to taste you when you let go," he growled and ferociously returned his tongue between my legs.

  Yelling out his name, I tightened around his fingers, which disappeared, but were quickly replaced by his flexing tongue.

  He gave me only a second to gain my footing again before his fingers returned inside of me and he moved up my body, crashing his mouth to mine.

  Pulling his fingers out of me, his hands slid behind my thighs and picked me up. When he realized the beeps were occurring from my ass on the console he quickly pulled the emergency cord, shutting the machine down.

  Fingers began rubbing my still sensitive nub and I couldn’t help but rotate my hips against his fingers. Aidan’s fingers disappeared and, before I could complain, he filled me.

  His thrusts were feral. Squeezing my hips, he pumped. The familiar sensations began to build again. It was so amazingly primitive and intense.

  Each grunt, moan, and growl erupting from his chest sent me soaring to the highest edge. My fingers dug into his shoulders leaving marks, and perhaps even drawing blood.

  I tried to tighten my legs around his waist, but he grabbed behind my knees, his palms flat against the spot where my thigh curved into knee. Pushing my legs apart and up toward me, I screamed his name.

  "That’s it, come on, baby, give it to me." He demanded of me and I wanted to, I really did. "I need to feel you, Lilli! Shhh…" his growl grew more feral. It sent me crashing into a bright white oblivion of tingles, molten waves, and violent shivers of fervor.

  "Yessss, cummm arounn…uh…ah….fuck!" Aidan slammed into me a few more times as he let loose his own animalistic orgasm. He twitched and shivered as he slowed his thrust. My head collapsed to his shoulder. I tried to regain strength and regulate my breathing.

  He panted heavily and kissed my shoulder, rubbing my upper right arm, which felt like Jell-O.

  "That was…" he panted.

  "Amazing." I finished.

  He chuckled.

  "Mm-hmm," he responded. I could feel the smile on his lips as he brushed them over my shoulder.

  The rest of Sunday was spent relaxing around the house, after a quick nap from my morning workout.

  Monday brought back the work week. Aidan left that morning for work and I was getting ready to meet Viola. The next charity event for the foundation was the black and white ball. We had some work to do.

  As I was slipping on my clothes, a black pencil skirt, blue blouse, and black boots, I thought about Aidan’s ‘battle scars’. My face flushed with heat remembering the gasp that escaped my lips this morning when I noticed the marks on his back. It would take at least a week for those to disappear. I shook off the memory and grabbed the last of my things.

  With my purse, coat, and cell phone, I headed downstairs. Viola was standing in the foyer.

  "Viola, why didn’t you tell me you were here?" I walked toward her open arms and hugged her. "How long –?"

  "Oh, I haven’t been here long at all." She squeezed me tightly and then released. "Are you all ready to go?" I nodded with a smile and we headed to the awaiting car.

  Pulling up to Grand Prospect Hall, I was in awe. I’d been in New York for a while, but this was the first time I was pulling up to this immaculate building. The entrance was amazing, large staircases, chandeliers, people in uniforms, marble flooring. It was breathtaking.

  Viola’s voice pulled me from my awe.

  "Ahhh, Pierre, it’s good to see you again." Viola and Pierre kissed each other’s cheeks before pulling away smiling.

  "Madame Iverson, it is a pleasure as always," Pierre spoke with a very heavy French accent. I was quickly reminded of Inspector Clouseau from The Pink Panther. Pressing my lips together firmly, I stifled my urge to giggle.

  "This is Lilli," she motioned to me, "Aidan’s wife." I held out my hand.

  Pierre grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, repeating the same cheek kissing he’d done with Viola.

  "An extreme pleasure to meet you, Madame Iverson," he smiled brightly at me. "Have you b
een to the Grand Prospect Hall before?" I shook my head. "Ah, well then, let’s show you around." He was beaming.

  I looked over my shoulder at Viola and she laughed.

  Pierre walked us through the first landing and to the left set of marble stairs that looked to be a creamy color. The whole staircase seemed golden, though. We reached a large foyer with marble flooring.

  "To the left we have the Elevator, Ladies Bathroom and Bridal Suite –"

  "Bridal suite?" I interrupted Pierre.

  He nodded.

  "Yes, typically weddings are held up here, so we have a special suite here for the Bride; however, it can be used for whatever," he waved his hand in a 'whatever' manor. "Anyhow, to the right is the Gentlemen's Bathroom, along with the hallway that leads to the Skylight Room, Atrium and Outdoor Plaza. Behind us is the Night Club, and in front of us is the Grand Ballroom Music Hall."

  My head started to spin from all of the information he was spewing out.

  "How about we go room to room?" Viola stepped forward, wrapped her left arm in my right one and led the way.

  Pierre caught up quickly.

  "Of course, Madame," he pushed open a set of large doors and we entered a large ballroom. "This is the Grand Ballroom Music Hall," he announced as we followed him into the room.

  It was unreal. The floors were all wooden, the ceiling had to have been about fifty feet high, a balcony wrapped around room, and there was a stage at the far end.

  "We’ll use the stage for the auctions, speeches and entertainment," Viola used an informative tone.

  "It’s beautiful," I barely got out in a whisper. Viola’s arm tightened around me and I glanced at the large smile on her face.

  "Pierre, we will need to set up some dates to come in and discuss the menu, decorating, so forth." Viola spoke over her shoulder to him.

  "Of course."

  "Let’s take a look at the Skylight Room," Viola spoke as she guided me through a set of doors that were on our right.

  We entered a long room with skylights lining the top.

  "We’re using this room as well?" I questioned.

  Viola giggled.

  "We have the entire floor, Lilli." She heard my gasp and patted my arm. "We do this every year. The Black and White Ball is a large, well, a very large event."

  "It’s one of the biggest highlights of the year," Pierre added as he passed us and opened a set of doors across from us. "This is the Atrium."

  We walked into a room filled with greenery. It smelled of plant life, moisture, and flowers. The walls were made of windows.

  "The whole place is beautiful." I looked around the room.

  "Outside is the Plaza area. However, based upon the season, I doubt many will be out there." Pierre started toward the door. "Now, let’s have a look at the Night Club, shall we?"

  Viola and I followed Pierre closely as we headed into the skylight room and down a smaller hallway, ending our journey back in the foyer. Pierre then led us through another hallway and we came into a long club looking room with a bar and tall tables with stools. There was even a pool table at the far end of the room.

  "Most of the men end up here at some point." Viola giggled. "Drinking scotch, playing pool, and discussing business," She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, let’s get started. We have a lot of work to do in the next month."

  After the three of us returned to the Grand Ballroom, the planning and discussion of ideas began.

  "So, I’m thinking we have the trumpeters at the entrance, like last year." Viola looked at Pierre who nodded. "I also would like to put a small string quartet in the first floor landing to play as the guests arrive."

  "That sounds lovely, Madame," Pierre was busily writing down things as she spoke.

  "Lilli, what do you think?" Viola turned to me and my eyes widened.

  "Um…I think your ideas are great." I smiled.

  Viola shook her head and smirked.

  "What are your ideas, dear? I want your input."

  "Oh…well, the quartet and trumpeters sounds wonderful. Um…I think we should get white draperies to line the walls in this room, maybe with black beading or something." Viola was smiling widely.

  "That sounds wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Pierre can we replace the red draperies around the stage as well?"

  "Of course, Madame, we can do whatever you would like," he was starting to remind of a small lapdog the way he would move to Viola’s side and obey her. I started waiting for his tongue to flop out as he pant at her feet.

  For the next three hours we discussed decorations, seating, menus, entertainment and set up times and days to meet with Pierre. Once we had finished, Viola turned to me with a large sigh and a small smile.

  "I’m starving." She wrapped her arm in mine again. "Let’s head out for lunch."

  "Sure," we left the Grand Prospect. I was exhausted.

  "How do you do this all the time?" I asked Viola as we sat waiting on our salads to arrive to our table.

  "Oh, I just keep those kids in my head and my heart." She sipped her water. "They are my drive to do all of this, having you with me on this is such an amazing help as well. I’m thrilled that you decided to help me." She smiled warmly, but must have seen my hesitant smile. "What is it?" She asked.

  "Um…I don’t know if I should work with you ‘officially’. I mean, I love helping you, but I’m still not sure that it is a good idea –"

  "That’s nonsense! It is a wonderful idea." She smiled.

  "But in four years…Viola, I won’t be… I mean, Aidan could eventually meet someone –"

  "Look, I’m going to be blunt and I don’t want you to be offended, okay?" I nodded and bit my lip. "I love Aidan, but I love you too, my dear. Even in the short time we’ve known each other. Regardless of what happens in four years, I know you’re the person that should be working at the foundation with me. I saw the way you were with those children and I see it every time you are with them." I smiled at just the thought of them.

  "See!" she pointed at my face. "That’s what I am talking about." She reached over and grabbed my hand. "Lilli, you are an Iverson now. You’re Aidan’s wife and, by marriage, you are automatically a very huge part of the foundation, legally."

  I raised my eyebrow, questioning.

  She took a drink of her water and then took a deep breath.

  "I run the foundation, yes. However, Aidan owns the foundation. It was a part of his inheritance. As his wife, it’s more like your inheritance."

  "My…wait…what?" I furrowed my brow.

  "The foundation belonged to Aidan Senior’s first wife, Isobel. Aidan Sr. basically did whatever she asked of him, she was his true love." She smiled warmly. "The foundation was then taken over by Olivia, Aidan Senior’s second wife. So, you see, technically, it’s now your foundation to run."

  "I would never take that from you. You’ve had it and managed it. Well, hell, Viola, I could never –"

  "Oh Lilli, I run the foundation because I want to, because I love those children and because Aidan Senior asked me to help Olivia before she passed away." She patted my hand. "You should be involved. Olivia would have wanted it and, from what I know of Isobel, she would want you involved as well."

  Before I could talk to her more about this revelation, our food was brought to the table. Viola changed the subject to table placement, seating, and table arrangement. We talked over lunch for over an hour before heading towards our next destination, an appointment with an event decorator and planner. It was time to discuss decorating options.

  After two hours of fabric textures, lighting, flowers, frosted or clear crystal, and many other décor options, we had finally decided on flat matte black table clothes, all white dishes, silver flatware, frosted glasses, tall, clear, crystal vase centerpieces with long stemmed white calla lilies and a red, satin ribbon wrapped around the neck of the vase. White votive candles would line the tables underneath the flower arrangements. We would have flat white draperies that had intricate black crystal
beading lining the walls and the stage. And this was just in the Grand Ballroom.

  The Skylight Room would have white couches instead of tables with black pillows and white roses would be the centerpieces for the large, square, black coffee tables.

  The Atrium was already so full of plant life that we decided on simple black chairs and tables, along with one large bundle of white peonies in the middle. The Night Club would have red accent lighting against the walls with zebra print chairs and furniture cushions.

  By the time I got home, I was beat. I drug myself into the kitchen where a happily busy Rachel was finishing up dinner.

  "Oh, Mrs. Iverson, Mr. Iverson called and stated he wouldn’t be home until late, but I should go ahead and prepare dinner." I nodded. Aidan had texted me earlier to tell me.

  "Rachel, please, call me Lilli." I smiled at her and then turned to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  "Okay…Lilli." Rachel smiled back at me. Since Aidan wasn’t home, I sat in the kitchen with Rachel and her son, eating dinner with them. Rachel’s son was very smart and loved football.

  After dinner I helped clean up, even though Rachel tried to object repeatedly. Then I headed to a long hot bath before collapsing on the couch in the library with a book.

  The rest of the week went the same. I spent my days with Viola and Aidan worked late. I only saw him early in the morning, which was very brief, since we were both busily getting ourselves together for the long days ahead of us.

  Viola had me so involved with the preparations for the ball, along with other foundation things, that I now carried a leather messenger bag. My IPhone was loaded up with business contacts, information, as well as my new work email address. I realized, a little too late, that I was in so deep with the foundation in just a matter of days that getting out would almost be too difficult to consider.

  I was thankful for today though. We were not making ball arrangements. Instead, we were visiting two of the children’s homes. I nearly ran to the car when Viola pulled up to the house. We talked about different financials and dinners that would be coming up in the next six months as we drove out to the first home.

  On our way to the second children’s home, I got a call from Phoebe.


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