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The Laird's Future Bride

Page 7

by Hazel Gower

“Holly. Please call me Holly.”

  Emily gave a hesitant nod and Holly felt happy. She hoped that she had made her first friend.

  Holly and Callam left soon after dinner and walked back to the castle.

  “Thank you for taking me to the village today. I had fun.”

  Callam shrugged. “It was nothing. I was going to take ye and mother.”

  Holly hugged Callam. “No, it wasn’t nothing. You stayed with me instead of seeing your father. I really appreciate it.” She let go of him and walked toward the castle.

  His father had been furious with his mother. They’d gone to the study, and Duncan’s mother had explained everything. His father had told Duncan he could send Holly home and have the marriage annulled.

  “No, Da. She is my soul mate. She is mine. The marriage has been thoroughly consummated.”

  His da studied him. “Fine. She is a beauty, and that alone will cause ye problems when ye go to court, but on top of that, she is from the future. This is nay an easy time to live in.” His da had sighed. “On the morrow, we will send the king a missive that ye have wed.”

  Duncan nodded, and his father had dropped it after that. He caught Duncan up on everything going on in Edinburgh with King James, then he’d left Duncan to work so he could be with Duncan’s mother.

  The nooning meal was quiet. His parents hadn’t exited their rooms. Duncan had a servant to take food up to them.

  Duncan trained his men hard, his anger fueled by his da for not accepting Holly, and by Callam for lusting after her. By the time the evening meal was ready, he was relaxed and ready for his wife and calm enough to face his brother and not beat him. Usually Duncan shared everything with Callam, his responsibilities being Laird, as well as his women. They had the same leman, had been trained by the same people, and they both were close with the king. But Holly was different. He wasn’t sharing Holly. She was his, and his alone.

  When neither Holly nor his brother Callam showed for the evening meal, Duncan’s anger built again. Was his da right? Would Holly’s beauty cause more problems than he was willing to deal with to be with her?

  Duncan ate his meal and glared at the door, waiting for them to come in. When neither arrived after the meal, Duncan started walking toward the village, determined to find them. When he did, he would wring his brother’s neck.

  As he headed down to the village, it started to rain. Duncan came upon them walking up to the castle. Holly was laughing and spinning in the rain, singing a song off-key.

  “Rain, rain, go away, come again another night. Rain, rain, go away and come back when I’m not walking back to the castle.”

  “I’m sorry, lass, ye are a beauty, but ye canna sing.”

  Holly tried to hit Callam, but he dodged her. She squealed when Callam came after her. Duncan stepped out of the shadows and grabbed Holly. She screamed and fought him until he whispered, “It’s me, angel.” Holly relaxed in his hold, and Duncan glared at his brother. “Do ye wanna tell me why ye missed the evening meal?”

  Holly turned in his arms. “I made a new friend. Emily, and Arthur, they are lovely. Their children are so adorable.”

  The moonlight shone on Holly as she beamed up at him, and his anger evaporated. He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “I’m glad ye made a friend. Emily isn’t much older than ye.”

  Duncan nodded to his brother, who was watching Holly with a yearning he’d never seen on Callam’s face before. “Thank ye for taking her around the village while I talked to da.”

  Callam didn’t look away from Holly. “It was me pleasure. She needed a friend after how ye treated her after what da said.”

  Holly stiffened against him, and she moved out of his hold. “Come on, you both, I’m starting to get cold.”

  Duncan could tell Holly didn’t want to argue, so he turned and followed her up to the keep. The rest of the walk back to the keep was quiet. They slipped inside and Holly still didn’t say anything.

  Once in their chambers, Holly took her wet clothes off and placed them before the fire. She then put on the shirt she’d worn the first night, and got into bed.

  “Ye are nay going to say anything? Ye are just going to get into bed?”

  “Yes. I’m tired, Duncan, and I don’t know what you want me to say. At night and in the mornings, I have this passionate man who always leaves me wanting more and eager for his company, but today I saw a side I didn’t like. I’m going to sleep. Maybe I’ll feel better in the morning.” With that, she rolled over and pulled the covers tightly to her.

  Growling in frustration at the situation, he got undressed, got into bed and gathered Holly to him. At first she remained stiff until he kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry, angel.” He held Holly and drifted off listening to her heartbeat.

  Chapter Seven

  Holly stayed away from Duncan’s father. Today was already a sad day for her, and she just wanted to be left alone to mourn. She spent most of her day in the garden. Holly knew her mother would have loved the MacLeod gardens.

  Magan found her in the veggie patch. “I have been looking for ye. I thought I’d show ye the stables.”

  Holly stood and brushed the dirt from her dress. “I’m happy here. You don’t have to take time away from your husband.”

  “I’m fine now, lass. I got all me pent-up energy out.”

  Holly could feel her cheeks heat. These highlanders liked to make her blush. “Thanks, I would love to see the stables.”

  The sun was starting to go down, but there was still just enough light to get a good look at the stables. Magan and Holly walked down to the stables, and Holly noticed for the first time how large they were.

  “There are a couple of doors to the stables. I’ll take ye through the main.”

  Holly was amazed as she walked through the stables. She had never known there were so many different types of horses. Holly had never really been near horses. She’d seen photos and been on one or two for a fun day out, but nothing like what the people of this time would have. Holly sighed as she realized it was now her time, and she would need to get used to horses for getting around. Strolling to the back of the stables and out to the paddocks, she looked around only to freeze at the gorgeous sight before her.

  In a large closed-off paddock, a stunning midnight-black horse ran in circles. He looked like he belonged in a movie in her own time. He was amazing. His coat shone and his mane looked like silk blowing in the wind. Without a thought, she eased herself through the fence and slowly walked up to the beast, enthralled with it, drawn to the magnificent beauty. It let out a huff. When she was in touching distance, she crooned to it.

  “Hello, beauty. You are stunning. What a magnificent beast.” She very slowly reached out and rubbed behind his ears. Holly didn’t know what had come over her. She had never been a horse person before, but this magnificent animal captured her.

  The horse nudged her when she stopped her stroking, and she laughed. “You’re a cheeky one aren’t you?” Holly brought both her hands up and gave him her full attention. “Do you know, I’m not usually a horse person, but you are changing my mind?”

  Holly knew she was in love. She looked behind her for Magan to find out whose horse this was only to see she was alone in the paddock. And it seemed eerie quiet around her.

  I wonder where everyone has gone. She glanced around her and saw there were two men at the fence waving at her. Did they want her to come over? “What do you suppose those two want?” she asked the horse, who made more huffing noises. “Yeah, I don’t know.” Kissing the horse, she sighed and turned to walk back the way she came to find Magan.

  The black beauty followed her, nudging her with his nose. She slowed and the horse came up beside her. “Are you going to come with me? Or do you want to play?” The horse wanted her attention, and Holly couldn’t deny him. “You are not mine to spoil. I may have done something wrong already by coming and patting and kissing you.” Holly rubbed him and kissed him again. “That was the last one. I wil
l find out who you belong to, and come back and see you tomorrow, if I can.” The horse nuzzled her, and Holly laughed again. “You’re a charmer.”

  Duncan was training with his men, letting off some steam after finding out the McCoys had been causing trouble, when the stable boy, Owen, ran up to him and started babbling frantically.

  “Laird, ye need to come quick. That beast yer brother bought is alone with Lady Holly. Mistress MacLeod was showing her the stables and Lady Holly went out to the paddocks where we had the stallion running off some of its energy hoping we could get close to the beast, but it dinna let us. So we were waiting until it wore out before we brought it in so nay one got hurt, but Lady Holly walked out into the paddock with the beast.”

  Before the last of it was out of Owen’s mouth Duncan dropped his weapon and ran for the paddocks, hoping the stallion hadn’t killed his wife. He swore he would kill his brother for bringing the beast to his stables, if he got his hands on him. Callam was at the stable door when he arrived.

  “This is yer fault. I told ye that beast was too wild.”

  Callam ran a shaking hand over his face. “I’ll get rid of him on the morrow. I should have listened to ye.”

  Duncan glared at his brother before he entered. His mother stood by the fence wringing her hands. Duncan stopped at the sight of his tiny wife laughing and kissing the black stallion. The beast that everyone was afraid of seemed to be tamed by a tiny woman.

  “Well, what do ye ken. The beast has a thing for the lasses. I kenned there was something special in him.”

  Duncan grunted in response to his brother. He watched in amazement as his wife walked toward them, stroking the horse and talking to it. When she arrived at the gate, the stallion stood beside her acting like the placid beast they all knew he wasn’t.

  “Hello. Isn’t he stunning? What is his name? Whose is he?” Holly’s smile was bright as she looked at him.

  “He does nay have a name.” Duncan watched as her brows furrowed.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I have nay named him,” Callam said, coming forward.

  “Oh. That’s a shame. He is a beauty, and so gentle.”

  “Ha, ye are the only one he is gentle for. I have had him for well over a couple of sennights, and nay one can get close to the beast without almost getting killed.”

  Holly gasped and shook her head as his brother spoke. “No. Surely you are wrong. He’s been a big softy with me. Look at him, he won’t leave my side.”

  Callam shook his head. “Come out now, lass. I’ve promised Duncan I’d get rid of him on the morrow.”

  Holly ducked under the fence and came to him, stared up at him with her big brown eyes and Duncan knew he was a goner. Sighing, he tore his gaze from Holly’s to look at the horse whose eyes were on her. “Nay, Callam, he can stay.”

  A squeal resonated around him and Holly threw herself at him, hugging him fiercely. “Thank you.”

  Duncan wrapped his arms around Holly and turned to his brother, frowning to see him staring at Holly with the longing he’d seen last night clear on his face. After a while, Callam’s eyes met his.

  “Lady Holly, as a gift to welcome you to the family, I will give ye the black stallion. Ye seem to love him so much.”

  Duncan stared shocked at his brother for a moment, but that shock turned into jealousy as Holly let go of him and jumped on Callam. “Thank you. Thank you.” She kissed both sides of his cheeks before she got off him and turned to the horse. “Did you hear that, Midnight? You are mine,” Holly crooned to the horse, and Duncan turned a death stare at his brother who watched Holly with a smile on his face.

  His mother, who’d been quiet the whole time, spoke up, “I should have seen something like this happening. I was warned. I’m sorry, me boys.” She gathered up her skirts and walked away, leaving Duncan with Holly and Callam.

  Holly was so excited. A horse. She had just been given a gorgeous black horse. Maybe living in medieval times wouldn’t be so bad. She hugged Callam again, excited. She eased away from Callam, but he seemed reluctant to let her go. She couldn’t believe the day that she mourned her parents had turned out so well.

  “Get yer hands off me wife, now.” The deadly steel in Duncan’s voice had her pushing at Callam’s chest and backing away from him, scared at what Duncan would do.

  “I was just thanking him, Duncan. I’m sorry if I acted inappropriately. I’m just so happy. I fell in love with Midnight as soon as he let me stroke him. I’ve never had a horse before. I can’t wait to learn more about them. Will you teach me what you know?” Even with his eyes narrowed, his lips set in a thin straight line, and his muscular arms crossed over his chest, her heart did its usual flips at the sight of him as she studied him.

  Duncan looked down at her and ran his fingers through his braid. “Is it me ye want to teach ye?”

  “Of course. Who else?” Holly could feel the tension thick in the air. She felt like she’d missed something, or should know what Duncan meant. “If you don’t have the time, could you tell me who I could ask? Maybe Callam could?”

  Duncan gathered her to him. “I’ll teach ye. We can start on the morrow if ye’d like.”

  “That would be so cool.”

  Duncan looked at her like she’d just spoken gibberish. “It is a bit cool. The wind is starting to pick up.”

  “No. Not that kind of cool. In my time cool can mean awesome, um…when something is really good.”

  “Okay, I’m glad ye think it’ll be cooolll.” Duncan held her hand, and they turned to walk out of the stables. “Come, the evening meal will be ready soon. Let’s head to the castle.”

  Holly turned, remembering Callam. “Thank you again for the horse. I really appreciate the gift, especially today.” Callam leaned on the fence and his lips curled up in the corners as his eyes bored into hers.

  “Ye’re most welcome. If there is anything ye need, tell me. I will gladly get it for ye.”

  “It’s very sweet of you to offer. Thanks again.”

  Duncan’s grip on her hand tightened so much that it became almost bruising. Holly turned back to leave the stables, and Duncan practically dragged her away from them.

  “Ye are mine. If ye need anything, I will be the one to provide it,” Duncan growled, as he stomped up the castle doors.

  Holly tugged her hand from his and stopped before the steps up to the doors. “What is with you? The way you acted with your father and now Callam. Your brother was just being nice. There is no need for you to turn into a growling bear. The way you just acted wasn’t right.”

  “Me brother was nay just being nice. He has been lusting after ye since he met ye. He wants ye in his bed.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. She highly doubted that was the case. “I think you’re overreacting. Callam is just being a welcoming brother-in-law. It’s nice to know I have a friend. I don’t know many people, and he’s been nice to me.” If Holly had been a weaker woman, she would have run scared from the deadly look on Duncan’s face, but she stood her ground. “I haven’t even been here five full days and you are acting like a giant asshole.”

  Holly heard gasps around her, but her sole focus was on Duncan. He turned red, his fists clenched, his eyes glared, and he growled. Holly stood her ground, but when he took a step toward her she flinched, and the look on his face for a fleeting second broke her heart. Shock and hurt flashed bright in his eyes and on his face at her, for thinking he would hurt her. Holly hadn’t known Duncan for long, but she knew deep down that he wouldn’t harm her. She watched as he turned the glare on the spectators and walked into the keep, leaving Holly staring after him.

  Not willing to be left outside by herself, she straightened her shoulders and walked into the castle to her seat next to Duncan. His father sneered at her, and Holly blinked back tears. Duncan ignored her and Holly grabbed the wine in front of her and started drinking. So much for having an awesome day and forgetting the anniversary of her parents’ death, she thought, as she filled
the goblet again.

  She was on her third or fourth glass when Callam sat on the other side of her and the food was placed in front of her. Holly was shocked when Callam swapped things on her plate, taking most of the meat and replacing it with the other things.

  “Thank you.” A hiccup escaped. “I seems to be saying thats to you a lot.”

  Callam shrugged. “Nay need. I noticed ye dinna eat the meat.”

  Holly downed the third, or was it the fourth goblet of wine. “I’m not a meat eater. I’z not a fans of how it tastes.”

  Callam raised his eyebrow. “Are ye okay, lass? I noticed ye dinna drink the wine either.”

  Holly downed another mouthful, proving him wrong, but tonight she was thirsty. “Just peachy.” She went to take another sip but there was nothing in her goblet. Reaching over, she poured more into the goblet and found Callam’s hand on the jug steadying it.

  “I think this one should be ye last.”

  “Pfff. I’ma fine.”

  Callam chuckled. “Aye, I can hear how fine ye sound.”

  “I’m allz goodz.” Holly looked around. “Youz better nots talk to me cos Mr. Grumpy Pants will come over all caveman and thinks yous wants me and lust after me.” She waved her hand. “Ha, I’m nothifing special and youz are brothers youz just being a goodz one.”

  Callam let out a long, loud sigh. “The thing is, he’s right. I’m not being a good brother. There is something about ye.”

  Staring wide-eyed at Callam, she stood, only to have everything come up. Holly covered her mouth and stumbled to the nearest exist. Running out the kitchen door, she let herself outside and brought everything up, wishing she’d remembered another reason why she didn’t drink.

  She felt gentle hands rub her back and pass her a cloth. Slowly she looked and groaned at the sight of Callam. “Yours notz Duncan. Hes going tos be so smug when Iza apologize.” Holly was disappointed it wasn’t Duncan.

  “Nay, I’m not.”

  “I wish youz weres.” She groaned as Callam’s face fell for a moment.


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