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A Dangerous Love 3: Undeniable Desires

Page 18

by J Peach

  “I think I can handle a Mai Tai,” I told him while taking another drink.


  “Ah! No!” I screamed out a laugh as I finished my second cup of Mai Tai that he’d made. Putting the cup down, he picked me up and put me on the bar.

  “Come on, just one.”

  Laughing, I lay back on the bar and lifted my shirt up.

  Mark grabbed the bottle of tequila and stood over me. I let out a scream as the liquor filled my belly button. His head dipped and my hands covered my face. A loud squeak left my mouth as he sucked the tequila from my naval.

  “I am too old fah this. Oh, my God!” I screamed as he did another. I’d never had a body shot done on me in my life. “Your tongue is in my naval! Stop, it feels nasty!” I was so wasted, I hadn’t been that drunk since… Since never.

  Just that thought had me laughing. I’d been like that for the past few hours, laughing and screaming, just enjoying myself in a weird, not me kind of way. I’d never smoked a day in my life, but that is how I imagined being high would’ve felt. And if so, I was high as hell.

  “Now you gotda dance, get up there.” Mark laughed as he pulled me up before grabbing the hem of my shirt.

  “No, you ass! There are pervs in here, including you!” I laughed, muffing his head back. “Ahhh! Put me down!” I screamed out, I couldn’t stop laughing. No matter what he did or said, I found myself bursting into a fit of laughter.

  “Come on, one dance!” He slurred, pulling at my shirt once more.

  Laughing, I shook my head. “One dance.” Taking off my shoes, I stood on the bar and started dancing, not even caring that I wasn’t on beat to the blues music playing. Hell, the beat in my head was far better. My arms waved as my hips rolled to my own tune.

  “Sweetheart, you gotda get down,” the bar man called out and I laughed while looking at Mark.

  “Catch me,” the words were still leaving my mouth as I jumped from the bar to him. I burst out laughing as he stumbled into a table.

  “Damn, yo little heavy ass. You ‘bout to kill the both of us.” Again I started laughing.

  “Don’t play, you like holding me. Get yo hand off my ass,” Grabbing his hands, I moved them up my back, then untangled my legs from around him. “I need to go, my brotha is probably going crazy right now. He’s going to kill me!” I started laughing before screaming as Peggy’s Mr. Wrong or Mr. Right song came on. Grabbing Mark’s hand, I dragged him to the dance floor.

  “You listen to this shit?” He twisted me around and then pulled my back into his front.

  “Sometimes. My mom used to always play this when she was tryna get a point across to my dad.” I hummed the song, my head bobbing as I rocked into him.

  “She had her Mr. Wrong?”

  Turning to face him, I started laughing. “Right, my dad would kill any man that came near that damn woman. Now twist me!” A squeak left my mouth as he suddenly picked me up bridal style and started spinning. “Put me down!”

  “What? You said spin you.”

  “No, twist. Put me down before I bite you,” I threatened, but ended up laughing. Mark placed me on my feet and I went to walk away, but somehow walked right into a table. “Son of bitch!” Balling up my fist, I punched the table. “Stupid bitch.” Mark started laughing from behind me.

  “Peaches, please beat up the table.”

  “Fuck you. My damn hip hurt, stupid ass table. It shouldn’t even be here,” I snapped before pushing it over.

  “Man, come on before they press charges against yo ass for assaulting the table.”

  Laughing, I rolled my eyes at him. “Ha, ha, ha, fuck you.” I stopped walking and put a hand over my chest. Then started taking deep breaths. My body grew hot and I felt sick all of a sudden.

  “Come on.” Pulling me into his side, Mark walked us outside, then leaned me against the wall.

  I bent over, my hands went to my knees as I continued to take deep breaths.

  “You i’ight?” His hand rubbed along my back as I shook my head.

  I stood up and started fanning myself with my shirt. “Can I use yo phone?” As much as I drank I had never felt like that. My vision blurred and my head started pounding. I was hot and felt like I was about to pass out.

  “Yeah, it’s in the truck, come on.” Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but he sounded so sober. Not a slur in voice as it had been a few moments before. He picked me up bridal style and started walking.

  This isn’t right.

  “Put me down,” my words slurred as my head dropped back and rolled to the side. It was becoming too heavy to hold up.

  “That’s him. Yo, Mark?” I heard a masculine voice call out as I was roughly pushed into a seat with my arms twisted behind my back from him rushing to get me inside.

  Once the door closed, I didn’t know what was being said outside. I couldn’t pay attention even if I wanted to, my eyes wouldn’t stay open. My body slowly started to shut down and my limbs were becoming unresponsive. My arms felt like they weighed a ton, I could barely lift them.

  He did something to me. He had to have put something in the drinks he made me.

  The driver door soon opened and closed, indicating he was now in there with me. If I left with him, there was no telling what was going to happen to me.

  With my arms twisted behind my back, it was slow, but easy for me to grab the Ruger from my right back pocket. The only problem now was moving my arm and pointing my gun. Hearing the truck start, I mentally groaned.

  “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to just toss you in here like I did. Here, let me help you.”

  As he reached over the seat, my eyes finally closed and I couldn’t open them. I was slowly losing consciousness.

  Mark sat me up, pulling my left arm from behind me, then my right. “Damn, I didn’t even close the door all the way, you would’ve been rolling down 49th Avenue.”

  Vaguely hearing that and then feeling the slightest air, I wasted no time.

  The trigger was hard to pull.

  I shot once, then twice.

  The first shot I heard glass shattering.

  The second, I don’t know if it hit anything. I just felt myself falling and then hitting something hard before my mind went blank.

  Chapter 23


  Gasping, my eyes shot open as freezing cold water pounded against my body.

  Once I came to, a hand gripped tightly to the back of my neck, pulling it from under the water. With a tight hold on my jaws, my mouth was force open and something wide and thick was pushed down my throat.

  I gagged and it was pushed further down my throat. Once I started getting sick, it quickly left.

  “…the ground…” I vaguely heard as I faded in and out.

  “Peaches…” A hand slapped hard against my cheek, causing my eyes to open only to have them close again. “Fuck… King….” The stinging to my cheek had me forcing my eyes open once more.

  Everything was a big blur. My eyes started to close again and my face was roughly jerked to the side as a hand slapped my cheek repeatedly.

  “Hmm…” The hand continued slapping hard until I opened my eyes once again and tried to focus on the blurry figure in front of me.

  “Peaches, if you close yo eyes I’ma drown yo ass.” The fogginess swirling around my head started to clear as the blurry figure slowly started to become clear. I blinked and my head was suddenly pushed down.

  I inhaled a gush of water in both my mouth and nose, which quickly pulled me from my dazed state as I felt like I was drowning.

  Coming from under the water, I gasped as I began choking.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “I pushed her ass under.”

  Once I stopped choking, I laid there panting. It felt like I blinked a hundred times before my vision cleared and King came into view. The pissed off look on his face had me closing my eyes and groaning. “You gon’ stand there and watch me wash her up, or you gon’ get the fuck out?”<
br />
  There was no mistaking Blaze’s voice this time. Hearing it had me opening my eyes and focusing them on him.

  “What the hell you looking at?” He asked once our eyes locked. He looked just as pissed off as King did. The burning to my throat prevented me from saying anything. “Here,” he held a cup to my lips and I ended up drinking it all.

  I still felt high, and to be honest, I just wanted to go to sleep.

  “Peaches?” Blaze’s hand slapped at my cheek a few times, making me look at him. “Drink this.” Putting another cup to my lips just like before, I drank it all. Once finished, I let out a sigh as I focused on him.

  “I… I told King to apologize,” I mumbled as he wiped my face and mouth with a towel.

  “Fuck—” Cutting him off, I kept mumbling.

  “Sorry I left…” My eyes closed and my head bobbed.

  “Peaches?” Blaze tapped my cheek and I started talking again.

  “I’m sorry I left…” my words began fading. “I feel drugged—”

  “He did drug you.”

  “You drug me?” That was the last thing that left my mouth before everything went black.


  A groan left my mouth as I rolled over to the edge of the bed. Sitting up, I rubbed my aching forehead for a few seconds before I stood up and stretched. I felt so sore all over.

  I rubbed my right shoulder while I walked to the bathroom. Once I finished handling my business, I washed my hands then brushed my teeth, still half out of it. After I rinsed my mouth, I left the bathroom, going back into the room.

  Climbing on top of Blaze, I tucked my head into his neck, kissing the skin. I got comfortable as I slowly started to dose back off…

  My eyes snapped opened as soon as they closed and I quickly sat up. I looked down at Blaze only to find him already wide awake and staring at me. I was frozen in place for a second, not knowing what to do.

  “What are you doing here? How did you even get in?” I asked, but Blaze didn’t reply, he was too busy staring hard at my breast. Looking down at my bare chest, I cursed before grabbing the sheet and covering myself up.

  I let out a groan as I tried to remember if we had sex or not. “Did we, you know?”

  “Did we fuck?” Letting out a slight whine, I pulled the sheet over my face as I tried to think back to what happened last night. “You don’t remember?”

  I peeked at him from behind the sheet and shook my head. “No, but my body hurts so we had to. Did I call you over or something?” I asked, glancing at him.

  “You at my house, not yours. What do you remember?” Shrugging, I looked away from him to the ceiling. “Think.”

  Sighing, I sat up, leaning against the headboard. I groaned once my right shoulder touched it, causing pain to shoot down my arm. What the hell? “Ow! What the hell happened?” The pain started making itself known as the sleepiness left my body. The hurt I felt was far worse as I became fully awake.

  “That’s what I’m tryna figure out. Now after yo ass run off yesterday, where you go?” The irritation in his voice had me looking at him and I started to shrug again, making Blaze’s glare grow deeper, harder.

  I rubbed my head, trying to think. “Um… I drove around for about an hour or so then went to Franks.” That was what I remembered.

  “Who did you talk?”

  “Blaze, I don’t know—”

  “Yo ass better think!” He snapped, making me groan.

  “Stop yelling, my head hurts and my body is sore. I wanna go back to sleep. Do you have any Aleve?” A relieved sigh left my mouth as I saw he had basketball shorts on once he got off the bed.

  Blaze left the bathroom at the same time his room door opened. “Man, I’m bout to slap the fuck outda you. Nigga, don’t you know how to knock? Fuck I tell yo ass about just walking in when the door closed. Now when I shoot yo dumbass that’s yo fault.” Blaze snapped at King as he just walked into the room.

  Walking to the dresser, Blaze threw me a shirt. My brows furrowed as I stared at King.

  “I talked to you last night, I went outside to talk to you then went back in and got a drink…” I trailed off, still trying to think back on what happened. Another groan left my mouth as I glanced back at Blaze. “I did call you, did I say something stupid? Mark,” my fingers snapped, but after saying his name my brows furrowed as my mind literally went blank. “I remember seeing and talking to him… He made us a drink… I don’t know what happened after.”

  “Think!” Both King and Blaze snapped at me.

  “I am, dammit! So stop yelling at me, I don’t remember. Did something happen?” The fact that I didn’t remember and had to ask that question scared the shit outda me. Neither of them said anything, which only raised my fear that something did. “Did he try—?”

  “He tried to take yo stupid ass. Why the fuck would you drink something he made?” King snapped at me. “Then yo ass wanna holla you grown, any grown mothafucka know you don’t take a drink from a nigga you barely know. The fuck wrong with you? I should beat yo ass.” He was pissed off and I couldn’t blame him.

  I knew it was stupid, I didn’t even know what made me take it. Hell, I was drunk.

  “Maybe it wasn’t him. I mean, I watched him make it…” My back hit hard against the headboard as I jumped when King made a grab from me.

  “King, yo ass better calm the fuck down,” Blaze told him while grabbing hold of his arm.

  “Let me the fuck go.” King snatched away from him before turning his murderous glare back to me. “Did you not just here what the fuck I said? He tried to take you. You a stupid, grown mothafucka… Yo ass got one time to say you grown and I’ma beat yo ass,” he threatened. To say I was scared would’ve been an understatement because King’s ass was furious.

  I just knew he was gon’ jump on the bed and start beating my ass. With that thought, I subconsciously moved behind Blaze. If he did try to jump, I was gon’ push Blaze into him and run my ass in the bathroom.

  “I’m sorry, okay. You’re right, I wasn’t thinking. But it’s your fault, yo ass always trying to treat somebody like they a fuckin’ kid. You gon’ embarrass me in front of Blaze, then try to make me choose between you two. You’re just like him, so fuckin’ controlling, and we’re not even dating. And you are not Dmitri Marquees Johnson, you are my brother. You can’t take over every aspect of my life.

  “I messed up once, God, and you’re losing your fuckin’ mind. Messing up is a part of life you dumbass-eep!” I fell off the bed as he pushed Blaze out the way trying to get to me.

  “Who the fuck you talkin’ to, Peaches? I’ll— Get the fuck off me.” Grabbing King from behind, Blaze’s ass literally picked him up and threw him out the room before slamming the door in his face.

  “If yo ass break my door I’ma break yo ass. Now go calm yo ass down,” Blaze told him before locking the door. “Now why the hell you go talkin’ shit to that man fah?” I looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Me? He started it—.”

  “You sound like a fuckin’ kid. He should’ve slapped yo ass, I should slap yo ass because I told you to stay away from him.”

  “Blaze, it’s not like I met him there, he just showed up. I wasn’t even thinking about what you said to be honest. God, I’m so stupid,” I groaned out.

  “I keep telling yo ass that,” Blaze stated as he helped me off the floor.

  “Shut up. If I was with him how did I get here?” Sitting on the bed, I laid on my side and looked at him.

  “Bellow saw Mark. I guess after he put you in the truck they started talkin’. Bell said after that, him and Wayne was about to walk in Franks when they heard shooting. Apparently yo half-conscious ass had a gun and shot at him. When you did that, he pushed yo ass out the truck then pulled off. You lucky Bellow was there and recognized yo black ass. But before that, I tried callin’ you back once I listened to the messages and heard you say his name. Where yo damn phone at?”

  “I don’t know. Did I shoot him?” I hoped
I did and he was somewhere bleeding to death.

  “We don’t know. Don’t worry about him though, I’m gon’ find his ass if King don’t find him first.” After Blaze said that, he got up and I quickly grabbed his arm.

  “Blaze, I’m sorry I left—”

  “I know, you told me twice this morning. I told you it was cool,” he said, shaking my hand off his.

  “That’s part of what I was going to tell you yesterday, but you and that idiot brother of mine started fighting.” Letting out a breath, I rolled my eyes.

  “Man, it’s cool. Drop it, i’ight.”

  “No, I can’t. It was a fuck’d up thing I did, but you have to understand this isn’t easy for me, especially liking you,” I explained while pulling him down next to me.

  “What the fuck that’s suppose to mean?” He asked, looking offended.

  “Liking a hood. Everyone I’ve known done fell for your kind and even though being with you scares me, becoming them scares me more.” I had to stop being afraid if I wanted things to work.

  “What’s one of them?” His head tilted and his stare was intense.

  A hand ran through my hair. To have this talk with him was embarrassing, my whole face was flushed from his intense gaze. “Basically, an addict. It may sound crazy that I use that word, but that’s how they act. That’s how my mom was and I don’t want to become her.”

  “I still don’t understand—” I cut him off with a loud groan. “Why the hell you doing all that fah?”

  I swear I was going to hit him because I didn’t know how to explain myself. “I don’t wanna lose myself because I want to be with you. And I’m scared that I’ll do just that once we’re official,” I admitted.

  Blaze let out a laugh as he looked at me. Once he noticed my facial expression, he stopped. “Oh, you serious?” I nodded my head. “Peaches, you’re stubborn as fuck. You could never—”

  “But I can, I have all the times when we’re together. Being stubborn has nothing to do with it. My mom was the same way, just like me. She was going to school and working, she did everything for herself until she met my dad. She got so lost in my dad that she forgot herself.” I let out a deep breath.


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