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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

Page 9

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "No," Luke said, trying to stifle a yawn. "Not really."

  Mark froze, staring at him and Luke met his gaze. Harrison hadn't ever been this nervous before. His hands weren't moving.

  "What do you know that I don't?" Mark finally asked.

  Luke laughed. "Not a thing, if you've read my reports."

  Pausing, Luke reconsidered. "Well. Maybe I haven't told you everything."

  "What haven't you told me?" Mark said, his voice dropping a few degrees. Marks demeanor was now cold and dangerous. Luke glanced over to see if he could see Mark's breath.

  Luke looked around but few people were in earshot.

  "Well, you know how he does that personal wormhole, teleport thing to travel with?" Luke said.

  "Yes. . ." Mark said, not sure where this would go. The Topa would use that wormhole very shortly.

  "For the last twenty years I've been trying to figure out how they do it," Luke said. "I had the Ultio wired with every sensor I could think of to capture the energy signatures and characteristics of it."

  "You were trying to spy on and steal the Topa technology?" Mark said looking around for a stiff drink and realizing this wasn't that kind of meeting.

  Luke smiled, "Well sure. But every time I recorded data, Topa Suresh would erase it on me."

  Mark looked horrified.

  "You mean he KNEW you were spying on him?" Mark asked trying to keep from punching Luke. "Tell me you are joking."

  Luke shrugged.

  "Topa Suresh will arrive in less than a minute," a voice announced and everyone stood up, not sure where to go or what to do.

  "You are screwing with me, aren't you?" Mark said.

  "No," Luke replied. "Word of honor."

  "Shit," Mark said.

  A blue shimmering ellipsoid opened in the center of the room and two figures stepped out before the glow faded back into nothingness.

  Luke recognized Topa Suresh. Tall, thin, gray skinned and sexless, always wearing a blue shimmering form fitting suit. Next to Topa Suresh was another Topa that Luke did not recognize. He was just as tall and thin as Topa Suresh, maybe a little thinner, and somehow, he looked younger. This new Topa wore a black skin-tight suit and carried a staff. His eyes were black, like deep space in a field of green, and when they met Luke's, he knew he was looking into the eyes of a warrior. The new Topa did not look hostile, but he moved more fluidly than Topa Suresh, like a caged beast, ready to escape and pounce. Luke saw the eyes of the new Topa looking around him, taking everything in, evaluating threats and plans of attack. Maybe it was the set of his shoulders or the way he carried the staff, but Luke knew this new Topa was much more dangerous than Topa Suresh. This new Topa had to be one of the Tal, one of the Topa's elite warriors. What did this mean?

  The new Tal's eyes met Luke's and Luke saw what might have been the flash of recognition, followed by a hint of challenge.

  "Greetings people of Athena," Topa Suresh said, bowing to the Athenian delegation, "and the representatives from the Jupiter Alliance."

  Luke looked at the delegates the Topa had bowed to. He hadn't noticed the Jupiter Alliance Ambassador come in, an exceedingly average man with his brown hair in a ponytail. His eyes held a gleam of danger and a pop-up in Luke's InnerBuddy identified him as Ralph Sutton. A politician of the worst kind if Luke had ever seen one.

  "Thank you for welcoming us," Chief Executive Allison said. "I am the elected leader of the people of Athena and I speak for the majority. We look forward to learning from you and the Conglomerate. It is our pleasure to meet such an ancient and knowledgeable people such as yourselves. Thank you."

  Luke wanted to roll his eyes. Suresh smiled and Luke had long ago classified that smile as the bullshit detector smile.

  "The pleasure is mine," Suresh said smoothly in accent-less English. "While I am here to start diplomatic communications with Athena and the Jupiter Alliance, my primary mission is to pay Commander Kishi and hire him for a mission we consider of the utmost importance."

  All eyes turned to Luke as Suresh continued. "This impacts the people of Athena. I request that Athena send along one or more experienced officers to learn about the Conglomerate. Commander Kishi has favored status within the Conglomerate. His unique perspective and knowledge will be invaluable to the Athenian officers. However, this mission could be dangerous and may cause one, or all of them becoming casualties. This would, however, greatly expedite understanding and friendship among our peoples."

  "We are aware of the wisdom, experience and greatness of the Topa," Allison said. "We look forward to learning everything we can. We would be honored to provide students to learn of the Conglomerate as an honored Shoka."

  Suresh bowed to Allison and Luke noticed his bullshit detector smile was still in place. When he turned to Luke it changed and felt more genuine.

  "Commander Kishi," Suresh said and bowed.

  Luke returned the bow. Not sure if he should remain respectful or go off on his rant yet.

  "Hello Topa Suresh," Luke said. "While I always enjoy being sent off on strange errands with piss poor information and secret agendas, my ship was destroyed in the recent fighting and I cannot deploy the forces I used to."

  Suresh nodded and smiled warmly, but it still wasn't the bullshit detector. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Mark turning pale. Couldn't the Prime Minister see the Topa was amused, not angry?

  "Per our standard clause, if your vessel or equipment is destroyed during the mission, it will be replaced. We have contracted the Nalee to build you a new vessel. We have also placed an order for additional sentient droids you can pick up on Churan, which is on the way to the ship builder we have contracted."

  Luke stared at Suresh. The Nalee? They were premier ship builders of the Conglomerate and they lived in moon sized ship yards that traveled to the different systems. Their services were not cheap. They frequently had a waiting list in the decades. Luke tried not to let his surprise show by freezing his face.

  "There's a catch and I'm not going to like it, am I?" Luke said, trying to keep the growl out of his voice.

  Suresh's smile widened, and he nodded.

  "The mission will be very dangerous, for several reasons. It could sunder the tapestry if not properly handled and I think you might be the only person ready for it," the Topa said. Mystic bullshit again.

  "And?" Luke said, there was always more. More mystic garbage, but perhaps he could figure it out.

  "The Nalee ship builders I have contracted are the Sandla Corporation, and they are located at Bronkaw Prime."

  "Dangerous? No shit," Luke said forgetting all the admirals and high-ranking politicians around him. He wondered how the Bronkaw would react. Bronkaw Prime was their home system and the center of their empire. "There's more though, isn't there?"

  Suresh lost his smile and looked at his companion.

  "Yes," the Topa said. "You will take Falla Shum as an apprentice. If he does not meet your needs or standards, you will kill him."

  "Who is Falla Shum?" Luke asked, wondering how much trouble he was in now.

  The Topa with Suresh stepped forward. "This is Falla Shum. His allegiance is now to you for as long as he will give it, and if you will accept it."

  Falla Shum's eyes locked on Luke's and he bowed, his eyes never breaking contact. It felt like a challenge but Luke didn't feel like accepting that challenge when he didn't know what was at stake so he didn't play the staring game.

  "A Tal?" Luke asked, not believing what Suresh had told him. Decide on the suitability of a Tal and kill him if he didn't meet standards? What standards? This sounded like a trap and Luke remembered what Mark had said about the Topa wiping out other races.

  "He is no longer a Tal and was never a Topa," Suresh said and Falla Shum dropped his eyes, his shame understandable to Luke. "He is a Falla. A fallen Topa or Tal if you will. He must redeem himself. You are his redemption or his doom. Some things he is forbidden to discuss as they are Pral matters, but in all other ways, it is now his d
uty to show you loyalty, if he wishes to regain his previous status."

  "There is a lot I don't understand here," Luke said looking between Falla Shum and Topa Suresh. "The last time you sent me on a mission with minimal information it almost ended humanity. Is this going to be like that?"

  "Understanding is not a requirement," Suresh said sadly. "I trust you will find the right path. Falla Shum's death will not affect you, or your people. He is already dead to the Pral unless he is reborn."

  "I could just kill him right now?" Luke asked, noticing Suresh had not answered the question. "You wouldn't care?"

  Suresh was silent for a few moments. "I would care, but I would not hold it against you or the other humans. His fate, his future, is now a Commander Luke Kishi matter, not a Topa one."

  "Which brings us back to this mission you want me to perform," Luke said watching Suresh for any clues that probably were there, just not something Luke could see.

  "You will petition Grand Marshal Vokasa to assist him with a frontier issue," Suresh said.

  Luke did a quick check with his implants. Grand Marshal Vokasa was the current ruler of the Bronkaw Military Dominance, the supreme ruler of the Bronkaw and the over-sized dinosaur that Luke had pissed off when he took their battle wagon away from them.

  "Are you trying to get me killed?" Luke asked, barely avoiding profanity. It was a typical suicide mission and Suresh would send him away from Leonessa. Luke remembered it had been Vokasa that had ordered the battle wagon to be deployed against the Caleet and its capture would have embarrassed the Grand Marshal. Showing up on his doorstep now would be an invitation for assassination and revenge. "Maybe you forget, but I pissed in his cheerios when I took that battle wagon from them. He might be thrilled to see me again, but not in the way you might think, and that is a long trip for me to die at the end."

  "I have also contracted Captain Bruce Simmons to escort you and your apprentices to Bronkaw Prime," Suresh said. Which might work unless Vokasa learned Luke was on the ship, or just wanted to wipe out any humans he found. Bruce had a battle cruiser, but the Bronkaw had plenty of bigger, meaner ships.

  "Per the contract, the good Captain will be under your command until you release him from his duties. Might I suggest you keep him on retainer until Grand Marshal Vokasa's issue is resolved? Another ship of the wall may be useful and we will pay his fees as long as you need him."

  "About this 'frontier issue'?" Luke pressed. "Do I get a real data dump this time or do I get more surprises?"

  Suresh frowned, which seemed unusual for Luke.

  "I will provide the information I have but it isn't much. The Grand Marshal has requested Tal involvement in his issue and we are sending you to represent us. Falla Shum's presence should add legitimacy to your petition in the Bronkaw Dominance. This edge of the tapestry leads into shadows and I cannot divine the full scope."

  Luke didn't miss Falla Shum's sudden, alarmed glance at Topa Suresh.

  "Thank you," Luke said grudgingly and looked at Falla Shum. Why was his crew growing? "Any other nasty surprises?"

  "Not any nasty ones I know of," Topa Suresh said. "I place my faith in you and your abilities once again."

  Suresh turned back to Allison and Mark.

  "Regarding the Jupiter Alliance and Athena diplomatic relations with the Conglomerate," Topa Suresh began as Falla Shum came over to stand beside Luke like a tall thin shadow.

  "Prime Minister Mark Harrison has gained my trust and will be the Conglomerate envoy to the rest of humanity. He has been appointed as a Conglomerate ambassador and the colony of New Alamo remains a Conglomerate protectorate. Josaka will act as neutral territory, with no designated owners unless humans wish to use force against the Conglomerate. What occurs within Josaka will remain outside Conglomerate concerns unless it involves hostility by or against New Alamo and Conglomerate interests as dictated by the Prime Minister of New Alamo. Violence against New Alamo or the Conglomerate will encourage a Tal or Conglomerate patrol response. I trust the Prime Minister will let you know what that means. We will commission vessels to protect the Chonka wormhole and reinforce New Alamo as needed."

  Luke saw that Mark was in a state of shock, not sure how to take this turn of events and not sure what it might mean. Luke wanted to smile. This wasn't bad news but Luke was sure Mark could see the negative side of it.

  "I would like to make one request of Athena," Suresh said locking his eyes on Allison who was glancing between the Topa and Mark.

  "If it is in my power, I would be happy to help," Allison said. Luke heard a waver in her voice and wondered if Suresh had also heard it.

  "I have met Lieutenant Leonessa Ferraro and I believe she might make a good Shoka, and a valuable Conglomerate agent. I humbly ask that you assign her to Commander Luke Kishi as a liaison and student if she is not averse to this."

  Allison glanced at Admiral Wyatt before answering.

  "Thank you, Topa Suresh," Allison said, Luke saw the calculations in her eyes, was this a favor she could call in from Topa Suresh later? "Lieutenant Ferraro is one of our more experienced and valuable officers. Her absence will be difficult but I think we can manage it."

  "I have the greatest confidence in Commander Kishi," Topa Suresh said and bowed.

  "Thank you," Topa Suresh said looking at Mark. "It is also my understanding that Athena, New Alamo and the rest of the Jupiter Alliance plan on a war."

  Mark nodded, and Luke could see from the bracing of the Prime Minister's shoulders and the stiffening of his neck he was preparing for bad news.

  "You will need warships?" Topa Suresh asked.

  "As many as we can get," Mark said cautiously.

  The Topa nodded. "As a Topa representative," Topa Suresh began, "you have a certain leeway and may request ships and forces to deal with threats to the Conglomerate. They will need to be built and delivered. I have placed an order for you and expect the ships to be delivered in less than two months' time. Would you be able to delay your offensive until then?"

  Mark looked surprised and glanced at Allison who had a gleam in her eyes.

  "Thank you Topa," Mark said. "What is the cost?"

  Topa Suresh looked surprised. "Cost? They are a Conglomerate resource under local control. You will be responsible for providing crew and support facilities, nothing else. I will send you additional information before I leave, along with rules, regulations and appropriate licenses. I will not assign anything I do not think you cannot handle. They are to be used to enforce the peace and protect Conglomerate interests as you see fit. I do not expect you to misuse them. As I have faith in Commander Kishi, so too do I have faith in you."

  "Thank you," Mark said, and Luke wondered if Mark meant it. Elections were in two years. Maybe Mark would step down and relax for a bit, or move far away from Sol where he might survive any political screw ups. Or Mark was in his element, which is what Luke suspected.

  The portal appeared behind Suresh and the Topa bowed before stepping backward through it.

  Luke turned to where Nelson would be and stopped himself. Nelson was not there to scan the Topa's wormhole portal. It soured Luke's mood even further as he saw Falla Shum standing where Nelson would be. Falla Shum looked down at him. It didn't feel right to be looking up at someone in a human's place.

  "Do you have any gear or supplies that will be needed?" Luke asked the Falla.

  "It will be delivered by Topa Suresh to the Proud Infidel," Falla Shum said. "I am ready to follow your commands."

  Luke looked around and saw Bruce Simmons not far away, a scowl on his face as he stared at Luke.

  "Are you always like this to the Topa?" Allison asked, her eyes burrowing into Luke. Her sudden attention made Luke uncomfortable.

  "Yes ma'am," Luke said with a sigh. "It is a long story I suppose, but we seem to have a good working relationship."

  "You were borderline insolent and rude," Allison said. "You aren't worried he might take exception and have you eliminated or humanity destroyed for som
e perceived insult?"

  "Honestly?" Luke asked remembering his conversations with Mark. "At first when I dealt with him that was my hope. I don't have a lot of tolerance for stupid, and as," Luke glanced at Mark to remind himself what uniform Mark was wearing. "Prime Minister Harrison would say, I am insubordinate, but I get results. It has since become a habit. I don't know the Topa ever get offended, and I think they find it refreshing, perhaps. I don't know, I also don't care."

  Luke looked at Falla Shum and cocked an eyebrow, inviting comment.

  "I'm told the Topa tolerate the Commander's attitude for two reasons," Shum responded. "His blunt honesty and they dislike the subservient attitude many races display to the Topa. The Topa do not want to be rulers, dictators or saviors since those roles involve judgment calls that the Topa do not wish to make."

  "Why do they rule?" Allison asked Shum.

  "Because if they did not, the younger races would devolve into violence, war and genocide. There must be rules, and there must be minimum standards, but there must also be freedom to experiment and make mistakes. Most intelligent beings learn from mistakes. The Pral are an ancient race and we have made countless mistakes. Once, long before the Pral became the Topa, there were many more races. Many of them were extinguished, their colors never again to grace the tapestry of life. The Pral came to dominance and strive to reduce these deaths."

  "How did you become a fallen Tal?" Luke asked.

  Falla Shum pursed his lips as he looked at Luke. His defiance left him and Luke saw a great sadness in Shum's eyes.

  "I'm sorry Commander," Falla Shum said. "But I am not at liberty to discuss it. In summary, I will say I did not adhere to Topa ideology or the Tal code of conduct and I have been released to relearn the purpose of our ideology. I am not sure of the details to be honest, but I am humbled by it."

  "How many Topa are there?" Allison asked Shum.

  "Many," Falla Shum replied and Luke smiled, he could have told her what a Topa would have said.

  "Millions? Billions? Trillions?" Allison asked.


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