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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

Page 36

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "PK's point defenses engaging, missile separation, warhead launch," Halsey said referencing the planet killer. "Two detonations."

  Which meant the planet killer's point defenses had stopped six of the warheads.

  When the radiation dissipated enough for sensors to get through it Luke saw the planet killer had been mauled.

  "Planet killer is changing course," Halsey said. "It is moving hard to starboard, away from the Shipyards!"

  Everyone in the CIC cheered.

  In range, the Crusader fired her plasma lance, targeting the incoming escort ships. The destroyers were pulling ahead of the battleships, perhaps as a missile screen or because they had superior acceleration, Luke didn't know.

  One destroyer took a hit from the Crusader's plasma lance and Luke saw the plasma beam slam through the ship, to come out the back. The destroyer continued to fire and Luke wasn't sure what that meant yet, a bad shot or a tough ship.

  "Taking hits," Halsey reported although Luke couldn't feel anything. "Shields holding."

  These were hits from the smaller turret mounted mass drivers. Not the primaries. They would whittle down and wear away the Tigress's shields and energy reserves, and it would get worse as they became more accurate.

  "Begin evasive maneuvers," Luke said and the gravity maneuver warning sirens went off.

  The Tigress shuddered, rolling to port, starboard, up and down in a random pattern. On screen Luke watched the Crusader and frigates doing the same. The frigates without a flesh and blood crew could perform more extreme evasive maneuvers, up to twenty-five gravities. Straps and braces engaged, pulling everyone closer to their seat, bracing their heads, hands and even fingers, enclosing them in a massive cushion. As the two small fleets closed things happened more quickly and everyone boosted their reflexes and thought process to compensate.

  More hits slammed into the Tigress.

  Enemy missiles deployed and collision alerts rang out through the bridge.

  The main guns of the battleships and destroyers fired as another plasma lance from the Crusader shattered a destroyer.

  Defensive fighters and the frigates destroyed incoming missiles as the second volley was intercepted by the defensive fighters, but some got through, Luke didn't know how many as things were happening too fast.

  Radiation blooms blanked sensors, and the Tigress shook.

  Detonations among the enemy ships.

  The Tigress continued to fire two plasma lances at the planet killer which was fleeing but it looked like the enemy behemoth had only a single engine.

  "Plasma lance three is offline," Leonessa reported. "Getting a repair estimate."

  One of the Tigress's frigates exploded, another reported severe damage as another flight of missiles erupted from the enemy survivors and the Tigress's point defenses fired non-stop.

  Shields were dropping and alarms screamed, becoming more insistent and threatening.

  "Fire plasma lances on the enemy battleships!" Luke yelled among the warning klaxons and alerts. The planet killer wasn't the danger anymore.

  "Two plasma lances offline," Halsey reported. "Damage to missile bays two and four. Five defensive fighters remain."

  Luke could feel the mass drivers slamming into the Tigress now. A glimpse through the radiation blooms showed the Crusader was taking hits but Luke couldn't tell how bad.

  "Shields at six percent," Halsey said.

  The Tigress shook again, Luke didn't know if it was a hit or evasive maneuver. More alarms screamed.

  "We are past them," Halsey said. "Secondary plasma turrets are still engaging."

  The shields were at three percent and Luke saw a lot of yellow and some red on the Tigress damage control panel. She was hurt, but not crippled.

  "Crusader status?" Luke asked. Nothing like a battle to test out a new ship.

  "In pursuit of the planet killer," Halsey said. "Her plasma lance is still good, and she is punching holes in its ass."

  Luke sighed in relief. They were past the enemy screening forces which had failed to stop them.

  "Now that was fun," Brita said and Luke smiled.

  "Concentrate fire on the planet killer," Luke said. "What is the condition of the escort vessels?"

  Halsey was silent for several seconds and nodded in satisfaction.

  "Dead in space," Halsey said.

  Everyone cheered and Luke would have done a fist pump if he was not still restrained.

  "Life pods from enemy ships?" Luke asked.

  "Negative," Halsey said. "Oh. . ."

  The enemy ships that were orange, blinked out.

  "They are self-destructing," Halsey said.

  The planet killer erupted into a ball of light.

  "This will be a long difficult war," Luke said wondering how many had just died aboard those ships as the crew collected data and figure out everything that had happened. It would take a while.

  "Incoming transmission from the Nalee ship yards," Shum said several minutes later. "They say thank you and they are assigning repair bays for Tigress and Crusader. They say they owe you."

  Luke nodded, still staring at the screen. Someone understood the battle.

  "Get me a damage report from the Crusader," Luke said. "Let's get the Tigress fixed. Set course for the ship yards after we recover all fighters. Also scan for life pods from those ships just in case."

  "Aye, aye," Halsey said.

  "Secure from battle stations when you can," Luke said.

  The secure from battle stations siren sounded and then went off and everyone received an InnerBuddy notification.

  "We did it!" Leonessa said pulling off her helmet.

  Luke nodded. "We did."

  Releasing the restraints Luke stood up and stretched then took off his helmet. His body felt sore and bruised and there was the smell of burnt plastic. A system failure siren sounded, then went off and a pair of small damage control robots, the size and basic shape of cats sped across the floor to one of the panels.

  "Debrief in conference room one," Luke said, and a message was sent out. The droids could handle it from here.



  When Luke took his seat, Leonessa and Morals were already seated, glaring at each other across the table. Leonessa had a less than pleasant smile but Morals' face was unreadable. Falla Shum took a seat and a holographic image of Bruce and Erica appeared in a pair of seats near Luke. Bruce's eyes widened, and he sent curious glances at Luke when he saw Leonessa in an NADF uniform. Jeremy seemed to be enjoying the interaction between Morals and Leonessa as he sat next to Leonessa but Pavlis was unreadable as he sat there going through data on his inner screen.

  It took several minutes for Brita and the rest to get to the conference room. When Carmichael came in she froze for a second staring at Leonessa, then glanced toward Morals and Pavlis. She moved over to her seat and sat down without a word but she smiled at Leonessa as she took her seat.

  "Congratulations everyone," Luke said with a smile once everyone was seated. "We are victorious."

  People cheered or nodded.

  "I don't know if this will move up our timetable for an audience with the Grand Marshall, but I think now we have a basic idea who we will be fighting," Luke said looking around.

  "With that in mind I want more detailed information on what we have just dealt with and what we can do better next time," Luke looked around at the smiling faces and he lost his smile. "Don't think for a minute that this was all or we won't be involved in a tougher fight soon. We might have another fight if that force comes in through Krisali, although at this point I suspect the point of that attack was to draw away any forces that would protect the Nalee ship yards. They might still try."

  People nodded. It wasn't over.

  "But we know despite their use of planet killers, we have a technological advantage in ships and weapons," Luke said. "Same as before. I want people working on what we have, what they have and what are options are. I will also assemble a
team to evaluate the enemy performance and tactics."

  "Those weren't Broma made ships," Pavlis said. "I can tell that much right now. It would help if I could get access to the Conglomerate military datanet to see if they know."

  Luke nodded, he wasn't about to give Pavlis access to the Conglomerate military data net. "Work with Brita," Luke said and Brita nodded. "Get me a workup on what they were capable of and what you think they might be capable of. Go through our sensor logs with a fine-tooth comb. Also get the logs from the Crusader, the frigates and the fighters."

  "Aye, aye, Admiral," Pavlis said.

  "We will get repairs done at the shipyards and we will remain in proximity until a heavier defense force arrives," Luke said and everyone nodded.

  "One more thing," Luke said looking around him, his eyes stopping on Carmichael.

  "I have been granted authorization by the New Alamo Prime minister to accept immigrants. I can accept those immigrants into the New Alamo Defense Force with a brevet officer commission that will be reviewed and then confirmed by the NA council. If anyone is interested, please contact myself or Captain Summers.

  "With that said I would like to officially welcome Captain Leonessa Ferrero to the New Alamo Defense Force. Welcome aboard Captain."

  Several people clapped, everyone except a scowling Morals and an uncomfortable looking Pavlis.

  "Are there any questions?" Luke asked. Nobody raised their hands.

  "All right," Luke said with a smile. "We will resume standard schedule. Check with the bridge if you are moving throughout the ship as there might be sections still open to vacuum. We should arrive back at the shipyard sometime later tomorrow. Good job and thank you!"

  Bruce and Erica disappeared and everyone stood up.

  "Now ask her to dinner or lunch," Musashi sent to Luke.

  "Who?" Luke sent back.

  "I will kick your ass, meat sack," Musashi said and Luke looked up to smile at the droid.

  "Not right now," Luke said. "We fought a serious battle. We need time to decompress."

  "Want me to ask her for you meat sack?" Musashi asked. "You have nothing critical to do. Neither does she. Droids and bots are fixing all the damage and handling the ship. Hell, droids will also do most of the report collection too. You are just assigning busy work in the hope someone finds something anyways."

  Luke looked at Musashi again and sighed.

  "Do it," Musashi said.

  "Fine," Luke said. "Keep it sheathed."

  Musashi nodded with satisfaction.

  "Congratulations," Luke sent to Leonessa. "Would you care to join me for dinner?"

  "I would like that," Leonessa sent. "What time and where?"

  Luke checked the time.

  "In about three hours," Luke said. "My quarters?"

  Leonessa paused and Luke realized his quarters might be too intimate too quickly but it was the only place he could think of where he could sit her down and talk to her without interruptions. Damn.

  "Sure," Leonessa sent, dispelling some of his fears with her smile. "I'll see you then. Thank you."

  "My pleasure," Luke sent and gave her a short bow.

  "Good job meat sack," Musashi said. "I think Duncan will have a good time preparing dinner."

  "What should I wear?" Luke asked thinking it through. It had been over six or seven decades since he had been on a date.

  "What do I care?" Musashi asked. "Wear your birthday suit for all I care. In fact, that might be the best thing."

  "Shit," Luke sent.

  "Ask Duncan," Musashi said so Luke did.

  "Wear your regular uniform," Duncan suggested. "I will coordinate with Lagertha to make sure, but I think the goal is an informal, relaxing dinner. I would not recommend wearing your armor."

  "Thank you," Luke said. He could deal with that. Were those butterflies he was feeling in his gun? Was he nervous? Damn.


  Dinner Preparations

  Luke looked around his quarters. Boring. They were brand new, all his possessions had been destroyed on the Ultio but it was still boring. It was plain. Did it show who he was? Not a good thought. It was well maintained but then that's what robots were for. There was no personality here.

  Asking himself what he had going for him, Luke couldn't answer that question and he sank down in a chair to stare at the wall.

  Duncan came in and found Luke sitting there.

  "How is it going Commander?" Duncan asked.

  "What am I doing?" Luke asked, looking at the crimson droid.

  "It appears that you are sitting in a chair staring at a wall," Duncan said with a half-smile he must have learned from Musashi. "I would assume you are going over a report or reviewing logs of the battle."

  Luke glanced at Duncan and then back at the wall.

  "With Leonessa?" Luke clarified.

  Duncan nodded, quickly searching through the logs that Jeeves had made, and advice from Musashi. There was no precedence here.

  "Inviting her to dinner so you can get to know her better?" Duncan asked and Luke turned to stare at him. "It is called socialization, a common human pastime. You have not had sufficient social time in private with her. Am I missing something? Is my data incomplete?"

  "You don't think I'm boring?" Luke asked looking around.

  "I haven't known you that long," Duncan said. "I'm new here, but I have reviewed plenty of log files. Jeeves kept a detailed diary in case he had an accident. He talks about you quite a bit. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I think he found you interesting. I understand Topa Suresh favors you and Prime Minister Harrison seems to hold you in high regard."

  "I get the mission accomplished," Luke said looking back at the wall.

  "Of course," Duncan said. "But that's not it. Let me see if I can quote Musashi here. 'I'm not here to puff up your ego and kiss your ass. I'm here to make you realize what you are capable of.'"

  "Shit," Luke said with a smile. "Not sure that applies here, but I get your point. That is something Musashi would say."

  "I'm guessing you could bore her to tears, or you could find something interesting to talk about," Duncan said. "You have a great deal of experience and knowledge. The question you should be asking is will she bore you?"

  Luke nodded. Cold feet, he didn't want to blow it.

  Musashi entered.

  "My room is boring," Luke said.

  Musashi shrugged, "I think I can draw pictures to tape on the walls? I can only draw stick figures, but I think I can draw some neat combat scenes with lots of red ink."

  Luke chuckled, "No thanks. I'll pass."

  Duncan gave Musashi a half smile.

  "You sure? Art is a skill I would like to develop?" Musashi said. "The real Musashi was an artist."

  "What about something motivational?" Duncan asked.

  "I could write 'screw up and I'll kill you'," Musashi said. "That would look nice and the Commander would find it motivational."

  "I'm thinking I need a professional for interior design," Luke said.

  "I'm hurt," Musashi said deadpan.

  "Not yet," Luke replied with a grim smile.

  Musashi smiled back. "Don't make promises your body can't keep."

  Luke turned his back on Musashi, hiding his own smile. He and Elena had been equals although she had picked up Captain before him. But he and Leonessa were not. She was younger than Luke and they didn't have as much history. If Leonessa was anything like Elena, she would not want to be trapped in his shadow, she would want to cast shadows of her own. But how could he arrange that and keep her close?



  Most of the enemy missiles were destroyed before they became a danger, but some made it. Krasnal's ship shuddered under the impact and the lights flickered. Her blood was singing as she watched enemy ships die. They had come closer to killing her.

  Already the enemy was attempting to flee, to retreat to their home world, abandoning one of their oldest and more populous colonies
. These over-sized creatures had failed again. They were weak and deserved nothing better than extinction.

  "Order the fleet to let them flee," Krasnal said. "We will turn our weapons on the planet below. Prepare the regiments for assault."

  "Yes, Grand Marshal," Chala said.

  "Wouldn't it be best to destroy them now?" Snakan asked, crouched in a pit next to Krasnal's. "The more ships that flee, the more there will be in the next battle."

  "They are weak, demoralized and afraid," Krasnal said. "The ancients have left them weak and pathetic. The ancients promised them protection and have failed. They will not find the strength to fight back. We have been fighting them for several cycles. They are fierce, but stupid and easily tricked."

  Snakan hid his fangs and Krasnal hissed at him for his weakness and inability to argue further.

  Krasnal turned her attention to the planet 'below' which appeared in the holographic field. Her battleships and cruisers had not even broken formation. There were few gaps but at first glance they would not be noticed. Once again, the enemy had failed to significantly harm her forces. They would flee back to their home world. When she was ready, her fleet would make the final transition and destroy the heart and soul of their race.

  "Besides," Krasnal said. "Those ships will deliver a cure to the enemy home world. Already there are commandos aboard them, hunting their prey, breeding and injecting their brood. Let the enemy see what their fate is to be."

  The planet below was full of prey. It was tempting to mate, just so she could paralyze and inject her brood into one of them. Unfortunately, she would not be around long enough to see which of her broodlings was the strongest and the first to eat its way out of the host. She had other responsibilities.

  "Will they come?" Kasnal asked Snakan, crouching lower in his pit. His eyes were closed. Perhaps he was communing with the Battle Singers.

  Snakan bared his fangs in the negative.

  "It is said the ancients have been destroyed," Snakan said. "The Battle Singers are full of joy. All across the battle fronts we are punishing the slave races. The ancients have failed to meet us in force and where they have tried, they have been destroyed. The Battle Singers believe they are no more, or they are afraid, scattered and weak."


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