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Christmas at Twin Falls

Page 6

by Dahlia Rose

  “Why would they be?”

  She huffed. There was no talking to him. If she thought she could come in and snap her fingers and he’d change, she was so wrong. Cody resisted happiness like it was something evil he needed to avoid. Hanging the Christmas decorations depended on her going ahead and doing it, but she couldn’t drag him out of the house, and she didn’t have a ride into town.

  While she stood there with the flyer in her hand, she considered what she would do. The number printed on the bottom jumped out at her, and she grabbed her cell phone from the table where she’d laid it while cleaning.

  She punched in the numbers. “Hello, is this Jen, the coordinator for the Christmas party?”

  “Merry Christmas, dear! Yes, this is Jen. How can I help you?”

  Kaleena almost winced at the decibel level the woman decided to speak in and found herself wondering if this was one of the people Cody felt was faking it. She suppressed that thought and asked the question she needed to. ”Hi, Jen. I’m calling because I was wondering if there’s any chance of someone picking me up tonight.”

  Kaleena glanced at Cody, but he only frowned and crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall. Did he think she bluffed, or was he wondering if she intended to get someone to help convince him to come?

  “Well, I’m sure we can work something out,” Jen told her. “We always get a couple of volunteers to drive the revelers home, you know, because of the drinking. I don’t see why we can’t convince one of them to get you early. Let’s see. Oh here’s Matt.” Her voice muffled as she spoke to someone in the background, and then a man came on the line.

  “Hello, Matt Granger here.”

  Kaleena grinned at the deep, sexy tone. Not as hot as Cody’s of course. “Hey, Matt Granger, can you give me a ride to the party? My name is—”

  Cody snatched the phone from her. “She has a ride.” He stabbed the End button and tossed her phone onto the table. “Be ready to go at six-thirty, and don’t expect to stay late.”

  She followed Cody as he stomped from the room, hands on her hips. “What was that about? You said you weren’t going, so I made other arrangements.”

  “I’m taking you now, so drop it.” He kept walking.

  “Does it have to do with that guy? What was his name, Matt Granger?”

  He whirled on her and grabbed her by the arms. She stared up into his eyes. “Kaleena, I said let it go.”

  “Okay, fine.” He released her, and she rubbed the spot where he’d held her arms. “I hope you’re not going to be a grump all night.”

  He eyed her hand. “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry. I never meant…”

  “It’s okay. I’m not hurt.” She pointed a finger in his chest. “And you’re not stopping my happy, Cody ‘Scrooge’ Everett. I’m going to have a good time.”

  * * * *

  Kaleena wore over the knee black boots with a purple long-sleeved minidress that form-fitted to every curve. The V neckline plunged low enough to show off a little cleavage but not enough that her boobs would freeze. She curled her hair and styled it high on her head at the back with soft tendrils and bangs to accent her face. Silver diamond shaped earrings hung from her ears, and she matched those with bangles on one wrist. If she did say so herself, she looked hot. Her boots, sexy in design, had a low enough heel that she could dance the night away—or at least until grouchy Cody dragged her home.

  She laughed at her reflection in the mirror and then left her room, ready on time. When she walked along the hall, Cody already stood at the end of it near the front door. He’d worn a black turtleneck shirt, material thick enough to keep him warm but not so overwhelming he’d burn in the barn. The dark slacks showed off his hard muscled legs, which she’d gotten plenty of chance to run her hands over when they had sex, but her gaze snagged on the growing tent at the front of his pants. Apparently, he liked her outfit.

  Kaleena stopped and spun in a slow circle. She put a hand on her hip and stuck her ass out. “How do I look?”

  His green eyes flashed in the hall lighting. “You know you look good.”

  “But I like to hear it.” She came closer and rested her hands on his chest, smiling up at him. The big chest rose and fell with his rough breaths.

  “You’re beautiful and sexy.”

  “Thanks.” She stretched to her toes and kissed his lips. “I’m ready.”

  They left for the party, Kaleena curling into Cody’s truck. As they made a U-turn, she spotted the lights on at the house where Cody said his brother lived. She wondered what they were up to and if Beau had a woman or a friend that helped him get off his butt and stop hating Christmas. She hadn’t met Cody’s brother except in passing last year, but he seemed like a good man, and he deserved better. They both did.

  When they drew up to the place, Kaleena understood why Cody had called it a barn party. The building looked exactly like a barn, from the two extra wide doors at the front with slats of wood forming Xs decorating them to the walls made from more wood and the slanted roof over the top and the two wings on each side. A gigantic wreath with a red ribbon at the base hung from the upper wall. Barrels held evergreen plants at the entrance. When they drew close, she noticed the doors slid apart on a track rather than opening out like a regular barn. Music blared from the interior, someone playing a fiddle as well as other instruments.

  Inside was wall-to-wall people, but Cody didn’t lie about the expansive floor space. Strings of white lights had been strung along the rafter overhead. Wreaths adorned each post. On the walls hung sets of reins as if waiting for a horse and rider.

  Kaleena leaned in to Cody. “Is there a bathroom here?”

  “At the back.” He nodded in the general direction, and she spotted an opening that might lead to where she saw the left wing of the barn. On the other side, a long table had been pushed to the wall, and a punch bowl adorned the middle. Around it were cups and food. Kegs of beer sat on another table and coolers she assumed held bottles of beer.

  “Welcome, welcome, and Merry Christmas!” An older woman in a Mrs. Claus costume strode up to them. She held out little stickers. “I’m Jen, your happy hostess for the evening. Hold onto these stickers because they correspond to the gifts we have from Santa. Now get on in here and enjoy the party.”

  Kaleena smiled and thanked her, but she didn’t tell her she’d spoken with her on the phone. The fact that Cody had hung up on her, or rather the other man, was bad enough. She would just enjoy herself. “Come on, Cody. Let’s dance. I feel the need to get my freak on.”

  He cast a glance in the direction of the live band, and she laughed taking his hand.

  “Hey, it’s a beat. Not really what I listen to, but I can move to just about anything.”

  He gave in, and she tugged him toward the middle of the floor. Kaleena snapped her fingers and wiggled her hips to the rhythm. She moved in close to Cody, teasing him, and then backed up. His heated gaze never left her body when she didn’t want it to and locked on her eyes when she caught him there. The entire time, his movements were minimal at best. She laughed and turned her back to him to guide his hands to her hips.

  “Move with me,” she coached him.

  Her ass brushed his thigh, sending a zing of desire coursing through her veins. He dipped his head low, bringing his mouth close to her ear. Kaleena felt like she could slip away until there was no one but the two of them, but she turned her head and took in the crowd. Through the throng of bodies, she spotted a man standing near the wall with a beer in his hand. On his head, he wore a Santa hat, but his clothes were no different in their casual yet sexy appeal than Cody’s. The man focused on her, and when he caught her looking, he raised his bottle. She offered him a friendly smile and looked away.

  A shout went up in the crowd, and a line formed around the tree farther back in the room. “Conga line?” Kaleena laughed. “What the hell. Let’s join them.”

  Cody hung back. “I’m getting a beer.”

  She saw the tension ar
ound his mouth and eyes. He really didn’t like this scene.

  “Okay, mind if I do?”

  “Enjoy.” He walked away. She balled her hands into fists until her fingernails hurt the soft flesh, then ran over to join the others. If Cody wanted to be a bore, he could do it alone. Falling into line with everyone else, she whooped along with them. After that craziness, she didn’t lack for partners, and Cody didn’t return to her side. She caught a glimpse of him cornered by several women and frowned.

  “We can’t have that,” someone said to her left. “A beautiful woman should not frown at a party.”

  She whirled to face the man she’d seen earlier. His blond hair and blue eyes would have been hot even without the broad shoulders, but there was also insincerity in his bearing. Still, she wasn’t there to find a boyfriend, so he might be fun.

  “Are you offering to help me enjoy myself?” Flirting came easy when it meant nothing.

  “I will make it my duty.” He put his hand out, and she took it. They whirled into a dance to the next song, and like she’d done with Cody, this man moved close to her. She retrieved her hand from his grasp and spun around as if it were all a part of her dance. He chuckled, and she knew he wasn’t fooled. “Matt Granger. You are?”

  She missed a step. So this was the guy that made Cody bring her to the party.

  Matt raised his eyebrows. “Did my reputation precede me?”

  “Um, no. I’m Kaleena. Kaleena Morgan. Good to meet you, Matt. Should I be worried about your reputation?”

  He drew her closer with a hand at her waist. “Only if you mind me stealing your heart.”

  Full of ourselves, aren’t we? “Oh, I think I’m good.” She tried getting space between them, but he didn’t allow her to go far. Not that she didn’t enjoy the strong hands and big build of a sexy man, but Matt seemed too confident, like she should fall at his feet and beg him to take her. Not happening, pal.

  At the end of another song, Kaleena fanned herself. “It’s getting pretty hot in here.”

  “Can I get you a beer?”

  “I’m not really a beer person.”

  “Punch then?”

  “Sure, thanks.” She decided to follow him and see if she could get a napkin to wipe down her forehead. Stepping outside might not be a bad idea either. She watched him get her punch and took the offered cup. A sip of the oversweet but ice cold drink helped. Kaleena scanned the room for Cody.

  “If you’re looking for your date, he’s over there.” Matt pointed him out talking to yet another woman. From Kaleena’s angle their bodies looked like they touched, and Cody didn’t appear put off. Bastard.

  “Oh, he’s not my date. Come on. Let’s dance.” She dragged Matt onto the floor again, and he didn’t seem to mind. When he drew her in close until her hips just brushed his upper thighs, she let him. While most people appeared to move in one spot, she and Matt shifted positions. If she didn’t know any better, she would suspect him of dancing her nearer to Cody on purpose. When the cute little pixie hanging on Cody stood on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear, Kaleena had had enough. “Mind if we get some air?”

  “Sure.” Matt led her through the throng, her hand in his. They found their coats and stepped out into the cold winter night. Kaleena hugged herself and shuffled from one foot to the other to generate some heat. Matt led her to an area at the side of the building where a wall blocked off most of the wind. “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded, grateful to him. “Thanks.”

  He rubbed palms up and down her arms with brisk movements. “Why does that thanks sound like surprise? Did you assume I’m the kind of man who thinks only of myself?”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. I don’t know you, but I think you know Cody, right?”

  He hesitated, but she held his attention. “Cody and I were rivals in school. Sometimes I got the girl. Sometimes he did. Simple as that.”


  “That answer it for you?” He reached up to touch a strand of her hair. She resisted ducking away. His answer explained why Cody didn’t want Matt to take her to the party. Their old competition thing rose in him, so it wasn’t really about her. Not that she wanted it to be. She’d made a mistake letting feelings get in the way of dealing with Cody. Then again, what had she expected coming here? She liked him—a lot. What he did for her could not be measured in words or in deeds as far as she was concerned.

  “Yes, that answers it.” She started to pull away, but Matt stopped her with heavy hands on her shoulders.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes, inside I was. All the energy and lights and colors. Everybody is so excited.” Her eyes widened, when she realized how insulting to him she’d just sounded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  “No, don’t apologize. Maybe we can have a little more fun out here.” He stepped forward, but she put her hand up to his chest.

  “Really? You’re sensing me wanting your kiss right now?”

  He froze at her blunt statement, and Kaleena almost laughed.

  “I admit I’m flattered. I like the attention just like any other woman would, but I’m not a fool either. I’ve dated guys like you who are just looking for your next lay.”

  “You don’t know me as we—”

  “I don’t have to know you well.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “So you weren’t going to kiss me?”

  “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” He uncrossed her arms and kissed the fingers of one hand. She pulled to get away, but the pressure increased, just short of hurting her. Matt didn’t know but he was about to get a knee to the balls. She wondered if she should warn him. No, let him find out when he lay in the snow curled up like a little boy. Just as it seemed earlier, his expression reflected that he knew what she thought. More than one woman must have damaged the jewels—or tried. “Tell me you weren’t using me to make him jealous.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  The obvious disbelief irritated her.

  “Cody doesn’t fall for that kind of thing. When a woman he’s seeing tries to make him jealous, he just moves on. His philosophy is if she wants to be with another man, she can. No one woman is as important to him as his next conquest.”

  “Aren’t you just talking about yourself?” Hurt welled up inside of her. She cursed herself for it because she and Cody were not a couple. “I have to go in. My toes are starting to freeze.”

  She began to move around him when he drew her into an embrace and locked his lips on hers long before she saw him coming. His tongue swept the inside of her mouth, and she cringed in disgust. Before she could raise her knee, Matt was wrenched away from her. She gasped finding Cody standing there. He jerked Matt up by the collar and planted a fist in his nose. Matt hit the ground, blood staining his lips, chin, and his coat.

  “Cody!” She glared at him. He had a nerve coming out here acting like he had some kind of rights. For all he knew, she might have wanted Matt’s touch. She gagged thinking of it, but Cody didn’t need to know. “Why did you do that?”

  “I thought you came to a Christmas party,” Cody snapped.

  She put her hands on her hips. “And what?”

  “Shouldn’t you be inside? They’re passing out gifts.”

  She rolled her eyes at him and walked past. Matt was busy shaking his head and pinching his nose. She stepped over him and strode back to the barn with her head held high.

  Once she entered the building, the festivities of the evening held less of an appeal, but she determined she would stick it out and let Cody stew. Only when she realized neither she nor he was making any enjoyable memories, she called it a night. At least her secret Santa had given her a cute bear ornament for the tree she intended to make Cody put up in the living room. In his truck, Kaleena removed her boots and rubbed her feet. She winced at the sore spots.

  “If you want, I can rub them for you when we get home,” Cody offered.

  She stared at him. Hadn’t he mad
e a date or whatever to hook up with one of those women? Or did he tell her to hold off until his unwanted guest left? She chewed her lip thinking it over. “I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

  The steering wheel squeaked under his hold. “I don’t know why you’re so angry at me. Matt has a sort of reputation with the women.”

  “And you don’t?”

  He grunted, never taking his eyes off the dark road. “Not like that.”

  “Please explain it because I’m not sure I understand.” How could he think her anger had anything to do with him hitting that asshole?

  “Nothing’s ever been proven or even gone to court, but Matt doesn’t take no for an answer. I have never forced a woman and never will.”

  Kaleena gasped. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, that’s why I didn’t want him to drive you. I knew he would try something. I thought it safe as long as you two danced.”

  So he had noticed.

  “Then I lost sight of the two of you. I searched all over that damn place.”

  “I can take care of myself. Thanks. After all you were busy having fun of your own.” She swore in silence, not meaning to reveal her jealousy.

  Cody eyed her briefly but said nothing. Kaleena just kept herself from gritting her teeth. The man didn’t give a freaking inch. He could deny it or say “yeah, so what.” Then she could modify this hero image she had of him in her head, which begged the question of whether she felt only gratitude toward him and nothing else. Even her sexual attraction to the man might be no more than infatuation with his kindness last year.

  Yeah, real funny, Kaleena. The man is hung, and he can get you screaming in a hot minute. That ain’t kindness!

  They strode into the house a short while later. She started to her room and stopped to look back at him. “Can you take me to get a tree tomorrow?”

  He frowned. “Isn’t it a little too late?”


  He sighed. “Fine. Anything else?”

  She smiled and walked over to him. Hands on his chest, she tipped her head back. “We should exchange gifts, and if you agree, I can do some shopping for you. Plus, you need to tell me what you want for Christmas dinner, so I can cook it.”


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