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A Dragon's Clutch

Page 19

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  Rolling my eyes, I handed him my container of red and a clean brush. “Here.”

  A contortionists cursed in Mandarin, the seam of her costume torn along her shoulder.

  “See, we are cursed.” He handed me back the red. “I’ve never had so much trouble at a venue. Are you coming to the party tonight?”

  I hissed as something tugged on my braid. Nothing had messed with my braid in Hokkaido. “No, Gavin and Anali would freak. Are you?”

  “For the money he’s offering I would do a lot more than talk to people at a party.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and went back to finish getting ready.

  “Hey, little sister,” Kayin said “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” I said frowning. “Why?”

  “I think he didn’t like you being flirted with.” Shin grinned at his boyfriend, his eyes soft and adoring.

  “He needed some makeup.” I waved my hand brushing off Kayin’s concerns. “Are you guys going out tonight?”

  “Yes, Shin is taking me out for Korean food. Then we are going for a walk in the park.”

  “The cherry blossoms have started to bloom, just the very tops of the trees, but they still smell nice. And who knows how busy we’ll be when the full bloom happens,” Shin said.

  “That is so romantic.” God, they’re so cute. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to squee in happiness or pout in jealousy.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Kayin asked. “I don’t want you to be all alone.”

  “I’ll be fine. Since we are only doing a matinee today I’m going to watch a movie then go to bed early.” Not to mention I was PMS-ing, and Nyota had helped me get a stash of Japanese junk food to try. I didn’t want to share any of it with anyone. At least not until I’d figured what I liked.

  Even though my sleep had been bit more restful without Cartazonon attacking me in my dreams, my own nightmares had come back. I needed to try and sleep before Philip showed up tomorrow and freaked out about how bad I looked. I checked the foundation makeup in the mirror making sure it covered the bags under my eyes and my bruises.

  “You’re not coming to the party?” Sasha asked as he walked over. His face was painted silver and blue for the silks act with Taliesin.

  “No, she is not,” Kayin said before I had a chance to answer.

  I smiled. “Kayin, he’s teasing. Sasha knows I’m not going.”

  “I would look after you if you wanted to come,” Sasha said.

  “Thanks, but I’m good with a movie and going to bed early.”

  The audience’s laughter echoed into the backstage; the clowns must have come out to tease the crowd.

  ‘Show starts in five minutes,” Nyota said rushing past us with her tool box.

  “What is wrong with this place?” Shin asked.

  “It’s cursed,” Sasha said. “And I think it was bored while we were gone, tonight seems to be the worst so far.”

  Another tug on my braid. I gritted my teeth trying to not let it get to me.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I floated in the black, having fallen asleep during the movie. Darn it, I had only tried five of the ten Japanese flavors of Kit Kats that I’d bought. I began to twist my ring. Cartazonon must know that I’m here. I hadn’t been sucked into the blackness for the past few days. The kanji Nara drew on my hand glimmered, the only light in the dark. Yes, okay, singing. I want to be safe. I don’t want Cartazonon to be able to touch me. I tried to keep focused on those thoughts as I began to hum.

  An odd tune began to form, and my throat warmed with power. God, I feel dorky. I lost the tune, and the warmth faded. I focused on what I wanted and started again.

  “Hello,” Cartazonon said, as a room carved from stone began to appear around me.

  I found myself sitting cross legged on the floor, a glowing blue bubble around me. Interesting.

  “I’ve prepared something special for you. After our last encounter I needed to replenish myself. So this is the memory of me feeding yesterday. As you watch it, remember this is your fault. If you had joined me, I wouldn’t need to feed on magical creatures. If you hadn’t fought me, I wouldn’t have needed to feed as much.” A griffin strapped to a stone table appeared. Its lion’s tail slashed through the air, and the tips of its eagle wings fluttered. “Lee will be speaking for me. Between pulling out the power and life from the griffin and remembering everything well enough to share with you, I don’t want to be distracted. What I go through for you is truly astounding.”

  “No,” I whispered, my protection fading. I began humming again, grateful Cartazonon wasn’t able to recreate the griffin’s emotions in the memory. The fear and pain in its golden eyes was difficult enough to bear.

  “Why are you humming Brahms’ Lullaby? Never mind. This griffin has managed to avoid me for centuries. If you turn to the right, you’ll see his family.”

  My voice shook and the blue shield wavered.

  Cartazonon walked towards me, pulling on long leather gloves. “Come now, turn and look at his mate and cub.” He reached for me. His hand hit the barrier, and it flared. Hissing, he pulled back. “Trying to use Phoenix song. A bold move. Let’s see if you can keep your focus during this memory.”

  General Lee walked into the memory Cartazonon was forcing me to watch. A thick scar ran down one side of Lee’s face, the same place I’d seen him injured in Lee’s memory. “We’re going to put on a show today. Normally Kahn Cartazonon would drain you quickly. He has no need or desire for your pain and suffering, but we have to show the Phoenix Jewel what she is choosing,” Lee said.

  The griffin screeched.

  Grey wrinkled hands set his crystal necklace in the metal basin. I knew from past dreams the metal came from melted down Akashic artifacts. The metal created a web over the table which Cartazonon used to remove the power and life from his victims.

  “Isn’t he a stunning creature?” Cartazonon said. “The power I got from him restored me to my full strength and health after our last time together.”

  “You need to scream,” Lee said, his thin dark eyes cold and intense. “Beg Sapphire, the Phoenix Jewel, to save your mate and cub. Plead for their lives. Tell her how much this hurts. And maybe we’ll let them go.”

  “You won’t,” said the griffin in growly chirps. “You will kill them anyway.”

  “Maybe. Are you willing to risk that to save your pride?” Lee asked.

  The griffin began to glow. His power and life swirled in golds and whites. The energy began to be pulled along the Akashic metal web and into Cartazonon’s crystal.

  The beautiful half eagle half lion stiffened and began to shake.

  “Daddy,” chirped a small voice. “Stop it. Stop hurting my daddy.”

  “Don’t look,” said his mother. A long pain-filed moan filled the air.

  Tears filled my eyes as muffled sobs came from behind me.

  “Remember this is your fault.” Cartazonon gestured to the tortured griffin. “Your doing. Because you injured me. Because you won’t join me.”

  The griffin gasped, arched, then screamed. The crystal of Cartazonon’s necklace began to glow with stolen life.

  The cub cried. “Please let my daddy go. Please stop hurting my daddy.”

  The griffin opened his eyes. “I love you, son.”

  I choked on a sob. The shield broke. Cartazonon leapt at me, forcing me to turn and see the baby wrapped in its mother’s wings. I clawed at Cartazonon’s arm wrapped in my hair. My nails squeaked against the leather gloves he wore.

  “Look at her, trying to be so brave,” Cartazonon said. “So proud and beautiful. I wonder if these are the last griffins on earth.”

  Tears ran over her yellow beak. Her eyes focused on her husband offering him love and support.

  “This could be stopped by the Phoenix Jewel,” Lee said. “Beg Sapphire to save your mate and cub. Beg her and we will let them live long enough for Sapphire to save.”

  She shook her head as her wings tightened around their crying son.r />
  Cartazonon tightened his grip on my hair and turned me so I had to look at the griffin.

  “Please.” His voice deep and sharp with pain. “Please don’t let them die.”

  “Say her name,” Lee demanded.

  “Sapphire, please save my wife and child.” He arched, screeching as the last of his life was ripped from him.

  His wife and child screeched in anger and sorrow.

  I pulled in as much Phoenix energy as possible. Cartazonon snarled and yanked my head back but I stayed focused, pooling the energy in my hands and throat. Then I screamed. Energy exploded around me, cracking the memory in the dreamscape. Through the cracks I saw Cartazonon as a young man learning to fight. Lee’s grin broadened as he attacked his friend. Cartazonon with a fist full of red hair as he ran through a Viking with his sword before turning to attack another one. A baby unicorn dancing around its mother as it chased a butterfly in a field of wild flowers.

  Blinking, I stared at the unicorn. What was this? I looked in the memory and couldn’t find Cartazonon anywhere.

  “Stop! Those damn Zuni witches told me there would be consequences to pulling you into my dreams, but reliving my past is not what I had expected to do.” He shook me. “Listen, I have something important to say.”

  “Sapphire has two weeks to save you.” Lee walked over to the mother and child. “In two weeks either the Phoenix Jewel will come in here and set you free, or you will die.”

  “Of course she will save us,” said the little boy. “She’s the Jewel of the Phoenix King and Queen. She won’t let us die.”

  “Hush,” said his mother. “Whatever you want from her, it isn’t good. Not for her, or us, or Akasha. She has more lives depending on her than the two of us.”

  “How noble, do you think your words of understanding will ease her guilt? Will it make it easier for her to walk away from you and your child?”

  “No, because she has compassion. This will hurt her, as all cruelty should. But a leader must make hard choices, and I understand.”

  “And your son?” Lee asked. “What do you want, young cub?”

  He lifted his head. His beak wet with tears. “I want my daddy and mommy to be proud of me. Don’t come for us, Sapphire.” His chirps cracked and wobbled with fear. “It’s okay, I understand.”

  “They’re still alive,” Cartazonon said. “You have the power to save them.”

  My breath hitched as Lee and General Senach grabbed the griffin and pulled her into a cell. The steel bars clanged shut. Senach still had a white streak in his copper hair from when I had hit him with Phoenix energy the first time I had opened a portal. The two powerful generals looked at memory Cartazonon.

  “Is there anything else you need, Khan?” asked Lee.

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.”

  “Melusine asked to speak to you,” Senach said. “Said something about knowing how to make all your dreams come true.”

  Lee snorted. “Yes, she said the same thing when we first found her.”

  The memory faded.

  “Do you see the time I am giving you?” Cartazonon asked. “Teenagers, they appreciate nothing. Get out of here and think about what I’ve said.”

  Gasping, I opened my eyes and looked around my room. I turned, a moan escaping my body. My throat ached from screaming earlier. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t give in to Cartazonon, but how could I let them die? Did I have a choice? The little griffin’s cries filled my memory. Sitting up, I gasped. My head yanked back. Turning, I didn’t see anyone. I reached back and grabbed my braid. It tightened around my arm.

  “I am done with this.” I freed my hair and went to the drawers and began to dig through them. “Yes.” I pulled out the knife Shin had given me for my sixteenth birthday. Using the knife, I cut my braid off. “Try grabbing my hair now, asshole.”

  My tears fell onto the braid. Oh God, what have I done? My braid fell to the floor. I looked into the mirror. My black and red curls hung in uneven chunks around my jaw. I ran my fingers through my hair, shocked when they fell out so quickly. My hands shook as I put the knife away.

  “You need to burn the hair,” the Muto family guardian said. “It can be used against you.”

  I nodded and wiped away my tears. “Thank you.” I pulled a beanie on and went downstairs to the fireplace.

  * * *

  An hour ago people had started coming back to the ryokan. Laughter, footsteps, and voices filtered through the walls and floors. I relaxed a little as I worked on my schoolwork. Nyota had texted me asking if I needed anything once she and Michael were finally done checking all the rigging. With all the strange experiences at the theater they wanted to be sure our equipment was in working order. I had thanked her and said I was fine. I wasn’t ready to explain what I had done to my hair. And how in the world do I tell them about the griffins?

  “Sapphire,” Sasha called knocking on my door.

  “Hold on.” I tucked all my hair into my beanie and slid open the door a little bit. “Is everything okay? It’s only a little after ten. I expected you to be out later.”

  Sasha sighed and ran his hand through his honey blond hair streaked with red. “Can I come in?”

  I bit my lip. “Yeah, of course. Just don’t freak out okay?” I slid open the door breathing deeply to deal with the sadness and loneliness coming from Sasha.

  “What happened in here?”

  “Um, so Japan has like a ton of Kit Kat flavors and I wanted to try them.” I picked up empty wrappers which I had tossed on the floor.

  “How many flavors did you get?”

  “Only ten.”

  “Only.” Sasha raised an eyebrow. “This much sugar is going to make you sick.”

  “I have Doritos which are salty to balance the sugar,” I said holding up three bags.

  Sasha chuckled. “What flavors are those? They don’t look like normal Doritos.”

  “Well, they had a lot of those to choose from too; I got butter and soy sauce, winter crab pizza, and coconut curry.”

  “Those sound interesting,” Sasha said, his amusement obvious. Underneath I felt his sadness and confusion.

  “Want to join me?”

  “Sure, but if I’m sick tomorrow, I’ll hold you responsible.” He grabbed the butter and soy sauce chips and sat on my futon in the middle of my ring of junk food.

  “Do you want to watch a movie?” I saved my school work and closed the file.

  “Seriously, you’re here all upset, binging on junk food and doing school work?” Sasha bit into a chip, his eyes widened. “That’s not bad.”

  “Gavin and Anali keep an eye on my school work. A few months ago when I fell behind they started to worry.”

  “So now instead of wallowing in your depression and people realizing there is something wrong, you’re faking being okay and hiding how depressed you are.” Sasha raise an eyebrow at me and shoved another chip in his mouth.

  “So should I go out and party and sleep with random people instead?” I asked, grabbing another blueberry cheesecake Kit Kat. “Does that make you feel better?”

  Sasha flopped back onto the futon. “No, it doesn’t. I mean sex is fun, but I feel more alone afterward.”

  I waited for a moment then asked, “What happened at the party?”

  “It started out fine. Everyone was dressed nice and having fun. The food was amazing. Guests kept coming up and talking to us. You know I like to be admired.” Sasha turned a winked at me. “Then I saw Vladimir, my old teacher. He was an amazing ballet dancer. He taught me so much. I wanted to be him when I grew up.”

  “What is he doing in Japan?”

  “He’s teaching. He was recruited by a ballet school here. He was a guest at the party, not paid to be there, but actually invited.” Sasha ran his hands through his hair. “I was so embarrassed. Not by being part of the circus. But being paid to be a guest. Vladimir taught us to have respect for ourselves. To not allow people to use us. To not disrespect ourselves by
sleeping around with people who want to bed a dancer.”

  I slid my hand into his.

  “He looked so disappointed in me.” A tear ran down Sasha’s cheek. “Once he realized I was there as a paid guest, he told me he expected better from me. That I held such promise, such talent and he didn’t want me to waste it. He’s coming to the show tomorrow night.”

  “I’m sure he’ll enjoy watching you perform. I always do,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess so. I hope so. But what am I going to do about the rest?”

  “Well, you’re hurting from what happened with your parents and trying to avoid what you’re feeling.”

  “True,” Sasha said.

  “So maybe admit what you’re feeling and try and heal from it.”


  I shrugged. “You’re asking me? I’m a mess.”

  “But you’re such a pretty mess. Except for that hat.” Sasha snagged the beanie off my head. The ends of my hair fluttered along my jaw. “What did you do to your hair?”

  “You promised not to freak out.”

  He ran his fingers over my hair. “I thought you were talking about the junk food. What happened?”

  “A bad dream.”

  “A bad dream made you hack your hair off?” He looked me over. “You need to get your hair fixed. What did you use to cut it?”

  “The knife Shin gave me. I cut my braid off.” The cries of the little griffin echoed in my head. “So, see I’m not going to be much help. But Philip will be able to help. He runs some support group in San Francisco.”

  “Okay, so we can have support group meetings along with planning meetings.” Fluffing the pillows, he leaned back. “Come on, let’s watch a movie and snuggle. I don’t feel like being alone and I am not leaving you alone tonight. Who knows what else you might do.”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled, setting up my laptop. “What should we watch?”

  “Spirited Away. Maybe it’ll give us clues as to other magical beings we’ll find here.”

  That and Sasha loved Spirited Away. “Do you think we’ll meet a radish spirit?” I asked. I hit play and settled back into Sasha, opening the winter crab pizza Doritos. “Oh, those are weird. I’m not sure if I like them or not.”


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