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A Dragon's Clutch

Page 29

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  Each of them made eye contact with me, checking to make sure it was okay if they left me. I smiled at them. Zennyo Ryūō wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Come, Jewel, this won’t take long.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Zennyo Ryūō looked over the baskets and carts full of their most precious things. “Where did they put my things?” His claws clicked as he hunted through his belongings. “Yes.”

  He pulled a sword from a cart handing it to me. My fingers wrapped around the black lacquered scabbard. I held it in both hands, the dragon magic rolling through me. I arched an eyebrow.

  “Open it.” He grinned at me. If his happiness hadn’t been bubbling around me, the sharp toothy grin would have made me nervous.

  The edge shone in the light, waves of silver steel edged with blue and green created from the heating and folding of the metal. I ran my finger over the etching of a dragon on the blade. It was beautiful and powerful and, I had no idea what to do with it.

  I slid it back in the scabbard then wrapped my arms around Zennyo Ryūō neck.

  “You’re welcome, little Jewel. I hope it serves you well.”

  How do I use it? What power does it have? Why are you giving it to me? Didn’t you say you like to send magic blades into the world to cause trouble? Is this a gift or a practical joke?

  “Are you part dragon? I think I see smoke coming from your ears.” Zennyo Ryūō chuckled. “I am sure all the questions you have will be answered eventually. Now come, it’s time for me to go home.”

  Arching an eyebrow, I followed him back to the others. Wise men who leave you with riddles. This never goes well in the movies.

  I washed, per Miu’s Shinto ritual, and sat in front of the others the sword across my lap. The tengu began to put out the incense. The Gaki moaned.

  “If you need anything, I’ll be back here out of the way,” Philip said. “Probably freaking out a little bit.”

  I grinned at him. He’d studied these creatures, written books about them, but the way he was acting I doubted he’d ever seen them in person. His excitement zinged around him.

  “Okay, Sasha, Kayin, and I will connect to Akasha then we’ll put our hands on your shoulders,” Miu explained to her brother and grandparents. “Use our connection to start your own. Once you feel connected put a hand on Sapphire’s back and she’ll do the rest.”

  “Oh, this is so exciting,” said Grandmother.

  “We should hurry. Taliesin looks like he could use some help.” Grandfather pointed to where he stood between a tengu and a dragon clutching an egg the size of a large watermelon whose shell looked to be made from opal. The dragon hissed and the tengu started to draw his sword.

  I waved and Shin ran over and knelt next to me, stared into my eyes, and stood. “King Sōjōbō, would you please ask your warriors to stand closer to you? Tensions are running high, and Sapphire cannot concentrate enough to open the portal if there is fighting going on.”

  He bowed then screeched, the tengu moving behind him. The dragons tightened the circle around the red dragon and their eggs.

  Miu’s family gasped. The warmth of Akashic energy grew behind me. Hiroshi placed his hand on my shoulder. Phoenix energy poured from him, along with the energy of the spell. I couldn’t get a good feel for that magic, it kept shifting and dancing in erratic patterns. I didn’t have time to think about it as two more hands settled on my back. The heat and force of Phoenix energy filled my body and my thoughts.

  I gasped and closed my eyes. Without Taliesin's moonlight cool energy to help balance it, the intensity pushed against the edge of too much to handle. Power and light exploded from my palms and hit the gateway stone.

  The Gaki screamed, now awake and realizing where it was. The portal opened, a large circle of purple and white light framing a view of Akasha. A meadow of bright flowers and above, a deep turquoise sky with a ribbon of sunset along the horizon.

  Keeping one hand focused on feeding the portal, I used the other to surround the Gaki with Phoenix fire. The beast screamed.

  “Go.” I thought trying to send my thoughts to the soul of the enraged beast. “You must go into the portal. We’ve done all we can, and now you must help yourself.”

  As if weighted down, the Gaki fought herself and step by step went to the portal. The souls covering her flowed around her in an angry swarm, then one burst free. The ball of green light went over to the tengu king. The girl from the vision appeared before him then changed from human to tengu.

  “My beloved daughter. I am so sorry I failed you for all these years. I did not know.”

  She reached out and stroked his cheek. Her form faded and she floated into the night sky.

  Soul after soul joined her. Some headed straight into the night, others took their human forms and bowed in thanks before leaving. The Gaki lay on the ground, her claws digging into the soil as she pulled herself through the portal.

  “Welcome home,” Aya said holding out her hand to the Gaki. “We will help you heal.”

  I focused the power flowing through me back onto the gateway stone.

  “We should go next,” demanded Sōjōbō. “We will be faster than the lizards, and we helped far more with the Gaki then they did.”

  Mizuchi tilted his head. “Please go ahead.”

  The tengu king narrowed his eyes and waved one of his people forward. None of them moved.

  “What is this,” Sōjōbō screeched looking between the dragons and me. “How dare you.”

  “Come,” said Kiyohime cradling a blue and green egg. It began to glow as she stepped closer to the portal. “Let’s get our eggs home.”

  “Good-bye, my Jewel. How I do wish I could take you with me.”

  I waved to Zennyo Ryūō as he pulled his cart after him into Akasha.

  The tengu screamed, cawed, and cursed at us as the magical beings of Japan walked past them. Taliesin’s forehead glowed, lighting up the drops of sweat on his skin. He focused his magic to ensure centuries old hatred wouldn’t develop into a battle between far too many of these creatures.

  “Brother,” called Shamash stepping out from the portal. He looked all around. I hadn’t seen him since the night he was forced to block me from Akasha. I focused on the ground as he walked past me.

  “I feel my brother’s magic on you, young one,” Shamash said kneeling next to Hiroshi.

  “Um, Nara helped me change the tattoo the tengu gave me,” Hiroshi said, his voice an uncertain whisper.

  “Tell me.”

  I kept the portal open so others could cross through. Hiroshi explained about the magic spell the tengu had planned to weave into his back, and how Nara had helped us. My stomach fluttered with nervousness. Would he talk to me? What would he say? What would I say? Oh, wait, nothing because I damaged my vocal cords beating the crap out of Cartazonon.

  Shamash chuckled, the sound a musical delight which sparked along my spine. “I thought my brother was helping you; Loki was always a fan of disguises and loves to play a good joke. I suppose I need to deal with my disreputable cousins.”

  I watched him walk by me, his hair flowing around his shoulders the same brilliant shade of red as Gavin’s and the streaks in Kayin and my black curls. The part of me reacting like a scared unwanted group home kid held onto that connection.

  “Sōjōbō, it’s been a long time,” Shamash said.

  “It was a joke. Come on, your little Jewel would have been able to get the dragons and the eggs to another portal.” The tengu king stood still while Shamash stared at him. “Fine. I got caught, but it was my call, my choice. My people did nothing. I can’t believe Uesugi Kenshin ruined everything, it used to be we would work together.”

  “Well, I’m taking it as a good sign. Maybe this means he’s grown up and will be helping my granddaughter and her family.”

  Sōjōbō’s eyes widened. I guess he hadn’t thought of me as Shamash’s grandchild.

  “Yes, well, what now?”

  “Now I nullify the spell
Loki used so you can all cross the portal. But we will have to have a discussion later.” Shamash left the tengu and knelt behind Hiroshi. “I can’t have you break the connection to the others. May I lift your shirt? I need to see the spell.”

  “Okay.” Hiroshi’s fingers tightened on my shoulder.

  “His back is glowing,” Sasha said.

  “Yes, it’s the spell. I see what I need to do. This shouldn’t hurt.”

  Hiroshi gasped and the energy changed. The shifting magic almost seemed to laugh as it danced away. The tengu began to move, rushing to the portal before it closed against them again.

  “We’ll keep it open until you’re all through,” Shamash said his voice calm.

  Sōjōbō stood and watched us as his people went through the portal pushing carts and carrying woven baskets filled with their most prized possessions, except for all the books and scrolls they had to leave for Hiroshi.

  “It’s time. Those are the last of your people,” Shamash said.

  “Yes,” agreed Sōjōbō. “I will miss this place, but it is time to return home. Will you join me?”

  “Shortly. I need to speak to my grandchildren.”

  “Very well.” He turned then bowed to Aya as he passed her. “My queen.”

  “Sōjōbō,” she said with barely a glance. “My precious Sapphire, how I’ve missed you.”

  Tears filled my eyes.

  “I am so sorry,” Shamash said as he moved to sit in front of me. “I wish there had been another way.”

  I nodded.

  “What’s wrong?” Aya asked.

  “She lost her voice,” Shin said. “In a dream, she used Phoenix song to hurt Cartazonon.”

  “Granddaughter, you can’t use your Phoenix song as a weapon while in human form.” Shamash reached out for me then pulled back. “I can’t help you. If I touch you or heal you, your connection to Akasha will return and Cartazonon will be able to use your dreams to get to Akasha.”

  I looked at Shin, my eyes wide.

  “She understands,” Shin said for me.

  Shamash frowned. “Part of you understands.”

  I shrugged. It was true, but seeing them again helped.

  “Talking to you now, it is helping her. And we will help Sapphire remember how much you love her when her fears get the better of her,” Shin said.

  “Thank you, young man.” Shamash smiled and stood. “I am so proud of all of you, my grandchildren. And Taliesin, good job keeping everyone in line. I’m glad you were free to do your job this time. It would have become violent without you.”

  “Thank you sir,” Taliesin said.

  “My brother is helping you, but is choosing to remain hidden. Who knows what else is going on in his head?” Shamash sighed. “I also need you to find Milchan, our fourth brother. Even before the portals closed, I’d been searching for Milchan for almost one hundred years.”

  Aya reached out and took her husband’s hand. Her rich copper fingers and his milk white ones curled around each other. I looked at my own hands, beneath the flames my skin color was a perfect blend of theirs. “Our Sapphire will find him. She found and freed Quetzalcoatl, she’s gotten the attention of Loki, and I know she’ll rescue Milchan.”

  “You are right, my darling.” Shamash kissed the back of her hand. “Sapphire, our Jewel, even though we can’t be together right now, you are in our thoughts.”

  A tear dripped down my cheek. I waited until they had crossed into Akasha, then turned to Taliesin.

  “We’re all done,” he said.

  Taking a deep breath, I released my connection to Akasha and placed my palms on my knees. The energy faded as the others dropped their hands and broke the connection.

  “Holy shit. That was Shamash and Aya,” Nyota said.

  “I can’t believe it,” said Grandmother who started to cry, her husband joining her.

  “Philip, did you see that,” Michael said. “I mean, oh, my God, did you see?”

  “It was kind of hard to miss.”

  “Are you ready, little sister?”

  I opened my eyes and did my best to ground myself before taking one of Kayin’s hands and letting him pull me up, holding onto my sword with the other.

  “Do you feel any Sons of Belial?” Shin asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Come on,” said Nyota. “We have a cart waiting in the parking lot and rooms in the village waiting for us.”

  “We told them we are filming a movie,” Michael said.

  “I get to be the star,” Sasha called out as he pulled on his stuck up ballet dancer persona.

  “What?” said Philip. “As if anyone would pick you for a romantic lead. It’s me obviously.”

  “I think Kayin and I should be the leads. There are too many white hetero movies out there,” Shin said.

  “How long do you think they’ll argue over a fake movie?” Taliesin asked.

  I shrugged and watched as Nyota grabbed Miu and began arguing for them being the romantic couple.

  We walked into the village and froze. People were standing in front of each of the buildings.

  “What’s happening?” Kayin asked.

  “I’ll ask,” said Hiroshi. He bowed to the couple standing in front of the netsuke shop. They spoke for a moment then he came back over. “They are taking over the village. They have all trained with the dragons and become master crafters.”

  “Why weren’t they here before?” Sasha asked.

  “The dragons knew we were coming and didn’t trust us. The last Children of Fire who came to their village stole some of the eggs. They weren’t going to risk their apprentices too.”

  “Oh, well that makes sense,” Michael said.

  “Do we need to do anything?” Philip asked.

  “No, they are here to see us off,” said Hiroshi.

  My face was on fire the entire walk through the village. All of the people bowed low as we passed.

  “Well that was uncomfortable,” said Miu as we walked under the dragon’s torii gate. In the clearing sat a wooden cart pulled by two horses.

  “Why couldn’t you get a van?” asked Sasha as he climbed into the back.

  “The villagers know the rules and wouldn’t let us,” said Nyota who followed him.

  Michael and the grandparents sat on the bench in the front. The rest of us piled into the back. At first we tried to respect personal space and boundaries but after a few bumps in the road we relaxed and formed a puppy pile.

  Smiling, I listened to Hiroshi and his grandparents recount every detail of the evening, with Philip, Nyota, and Michael chiming in. Their excitement and joy was infectious and soon we all retold our favorite bits. Well, they did. I was silent. Taliesin tugged on my sleeve moving me until I laid my head on his chest. I snuggled against him, enjoying his calm energy and warmth. Happiness settled into me like a soft blanket.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “How are you feeling, Khan?” Lee asked stepping over several bodies tossed on the dungeon floor.

  His friend's voice echoed in Cartazonon’s head and even though he knew Lee wasn’t shouting the volume made his ears ache. His whole body hurt. He would need to sleep for days as his bones mended, organs healed, and his blood regenerated. He had pulled the life and magic from the two griffins, a vampire, and three brownies, so at least now he had the energy to heal and maintain his empire.

  “A portal opened in Japan,” Cartazonon said.

  “Do you want us to go?” Lee asked.

  “No, I don’t have enough energy if something goes wrong, and it always seems to go wrong lately.” His long, wrinkled, shaking fingers rubbed at his temples. “We need to regroup and figure out what to do.”

  “Well, maybe you’re finally ready to listen to me then,” said an old woman from inside one of the dungeons cells.

  “Melusine.” Cartazonon had imprisoned her back in December after the battle at Avalon. She’d betrayed him trying to gain immortality by herself, and after all he’d done for her.
“What do you want?”

  “I want to be young again. I want to get out of this cell. And the only way to do that is to help you gain complete access to Akasha.” There was no use lying to him. Cartazonon always knew.

  “And why would I believe you can help me?” Cartazonon asked.

  “Because I know Earth magic. You might know all about Akashic magic and magical beings but you’ve ignored everything Earth based, which I specialize in,” she said. Her eyes filled with greed and hope of finally getting her power and wealth back.

  “I’ll have to think about it. I can’t talk right now. I’ll need time to heal.”

  Lee held out his arm and Cartazonon took it to help balance himself.

  “Lee, move her to a secure guest room and get her cleaned up. I don’t want to talk to her while she looks and smells like this.”

  “I live to serve, Khan.”

  “You won’t regret this Cartazonon,” Melusine called. “Soon all the power in Akasha will be yours.”

  * * *

  “And you’re okay?” Gavin asked from my computer screen.

  I patted my arms and torso as if looking for injuries. My phone chirped. Oh, thank God.

  “We just worry,” Anali said. “We talked with everyone else and heard what happened.”

  I held my hands close together then pulled them apart.

  “So you think they exaggerated,” Anali said. “But we think you are downplaying what happened.”

  I flailed my arms. Two days later and I still wasn’t able to speak except for the occasional whisper.

  “Yes, you did tell us everything but you typed it out like a police report,” Gavin said.

  I crossed my arms and glared at them. I loved my aunt and uncle, but they needed to calm down. And the others needed to stop exaggerating how much danger I was in.

  “I am here to save the day,” Shin said as he slid the shoji screen open and walked into the room. He sat next to me in a graceful slither. Pressing his forehead to mine he peered into my eyes. He still thought it was amusing, brat.

  Gavin and Anali chuckled.

  Don’t encourage him!


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