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Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4)

Page 22

by J. H. Croix

  Today had been eye opening in more ways than one. I’d meant it emphatically when I said sex was boring. Because it had been. Until Liam got a hold of me. We hadn’t even technically had sex, but I knew beyond even the thought of a shadow of doubt that going further with him would be unlike anything I’d ever imagined. I nearly threw the soap into its dish and splashed water on my face. Nothing nudged my mind off the madness Liam elicited though, so I climbed out of the tub and ran my wrists under cold water, a quick trick to cool the body down. I supposed I did cool off, but when I was lying in bed, I could feel the pulse of my channel and the slick heat there.

  Chapter 9


  I rolled up one last time and rested my head on my knees, my breath coming in steady heaves. I’d just finished a round of one hundred sit-ups.

  “Well, your knee hasn’t affected your stamina a bit,” Tim Maxwell commented from beside me.

  I lifted my head and snagged a towel on the mat. Wiping my face, I looked over at him. “Definitely not. Never thought I’d be bloody happy to grind through sit-ups, but it feels damn good to finally put some work into something.”

  Tim flashed a grin. He was my assigned physical therapist and was basically my shadow whenever I was in the gym. The clinic offered physical therapy on site and off. I opted for both because I wanted to make sure I didn’t do something stupid when I was with the team for workouts, and I also wanted any chance I could get to encounter Olivia at the clinic. I leaned back on my hands and looked over at Tim. “Anyone ever mention you might as well be the model for that American doll? What the hell is it called?” I asked.

  Tim flashed another grin, showing off his nearly perfect pearly whites. With his blonde hair, he was a dead ringer. “You must mean the Ken doll. My boyfriend teases me about looking like that all the time. I keep telling him my eyes are brown, not blue.”

  I rolled onto my hip and pushed myself to standing. “I bet he bloody well does.” I snagged a bottle of water and gulped some down before looking back to Tim who’d stood up with me. “What now?”

  “Let’s get you onto the treadmill,” he said, gesturing for me to follow as he headed over a row of exercise machines.

  We were at the clinic, so I wasn’t as familiar with the equipment here. My gut coiled with slight anxiety. I was torn inside about how to feel as I’d gotten started with my physical therapy. On the one hand, I was in a blazing hurry to be fully recovered. On the other hand, I was dealing with an unfamiliar anxiety about not pushing my knee too far or too fast. I didn’t want to blow my recovery by getting impatient. I hated the anxious feeling because anxiety wasn’t something I experienced often, especially when it came to playing.

  I ignored the feeling and followed Tim. He stopped by one of the machines and glanced back at me. “What’s up?” he asked, his eyes scanning my face. “Are you in any pain?”

  “Nah. I’m fine. I, ah… Well, are you sure my knee’s ready to try running?” I finally asked.

  Tim leaned his shoulder on the machine and nodded. “You could run right now, but we’re only starting with some walking today. I’d like you to pick up your pace a little. This machine is almost a combo treadmill and elliptical. It’s got a much lower swing than most ellipticals, but it takes the weight off your stride unlike a treadmill.” He paused, his gaze considering. “I’d be nervous if I were you, but I promise I wouldn’t suggest it if you weren’t ready. You’re a world-class athlete and you need this recovery to succeed. It will. Also, don’t forget going too slow can hamper your recovery as well. We need your muscle memory to hold and prevent your muscles from trying to accommodate for the injury.”

  My logical brain knew every word Tim said made sense, but it didn’t erase my trepidation. I took a deep breath and nodded. I was beyond relieved that Tim and I got along. I’d liked him the first time I met him. He didn’t hesitate to push me, but he was gracious and supportive. I’d been lucky so far in my years of playing and had yet to deal with physical therapy, but I’d heard about it from teammates. Ethan Walsh, another of my mates to be sent here from Britain, had suffered through a torn ACL last year and referred to his PT guy as his physical terrorist. I was bloody relieved to click with Tim and trust him. With that in mind, I followed his guidance and stepped onto the machine. He showed me how to adjust the speed and a few other settings and got me started.

  A short while later, I walked out of the changing room, relieved to have easily gotten through the fast-paced walking Tim had me start. It felt so painless, I’d tried to persuade him I should step it up to an actual running speed. He’d firmly declined with a roll of his eyes. Another thing I liked about him was he had no problem standing up to me.

  I paused in the area where the hallways intersected at the clinic. Olivia’s office was down a hall to my left, while her usual examination room was down a different hall to the right. She’d been ignoring my texts, so I was driven to find her, so driven it should have rattled me. I kept telling myself it was about sex because that was the easy answer to my attraction to her. It wasn’t that sex wasn’t part of the equation, but more that there was a part of me drawn to her on such an elemental level, it struck me at my core. I glanced from left to right and back, contemplating my best option to see her. I settled on going to her office because there would be no one else to navigate there. If I went to the area where the examination rooms were, I’d have to check in with the receptionist, and I knew there might be questions because I didn’t have an appointment. I also had no reason for an appointment. Knowing Olivia’s tendency to be proper, I didn’t want to give her more reason to push me away much as it went against my grain. I bloody loved getting under her skin like that. Not because I thought it was the least bit improper, but because I liked seeing her riled, and I oddly liked when she tried to hold onto her prim and proper side.

  I reached the door to her office. The usual me would boldly open the door and step inside. I wasn’t confident she’d be there, but I felt a thread of uncertainty inside. I wasn’t used to wanting someone so much. It wasn’t just the physical desire, but that I wanted to see her smile, to see the tight lines of her face soften and to hold her close. I shifted my shoulders and almost turned away, but the pull was too strong. I rapped quickly on the door and was surprised to hear her call for me to come in. Well, she didn’t know it was me just yet. As I reached for the doorknob, my entire body tightened in anticipation and a curl of happiness rolled through me. I didn’t know what it was about her, but it was pure joy to be around her.

  I opened to door and stepped through, closing and locking it so quickly I hoped she wouldn’t notice. Olivia hadn’t even looked up. She was seated in a chair at her desk, leaning forward to read something on her screen. A few curls had fallen loose from the knot atop her head. I itched to walk over and untie that knot and run my hands through her silky curls. I took a few steps into the room, wondering when she’d notice me. I was at her desk by the time she did. She clicked something on her keyboard and spun in her chair to glance up. Her gorgeous green eyes widened and a flush rose on her cheeks.

  “Liam. I, um…” She paused and bit her lip, which sent a jolt of lust straight to my groin. She gave her head a shake, which sent another curl unspooling to dangle along her cheek. “I didn’t know you were stopping by,” she finally said after a few beats.

  She surprised me by standing up and coming around the desk. Crossing her arms, she leaned her hip against the desk and pinned her eyes on me, her expression going all serious and stern. I loved it.

  “You haven’t replied to my texts,” I said by way of greeting.

  Olivia’s mouth tightened further, but her cheeks flushed a lovely cherry red. “Liam, we can’t…” Her words trailed off and she looked straight at me. “You know I can’t do this! You’re my patient and you’re a crazy famous soccer star. What do you want with me anyway? You can have your pick of women.”

  She stood maybe three feet away from me. I closed the distance in two
strides and stopped just in front of her. Her scent drifted to me, a hint of honey and sweetness. My cock hardened. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m not your patient anymore. If I was, I’d have an appointment with you, and you know I don’t.” I paused to gauge her response and was satisfied to see her eyes narrow, but she didn’t say a word. “As for the rest, that’s nonsense. I’m just a man and I want you. Only you.”

  I heard my words and distantly wondered why I wasn’t startled by them. I should’ve been. I was stumbling headlong into a madness of my own making here. I didn’t want ‘one’ woman ever. I hewed to keeping relationships quite casual and appreciated the side perk of being a recognized sports star, which offered ample casual opportunities. Oh, there were plenty of women looking for more, but I avoided them like the plague. I wasn’t the worst of my mates, certainly not. I minded my business and made sure every woman left my bed thoroughly satisfied.

  But Olivia. She was something else altogether. I wanted her with a ferocity I didn’t recognize, and I couldn’t have turned away from it if I tried. She was quiet, her eyes pinned to me. I reached for her, curling my palms over her forearms and slowly unfolding them. I slid my hands down until I reached hers and held them in mine. My heart was pounding—a hard, fast beat against my ribs. I idly stroked a thumb over the soft skin of her wrist, feeling the flutter of her pulse underneath.

  Her breath drew in sharply and her eyes stayed locked on mine. She was in her scrubs again today, a bright blue pair that contrasted with her dark hair and creamy complexion. She shifted on her feet. “Liam, this is crazy,” she finally said with a soft sigh.

  I shook my head and freed one of her hands to lift mine and give into the urge to untie her hair. With a flick, the curls tumbled loose around her shoulders. Sweet hell. With her hair down, she nearly took my breath away. Her curls were a dark, wild riot. They hinted at the passion she tried so hard to hide. I sifted my hand through them, savoring the feel of her silky locks sliding through my fingers. I stepped closer and slid my other hand down her spine, pulling her close against me. I could feel ripples running through her body, while mine was tight as a drum, my cock so hard I could hardly bear it. But bear it I would. Because the challenge Olivia offered only grew more tempting.

  I wasn’t accustomed to having to do anything on someone else’s terms, but as much as I wanted to rush this, I knew I couldn’t. Olivia would knock me back, no matter how tempted she was. So, I wouldn’t rush, but I wasn’t leaving her office without at least another taste of her lips.

  I slowly leaned back, just far enough to loosen my hand from her curls and remove her glasses, setting them on the desk beside us. The air around us was heavy, laden with the pulsing beat of desire. I wanted to think I was in control, but the truth was, it was just barely. I felt as if I was freefalling. Pausing to look down at her, I threaded my hand into her hair again and dipped my head. Even though it took every ounce of discipline I had, I moved slowly. I could hardly have stood it if she didn’t let me kiss her, but for some reason I had to know she wanted it enough not to push me away.

  Olivia’s eyes darkened to a deep green, and her breath came in shallow gasps. She startled me when she slipped her hand up around my neck and yanked me to her, pausing when my lips were but a whisper away from hers. “Dammit, don’t make me any crazier than I already am,” she whispered fiercely. The feel of her lips brushing mine when she spoke snapped my control.

  Chapter 10


  By the time Liam fit his mouth over mine and finally—finally!—kissed me, I was about out of my mind. In the weeks since our last kiss, I’d almost convinced myself I’d exaggerated how good it felt to kiss him. I was wrong, so very, very wrong. The moment I looked up and saw him standing in my office, heat roared through me. I tried to hold onto my sanity, but I couldn’t. When he was near, I was torn inside. There was the rational part of my brain that knew what I was doing was wrong, so very wrong. Yet, the raw need I felt for him overpowered everything else, most certainly my reason. With his hand cupping my bottom and holding me firm against him, I gasped when he arched his hips into mine, the hard ridge of his cock brushing against my clit. I almost came right then and there—that’s how tightly wound I was.

  If someone had asked me how I liked to be kissed, I’d have shrugged and said it didn’t matter. Kisses were just as boring as sex, or so I thought until Liam kissed me. Now I knew I liked the bone-melting combination of slow, long, hot and deep—his tongue alternated between deep sweeps inside, tangling with mine, and then slow traces around my mouth, nips on my bottom lips and overpowering kisses in between. By the time he tore his lips free for air, I was gasping and nearly frantic inside. He looked down at me, his eyes a blur of blue, his gaze so intent it sent my belly in a slow flip. I was drenched and shifted my legs restlessly, seeking relief from the pressure building inside. His cock was hot and hard against me, and I wanted him inside me. Now.

  His eyes searched my face before he turned, angling us so my hips bumped against the desk. He curled his hands around my hips and lifted me, swiftly stepping in between my knees and pulling me flush against him. I was so sensitive, I moaned at the subtle pressure of his cock against my clit. I’d gone mad, plain and simple. I forgot where we were and forgot all the reasons why I shouldn’t be doing this. I curled my legs around his hips and arched into him.

  Shoving his shirt up, I sighed at the feel of his skin under my hands—hot and smooth, his hard muscles flexing under my touch. He brushed my curls out of the way and trailed kisses down my neck, sending hot shivers through me. Meanwhile, he cupped my breasts in his hands, brushing his thumbs back and forth over my nipples, which were tight and achy. Sensation teemed inside as he shoved my top up. He lifted his head, his mouth curling at one corner. “You’re naughtier than you let on,” he murmured.

  By some miracle, I formed a partial thought, wondering what he was talking about. My question must have shown on my face. “This is hardly a bra,” he said, snapping the slender strap and running his fingers lightly over the sheer silk.

  My cheeks heated, and need scored me straight to my core. I forgot to respond when he dipped his head and swirled his tongue over a nipple. I cried out when his lips closed over it, drenching the silk. He pulled away with a little nip of his teeth and turned his attention to the other nipple. I did like things to be in balance. By the time he lifted his head again, I was grinding my hips against him. I’d never have believed I could come just from the feel of his mouth on my nipples, but I almost did.

  I wanted more. I tore at his jeans, but he stepped back and stopped me, his grip on my wrists firm. His expression was pained as he looked back at me. “Liam, I need…”

  He shook his head. “Not this. Not now,” he said in a low voice.

  My need was coiled so tight, it lashed impatiently within. “That’s not fair,” I said, almost churlishly. Since I’d lost my hold on reason and blown past boundaries I held dear, it annoyed me he was putting the brakes on. There was that and the pounding need seeking release.

  He eased his grip and stroked a hand down my belly, past the waistband of my scrubs. His palm cupped me through the silk of my panties. My channel throbbed, slick with wet heat. His eyes caught mine. “I want to bury myself so deep inside you we both forget where we end and begin. I don’t want to rush, so it won’t be here.”

  I stared into his deep blue gaze, his words slamming into me. A distant warning bell rang in my mind, but it was faint, drowned out in the storm of emotion and desire nearly tearing me apart inside. He was so confident, so positive there would be more, that I should’ve been angered and sought to snatch control back. But I was well and truly lost in this moment and latched onto the promise in his words, nearly frantic to demand we leave right now and go somewhere else if that’s the only way I’d feel him buried inside me.

  As he spoke, he began to drag a finger back and forth over the silk wet silk. My hips arched into his touch. In the midst of the heavy quiet
with nothing but the sound of our breath, my desk phone rang. I jumped and started to scramble back on the desk.

  “Oh no,” he said, his gruff, haughty tone sending a ripple through me.

  He shoved my panties out of the way and slid two fingers inside me just as he circled his thumb over my swollen clit. I came so hard and fast, I saw stars.

  Liam slowly pulled his hand away, neatly put the silk between my thighs and tugged my pants back up to my waist. I was so stunned, I could barely think, much less move. Before I realized it, he’d straightened my shirt, pulling it down over my wet bra. My body was reverberating as awareness filtered back in. My phone beeped, indicating whoever had called had left a message.

  I couldn’t seem to snap out of it. I wanted to curl up in Liam’s arms and forget about everything else right now. He reached up and brushed my hair back, sifting his fingers through the messy curls. “What do I have to do to get you to have dinner with me?” he asked softly.

  I swallowed against the wave of emotion inside. I didn’t know what this madness was, but I didn’t have it in me to fight against it. Not now. Not when I didn’t think I could take it if I didn’t get more than this with him. “I’ll have dinner with you,” I whispered, feeling my cheeks heat.


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