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Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4)

Page 64

by J. H. Croix

  I didn’t know what the hell to say. I usually had no trouble spouting off something suave, but I couldn’t form a word. I simply stared at her. With one hand resting on her hips, I felt her skin prickling underneath and realized she was cold. That was enough to nudge me out of my passion-induced stupor.

  I eased out of her and helped her straighten up. I didn’t like moving away from her, not one bit. Next thing I knew, I was instructing her to kick off her boots, tugging her clothes off, lifting her into my arms and carting her into the shower. Another first. For all my tendencies as a player and one who had plenty of sex, I kept a clear boundary around certain matters. I didn’t sleep in women’s beds, and I certainly didn’t shower with women. Those activities smacked of an intimacy I’d never sought. Yet, with Zoe, I didn’t even consider my usual boundaries. In fact, I’d have been wrestling with disappointment if she tried to draw any lines.

  We showered, and I almost fucked her again at the sight of soap bubbles on her skin and water running everywhere. The only thing that held me back was my belated recollection that this was only the second time she’d had actual sex. I was the opposite of an expert in this area, but I figured maybe I shouldn’t overdo it.

  After we toweled off and tossed on some clothes, I found myself leaning back into the cushions on her couch with her legs draped over mine. Her skin was rosy from our shower, and she looked delectably cute in a pair of swingy cotton sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. As I was pondering that I’d barreled my way into this, my stomach growled. Loudly.

  Zoe arched a brow. “Hungry?”

  My stomach gave its audible answer, and she grinned. “I didn’t even think about the fact you’re probably starving after a game like that.”

  “I’m always starving after I play. Doesn’t matter how hard,” I offered with a shrug.

  She swung her legs off my lap and moved to get up. “I’ll make…”

  I caught her hand. “Don’t.”

  She looked back at me. “Don’t what?”

  “Walk away. I’m too tired to follow you.”

  I was. The physical exhaustion I’d staved off on the fumes of my desire for her was hitting me broadside now.

  “You need to eat,” she countered.

  “Order pizza. I’ll pay,” I said, pointing to my wallet still on the floor where I’d tossed it by the door earlier.

  With a funny smile, she sank back down onto the couch and did as I asked. The only time she left my side was to answer the door for the pizza delivery. The last thing I remembered was finally not feeling hungry. Then, I came to at the feel of a blanket being draped over me. That galvanized me. Groggy and so fucking tired I could hardly move, I lurched up and muttered I didn’t want to sleep alone. Moments later, I sighed into her hair against the pillows in her bed and pulled her soft form up against my side.

  Chapter 16


  I vaguely listened at a court hearing a few days later—a few days during which Ethan texted roughly every hour. I was able to surmise his daily practice schedule solely based on that being the longest chunk of time during the day he didn’t text me. My mind wandered to what it had felt like to have him deep inside me, the pull and slide of his cock feeling so delicious I got hot and bothered just thinking about it.

  “Ms. Lawson,” the judge said.

  My attention snapped back to the courtroom. I was relieved at the distance between the table where I was standing and the judge, otherwise he might notice the flush I could feel on my cheeks. “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “I’ve asked you twice if you agree to the conditions proposed by opposing counsel. This will be your last chance.”

  Judge Wilson was a generally patient judge, but I could see the furrow between his brows and sensed I needed to do a better job of focusing. This had never happened to me before. I didn’t get distracted in court, even for the mundane administrative hearings such as this one. I’d always prided myself on my focus and attention to detail. Little did I know, I’d been coasting by on the fact I had nothing to distract me before. Ethan was the mother of all distractions and filled my mind day and night.

  “My apologies Your Honor. I’ve reviewed the conditions in the proposed settlement and my client is willing to agree to them,” I replied with a nod.

  The moment the judge turned back to opposing counsel to ask something, Ethan sauntered right back into my thoughts. I was screwed. In more ways than one.

  I got through the hearing and made my way back outside. As much as my mind was enjoying fantasies of Ethan, worries were cropping up. I’d obliterated the professional barrier I tried to keep between myself and clients. When it came to attorneys and clients, the ethical guidelines around relationships were vague. The general line was whether the ‘sexual contact’ started before your professional relationship. I was walking right on that line, and I knew it. Ethan had kissed me before I became his attorney, but I felt silly arguing that point. No matter the legal ramifications of what I’d done, it was definitely frowned upon to fuck your clients. As with everything in life, men could get away with far more than women. I knew how it would look if it became public knowledge I’d gotten involved with Ethan while I was representing him.

  I hated admitting it, but he’d swept me off my feet and I’d gotten caught in the tides of desire. I’d conveniently managed to shut my worries off for a bit, but now they were back in force. In part because I didn’t know how to define what was happening with us. I knew, whether I wanted to or not, that he was best known for being a player and not just in soccer. I doubted he intended to have this thing with me be anything more than it was. I figured the heat would start to cool, and he’d move onto the next hot woman who caught his fancy.

  So I needed to stop being stupid and think clearly. The last thing I wanted was to tarnish the professional reputation I’d cultivated so carefully. The smart move would be to put the brakes on what was happening with Ethan. I’d managed to wave goodbye to my annoying virginity, so I could probably have more luck with a normal dating life as a twenty-nine year old woman now. Problem was, just thinking about trying to be with anyone other than Ethan made my heart ache.

  This was bad. Really, really bad. I could not fall for him.

  Why not? He’s totally into you. You’re not just another woman to him.

  Yeah, right. Don’t be so stupid. I’m a novelty right now. It will wear off and then where will I be if I let myself think we can have something more?

  This internal debate was replaying like an intense match day in and day out. I needed to get a grip and fast. As I strode quickly down the sidewalk to return to my office, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I slipped it out to see Ethan’s name flash on a text banner. A smile bloomed from the inside out. I tapped it open.


  He was back at inviting me to every meal of the day. Meanwhile, I’d been staving him off by telling him I was busy.

  I couldn’t help myself.

  Fine. Dinner tonight.

  Yes! Okay, meet you at your place at 5:30.

  My heart did a little dance and my belly somersaulted. I was screwed, so totally screwed.


  I took a gulp of wine as Liam regaled the table with an amusing story about him and Alex when they were boys. We were at a large round table in the back corner of a newer Italian restaurant on the Seattle scene. Seattle was a foodie city. Restaurants churned through here, some surviving the onslaught of attention and others slinking away. I didn’t even recall what this place was called, but the food was divine. The menu hewed to fairly classic Italian dishes with fresh ingredients.

  Ethan had arrived promptly at five-thirty to pick me up as he’d promised. I’d come to learn he was a punctual man. His outer image as a lackadaisical player didn’t mesh with much of what I’d come to know about him. He was unfailingly polite, although he never missed an opportunity to tease. Tonight was more eye opening than I could’ve imagined. Dinner included Liam and Oliv
ia, Tristan who was Ethan’s flat-mate and another player for the Stars, along with Harper Jacobs who I’d met when I was representing Alex Gordon last year, and Daisy Knight who was a good friend of Olivia and Harper’s. Alex wasn’t here, which had surprised me until Harper shared he was out of town for the weekend.

  It felt strange to be here with Ethan. For starters, there was the obvious fact I hadn’t had anything resembling a relationship since I’d been in law school and even then, nothing had gone far. Aside from Olivia and Liam, Ethan and I were the only other two who could be considered a couple. Despite my renewed worries about what the hell I was doing to my career by doing anything with Ethan, I hadn’t even thought about being seen in public with him until we were here. When I wasn’t caught up in conversation, I was busy trying to convince myself if anyone saw me here, I could easily explain it since I was with an entire group, most of whom weren’t on dates. Truth was, I didn’t really want to think about it, what with Ethan alternating between keeping his hand curled over my thigh, or sliding it in between my legs. The end result was I was hot, bothered, flustered and drinking too much wine.

  “Mate, Alex tells a different story,” Ethan said with a sly grin. “According to him, you’re the one who fell in the lake.”

  Liam flashed a grin. He didn’t give me the crazy zing Ethan did, but I had to admit Liam was ridiculously handsome with his jet black hair and blue eyes. It was beyond obvious he adored Olivia, so I imagined he’d left many a broken heart in his wake. “Aye, Alex isn’t here to debate that point,” Liam countered.

  Tristan, a quiet sort, winked toward Ethan. “My bets are on Alex, mate. He’s more methodical than you.”

  I’d lost track of Liam’s story, but I knew it involved one of them falling in a lake. Conversation moved in another direction. I didn’t mind groups like this, but I tended to be a quiet participant. My ears perked up when someone mentioned Ethan’s sisters.

  “You have sisters?” I asked, glancing his way. I didn’t ponder my intense curiosity, but it was there. I wanted to know him and was hungry for every little personal detail I discovered.

  “Oh luv, he has four,” Liam interjected, answering for him. “For that reason, I always turn to him when I need a female perspective. All through university, he was our go to for advice. He’d call up one of his sisters and hand the phone over.”

  Ethan chuckled and shrugged. “Forgot about that. Loads of questions back then about how not to chase girls.”

  “Four sisters?” Daisy said, brushing her long blonde hair back from her shoulders. She reminded me of Jana in ways. She was bold and beautiful with her bright blonde hair and wide brown eyes. She didn’t shy away from any topic. I’d also noticed her attention flicking to Tristan with frequency. He took tall, dark and mysterious to a new level. If he noticed her attention, it didn’t show. Back to the question at hand.

  “That’s correct. Four whole sisters. Three older and one younger, and every one of them bosses me around,” Ethan answered with a grin.

  Liam caught my eyes. “Zoe, if you have trouble with Ethan, just sic one of his sisters on him. They’ll whip him into shape inside of one phone call.”

  Ethan gave my thigh a squeeze while he laughed at Liam’s comment. “True. I tend to do what they say.”

  Daisy flashed a grin. “You’re smarter than you let on, Ethan.”

  The banter continued, and I drank another glass of wine. I didn’t realize quite how tipsy I was until we were leaving, and I began walking out of the restaurant. I wobbled a bit, and Ethan caught me around the waist. I was relieved everyone there with us was ahead of us because I didn’t like to think about how this looked. I leaned into him because I was like a cat looking for affection when it came to Ethan. I leaned into every touch, my body thrumming.

  “Easy luv. I think you might’ve had a few too many glasses of wine,” he murmured, his voice near my ear and his breath gusting against my neck.

  A shiver ran through me. I glanced up to him. “Too much is one way to put it,” I managed. “Did you have anything to drink?”

  He shook his head, his mouth curling in one of those dangerous grins and his green eyes glinting in the dim light. “No. My attorney told me I had to behave.”

  This should’ve bothered me. Instead, I wanted to kiss him. God, a man shouldn’t be allowed to have a mouth like his. He had generous, mobile lips. I knew how they felt on mine, and I wanted them there. Now. Instead, I stumbled slightly again.

  Ethan gathered me against his side and somehow maneuvered us through the door. Everyone but Liam and Olivia was gone. They were waiting just outside the restaurant. Liam was lifting her palm and dropping a kiss in the center of it, his eyes locked to hers. For a beat, I felt lonely. I wanted someone to look at me like that. The moment snapped when Olivia looked our way. With her porcelain skin, dark curls and green eyes, she was lovely, just lovely. I liked her and could imagine being friends with her. She was brilliant and also focused on her career as an orthopedic surgeon. I wanted to ask her how it was to fit a man like Liam into her life and make it work. That would have to be a conversation for another time though.

  “Zoe, I’m glad you came tonight. We do this almost every weekend, so please join us anytime,” Olivia said with a warm smile as Ethan essentially dragged me to them.

  If she noticed how tipsy I was, she didn’t let on. “I shall invite her for next week,” Ethan said.

  Olivia glanced between us before narrowing her gaze at him. “Zoe might be too good for you. You’d better treat her well.”

  My heart gave a hard thump at that. Ethan tightened his arm around my waist, and I sensed a thread of defensiveness in him. “I’d never do anything otherwise.”

  Liam said something just before a cab rolled up. They said their goodbyes, and then I was standing on the sidewalk with Ethan, fuzzily wondering what to do. I needn’t have wondered. He hailed a cab and bundled me into it. Before I knew it, he was walking beside me in the hallway to my apartment and scooping up the keys I dropped on the floor. Once we were inside, I tackled him. All I wanted was to kiss him. His tongue slid against mine before he drew back quickly.

  “Bed for you,” he announced.

  That wouldn’t do. I wanted him. All of him.

  “No. I want…”

  I leaned toward him to kiss him again, but miscalculated with my lips landing on his jaw.

  He caught me and turned me around. “Trust me luv, I want you. Badly. But you’re drunk, and I don’t do drunk.”

  I was too drunk to argue much, so I allowed him to drag me to my bedroom and help me out of my clothes. His eyes grew dark, and I could see the ridge of his cock behind the jeans that hugged him like a lover. My knees gave out and I plunked on the bed in nothing but a scrap of silk thong. Next thing I knew he was pulling his t-shirt off and dragging it over my head.

  “Ooh, this smells like you,” I announced.

  I grabbed for him. “When did you become so uptight?” I muttered. “I bet you’ve had plenty of drunk sex.” I reached out and roughly dragged my hand over his cock, grinning when his breath hissed out.

  He’d been in the midst of kicking off his shoes. His gorgeous green gaze swept over me. “I don’t do drunk with you.”

  I reached up to stroke his cock again, but he grabbed my hand.

  I glared at him. “Why?”

  He gave his head a little shake, something flickering in his gaze. “Because,” he said firmly.

  He felt oddly protective. I didn’t know what to make of that, and I felt funny inside. In short order, he tucked me in bed and climbed in beside me. He removed his jeans, so I could feel the heat of his cock against my hip.

  I meant to say something, to argue my point—whatever my point was—but I fell asleep.

  Hours later, I woke in the darkness, momentarily disoriented. I wasn’t used to having anyone sleep with me, so it was strange to awaken and feel a presence beside me. After a beat, I remembered it was Ethan. I could’ve really gotten used t
o sleeping with him. I tended to get chilled at night, but not with him beside me. He was so warm, my own personal furnace. I apparently liked to drape myself all over him. I had one leg thrown over his with my foot hooked between his calves and was lying half atop his chest. And what a chest it was. Even relaxed in sleep, every inch of him was hard, honed muscle.

  I breathed in his scent and sighed. His arm was curled around me. His palm slid up my hip in a sleepy caress, and I burrowed closer because it felt so good.


  “Uh huh.”

  “You awake?” he asked, his voice gravelly from sleep.

  I laughed against his chest. “Uh huh.”

  “Go back to sleep,” he murmured with another sleepy caress up my side.

  My heart squeezed and emotion rocked me. His hand stilled after another pass and his breathing evened out. I fell asleep with him warm and strong beside me.

  Chapter 17


  I guzzled a bottle of water and stripped out of my clothes before striding quickly into the showers. We’d had a long practice today. Management had signed two new players, so Coach was working us harder than usual to help them mesh. Coach Bernie was all about team stuff. Being in the starting line up offered no privileges on his team. Hell, I was bloody certain nothing would get Coach to treat any player special. Occasionally, I grumbled for the sake of it, but I actually liked it. I’d been playing football since I was a boy in Britain. I’d played on many amalgamations of teams. The higher the level of competition, the more prima donnas you encountered. There’d been a few idiots on my team in university. I’d lucked into the same team with Liam and Alex once we started playing professionally in London. Back there, we had a great team, but the coach let some problem players slide as long as they pulled their shit together when we had games.


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