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Seeds Volume 3

Page 20

by M. M. Kin

  The older goddess stared at her daughter for a moment before she let out a burst of cackling laughter, tears of mirth streaming down her cheeks in no time. Persephone blinked and looked at the other deity. She had never seen Mother like this before! Sure, they had laughed before, but Mother had never looked so... delighted. She rocked back and forth, still screaming with laughter, and in no time, her daughter joined in, their shrieks of amusement pouring out of the chamber and echoing down the hallways.


  Demeter had been stunned to hear of her daughter standing up to Zeus. After her daughter went to bed, she stayed up late, well into the night as she pondered what had brought Kora to this point. When Kora had resisted her magic and kept her form as a woman, Demeter had felt angry at it and furious with her brother.

  Over the last three weeks, Kora had shown no ill effects from her time with Hades. To be sure, they had their fights, but her daughter was not spiteful or belligerent even if she was rebellious at times. She was not depressed or withdrawn, either. Aside from her matured body and a surprisingly strong manifestation of her Gift, Kora was little changed. She enjoyed the same things she had before, and also displayed the same dislikes that she had always had.

  Considering that Kora had been a captive in the Underworld – what a dreadful place! – she seemed to not be affected in any worrisome way. She didn't lord her newfound power over mortals or use it to antagonize her mother. And she had actually been able to resist Zeus's power and gotten away with calling him stupid!

  Demeter laughed quietly to herself as she recalled how Kora had described the encounter. She had also been able to put Ares in his place. Given that, she could not help but be curious as to how her daughter had handled Hades. Was that why Hades had been willing to give her up?

  Initially, she had fretted over her mother's involvement in Kora's life. She had kept her daughter sheltered for so long without any interference from other family members that it took some getting used to, but Kora seemed happy.

  As much as she hated to admit it, she could see that Kora had matured into a woman she could be proud of. However, that knowledge also made her sad. After losing Iasion, she was loath to lose her daughter. Thank goodness at least Kora wasn't interested in boys.


  The princesses were outside, enjoying a warm day. The air was mild enough so that they barely felt the chill, but it was cold enough that the snow didn't turn to slush. Thalassa was happy to leave her weaving and enjoy some fresh air – her beloved weaving would be there when she came back – and such nice days like this were rare at this time of the year. Eirene hadn't needed to be told twice when Persephone said she was going out, joyfully escaping Mother's irritated glare. Persephone played with them for a while, but she decided that she wanted to be alone.

  The shouts of her friends became distant as Persephone wandered between the trees, her cloak wrapped tightly around herself. Since her confrontation with Zeus, her relationship with Mother had only improved further. Before, it was as if Mother was treating her as an adult only grudgingly. However, her mother now actually seemed proud of her, and she was particularly fond of hearing the story of how her daughter had defied Zeus. Persephone had actually repeated the story several times, and it never failed to put a smile on Mother's face!

  As she looked around, she realized that she had wandered further than ever before. This part of the forest was unfamiliar to her, though she could hear the bubbling of the river off to the right. She could simply follow it back, but she decided to press on further. Mother had cast her magic over a large area, and Persephone wanted to find the limit of it.

  Suddenly, she was aware of a soft nickering, and turned her head. Horses? Such creatures were rare, and would be so in Hellas for a while yet. Celeus didn't have any horses, and she wondered if there were wild horses in the forest. This was definitely worth investigating, so she veered off to the right. After taking just a few steps, she saw the glint of the sun on a glossy black coat and gave out a soft gasp as she became aware of a familiar presence.

  In front of her were the first horses she had ever seen in her entire life. They had looked imposing in the gloom of the Underworld, but here they looked downright fierce, their fur shiny under a sun that Persephone was fairly certain they had not seen in a very long time if ever. Their harnesses glittered with the polished onyx and hematite set into them. The chariot they were attached to had a dull leaden gleam, its workmanship perfectly illuminated under the early afternoon sun.

  It wasn't the winter solstice already, was it? As she quickly counted off the days, she realized with mild shock that it was indeed! The horses raised their heads in her direction, and she took several steps back before she heard his voice.

  “Now, now, my love. You know better than to try to run off... we both know what will happen.”

  Chapter LI


  Feeling lightheaded, Persephone slowly turned around to see Hades leaning against a tree trunk. She acknowledged that she missed his company, but she was surprised at how strongly she reacted to the very sight of the God of the Dead.

  “I know. I was just... startled.” In response, Hades nodded slowly.

  He was as handsome as ever, clad in a long black tunic with matching himation. His thick hair was tied back loosely, illuminating his regal features in the afternoon light and bringing out the blue in his eyes. As she made eye contact with him, he smiled at her, and oh, how that made her heart flutter!

  She noticed that he had a pomegranate in his left hand, already open and displaying its seeds like a cluster of glittering rubies in the sunlight. It was hard to not miss the sharp flashes of light on the facets of the seeds as the sun shone on them.

  “Aidon...” Her breath came out in a soft mist. It would not be until later that she realized that the horses did not have mist coming from their mouths like anyone else who would breathe this cold air.

  “Seph...” His smile grew wider as he beckoned her closer. As if of their own volition, her feet moved forward, closing the distance between them. He raised his other hand, drawing her into a tight embrace. How often had she simply longed for his embrace, to snuggle up to him as his powerful arms wrapped around her? She closed her eyes for a moment and let out a quiet sigh, savoring his physical closeness. Even when she had been lonely and missing him, she had no inclination to seek attention elsewhere. The thought of being with another man – even when she knew they would be all too eager to give her the attention she wanted – simply didn't appeal to her. Not even the thought of bedding devastatingly handsome Apollo or accepting Dionysus's invitation excited her even just a little bit.

  Hades inhaled the sweet scent of her body as he rested his chin on the top of her head, thrilling at the warmth of her body.

  “It has been far too long, Persephone,” Hades whispered as he ran his fingers through the thick waves that cascaded down her back. She remained silent as he continued to touch her lovingly, caressing her arm and shoulder.

  “I thought we might enjoy a treat.” He had already eaten several seeds, and he brought the pomegranate within her sight. She lifted her head and stared at the fruit for several moments as if unsure of whether it was safe to eat. Finally, she slowly lifted her hand, plucking a seed out of the husk. She brought it to her lips and sucked it off her fingers, her eyes closing in an unmistakable sign of pleasure.

  “Mmm.” Persephone took several more seeds, savoring their sweet and tart flavor. Mother had offered her pomegranates to eat, of course, and she had a delicious recipe for pomegranate bread, but the surface-world fruit was nowhere near as divine as the mystical pomegranates from Hades's tree, and she sucked the juice off her fingers.

  She drew away from Hades, and he let her go.

  “Is something the matter? Are you not happy to see me?” Hades asked, his voice almost teasing.

  “I have missed you,” she admitted.

  “Not as much as I have missed you.” He smiled again, and she returned this
with a faint grin.

  “So... you have come to take me back to the Underworld for good.”

  “Is it such a terrible prospect?”

  “What about my mother?” Persephone asked, evading his question.

  “You know I never break a promise.”

  “It will be terrible news for her.” Persephone was grateful that she hadn't given up on the subject of Hades and that Mother wouldn't find his return a surprise. But to have her daughter actually taken away again...

  “She would not be happy seeing you with any man. So you need to think about what makes you happy.” He looked at her hopefully. “I do hope you are happy with me.”

  Persephone was moved by the sad longing in his eyes, and blushed as she looked away. Suddenly, she felt a hand stroking her cheek, and she shivered. His touch was intoxicating, whether an intimately arousing caress or a gentle, innocent trailing of his fingers along her face or arm.

  A sudden laugh alerted them to the nearing presence of the princesses. She saw the flash of light pink from Thalassa's chiton and the dark brown of her woolen cloak. Hades narrowed his eyes before she squeezed his arm.

  “They are my friends. Please do not do anything to them!” she asked, remembering Cyane.

  “Because you have asked it of me, it shall be so.” He touched her face again to reassure her.

  “Persephone!” Thalassa called out before she came to a sudden stop, staring at Hades. Eirene trailed behind her, her eyes widening as she took notice of the newcomer. Thalassa had never seen a man as handsome as the person Persephone was with. He was so tall and regal, his chin lifted imperiously as he glanced at her and her sister.

  Persephone took a step forward. “Thalassa... Eirene... This is Hades.”

  A sudden look of fear appeared on their faces as they regarded the Lord of the Dead before Thalassa quickly collected herself and bowed.

  “You honor us with your presence, Lord Hades.”

  In imitation of her older sister, Eirene quickly bowed before the two of them glanced at their friend questioningly, waiting for a cue. Persephone turned back to Hades when he grasped her arm.

  “We will be going now. At least they will have an interesting story to tell their children.” He flashed a knowing grin before he nodded briefly to the princesses.

  “Now?” Dismay flashed across her features. “But what about Mother...”

  “Your mother will be furious either way. Let her have her hot anger before I speak with her. There is still plenty of today left, and I will speak to her before the moon hangs high in the sky.” Their voices were quiet enough to keep their conversation private from the princesses.

  “What the...”

  “Ah, but I keep my word, as I always have.”

  “And leave them to be the messengers of bad news?”

  Hades tilted his head as he glanced down at her before he nodded. “Then, something that will protect them and prove your safety?” he suggested. She was tempted to protest, perhaps run off, simply to defy him. Considering that she had eaten the pomegranate seeds, he could have simply denied her the chance to come up here, and antagonizing him might cause him to continue to be more of the stern and cold-hearted King of the Dead that everyone was afraid of.

  She drew away from him and approached her friends. “Send Mother my love and inform her that I am safe. Tell her that Hades will see her before the moon is at its peak. I shall miss you. Tell Melinoe and Aethra I will miss them as well.” She touched Thalassa's shoulders and pressed her lips to the maiden's forehead, imbuing some magic into it.

  Eirene wrapped her arms around her friend's middle. “Sephie! I don't want you to go!” she whispered, not wishing for Hades to hear and be offended. Persephone gave out a faint, sad smile as she stroked Eirene's dark curls.

  “You may have my bow and arrows.”

  “Really? Oh, thank you! Thank you!” The girl grinned as she received a kiss on her forehead. She still didn't want Sephie to go, but Sephie had already told the princesses a few things about Hades – one of them being that the Dark God was not to be trifled with, but also that he could be fair. She glanced at him over her friend's shoulder, and he gave her a slight but kind smile.

  As Persephone rejoined her Lord, she turned back and waved to them. Hades offered his hand and helped her onto the chariot, standing behind her as he flicked the reins. The horses sped across the river before the earth opened, swallowing them as the girls watched.


  It seemed as if they were engulfed in oblivion before color and light burst before them, revealing the Sea of Eternity on their left side as the chariot made its way along its shore. The sky was the color of sunset's rainbow hues, the colors more saturated in the atmosphere of Dis. These colors were reflected in a fierce display of scattered flashes of seemingly infinite shades of blue, magenta, red, and gold on the surface of the water.

  Well, at least Hades had made the effort of a pleasant homecoming. She relaxed, leaning back into him as he wrapped one arm around her middle. The chariot sped along the sand, swaying gently from side to side.

  After a while, they arrived at the Palace, pulling up beside the pomegranate tree. Hades smiled and lifted the partially eaten pomegranate from a fold in his cloak. Without the sunlight, they didn't glisten as fiercely as before, and looked more like thick drops of blood.

  “The Palace has been very lonely without you, Persephone.” He took his hand and led her up the stairs

  “And where are you taking me?”

  “I thought we could relax together. Perhaps have some supper, or take a hot bath. How about sitting by the fire? Or I could take you to bed...”

  Persephone chuckled softly at his last suggestion. Though she and Hades had a relationship where they could respect one another intellectually, she could not deny that she enjoyed the carnal aspect of what he had to offer her.

  “All are sound ideas. But I must be frank – I ache for you.” Already her insides warmed in anticipation. “I want... need your attention. I have been... lonely.”

  “Oh, darling. Let me remedy that, hmm?” He set the pomegranate on the table and scooped her up into his arms.

  Persephone was gently tossed to the bed before he sat down and took her foot into his hands, firmly tugging away the thin straps of leather that held her boots up. He was slightly impatient, tugging the cords and trying to remove her boots as quickly as possible. Once that was accomplished, he was quick to divest her of the rest of her clothing. She was compliant, even helping him with the pins that held up her chiton.

  In a short time, she was naked before him, an utterly enticing sight as she posed provocatively for him. He growled softly as he quickly stripped himself, standing before her with passion burning in his eyes and thrillingly visible between his legs.

  A searing reminder of her arousal ached afresh at the sight of the glorious male before her and spread through her loins and belly. His gaze was dark and penetrating as he lowered himself to the bed.

  “Is there anything you would like to start off with?” he asked, running his fingers along the side of her foot. She shuddered and unconsciously jerked it away, she was simply too sensitized right now for foreplay and only wanted him to couple with her.

  “Please... No games. I just want you.”

  Hades draped himself across her, one hand sliding down to touch her most intimate areas. He rubbed his finger along her ready opening, hearing her soft whimper as he slid two fingers inside to ensure her preparedness. She was oh so snug but hotly slick, her muscles clenching around them as she wiggled around.

  He drew his hand away and brought slick fingers to his mouth, savoring her essence and aroma. There was the natural musk, of course, and the familiar flavor of dark sweetness. The taste was fleeting and intoxicating. He had missed it.

  “So many times I have longed to feel you inside of me since I left the Underworld...” She let out a quiet sigh. She didn't obsess over him, no. But sometimes she could not help but be reminded of h
im, and this would cause her to reminisce their time together and what had happened just before she returned to the surface world. It was impossible to forget just how intimate they had become, and how much she had missed that. “Take me, Aidon. Make me yours...” she added in a seductive purr, one that she knew would arouse him further.

  “I have longed to hear your invitation.” Hades kissed her forehead before he lowered himself between her joyfully spread legs. The Dark God had but to place the tip of his aching manhood inside of her before he plunged down smoothly. She whimpered his name as she felt his hilt pressing against her, and he wrapped one of his arms around her before placing a kiss on her cheek, remaining still to allow her to simply enjoy it.

  As he lowered his head to nuzzle her neck, she lifted her hands to his head, running her fingers through his hair. His other hand reached down to gently massage her breast. This lasted just a few moments before she wiggled against him, clenching hard.

  He let out a low groan of approval before he pulled out and thrust back in. She helped him begin a steady pace by clenching around him, but soon enough, they were moving against one another fiercely. Suddenly Persephone pushed Hades to the side before climbing on top of him, grinding against him with an almost frantic pace. Hades grinned and allowed her to maintain dominance for a while, liking how she moved against him so enthusiastically. Her gyrations were driving him wild, and he thrust up, baring his teeth and growling at her, which would cause her to snarl back at him. As much fun as it was to ravish her, he enjoyed being on the receiving end.

  When he finally stopped thrusting, she collapsed on the bed. Hades grinned slowly before flopping down on his back. He was tempted to rouse himself again, but decided to let her rest. She didn't fall asleep, but stared ahead quietly. He spooned up to her loosely before resting his hand on her hip, and they stayed like this for a short while before Persephone rolled over to face him.


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