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Seeds Volume 3

Page 22

by M. M. Kin

  “Of course, I will be more than happy to send the message to him!” Zeus said, quickly collecting himself so that his astute sister wouldn't be able to pick up on any cues he might involuntarily give her.

  “None of this would have happened in the first place if it wasn't for you!” Demeter raged.

  Well, that might have been true, but it was beside the point, and...

  “What is going on?” Hera asked as she appeared in the doorway.

  “Nothing, dear wife. Would you go back to our supper and just relax, and I will join you in a short while?” He shot her his most winning smile. He had to hold back a cringe as she crossed her arms, glaring at him.

  “I asked you what is going on.” She held her stare at him for a moment before turning to Demeter.

  “Hades has kidnapped my daughter again.”

  “Zeus!” Hera put her hands on her hips, doing a wonderful imitation of her sister's hostile glare.

  “Look, I had nothing to do with it, I swear! I thought she was safe with her mother and that everyone was happy! Really!”

  “Well, apparently Hades wasn't happy,” Hera replied tartly.


  Persephone sighed in pleasure as she lay on her stomach against the thick, velvety blankets, Hades's hand languidly rubbing her back and rear end. The kiss she had given him had been responded to eagerly, and soon enough they had been pawing at one another, their immediate need for one another only escalating with every moment.

  She was appreciative of every loving caress to her naked body, and was content to simply lay there in the afterglow of another heated lovemaking session. It was exciting to see the usually reserved Lord of the Dead as a man filled with burning passion that was focused solely on her, and oh, how she welcomed it! This time around, he had been much fiercer, and she had simply egged him on, liking the sounds of his growling or feeling his hungry touch.

  She smiled faintly as she glanced along Hades's chest and shoulders, seeing the bite-marks she had placed there. Hades wasn't the only passionate one in the relationship...

  When he lifted his hand away, Persephone sat up and started to wiggle off the bed.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Hades asked in a sly tone. As she stood up, she turned to face him as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  “Wherever I want,” she responded cheekily, and he laughed. “Seriously though, I need a bath. And the day draws nearer its end. You have something to do.” She raised her eyebrow before exiting the bedchamber.

  One of the things she had missed about the Underworld was Hades's spectacular bath-chamber. The water bubbled up as she approached it, creating soothing jets that massaged her body as soon as she lowered herself in the water. Even the wealthiest and most powerful king in Hellas did not have such a marvelous bathtub, and she reveled in the churning heat as she floated in the water, closing her eyes.

  When she felt a gentle touch on her forehead, she opened her eyes to see Hades waist-high in the water.

  “Could not bear to be alone, hmm?” she asked with a smug purr.

  “Perhaps.” His grin was playful.

  “How did you ever manage to survive an entire moon without me?”

  “It was not easy, I assure you.” He leaned down to press his lips to her forehead before he pulled away and sat down, the water now just below his chin.

  “But you still sneaked up to the surface to watch me,” Persephone replied as she righted herself, sitting at the opposite side of the tub. He glanced at her with a light smile, making no denial of her accusation. They sat together in companionable silence, letting the bath cleanse and soothe them.

  A shade appeared, talking to Hades. He nodded and whispered something before dismissing it.

  “How can you understand what they say?” Persephone asked. He shrugged.

  “I crafted them to serve me. Thus, I gave myself a way to understand them.”

  “And what did it say to you?”

  “Inquisitive, are we?” Hades shot back, but he did not sound annoyed. “I have just been informed that your mother is on Olympus, harping on Zeus.” He climbed out of the tub and picked up a towel. “I might as well go up there now.”

  What about me? Persephone thought as she glanced up at him. As if in silent reply, he picked up another towel and held it up. She rose from the water and he wrapped it around her. She stood there as he rubbed her body with the towel, enjoying his treatment.

  “When you dress, be sure to put on a crown or whatever else you feel makes you look like a Queen.”

  She glanced up at him with mild surprise. “You really want me to come with you?”

  “But of course. Your mother will not be satisfied with anything I say.”

  “That is true,” she responded dryly.

  In her room, Persephone reacquainted herself with the things she had left behind. She touched the various sparkling jewels that Hades lavished her with and ran her fingers along the luxurious robes and gowns in her wardrobe. What should she wear to Olympus! Goodness! She knew that with the right outfit and accessories, she would make quite the impression. What should she wear? Should she bedeck herself with jewels or go for an understated appearance? With so many choices, it was near impossible to decide what to wear!

  Finally, Persephone chose fine black linen for her chiton and deep red velvet for her himation, draping it across one shoulder. For jewelry, she chose a gold necklace and armbands set with rubies that looked like pomegranate seeds. A matching crown and rings completed the set, and Cloe swept her hair up with several pins, showcasing the graceful planes of her neck.

  When she emerged from her room, she was rewarded with an open smile of appreciation from the Dark God. He had dressed himself in black and blue with onyx-studded silver accessories. Having seen the clothing of the few gods she managed to glimpse on Olympus, she knew that she and Hades would make quite the pair.

  “I am nervous,” she whispered. He stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly.


  “Well...” She let out a quiet sigh. “I am worried about Mother. She was so happy to have me back...”

  “No happier than I am to have you here.” He held out his hand, and she took it.


  Hades had considered simply appearing in the throne room, but decided against it, bringing Persephone to the gate that opened into the grand city of the gods. It was already evening, so the sky was dark, but illumination was provided by enchanted street lamps that had been crafted by the Cyclopes ages ago. That and the natural light of the moon and stars provided a peaceful ambiance to the lavishly built city.

  The shadows cast the royal pair in an alluring but mysterious silhouette. Hades's pale skin was almost white, and even Persephone's recently gained light tan was subdued.

  From the lights that shone from the Great Hall, Hades surmised that Demeter had brought other gods to hear her complaints. There were a couple of latecomers, and Hades slowed down a bit as he saw Rhea and Hestia. Hestia looked like a younger version of her mother. Her face was unlined, but her eyes were old, and the extreme modesty of her appearance added to her mystery – only her face and hands were visible under the cowl she wore.

  “Hades. Persephone.” Rhea's subtle gaze reflected her admiration at the way her eldest son and his queen had presented themselves. Hades inclined his head in a polite bow.

  “Grandmother, how wonderful to see you again. And Hestia, I am so happy to finally meet you.” Her warm smile won one from Hestia. “As much as I would like to acquaint myself with you further, there are pressing matters we must attend to. However, I would very much like an invitation from you later.”

  Hestia nodded before Hades swept toward the doorway with his arm, indicating that the others go first. Rhea went forward, and Hades looked down at her.

  “We will not be parted. You know it as well as I do.”

  She gave a brief nod before he took her hands and squeezed them. “Know that I love you always.”
He pressed his lips to her knuckles several times.


  Even though Zeus swore up and down that he had nothing to do with Persephone's second disappearance, most of the gods had sided against him, demanding that he take action against Hades. He tried to explain to them that he hadn't endorsed such a thing, nor had he been told of it. He did not mention Hades's hinting at taking Persephone again because he knew that would destroy what little case he had to defend himself.

  He had simply thought it best to not tell Demeter of Hades's intentions in the first place because he knew she would just say 'no'. When he had tried to argue this, he was sneered at for being a coward and even his own brother and sons were surprised that he hadn't even deigned to inform Demeter or Kora of his blessing or Hades's intentions. What was done was done! When the hell would this be over?

  Hera, who had not an hour ago been laughing at his jokes and even responding to his flirting, assumed the role of the injured and rightfully angry wife she had taken so often in the past.

  “All I can do is ask Hades to bring Persephone back... again. I cannot do more than that.” Zeus had his palms forward as if begging as he stared at his sister.

  Hermes stared at his father with disbelief. He liked Persephone and found her refreshing. She challenged him, and even if she wouldn't bed him, he didn't think any less of her. Her presence and attitude commanded respect, much like Hades's own. All Father could do was dither about, trying to avoid blame. Well, not that he could be blamed, but he wasn't even trying to find a solution!

  “Are you serious?” Hermes asked incredulously. “You will not offer Persephone any real help, but when Perseus went off to kill that Gorgon, you had us lend him our things! I gave him my winged sandals, Hades gave his helmet, and Athene gave her shield! Then after killing the Gorgon, you arranged a bit more help for him so he could defeat the leviathan and save Joppa!”

  The death of the leviathan was a sore spot for Poseidon, who felt he had been justified in sending the beast to terrorize the residents after Cassiopeia’s insulting boasts. Feeling betrayed by his brother, Poseidon had gone over to Demeter's side.

  Hermes continued, “Now he is a king, and it is because of you! You did what you could to help him and his mother, but when Demeter and Persephone needed your help, you do nothing! You let all these people starve to death, knowing that you could have ended it at any time!”

  There was a stunned silence in the room for a fleeting moment before murmurs of agreement rose up like a tidal wave.

  “My son is a king, to be sure. But Persephone is a queen! You can hardly say that she's worse off than Perseus, when her husband rules over the realm of wealth!” Zeus said, trying to quell the tide of angry chatter.

  “You are missing the point!” Hera commented acidly, throwing her hands up in exasperation. She could tell by the glint in her husband's eyes that he did see the point, but in his usual fashion, he was trying to avoid it by pointing out the fact that Demeter's daughter was far wealthier than Perseus could ever be. Why couldn't he ever just admit his mistakes without having to be pushed to it?

  “I have been your son long enough to know your weaknesses and mistakes, but you went too far with Demeter.” Hermes crossed his arms.

  “Hermes has an excellent point. You did everything you could to help your son, but when your sister was looking for her daughter, you did nothing even when you knew all along where she was! When Demeter finally found out where her daughter was, you still did nothing! When the people of Hellas starved, you did nothing!” Athene's eyes glinted sharply as she issued her words. As Zeus's eldest child as well as being the Goddess of Wisdom, the gods often looked to her for advice even if she could be quite acerbic at times.

  However, in this case, her frankness was welcome. Even the few who remained on Zeus's side could not dispute the veracity of her statement.

  “You had no business making such a decision about Persephone in the first place,” Artemis was quick to add, coming to the defense of her friend.

  “I am King of the Gods! It is my responsibility to look after the clan!”

  “Fine job you have done of that,” Hermes muttered. Those nearby chuckled at his words.

  “You will do anything to help your own son, too bad you cannot show the same concern for other people's children.” Hera reminded her husband, irritated that she had been so close to letting him into her good graces again.

  “I have an idea,” Athene said, giving her father a disdainful glare before looking at her siblings and cousins. “Since Zeus is clearly incapable of helping and he does not seem to even want to, how about we just focus on Demeter and assist her? We helped Perseus, and I am sure we could figure something out if we worked together.”

  Demeter nodded in gratitude as several gods spoke in agreement. Athene smirked snidely at her father. Her relationship with Zeus was strained, to say the least. Of course, it didn't help Zeus's relationship with his daughter that he had mistreated her mother, and even centuries later, Athene harbored bitterness towards her father. Nobody who knew the real story of Metis could blame her.

  Rhea came forward, studying the gods that had gathered in the chamber. Most of the major deities were here and quite a few others, including Titans, were also here. News had quickly spread through the clan after Demeter started screaming at Zeus, and nobody could resist a spectacle.

  “Excellent idea,” Rhea said as she nodded at Athene. “I am sure everyone here appreciates your suggestion, but it will not be needed.”

  “What?” Athene raised her eyebrow. Rhea merely smiled before turning towards the entrance to the throne room. Two figures could clearly be seen advancing through the short hallway, and shocked whispers filled the room when people realized who they were. Instinctively, those nearest the doorway stepped back, giving the Lord of the Dead and his consort a respectable berth.

  All eyes fixed upon the pair before Demeter cried out, rushing forward and taking her daughter into her arms.

  Chapter LIII


  Persephone felt crushed in her mother's embrace, but bore it as she hugged back. After a few seconds, she gently wiggled away and looked around the room, seeing all the attention that was focused on her. She'd never been in a room with so many people in it, much less divinities, but she managed to square her shoulders as she gave Zeus a fleeting, disdainful glance that was not missed by quite a few onlookers.

  “Rarely if ever do I get such a reception such as this,” Hades commented as his gaze swept around the room before he returned his attention to Zeus and Demeter. “So good to see the two of you again.”

  Demeter frowned and grabbed her daughter's arm, tugging her further away from Hades. Hades was tempted to pull her back, but restrained himself.

  “Hades, what is the meaning of this?” Zeus asked.

  “That answer is very simple.” Hades looked from Zeus to Demeter. “I have come to settle things once and for all.” He held out his arm towards Persephone. Demeter yanked her daughter away from the proffered hand. He regarded her calmly.

  “Sister, I can understand your wish to keep Persephone. You are her mother and love her. However, she is grown, and is now my queen.”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “Mother...” Persephone firmly broke free of her mother's grip. “I am not a little girl. I do not need protection.” She looked at Hades. He stood there, giving her an encouraging nod.

  “I have no more desire to be parted from Hades any more than he wants to lose me. As he says, I am his queen.”

  “See!” Demeter shot at Zeus with indignation, “He has put her under his spell!”

  “Everything Persephone says is of her own volition. I have done nothing to quell her spirit.” The Lord of the Dead studied Demeter with a steady glance. “Your daughter has nothing to fear from me. Nothing. I am not worried about what she might say, for she is no more a liar than I am.” His tone was firm with the fierceness of his honesty.

  “Why not ask Persepho
ne herself?” Rhea interjected. “Zeus and Hades made their plan without consulting anyone. Demeter wishes to keep her close. Still, no one is asking Persephone what she wants, or what she thinks.” She stared at Demeter and Hades. “She is a grown woman and I have become very familiar with her. I am delighted to have her as my grandchild, and have come to know her as a wise person.”

  “Yes, but...” Demeter started, but Hades cut her off.

  “Persephone, do you consent to be my queen and wife?” Hades asked. She smiled before nodding.

  “I do. And I am honored.”

  “Any god would be honored to have you as his bride.” Hades's smile was brief, but Persephone read the pleasure in it.

  “No... no!” It had been so wonderful having her daughter back, and Demeter could not believe she would lose her again! Why did this have to happen? How could it have happened?

  Most of the other gods could only stare in shock. After all that had transpired, it seemed surreal that the daughter that Demeter had raised such a furor over would choose to return to the Underworld. Having gotten to know Persephone, Artemis was surprised she would want to return to the gloom of the realm of the dead.

  “How could you do this to me, Hades?” Demeter demanded.

  “I did nothing to you. I acted with no malice towards you. I simply wanted Persephone, but I am very sorry for the pain I have caused you.”

  “You say you are sorry, but here you are, taking her again!”

  “I allowed Persephone come up here because I knew she needed the time with you.”

  “Allowed?” Demeter was clearly offended.

  “Persephone had already eaten the food of the dead before I sent her back to you.”

  A shocked clash of mutters rippled through the Hall, and Zeus cringed, knowing that this fact meant an end to further debate. If Persephone had eaten the food of the dead, that was it. Nothing could ever change that.


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