I Promise
Page 19
“See. I told you you would laugh.”
Bobby broke into a wide grin, then leaned over to hug her granddaughter. “Come on, Chrissy. You have to admit it’s a bit odd for you to be traipsing down here in the dead of night because everything is perfect.”
Christian stood and moved to the other end of the gazebo before turning back to look at her grandmother. “I’m troubled because I know it won’t last. I’m troubled because when I look around this place,” she swept her hand out to indicate the land, “I feel like it’s all slipping through my hands.”
“Oh, come on, now.”
“I’m serious, Bobby. This is the one place that connects me to my parents, where I thought I would live the rest of my life. But it’s all just slipping from me somehow.”
“Sometimes dreams are replaced by others,” Bobby answered.
“I know,” Christian whispered, turning away. She looked into the sky and watched as the stars sparkled like diamonds.
Bobby came up behind her. “What are your new dreams?” she asked.
Christian closed her eyes. “It really doesn’t matter. They’re an impossibility.”
“There’s no such thing.”
Disgusted over her melancholy mood, Christian shook her head.
“Come on, Chrissy. I thought I taught you better than this.”
Christian laughed half-heartedly. “I’m old enough to know there is no such thing as fairy tales. I can’t afford to believe that somehow this Prince Charming is going to carry me off into the sunset, where we’ll live happily ever after.”
“At least we do agree on one thing.” Bobby shrugged.
Christian frowned. “What’s that?”
“That he is your Prince Charming.”
Jordan turned from the window and stared back at the empty bed. He should have gone after Christian, but he’d seen Bobby leave from the house, no doubt to search for Christian as well. He’d wakened the moment she’d slipped from bed. It had been unbearably cold since she’d left, not only from the room, but in his heart as well.
The urge to go to her, consumed him. He wanted to hold her and make slow, passionate love to her again. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself. He was behaving like a teenager in love for the first time.
His heart skipped a beat. His behavior toward her since their first meeting and his relentless pursuit of her, confirmed to him that Christian McKinley had become as much a part of him as the air he breathed. He wanted her for his wife and he wasn’t leaving McKinley Ranch without her.
He had to return to Atlanta by the weekend, and the thought of leaving her behind was impossible. Heaven help him, he loved her.
A smile tilted the corners of his lips as he watched the women stroll across the lawn toward the house. He studied the gentle sway of Christian’s hips and the seductive curves of her body. How could she have thought that he wouldn’t want her, that any man wouldn’t want her?
He didn’t know how she did it, but when she smiled at him, she had a way of making him feel…special.
A few minutes later, he returned to bed. When the door eased open, Christian entered.
Jordan made sure he lay still beneath the sheets.
When she made no effort to turn on a light while she slipped out of her clothes, Jordan suppressed his disappointment.
She slid beneath the sheets and lay as close to the edge of the bed as she could without falling off.
Smiling to himself, he pretended to be asleep and tossed and turned dramatically in bed until he landed his arm across her body.
She tensed. After waiting a few seconds, she tried to pry away his arm.
Jordan snuggled closer and tightened his hold.
She lay still.
Jordan, enjoying playing cat and mouse with her, then took the game further. He nuzzled his head lower then placed a trail of small kisses along the line of her neck.
Christian inhaled. Her pulse quickened as her body reacted to his gentle and sure hands. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that he would stop and roll over and fall back to sleep. It was bad enough she would have to face up to what had happened between them in the morning, but for her to fall for the same carnal act twice—well three times—in the same night was asking a bit much.
Jordan’s hand roamed lower.
Christian realized it was her chance to move away, but her body refused her mind’s command. She lay still and reveled in the magic of his touch. His hand reached the flat plane of her stomach, then traveled even lower.
Her breath hitched.
His fingers tunneled through the silken strands guarding her womanhood, then dipped inside her body’s slippery core.
Her eyes drifted closed as she moaned.
Encouraged by her reaction, Jordan probed deeper.
Her legs opened, allowing him better access.
He shifted and brought his mouth up to her lips.
She arched against him and followed him into a world of ecstasy.
Chapter 28
Jordan woke as the first hint of morning turned the sky a pearly gray. A wide smile of satisfaction curved his lips as he stretched languorously in the bed. When he turned to the empty space beside him, his smile twisted into a sullen frown and he bolted upright.
At the sound of the shower running, he leaned back on the jasmine-scented pillows and relaxed. His thoughts traveled to the previous night. At first, he’d been surprised at the intensity and enthusiasm that possessed Christian during their lovemaking. The sharp ache across his back reminded him of how her delicate nails had left evidence of her passion.
He smiled at the erotic images playing in slow motion in his mind, hardening him with the need to wrap her luscious body in his arms again.
He tossed back the sheets and stood. Mouthwatering aromas of bacon and eggs drifted from downstairs, but he already had in mind what he wanted for breakfast.
He opened the door to the bathroom and entered. Startled, he blinked and waved at the thick clouds of steam that filled the room. He moved closer to the shower, concerned at how Christian could stand the water so hot.
Quietly, Jordan pulled the shower curtain back and another burst of steam greeted him. He winced as he placed one foot into the shower, then the other. Expelling his breath, he waited for his skin to grow accustomed to the shower’s temperature.
Christian stood with her head bowed beneath the water’s flow. His brows furrowed with concern at the sight of her trembling shoulders.
Grabbing a nearby sponge and lavender-colored soap, he smiled at the familiar scent of jasmine. Moving within inches of her body, he reached out to wash her body.
She pivoted on the shower mat, but uttered no startled cry of alarm. When their gazes locked, he noted her red eyes. Had she been crying?
His gaze drank in her beauty. He reached to touch her again, but she moved back before his hand made contact. Doubt reflected in her expression and it was as easy to read as any book. His eyes lowered.
Christian’s breath caught as her heart pounded. Tears blurred her vision, then slid from her eyes. She didn’t see when his hands reached out, but her awareness returned when he pressed her body against him.
“You’re even more beautiful in the morning,” he murmured, then nuzzled a kiss on the lobe of her ear.
She leaned into him and rested her head against the broad span of his chest. She had lost control of her emotions, lost control of her heart.
Jordan lathered her body with slow, gentle strokes, using her favorite scented soap. Enjoying the moment, he reached for the shampoo from the caddy and within minutes, his fingers massaged through the soft strands of her hair.
Christian moaned.
He smiled at the look of rapture set in her features. He compared the expression to last night when their bodies were entwined.
Christian’s eyes filled with passion. She took possession of the bar of soap and gave him a dose of his own medicine. She caressed his body in slow, deliberate strokes. Boldly, she met his g
aze as her fingers slid down past his torso.
He inhaled as her hand wrapped around his hardened desire and she continued to stroke him in a smooth, methodical rhythm. She pressed her body closer. He lowered his head to nuzzle a trail of kisses along the column of her neck.
His lips claimed hers in a ravenous fury, extracting all that she had to give. Short gasps of air heaved his chest as her hand’s rhythm quickened. He clutched her body tighter as a deep groan spilled from his lips.
Together, they stepped out of the shower. As Jordan towel-dried her body, Christian’s gaze followed his hands. He traced his fingers along the scar across her chest.
His head descended again to brush another kiss against her chest.
Her heart quickened as she laced her fingers through his short-cropped hair. Another moan of pleasure rippled through her, then tumbled from her lips.
Pete leaned over and elbowed Dylan at the breakfast table. “So you think they’re coming down for breakfast?” he asked, brushing his whiskers.
“I hope not,” Bobby answered, joining them from the kitchen.
Dylan shook his head. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“Ah, come on, D. You know those two young ’uns deserve each other.” Pete seized a buttered biscuit from the tray Bobby passed his way and continued talking. “Sure, we gave them a little push, but they’ll thank us later.”
Bobby leaned over and snatched Pete’s hat from his head. “What have I told you about wearing this thing to the table?” She ignored her brother’s frown and directed her next comment to her fiancé. “I thought you, of all people, would have appreciated what we did for them.”
“I’m not saying those two don’t deserve to be together, but I think they should have been left to discover that for themselves. That’s all.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, did either of you two think what could have happened if your plan backfired?”
“Backfired?” Pete and Bobby bristled.
Bobby reached over and squeezed her fiancé’s hand for reassurance. “As you can see, we were right. And I suspect that we will have a wedding before the summer is out.”
Dylan’s expression turned thoughtful. “Then perhaps we’ll have a double wedding here.”
Bobby removed her hand, but continued to keep her smile in place. “Well, I guess we can talk about that later.”
“Why don’t we talk about this now?” His tone remained somber.
Pete let out a low whistle as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Well, I’ll be. It’s about time you got some backbone, D.”
“Shut up,” Bobby and Dylan snapped at Pete.
Pete laughed.
Dylan turned his attention back to his fiancée. “I’m serious, Bobby. We’ve been engaged, off and on, for years. When are we going to tie the knot?”
Bobby clamped her mouth shut and reached over for the platter of bacon.
“I just don’t understand you. One minute you’re Cupid’s crusader, but when it comes to you, you turn into this big hypocrite.”
Her face flushed as she turned her blazing eyes toward Dylan. “I told you I don’t want to talk about this now.”
Dylan jolted from the table, his chair screeching back like a locomotive. “And I’ve told you that I can’t continue to live in another man’s shadow.” He grabbed his hat and strode from the room.
Bobby remained rigid in her chair.
“I never thought I’d see the day when I would side with that man.” Pete broke the silence. “But he has a point, Bobby.”
Their gazes locked.
“It’s about time you let go of your own ghost and embraced your future.” Pete nodded toward the door. “And that man is your future.”
Malcolm struggled to keep his mind on work through most of the day, but failed. He sat through one meeting after another, overseeing every aspect of the merger.
Daniel knocked on his desk. “Yoo-hoo, buddy, are you there?”
Malcolm smiled as he shook his head. “You caught me.”
“That’s all right,” Daniel said. “We’re pretty much finished here.” He turned to his assistant and asked for a few minutes of privacy with his friend. Once they were left alone, he returned his attention to Malcolm. “So what’s up?”
“You’ll laugh if I tell you,” Malcolm said, standing from his chair.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
They laughed together while Daniel busied himself stacking his papers into his briefcase.
When their laughter died, Malcolm gazed out at the view of downtown Atlanta.
“Don’t tell me you’re having women problems again?” Daniel cut into his private thoughts.
Malcolm laughed. “Only one in particular.”
“Anything I can help you with?”
“No. Not unless you know a speech that can convince a woman to choose you over the career of a lifetime in Paris.” He shared a sad smile with his buddy and went back to his chair. “She leaves tonight.”
“Well, I’ll be damned. You and Alex?” Daniel’s rumble of laughter reverberated throughout the office.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. It’s about time, if you ask me. You had to have been blind not to see how much she’s in love with you.”
Malcolm stared at him. “You knew?”
“Who didn’t? I even knew that you loved her as well.”
“How come I’m the last one to know?”
Daniel gathered his things. “I’m not so sure you didn’t.” He headed toward the door. “Best of luck to you, buddy. You’re going to need it.”
“Thanks,” Malcolm called out, before Daniel shut the door.
Malcolm picked up the phone to call Alex. A knock sounded at his door. “Come in,” he said, placing the phone back in its cradle.
Sheila entered, dressed in a midlength leather coat, a pair of fishnet stockings, and stilettos.
Malcolm’s brows lifted. “It’s a little warm to be dressed in a leather coat, isn’t it?” he asked.
“My point exactly.” Her coat slid to the floor, revealing a red lace teddy.
His eyes widened as he jumped out of his chair. “What are you doing?” He sped across the room to pick up her coat.
Sheila wrapped her arms around him. “Come on, Mal. I miss you,” she cooed, rubbing her body against him.
“Sheila, put your coat back on. And get out of here!”
She poked her lips out in a dramatized pout. “You don’t want to play with me?”
He draped the coat across her shoulders. “No!”
Snatching the coat off, she tossed it across the room. “I don’t believe you,” she continued to tease, stalking closer to him.
A quick knock rapped at his door. The door slid open and Alex entered. “Malcolm, I came to see if…”
He froze.
Sheila smiled
Alex felt sick.
Chapter 29
Christian held Jordan’s hand as they walked to find the perfect spot for their picnic. Despite the perfect weather, and the comfortable touch of the man she loved, Christian’s heart remained troubled.
Jordan stopped and looked around. “This looks like a good place.” He glanced back at her. “You know I can’t seem to get over how beautiful this ranch is.”
She smiled as she took her place on the blanket and unloaded the basket Bobby had prepared for them. “I know. I always thought it was my heaven on earth.” She looked over and caught the flicker of pain that crossed his features as he sat. “Are you still sore from playing cowboy?”
“Who me?”
She nodded as she crossed her arms, daring him to deny that he was suffering.
He shrugged. “Just a little bit.”
Christian laughed and prepared their plates. When she finished, she handed him his lunch. She was surprised to find him watching her. “What?”
Jordan shook his head as he accepted the offered lunch. “I’m just fascinated by how beautiful
you are.”
She opened her mouth to protest, but when their eyes made contact, she saw he’d meant what he said. “Thank you,” she whispered, dangerously close to tears.
Closing her eyes, she struggled to accept the fact that he had seen her at her most vulnerable and still confessed to want her, to love her. She took a bite of her sandwich, and concentrated on getting it down her dry throat.
Jordan stared off into the distance, a pensive frown curved his lips. “How was your doctor’s appointment yesterday?”
Her mouth went dry. She reached for her Coke to wash down the piece of sandwich lodged in her throat.
“Are you all right?” he asked instantly alarmed.
She held up her hands, not wanting to go through another choking incident with him. “I’m fine,” she managed to say.
His brows furrowed. “You didn’t mind me asking you about your doctor’s visit, did you?”
“No, no. It’s quite all right. Everything checked out to be fine.” She warred with her emotions for the lie she told.
He held her gaze for a long time before focusing on his plate. “You wouldn’t lie to me about that, would you?” Heat rose in her face as shame pooled inside of her. He’d always known when she was lying to him.
He lifted his head to meet her gaze once again.
She averted her eyes.
Jordan reached for her hand. “What did the doctor say?”
Her vision blurred. “I have to have a biopsy performed on Monday.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s no big deal.”
“I’m coming with you.”
Christian swallowed. “I thought you had to return home tomorrow?”
“This is more important.” His fingers massaged the back of her hand.
“I can’t ask you to do that,” she said in a shaky whisper.
“You didn’t have to.”
Christian withdrew her hand. “Jordan, I appreciate your concern and everything that you’re trying to do for me. But it’s not necessary.” Her heart skipped a beat at the flicker of pain that crossed his features.
“Why do you insist on cutting me out of your life?”