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Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  The sound of Nolan mumbling turned her attention to him. His long, lean body was strewn over a chair with one leg draped over the arm. His head lolled to one side. Like his cousin, he was both adorable and hot.

  She almost hated to wake them, but did so anyway. “Hey, guys.”

  Declain grumbled as his eyes slowly opened. The fog of sleep soon cleared out of them, and he yanked his body to a sitting position. Slipping off the edge of the bed, he whacked Nolan on the foot then turned back to her.

  “Hey, baby, how are you feeling?”

  She could get used to the way he said baby. She could get used to a lot of things about them. “I feel pretty good.” She cringed and plunged ahead with the embarrassing part of the discussion. “I passed out, didn’t I? I mean on the porch.”

  Nolan, with as kind an expression as she’d ever seen on him, eased over to sit on one side of her while Declain took the other. “Yeah. You scared the hell out of us.” At Declain’s nod, he continued, “What happened?”

  “I got a call.” She still wondered how much to tell them. “It was bad news. Really bad.”

  Nolan took her hand, and like it had with Declain, she felt the zip of energy rush through her. He was her mate as well as Declain. There wasn’t any other explanation.

  “Do you want to tell us about it?”

  She’d never had any man, especially Rick, talk to her in such a caring way. Still, even their kindness couldn’t take away the pain that came rushing back. “My best friend, Trish, was…”

  She closed her eyes, unable to go all the way. She didn’t want to think about what Rick had done, much less put it into words.

  Declain took her other hand. “She was what? Go on. Tell us so we can help.”

  She shook her head. “You can’t help. No one can. She’s dead.”

  Although they couldn’t help Trish, they did their best to comfort her. They didn’t push her for details, for which she was grateful. Instead, they gave her their condolences and told her to try and get more rest.

  “Don’t worry about anything, baby. We’re here for you.”

  She couldn’t believe it. Before the call she’d been ready to leave. “I don’t understand. How? Why are you being so nice to me?” She tried not to direct her question at Nolan, but couldn’t help it. “Especially after I did you know what.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m almost as good as new.” Nolan tapped his leg.

  “I was ready to leave before the call.”

  “Not really,” added Declain. “We wouldn’t have let you go anyway. I guess you passing out just made it easier for us to win that argument.”

  “Look, Zoey, I know I’m a human and all…”

  “Yes, Nolan?” Would he tell her that he, too, felt the tug between them?

  “Never mind. Let’s not get into anything deep right now. You just rest up, okay?”

  She nodded, deflated that he didn’t want to talk about it. She’d have to wait.

  Declain leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. His green gaze found hers. “You take it easy. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  She watched them leave the room and pulled the covers over her. Snuggling down, she looked at the ceiling and wiped away a tear. “Trish, if you’re up there in Heaven listening, please forgive me. I never thought Rick would hurt you. If I had, I never would’ve left. I’m so sorry.”

  Chapter Six

  “I don’t need any help.” Nolan’s scowl had returned. “I told you. I’m fine.”

  Zoey put her hands on her hips and hoped Declain would get through to Nolan. “It seems only fair to me. I shot you so now I need to take your place in helping Declain around the place. It’s the least I can do.”

  Nolan opened his mouth, no doubt to retort, but Declain cut him off. “Let her, Nolan. It’s not like she has to castrate a bull or anything. I just need her to wash down a horse. Anyone could do it.”

  “Including me.” Nolan shifted on his feet, showing them that his leg was better.

  Zoey wasn’t about to let him get away with turning down her offer to help out. She’d spent two days recuperating from the shock of hearing about Trish. They’d insisted that she lie around the house during the day while they were out working the ranch. Then at night, they’d kept the conversations light and easy, never dwelling on anything more serious than what she’d wanted for dinner. Still, she’d almost gone stark raving mad from the boredom.

  She stood back and let the two men argue it out. At least during the past two days, she’d gotten to know them better. They were similar in a lot of ways, like in the way they viewed life and how they both loved working with their hands, but they were different, too. Declain was the one who usually kept things light, the eternal optimist, and often tried to get Nolan to stop being so serious. Every so often, however, they’d get into an argument and she got to see the powerful, strong men they both were. Only once had they come close to getting into a physical fight. She’d have expected Nolan, being human, to be the one to back down first, but it was Declain who took a step back.

  Most important, they both loved the ranch and Forever and had no thoughts of ever leaving. She had no doubt they’d protect their home with their lives.

  Would they really protect her that way?

  It had grown even more obvious that Declain and she shared the connection. Stray touches had lingered between them. Glances that weren’t meant to do more than meet for a second held for a minute or more. She’d tried more than once to give him unspoken signals that she was ready for him to claim her, but even though he’d started to make a move toward her on a couple of occasions, all of a sudden, he’d back away. Each time had left her wondering if it was something she’d done or if he didn’t want to do anything in front of Nolan.

  She felt the same for Nolan. Again, what she’d been told was wrong. The sensation of needing Nolan was as great as the way she felt for Declain. Nolan, on the other hand, seemed hell-bent on ignoring the attraction. More times than not, he’d gotten up and left the room, giving her alone time with Declain.

  Had he not felt the instinctual pull toward her? Or was it because he was human? Did he not want a half-werewolf as a mate? Could that part of what Rick had told her be true as far as Nolan was concerned? Too many unanswered questions whirled in her mind.

  She broke out of her thoughts and blinked at the two men staring at her. “What?”

  Declain gave her that werewolf kind of questioning look. “Did you hear what we said? Nolan’s finally agreed to let you handle washing Dancer.”

  “Great.” Yet judging by Nolan’s face, he still wasn’t happy about it. “Then let’s get to it.”

  “Nolan, you’ll stay out on the porch and direct her, right?”

  “This is ridiculous. I’m perfectly capable of washing a damn horse.”

  She and Declain refrained from answering, instead giving Nolan matching hard looks.

  “Fine. I’ll direct from the damn porch.” Nolan limped over to one of the rocking chairs. “But if she doesn’t do it the right way, I’m taking over.”

  “Now that we’ve got that settled, follow me.” Declain left Nolan on the front porch and led her toward the large red barn across from the house. “There’s a pail over by the hose as well as horse shampoo, a curry brush, and a scraper.”

  “A scraper?”

  “Yeah. It’s a metal tool that you use much like the ice scraper on a windshield. After you wash the horse, you towel dry her, then walk her for a few minutes. After that, you slide the scraper along her body to remove the rest of the water. If you leave her soaking wet, her body can’t expel the excess heat.”

  “Can’t she just drip-dry?”

  He stopped and pushed his cowboy hat back. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I am now.” She continued walking. “Nolan will keep me on track.”

  “I hope so.”

  The coolness of the barn was a welcome relief after the heat of the afternoon sun. Declain took her
to the first stall where a beautiful bay horse ate from a trough.

  “She’s a gentle one, so you shouldn’t have any problems.” Declain opened the stall door and let it swing wide while speaking softly to the animal. “Have you been around horses much?”

  She came to a standstill, only now realizing how big the beast was. “Uh, not at all. In fact, I’m wondering if I might’ve bitten off more than I can chew.”

  Declain patted the horse on the neck as he slipped a halter over the horse’s head then attached a lead rope to it. “You sure you want to do this? You don’t have to, you know. We don’t expect any repayment for taking you in.” His eyes gleamed. “Truth is, we love having you here.”

  She warmed again, but it had nothing to do with the sun. “We? I’m not so sure Nolan feels the same way.”

  “Don’t worry about him. He’ll come along soon enough.”

  The tears hit her, surprising both of them, and she barely managed to hold them back. He was in front of her in the blink of an eye.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The back of his fingers caressed her cheek, and she closed her eyes, reveling in the surge of yearning his touch gave her.

  His groan brought her eyes open again. The ache she saw on his face almost made her lose control.

  “Don’t give up, baby. You know we’re here for you, even Nolan.” Yet he stepped away from her, denying his promise. “I want you so bad I think my body’s going to break apart.”

  “Then take me. Right here. Right now.” He was the man, one of the men, she’d saved herself for.

  That earned another groan from him, but he shook his head. “I can’t. Not until Nolan agrees that he wants you, too.”

  “Fuck Nolan.” The sad thing was, she wanted to do exactly that.

  Declain smiled the saddest smile she’d even seen. “You will. Soon. Until then, as hard as it is, I have to hold off.”

  He passed by her, skimming his shoulder against hers. That small touch sent shivers through her. He turned back. “Zoey, you should know something before we do take you.”

  Take you. Damn, but I love the sound of those words.


  “When we do, we’re going to do it our way.” Amber bits flecked into his eyes. “I like that you’re spirited, but once we get you naked”—she shivered again—“then we’re the ones in control. As my, as our mate, you have to submit to us. Do you understand what I mean?”

  She swallowed, then nodded, her voice failing her.

  “Good. Now you know. I’ve got to check on the herd, but I’ll be back soon.” He winked, then pivoted and strode out of the barn.

  She let out a shaky breath and took the rope. “Holy shit. That man can make me come just by talking.”

  Dancer snorted and jerked her head up and down as though agreeing with her. She laughed and slid her palm along his neck. “Hey, keep your hooves off, you. They’re all mine.”

  At least, I hope they will be soon.

  * * * *

  Nolan didn’t want to sit on the porch when he could be working. His wound was healing nicely and barely bothered him any longer. But for some reason, Declain had insisted that he take it easy one more day.

  When she came out of the barn leading Dancer, he would’ve sworn he’d never seen a prettier sight. A beautiful woman leading a great horse? What more could a man ask to see?

  Maybe her riding naked? Yeah, that would be better.

  He tried to appear nonchalant as she led Dancer to the hose and pail. They were lucky that they had both warm and cold water available so that it made it easier to wash the horses.

  She bent at the waist with her perfect, round ass facing toward him, then shifted from one foot to the other. Her bottom wiggled enticingly. The shorts she wore were tight and left very little to the imagination. He thought his heart might stop if his cock didn’t explode first. He’d never wanted anything as much as he wanted to shove his dick deep inside her dark hole.

  “Use warm water.” He cleared his throat after the words came out sounding choked.

  She jerked up from a bent-over position. “Okay. Then lather her up, right?”

  “Not the head. Don’t wash that or the tail. And wash in the direction of her fur, not against it.”

  She shot him a questioning look that said she wasn’t sure that what he’d said made sense, but she did as he said anyway. He was prepared to see her body stretch, teasing him with her curves, but he hadn’t thought about her getting wet. Within minutes, the front of her white T-shirt was soaked and covered with soap. But not covered enough to hide the sexy body underneath.

  Holy shit. She doesn’t have a bra on.

  She turned to face him. Her wet shirt clung to her perky yet full breasts with fluffy puffs of soap hanging on it. He could see her nipples straining against the material and could even make out the brown areolas surrounding them.


  He blinked, jerking his gaze away from her chest. “What?”

  “I asked you if I’m doing this right.” She tilted her head to the side and shot him a knowing look. “Well? Am I?”

  He cleared his throat again then shifted in his chair. He was lucky the porch railing hid his growing erection. “Use the curry comb to get the dirt off.”

  She picked up the comb, held it up for him to confirm that she’d grabbed the right tool, the started running it along Dancer’s body.

  Man, what I wouldn’t give to be that horse right now. She can stroke me any time she wants.

  Watching her was like watching his own private porn movie. Except better and worse all at the same time. He wanted her so bad he could taste it, but he knew he’d have to step aside and let Declain have her all to himself. She hadn’t given him any indication that she wanted him or that she’d felt anything between them.

  Declain, you’re one lucky bastard.

  Maybe he should ask her outright if she felt anything for him, too. If she did, then he and Declain would have no problem sharing her.

  And if she didn’t, then he was no worse off than he already was.

  She continued to wash the horse, moving from its neck to its head then moving around to the other side. Getting on her tiptoes, she reached over to run the sponge, then the comb over the top of the horse.

  Having soaped Dancer well, she stepped back and surveyed her work. The T-shirt still clung to her, and he was heartbroken when she pulled it away from her skin. But when she kept pulling on it, then all at once, tugging it over her head, his breath caught in his throat.

  She tossed the shirt to the ground, gave him a sultry look, then put her back to him. Slowly, giving him both agony and ecstasy, she undid her shorts and shimmied them over the rise of her hips. Glancing back once, she pushed them to the ground and stepped out of them. His mouth parted and he licked his lips as she grinned and picked up the hose.

  “So all I have to do is hose her off now?”

  She was speaking again. He heard the words, but couldn’t make himself reply.


  Her voice had a singsong quality about it. She was tempting him, not only with her body but with her tone.

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Hose her off.” He licked his lips again and didn’t care that she’d seen him. “Do it.”

  She pointed the hose at the horse and rinsed the animal off. Dancer, oblivious to the vixen’s charms, munched on the wet grass at her feet. When she had all the soap off, she faced Nolan again and waited for more instructions.

  His cock throbbed painfully.

  Think, man. Think.

  “Finger-comb her mane to get the tangles out.”

  It was getting harder and harder for him to talk. The sunlight glinted off the water drops glistening on her body, giving her the appearance of a goddess from the sea. “After you get the tangles out, you can use the comb to brush her mane.”

  She moved smoothly, using her fingers to get the knots out of the mane. Every
so often she’d glance at him and smile as though they shared a secret. But his wanting her was no secret. The bulge in his jeans couldn’t get any bigger.

  He cleared his throat and forced the words out. “Now towel her off then use the scraper to get rid of any remaining water.”

  She did as he told her. Would she be as compliant in the bedroom? He and Declain wanted a mate who would submit to them while still retaining her spirit. Until now, he would’ve doubted that she’d let herself be dominated.

  He didn’t know if she’d ever washed a horse before, but she came to it naturally. Watching the way her body moved, the way her curves jiggled at all the right places, he had to believe she came to a lot of things naturally.

  She dropped the scraper next to the rest of the tools. “Is that all?”

  “You need to walk her about ten minutes to let her dry off.”

  “Hmm, I thought I was supposed to walk her before I used the scraper.”

  Had he told her the other way round? He couldn’t remember. Hell, he was amazed that he wasn’t muttering gibberish. His need had taken his brain cells and fried them. “Just do it.”

  Hell yeah. Let her just do it to me.

  “Anything you say, Nolan.” She took the lead rope and started walking. Dancer followed behind her without a problem.

  He swallowed hard when she headed toward him. If she got any closer, he’d lose whatever bit of control he had left. If she got close enough, he’d grab hold of her and…

  Just when he thought he’d reached that point, she veered off to the side and began walking the horse in a circle around the yard. His disappointment matched his relief.

  Her movements were graceful and filled with seduction. Although he was sure he shouldn’t keep watching her, he couldn’t bring himself to leave the porch or to even turn his head away.

  She wanted him to watch. Didn’t that mean that she felt the same way he did? Or was she just a tease?

  Suddenly, he was angry at her, at himself, at the whole damn connection mess. “That’ll do. Take her back to her stall now.”


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